Upgrade or Build New PC?


Junior Member
Sep 2, 2004
I have an old PC with the following specs:
Case: Antec 900
MotherBoard: Abit IP35 Pro
CPU: Intel q6600
Heatsink/Fan: Xigmatek HDT-s1283 cooler
Memory: G Skill 4GB DDR2-800
GPU: Nvidia 8800 GTX 768MB
PSU: PC Power and Cooling 610W
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro
Storage: 2 TB HDD
DVD: Samsung with Lightscribe
BluRay: LG Bluray burner
Monitors: Dell 23" & LG 21"
Keyboard: Logitech G15
Mouse: Logitech G9
Speakers: Bose USB companion 2
OS: Windows 7

I don't know the exact specs as I'm writing this away from my PC. But I think that the main stuff is clear.
I have not upgraded much since buying it. Just the SSD and peripherals really. I know I need to upgrade my memory now if I want to continue using this PC. I was just wondering if this is a good time to start a new PC from scratch since I have about $1000 I could spend on this.

I've looked up stuff and have an idea, but wondering what everyone thinks. Should I upgrade or build a new PC. I have not overclocked, but my video card tends to be heating up too much already and Im not playing at max settings in DOTA2 at all. Will there be a major performace upgrade if i build from scratch, or is it better to wait for some new technology in the next year?

1. What YOUR PC will be used for.

Main uses - Gaming - Dota2, Civ5, etc. and also to stream videos onto chromecast and ps3/4. Otherwise just regular surfing, watching videos, etc.

2. What YOUR budget is. A price range is acceptable as long as it's not more than a 20% spread

My budge is approximately $1000-$1200.

3. What country YOU will be buying YOUR parts from.

5. IF YOU have a brand preference. That means, are you an Intel-Fanboy, AMD-Fanboy, ATI-Fanboy, nVidia-Fanboy, Seagate-Fanboy, WD-Fanboy, etc.
I like Antec Cases. Ive had the 900 and I have really like the size and many fans.

6. If YOU intend on using any of YOUR current parts, and if so, what those parts are.
Yes - Hard Drives - Have a 120GB SSD and 2 TB HDD to cover storage. Also have my windows 7 bought. I would probably continue using Mouse, Keyboard, Monitors, Speakers, DVD and BluRay Drives.

7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds.
Would prefer running on default speeds. I am in hot and sunny weather, and gets very dusty, impossible to clean pc weekly so tends to get a little clogged between monthly cleans.

8. What resolution, not monitor size, will you be using?
Whatever my two monitors support... If getting new monitors then minimum 1920x1080 resolution. And always dual monitors.

9. WHEN do you plan to build it?
Note that it is usually not cost or time effective to choose your build more than a month before you actually plan to be using it.
Over next month, unless it is recommended to wait a while.

X. Do you need to purchase any software to go with the system, such as Windows or Blu Ray playback software?

What I have in mind:
(Mostly picked from Anandtech Stickied Guide from forum and Toms hardware and anandtech reviews)
Case: Antec 1200 v3 $150.00
MotherBoard: ASRock Z97 Extreme6 $165.00
CPU: Intel i5 4690k $220.00
Heatsink/Fan: Zalman CNPS10x $40.00
Memory: G. Skill Ripjaw 16GB (2x4GB) DDR3-2400 $160.00
GPU: Zotac GTX 970 4GB $330.00
PSU: Rosewill Capstone-M 650W 80plus Gold $90.00
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro 128GB (Reused)
Storage: - (Reused)
DVD: - (Reused)
BluRay: - (Reused)
Monitor 1: Upgrade if I can cut cost? Any Recommendations? $??
Monitor 2: - (Reused)
Keyboard: - (Reused)
Mouse: - (Reused)
Speakers: - (Reused)

TOTAL: $1155

Is there anywhere I can reduce costs? I don't think I will overclock but like to have that option.. willing to give it up if I can save some money for a better monitor instead.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
If you have problems with dust (I do, too...) you might want to consider a better case with filters; I would recommend the Fractal Define XL R2, or another case in the Define line.

I probably wouldn't spend any extra on RAM, just get a good set of 2x 8GB 1600 RAM, it's unlikely you will see much user difference with the high-dollar 2400 RAM.

Everything else looks pretty good; as you say, keep your options open for when you actually pull the trigger on each component (like the GPU and RAM) and watch the sales. If you live near a MicroCenter you can score the i5/motherboard combo and save some pretty good coin. $1155 build cost on an i5 system where you are reusing 1/3 of the components seems a bit much, although I don't think those prices you listed are absolute.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
Original Core 2? Yes, you should definitely upgrade...
or is it better to wait for some new technology in the next year?
Hm. Actually, I'm debating the same thing. But I have different uses than you do.

Is there anywhere I can reduce costs?
Um, yes. I'd start by plugging in the parts from [thread=2192841]Mfenn's midrange build[/thread] and see if that gets you close enough. Charlie98's points are good: You don't need 16GB RAM or RAM that fast. Also, Why is the CPU cooler $40? It's $15AR in Mfenn's build. If you don't do rebates, we should look for different deals.


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2010
Your current Dell most likely is 1080p, and your LG is probably 1080p as well, but it could be lower. In any case, I assume the Dell is your main gaming monitor. Can you give more details about the Dell, what is the model number? You have the budget to upgrade the monitor to a high quality IPS one or a 144hz gaming-oriented one, or a higher resolution one, but if your current monitor is already IPS then it may not be worth upgrading.

For a 1080p gaming PC, $2000 dollars is a silly budget, so I'm going to treat this as a $1200 PC as per the parts list you posted.

Parts feedback:

Case - you have no need for a full tower, and Antec 1200 is a clumsy and dated design anyway. You'll want a mid tower that works like a "wind tunnel", only letting air in through intake fans and air out through exhaust fans. Fractal Design Define R5 $105 + Prolimatech 140mm 1000rpm $10 (install prolimatech to rear slot, set cooling to 7V using case fan controller)

Motherboard - Since you're not OC'ing, such a beefy board isn't necessary. All you need is the option to OC, and support for SLI/Crossfire. Gigabyte Z97X-SLI $125

CPU - i7-4790K $340 fits the budget. It's the highest default clocked Haswell CPU. But if you want to save a bit of cash, go with 4690K (option to overclock) or Xeon E3 1231V3 (as fast as i7-4770 but lacks integrated graphics)

Fan - AC Freezer 7 Pro handles a stock CPU fine for just $18 AP

RAM - RipjawsX 2133MHz $155 - trade a bit of speed to run at 1.5v

GPU - Zotac only offers 2 year warranty. I'd recommend Asus GTX 970 Strix $350, in my opinion it has overall the best cooler IMO (in terms of performance, noise, and size), plus you get 3 year warranty. Not currently in stock but will be eventually.

PSU - XFX TS 550W 80+ Gold $63 AR - perfect for a single GTX 970 setup. You'll only ever need SLI if you go 1440p or higher. If you think that's a likely scenario in the near future, and that you'd be prepared to spend another $350 on a second card, then feel free to grab a Capstone 750-M for $90.

Drives - what you have is good. If you can spend more and you can't fit all your games on the 128GB drive, get a 256GB SSD (crucial MX100) just for the games library.

Total = 1166 with XFX 550w and no extra ssd
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Platinum Member
Feb 21, 2013
Is there anywhere I can reduce costs? I don't think I will overclock but like to have that option.. willing to give it up if I can save some money for a better monitor instead.
I think you've got a pretty good start there, it's especially nice that you already have an SSD and storage drive, so you devote budget to other nice things!

Here are some things that jumped out at me from your initial build:
1) Case - The Antec 1200 v3 is nice, you can save a few bucks if you get it from newegg w/ a $30 rebate right now. I'd also take a look at a couple of other cases, just to make sure you'd prefer the 1200. Corsair, Fractal Design, and Phanteks have really stepped up their games since Antec was one of the top case designers. I'd take a look at
Corsair Obsidian 450D
Corsair Carbide 500R
Fractal Define R5
Phanteks Enthoo Pro
They're all a little less expensive, but maintain high build quality, and thoughtfulness for building in.

2) CPU - for the stuff you're doing, that's the one I'd pick

3) CPU Cooler - I might go with a heatpipe tower cooler rather than the zalman. I like the Arctic Cooling ACFZ i30, but there are several other nice options around that price point like DeepCool's Gamma, Cooler Master's 212 Evo.

4) Motherboard - The Extreme6 is really intended to be an SLI/Xfire board. If you're planning on running a single GPU, you can pocket some money here by picking up a different motherboard. There is a newegg combo deal for the i5-4690k with the Asus z97-A right now that would be workable.

5) Memory - It isn't really worth getting factory overclocked memory, especially if it's overvolted, if you're not using an AMD APU. I'd stick with DDR3 1600/1866 at 1.35-1.5V, with tighter timings. You can probably save at least $20-30 by doing this.

6) PSU - that isn't a bad price, but mfenn's weekly build found a really nice deal this week. I'd go with that one!

Here's a quick pass at a build with some of these suggestions in mind:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Arctic Cooling ACFZI30 74.0 CFM Fluid Dynamic Bearing CPU Cooler ($34.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Team Dark Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($129.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Zotac GeForce GTX 970 4GB Video Card ($329.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair 450D ATX Mid Tower Case ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $969.93
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-08 09:37 EST-0500

This comes in under budget, and if you'd like to get a nice new IPS monitor, you could try something like a dell u2412m. They retail new at ~$250, but Amazon warehouse deals regularly has like-new (returned unopened in their original packaging) for ~$210, which I think is an excellent price for a 24'' 1920x1200 IPS display w/ good warranty, and good selection of inputs. Alternatively, if you don't have the overwhelming love of 16:10 aspect ratio that I do, there are excellent options like the 23'' 1920x1080 IPS HP Pavillion 23xi for ~$140 or the similarly spec'd Dell P2314H is frequently on sale for $150-160 (it isn't right now, but I've seen it several times in the past few months selling for 150-160 at newegg and Amazon).
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May 30, 2014
since you're not overclocking, you could get an H81 mobo for like $50, or if there are certain features you'd want, an H87/Z87/H97/Z97 mobo for like $80. Is there anything particular feature in that mobo that you're looking for?

also, the ram and gpu seem like maybe overkill for your needs, and i'd probably reuse case/psu unless there's some particular reason to get new ones. so if it were me, i'd probably do something more like this:

$220 cpu
$40 HSF
$50 mobo: H81 or h87/z87/h97/Z97 for $80
$70 ram: 8GB PC1600
$200 GPU

total: $580

reuse the rest of the components and use the rest of your budget get two identical monitors.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds.
Would prefer running on default speeds. I am in hot and sunny weather, and gets very dusty, impossible to clean pc weekly so tends to get a little clogged between monthly cleans.

Just for the record... those two (OC'ing and a dusty case) are mutually exclusive. As far as OC'ing, just because you OC doesn't mean you have to get stupid with it. A simple aftermarket air cooler like the Zalman or 212EVO will allow a simple OC... +.5-8GHz with, quite possibly, an undervolted Vcore... which would allow a little lower CPU temps and less heat.

As far as the case, Lehtv is correct... you don't need a gargantuan case; I spec'd the XL because that would be a direct equivalent to your Antec, but the mid-tower Define R4 or R5 would be a much more sensible choice... the days of having cases pumped up with multiple drives and fans are pretty much gone. Both of my gamer builds are in Define Minis... and I don't have heat problems evarr, and with the filtration on these cases dust is much less an issue.

If you are running a single GPU (and, maybe a single add-on card if necessary) you don't need to go ATX at all... mATX would be a good choice.


Junior Member
Sep 2, 2004
Thanks for the responses guys! Unfortunately out of town for a couple of weeks so couldn't get to this. Lot of the rebates/deals have gone now.

If you have problems with dust (I do, too...) you might want to consider a better case with filters; I would recommend the Fractal Define XL R2, or another case in the Define line.

I probably wouldn't spend any extra on RAM, just get a good set of 2x 8GB 1600 RAM, it's unlikely you will see much user difference with the high-dollar 2400 RAM.

Ok looks like Fractal Design is a popular choice nowadays so I'll have a look at that. Def don't *need* a huge case but prefer it cause its easier to work in and I have the space for it. Also, looks cooler

The reason I went with the DDR3-2400 was because it was only $10 more expensive. I could just get the 1600 at $150.

This comes in under budget, and if you'd like to get a nice new IPS monitor, you could try something like a dell u2412m. They retail new at ~$250.

since you're not overclocking, you could get an H81 mobo for like $50, or if there are certain features you'd want, an H87/Z87/H97/Z97 mobo for like $80. Is there anything particular feature in that mobo that you're looking for?

i'd probably reuse case/psu unless there's some particular reason to get new ones.

reuse the rest of the components and use the rest of your budget get two identical monitors.

Yeah I suppose upgrading monitors makes sense. The DELL is 1920x1080 (1080p) but I dont remember the model. The LG is slightly lower. Maybe get one new IPS monitor to replace the LG and use as main monitor with DELL becoming secondary. I like the dell you suggested, any other specific recommendations?

Just for the record... those two (OC'ing and a dusty case) are mutually exclusive. As far as OC'ing, just because you OC doesn't mean you have to get stupid with it. A simple aftermarket air cooler like the Zalman or 212EVO will allow a simple OC... +.5-8GHz with, quite possibly, an undervolted Vcore... which would allow a little lower CPU temps and less heat.

I know, which is why I think this time I will ty OCing this PC.

The reason for the motherboard is (I could go for something cheaper) I have had problems with bad motherboards so prefer getting high end-ish stuff as this is essentially the backbone of the PC. The thing I do require in motherboard is 2 LAN connections (NICs?). Any recommendations for a solid MoBo with dual nic?

Also will look other coolers, 212evo is good and will handle overclocking?

So now what I'm looking at:

CPU: Intel i5 4690k $220.00
Memory: G. Skill Ripjaw 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3-1600 $150.00
GPU: Zotac GTX 970 4GB $330.00
PSU: Rosewill Capstone-M 650W 80plus Gold $90.00

Case: Fractal Design?
MotherBoard: Something for about $100?
Heatsink/Fan: 212Evo?
Monitor 1: Dell u2412m $250?

Storage: Samsung 840 Pro 128GB (Reused)
Storage: - (Reused)
DVD : - (Reused)
BluRay: - (Reused)
Monitor 2: - (Reused)
Keyboard: - (Reused)
Mouse: - (Reused)
Speakers: - (Reused)


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
Thanks for the responses guys! Unfortunately out of town for a couple of weeks so couldn't get to this. Lot of the rebates/deals have gone now.

The reason for the motherboard is (I could go for something cheaper) I have had problems with bad motherboards so prefer getting high end-ish stuff as this is essentially the backbone of the PC. The thing I do require in motherboard is 2 LAN connections (NICs?). Any recommendations for a solid MoBo with dual nic?

Also will look other coolers, 212evo is good and will handle overclocking?

So now what I'm looking at:

CPU: Intel i5 4690k $220.00
Memory: G. Skill Ripjaw 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3-1600 $150.00
GPU: Zotac GTX 970 4GB $330.00
PSU: Rosewill Capstone-M 650W 80plus Gold $90.00

Case: Fractal Design?
MotherBoard: Something for about $100?
Heatsink/Fan: 212Evo?
Monitor 1: Dell u2412m $250?

Storage: Samsung 840 Pro 128GB (Reused)
Storage: - (Reused)
DVD : - (Reused)
BluRay: - (Reused)
Monitor 2: - (Reused)
Keyboard: - (Reused)
Mouse: - (Reused)
Speakers: - (Reused)

You didn't miss much over Black Friday... the sales continue through the end of the year. If you are patient, you can usually pick up something reasonable on sale within a week or two if you shop the sales.

212EVO is a reasonable cooler... I wouldn't get another 212+, the EVO is a better unit.

You can certainly do better with the RAM... $150 for Ripjaw 1600 is terrible. Just watch the sales... True, occasionally you can fetch faster RAM on sale, but the timings won't be as good as quality 1600 RAM. Just make sure you get 1.5 or 1.35v RAM, not 1.65v.

You are going to pay for dual LAN...

ASRock Z97 Ext6 for $150 (AR) or Gigabyte Z97X-UD5H for $175. There may be others, I like ASRock and GB... Just make sure they have dual LAN if that is a hard requirement.


Platinum Member
Feb 21, 2013
The Evo is fine, if you're buying between now and the 12/31, newegg has the be quiet Shadow Rock Slim for @29.90, shipped , and I think that one is quite a bit nicer than the Evo.

The reason I went with the DDR3-2400 was because it was only $10 more expensive. I could just get the 1600 at $150.

Yes, but as charlie98 pointed out, you should also check the voltage. Most "fast" RAM is factory overvolted, and out of voltage spec. There is not any benefit (if you have a discrete graphics card) to getting RAM that's "faster" than 1600/1866. I'd look for the tightest timings and fastest speeds I could get with @ 1.35/1.50 V. You can probably find reasonably priced CL9/DDR3-1600 @ 1.5V.
For example:
G.Skill Ares 2x8GB DDR3-1600 CL9 @ 1.5V for $120
Apotop 2x8GB DDR3-1866 CL9 @ 1.5V for $130


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
CPU: Intel i5 4690k $220.00
Memory: G. Skill Ripjaw 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3-1600 $150.00
GPU: Zotac GTX 970 4GB $330.00
PSU: Rosewill Capstone-M 650W 80plus Gold $90.00

Case: Fractal Design?
MotherBoard: Something for about $100?
Heatsink/Fan: 212Evo?
Monitor 1: Dell u2412m $250?

My thoughts:

- CPU: Good
- Memory: $150 is a pretty bad price for 16GB of DDR3 1600. This G.Skill ARES kit is $120.
- GPU: Good
- PSU: A good unit, but $90 is too much for it. Right now I'd pick up the Antec HCG-620M for $60 AR (Seasonic M12II platform).
- Case: The R5 that lehtv pointed out is definitely good
- Mobo: If you want dual onboard NICs, you're going to be paying more than $100. The ASRock Z97 Extreme6 is probably your least expensive option at $150 AR.
- HSF: The 212 EVO is good, but the Zalman CNPS10X for $15 AR is my current favorite in the "inexpensive 120mm tower cooler" market.
- Monitor: Good
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