US Police Killed More than Twice as Many People as Reported by Government


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012
US Police Killed More than Twice as Many People as Reported by Government
The first-ever attempt by US record-keepers to estimate the number of uncounted “law enforcement homicides” exposed previous official tallies as capturing less than half of the real picture. The new estimate – an average of 928 people killed by police annually over eight recent years, compared to 383 in published FBI data – amounted to a more glaring admission than ever before of the government’s failure to track how many people police kill...

Tuesday’s bureau of justice statistics (BJS) report, produced in collaboration with RTI International, the research institute, explodes the notion – if its findings are accurate – that the figures the FBI publishes annually are anything other than hugely misleading... no accredited source had publicly ventured to claim that the numbers published by the FBI were more than 100% wrong...

“It’s ridiculous that I can’t tell you how many people were shot by the police in this country – last week, last year, the last decade – it’s ridiculous,” (FBI Director) Comey said.
Missed by a Mile: How hard is it to count deaths by police?
In a startling admission, the Bureau of Justice Statistics confirmed that the government’s own data on so-called police-involved deaths have been off for more than a decade — by more than 100 percent...

However, even in the years before the old reporting law expired, when the BJS was supposedly harvesting information from a wide range of sources, the bureau fell far short of a complete tally. In its best year, it identified only 49 percent of police-involved deaths.
Anyone surprised?

Daily, it seems that there are new reports of Police Agencies like Ferguson MO where their primary police mission seems to be to raise money. Or articles about Texas Constables who are self funding. (Meaning that, by law, they 'earn' their budget by giving tickets and issuing fines to the public.)

Then, there are the reports like those from Florida where police Drug Warriors break down doors and shoot unarmed people with impunity ...

So while it seems refreshing to see people like FBI Director Comey say "It's ridiculous that I can't tell you how many people were shot by police in this country..." It also seems oblique that the same FBI also takes the position that police shootings are a not crime and consequently fall outside to their legal mandate to track crime statistics...

Plenty of resources to track marijuana arrests. No resources to track police shootings...

Anyway, what is your opinion?
Situation about to get better?
Situation normal, just changing press coverage?
Situation getting worse?

Other insight?

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Dec 7, 2004
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2005
Government statistics aren't always accurate? Careful you may be branded a conspiracy theorist.


Oct 18, 2009
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

My gosh, I didn't realize the police had the right to kill you for breaking any law. Damn. Guess I shouldn't do 5 mph over the speed limit any longer. Might get me killed.


May 15, 2000
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

Step 1) live in a bubble.
Step 2) there is no step two silly, you live in a bubble


May 15, 2000
My gosh, I didn't realize the police had the right to kill you for breaking any law. Damn. Guess I shouldn't do 5 mph over the speed limit any longer. Might get me killed.

I could totally understand his ignorance of he made that post over a few days ago but after the AG and the DOJ release an alarming report about systemic race based policies I have no idea how anyone could still be ignorant.


Oct 19, 2001
My gosh, I didn't realize the police had the right to kill you for breaking any law. Damn. Guess I shouldn't do 5 mph over the speed limit any longer. Might get me killed.

Nothing was said about "right to kill you". However the fact remains he largely correct. Doing something stupid increases your chance of being killed by police. They are doing their job so don't give them a reason to even think about unholstering a weapon.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Anyway, what is your opinion?
Situation about to get better?
Situation normal, just changing press coverage?
Situation getting worse?

Other insight?


Not surprised. I lack faith in the fed govt, including their statistics.

In it's defense, that's got to be a tough number to keep track of. E.g., how damn many police departments are there around this country? Thousands, tens of thousands?



Senior member
Jun 5, 2011
My gosh, I didn't realize the police had the right to kill you for breaking any law. Damn. Guess I shouldn't do 5 mph over the speed limit any longer. Might get me killed.

No the cop won't kill you for doing 5mph over.

However if you decide to get out of it by.

Kicking his ass. It won't end well. Administering a beat-down will not gain his respect and admiration and prove your innocence.

You reach for his gun. While it might seem like a good idea at the time to take his gun and take him out, it really isn't. The cop knows when you reach for his gun your intent is not to clean it for him.

Picking up an object like a shovel and beating him over the head. also not a good idea.


Jun 4, 2004
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

Why does it feel like you are suggesting we treat the police like possibly rabid dogs?

And if so, why as a taxpayer, should I be paying to train a police force that acts like possibly rabid dogs?

Maybe you ought to clarify your position.


Senior member
Dec 13, 2010
Obama and Holder killed hundreds of Mexicans. Obama let Ebola and who knows how many other diseases into country. Obama is helping Iran get a bomb. Obama destabilized Mubarak on purpose - and (diabolically) put Muslim Brotherhood in charge. Obama has been found in contempt of court (over Gulf drilling). Obama has had SCOTUS unanimously call his actions unconstitutional a dozen times. Obama intentionally caused thousands of people to flood over the border with Mexican cartels steering them up through Mexico and over border. Obama forced take over of internet after court twice said FCC had no authority to do so. Obama helped Saudis and Turkey supply ISIS and then after getting US people killed blamed a video maker at UN while Libyan president scoffed. I could go on but suffice to say Obama is dirtbag - real radical filth who uses racial issues to create division. He would like to see police broken and anarchy rise. These things are clear to anyone not lost between the ears


May 15, 2000
Enough already! We get it! You are fucking nuts!

Congrats on not taking your medication, you appeared to be cured from reality.

Obama and Holder killed hundreds of Mexicans. Obama let Ebola and who knows how many other diseases into country. Obama is helping Iran get a bomb. Obama destabilized Mubarak on purpose - and (diabolically) put Muslim Brotherhood in charge. Obama has been found in contempt of court (over Gulf drilling). Obama has had SCOTUS unanimously call his actions unconstitutional a dozen times. Obama intentionally caused thousands of people to flood over the border with Mexican cartels steering them up through Mexico and over border. Obama forced take over of internet after court twice said FCC had no authority to do so. Obama helped Saudis and Turkey supply ISIS and then after getting US people killed blamed a video maker at UN while Libyan president scoffed. I could go on but suffice to say Obama is dirtbag - real radical filth who uses racial issues to create division. He would like to see police broken and anarchy rise. These things are clear to anyone not lost between the ears


Diamond Member
May 22, 2012
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

what was it like in nazi germany?

/many jackboots scuffed


Jun 4, 2004
Nothing was said about "right to kill you". However the fact remains he largely correct. Doing something stupid increases your chance of being killed by police. They are doing their job so don't give them a reason to even think about unholstering a weapon.

While that's true, the general population will always have some people who are incapable of directly following a police officers demands to their satisfaction, yet aren't actually a threat. Those people don't deserve to die.

If the police are hiring people with the wrong temperament or providing the wrong training. We are doing a disservice to both the community they police and the police themselves.

Here's a real scenario for you:

After a high speed chase the cops get into a scuffle with a teen known to carry/deal drugs. During the scuffle, the cops find and strip him of his gun.

The teen takes off running but with his hands at his waist band. The first cop shoots him as he runs just after the second cop had shot the teen in the back with a tazer.

Manslaughter charges were pressed against the cop who shot and killed the teen. The defense said the cop feared for his life and thought he was reaching for a second weapon.

The prosecution said the now unarmed teen was shot in the back while running away holding his baggy pants up.
This was in Oklahoma.

Now before clicking the link or the spoiler tag answer these two questions

Do you think this was a good shoot or a bad shoot?

Do you think the jury convicted the cop of manslaughter or did they let him walk?
He was found guilty. It's my opinion that police need to be trained to defuse situations, but instead we see more militarization of the police. It's going to end with more shot citizens and more convicted/fired cops. Which is no good for anyone.


Mar 13, 2006
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

Uhoh, you just talked sense in this forum. That's against the rules you know :awe:

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first

99% of people killed by cops were doing one of those things.

It is the following mentality that gets people into trouble with the police: No one,.. and I mean NO ONE, pushes me around.

You have the blowhard tough guys that love getting all alpha on police.

They have been pushed around their entire lives and when it comes time to deal with a police officer telling them to pull over because they were going 85 in a 55 zone while drinking Jameson and firing a handgun into the air (wha, what ah do??), suddenly, it's police oppression & brutality.

Now, there is no doubt or question that the there IS police abuse. Much like every other profession, there are 'brotherhoods' or a group of people looking out for one another, no matter how fucked up the offender is. The police have this, the military as well and even corporate offices.

You aren't going to get rid of the meatheads. So, how do you lessen your chances of getting gunned down by a maniac? You give them no reasons whatsoever to go ape on you.

Is this ideal? Absolutely not. Where there is oppression and examples of abuse, fight it,.. AFTER the fact, not during.

But, this falls on deaf ears. So, the impotent folks rage on and get gunned down.


Jul 13, 2005
There are some simple steps to not get killed by cops:

1. Don't break the law
2. If you're being arrested don't resist
3. Don't throw things at cops
4. Don't run from cops
5. Don't do anything without asking first
you must really like the Kool-iad.......goofy grape I presume!!!


Jul 13, 2005
Obama and Holder killed hundreds of Mexicans. Obama let Ebola and who knows how many other diseases into country. Obama is helping Iran get a bomb. Obama destabilized Mubarak on purpose - and (diabolically) put Muslim Brotherhood in charge. Obama has been found in contempt of court (over Gulf drilling). Obama has had SCOTUS unanimously call his actions unconstitutional a dozen times. Obama intentionally caused thousands of people to flood over the border with Mexican cartels steering them up through Mexico and over border. Obama forced take over of internet after court twice said FCC had no authority to do so. Obama helped Saudis and Turkey supply ISIS and then after getting US people killed blamed a video maker at UN while Libyan president scoffed. I could go on but suffice to say Obama is dirtbag - real radical filth who uses racial issues to create division. He would like to see police broken and anarchy rise. These things are clear to anyone not lost between the ears
so what meds did you not take??


Jul 13, 2005
Why does it feel like you are suggesting we treat the police like possibly rabid dogs?

And if so, why as a taxpayer, should I be paying to train a police force that acts like possibly rabid dogs?

Maybe you ought to clarify your position.
His position is simple it involes reaching down and grabbing your ankles and then spreading your .......real wide and waiting.....even if the Police are wrong.....


Jun 30, 2003
It is the following mentality that gets people into trouble with the police: No one,.. and I mean NO ONE, pushes me around.

You have the blowhard tough guys that love getting all alpha on police.

They have been pushed around their entire lives and when it comes time to deal with a police officer telling them to pull over because they were going 85 in a 55 zone while drinking Jameson and firing a handgun into the air (wha, what ah do??), suddenly, it's police oppression & brutality.

Now, there is no doubt or question that the there IS police abuse. Much like every other profession, there are 'brotherhoods' or a group of people looking out for one another, no matter how fucked up the offender is. The police have this, the military as well and even corporate offices.

You aren't going to get rid of the meatheads. So, how do you lessen your chances of getting gunned down by a maniac? You give them no reasons whatsoever to go ape on you.

Is this ideal? Absolutely not. Where there is oppression and examples of abuse, fight it,.. AFTER the fact, not during.

But, this falls on deaf ears. So, the impotent folks rage on and get gunned down.

and what about police officers who feel they have to show their authority at all times? hell, it even happens to security guards. remember the guard who went nuts over a couple of skateboarders who were like..12?

yes, you do not need to give cops any additional reasons to go nuts, but that doesn't given them excuse for doing it anyway.

excessive use of force needs to be dealt with. harshly. until reviews of police officer actions come from a third party, though, as opposed to within the system, abuses like so many that have been reported will continue.


Senior member
Mar 28, 2013
About the militarization of police...
Around here, the general requirements for new cops are 4 yrs college or 4 yrs military.
Most of the cops involved in recent shootings covered by the media are vets from Iraq/Afghanistan.
Talking to high school friends & watching gopro vids etc from when they were there, I'm shocked more people haven't been shot.

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