US Rejects Afganistans offer.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
I think that the US just WANTS to get in a war:|

What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2000

<< I think that the US just WANTS to get in a war:|

What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.

You are missing the entire point of the military operation.


Jan 10, 2001

<< I think that the US just WANTS to get in a war:|

What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.

the negotiations were a stalling tactic, i would guess, to help mobilize thier army.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
WTF do you expect from a culture that buries alive the widows of it's war dead?


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2000
What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.

And what is your solution for them to not keep coming over here and causing misery and grief?


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999

<< What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.

And what is your solution for them to not keep coming over here and causing misery and grief?

I don't think that launching attacks is gonna make it even better. Hell, this was an unprovoked attack on us last week. If THEY feel that Bin Laden didn't do it, and we go over there and attack anyway, we're royally screwed. All the F-16, F-117's, B-52, and Tomahawks in the world can't stop a group of people destined to take us out with a pocket knife and a stick of C4.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2001
<<I think that the US just WANTS to get in a war

What is bombing a couple of mole hills and huts gonna do?? Just piss them off so they can come over here and make life a living hell for us AGAIN (hijacking MORE plains, busses, trains; launching/setting off nukes, etc). I think that war at this point is just an emotional response that will end up biting us in the ass in the long run.>>

And how is NOT doing anything going to deter them from doing it again??


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Consider this.....hypotheticly of course........

What if some "Terrorist" faction decides they don't like how all of you are bashing the US. They are so fanatical that they just can't stand your lack of diplomacy and no matter what you try to do, give them aid over the years, help them out in their strife against others, and whatever else they request, they still just dispise you and become so hate filled they decide they will stop at nothing to wipe you and your kind off the face of the Earth! Nothing happens for a long period of time, then one day they decide to find some fanatical "hitmen" to just blow up your homes and die in the act.......problem is, all of you are gone to a convention on how you will bash the US return to find everything you love, everything you cared for, everything you cherish in life wiped out......just GONE........... The next day they find out you lived and vow to continue at ANY cost......they will attack anything you represent at any time.........

Now, considering you have MANY more people and friends on your side, vast money and rescources, what's your next step????

Negotiate with the people whom you know are responsible.........but, only have proof that they financed and planned it.

Vow to try and improve your relations with them even though they don't give a damned about that and will continue anyway......

Just forget about it and hope they are satisfied no matter what they say......

Fold up turn tail and run away scared and crying hoping they don't find you..........


Do you team up with all the people whom are with you and vow to end their terrorist acts at all costs since they have vowed to continue to kill your people no matter what?



Senior member
Sep 25, 2000
Why exactly should we negotiate? Obviously Afgan. thinks or knows Bin Laden is responsible. They wouldn't "negotiate" his fate if he wasn't responsible. Its all on Afgan right now, not Bin Laden if war happens.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2000
I just don't get it. Why risk killing thousands of American's (soldiers) to get rid of those who may or may not have caused the WTC tragedy? Bush still doesn't have concrete evidence and already he's acting like he's so sure that Bin Laden did it. In fact he's showing the same exact signs of how people who never had "superior power" - eventually getting it - act.

I just don't get it.

Terrorist killing thousands of American's for their reasons - EVIL!
Bush killing (indirectly the cause) American's fighting a country/people who he's not even sure is the cause of the WTC attack - RIGHT!

Eye for an eye. Sure. That doesn't apply to everything.

Bush is just adding fuel to the fire by thinking he can attack Afghanistan and win. The Soviets attacked and lost miserably. The British attack and ended up with the same fate.

Attached is an article from the LA Times that you might find interesting, it's definitely worth the read:

Los Angeles Times
September 19, 2001
Soviet Vets Warn U.S. of Perils in Afghanistan
Strategy: Soldiers who fought there warn the U.S. to expect daily deliveries

of coffins and few targets other than villages.
By MAURA REYNOLDS , Times Staff Writer

MOSCOW -- When Igor Lisinenko entered what he was told was an Afghan rebel
base in 1982, he wasn't sure what to expect. It was, after all, his first
assignment as a member of a Soviet army reconnaissance team sent to confirm
that airstrikes a few hours before had destroyed the base.

But the young lieutenant saw no ruined fortifications in the village near
Afghan city of Kandahar. No rebel corpses. All he saw was a handful of
crumbly clay huts. And two old men carrying a little girl, no more than 3
years old.

Her foot had been blown off. She was white from the loss of blood.

The patrol loaded her into a helicopter to take her to a hospital. In those
few minutes, Lisinenko said Tuesday, he understood two things: The girl was
doomed to die and the Soviet military campaign was doomed to fail.

"I didn't doubt for a second that her father would take a gun and come after

me or any other Russian soldier he could find," Lisinenko recalled. "And he
or some other father or brother or son 'found' many of my friends before it
was over."

As the United States prepares for possible military action in Afghanistan,
Lisinenko and other Soviet veterans watch with trepidation. They know better

than anyone what U.S. troops might be getting into.

"Can it be that America is nostalgic for the times it was getting daily
deliveries of zinc coffins from Vietnam?" asked Andrei Logunov, chairman of
Moscow Afghan Veterans Assn. "This time it will be even worse."

Soviet forces occupied Afghanistan in 1979 to prop up a shaky Communist
regime. They spent 10 years trying to wipe out U.S.-financed moujahedeen, or

holy warriors, one of whom was a young Saudi named Osama bin Laden. The
Soviet Union lost 15,000 soldiers in the process and withdrew in disgrace.

The Soviets weren't the first defeated by Afghanistan's determined fighters
and mountainous terrain. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the British fought
three wars and suffered heavy casualties trying to control the land and its
people. In 1842, about 4,500 British and Indian troops and thousands of
dependents were killed during a retreat from Kabul. Only one survivor

Veterans from the former Soviet Union say that what would await U.S. troops
sent into Afghanistan's mountains would be unlike anything American forces
have encountered, whether in the fields of Europe in World War II, in the
jungles of Southeast Asia or the deserts of the Persian Gulf region.

First, there are no real "bases" for terrorists, they say. Fighters live in
ordinary villages. Air or artillery strikes against them will invariably

"When I hear people talk about terrorist 'bases' I have to laugh," said
Vyacheslav Izmailov, who commanded a battalion in Afghanistan. "Terrorists
don't sit in bases waiting for bombs to drop. They live in houses. They live

with families. . . . If America begins to drop bombs, all they will do is
convince the anti-Taliban population that the United States is their enemy."

Moreover, there are few targets other than villages, the veterans warn.
are few bridges, no factories. Most of the country's infrastructure has been

destroyed in decades of civil war.

"Even in Iraq you had something to bomb," Lisinenko said. "But there are no
targets in Afghanistan. There's nothing there to bomb."

Bin Laden may be holed up in Afghanistan's formidable mountains, which are
riddled with caves whose entrances are small, hidden and remote. Soviet
veterans say they are impervious to bombing.

"The Soviet air force tried hard to smoke fighters out of their hide-outs
using various methods and weapons," said Col. Alexander Akimenkov, who
piloted bombers and helicopters during the Afghan conflict and is Russia's
top civilian test pilot. "The Soviet military dropped vacuum bombs [that
oxygen from underground sites]. They even dropped 3-ton bombs designed to
cause local earthquakes that would bury moujahedeen in their caves. But we
still were unable to wipe out the rebels."

The reason, Akimenkov said, is that the caves in the Kandahar gorge are
actually deep tunnels.

"In Soviet times, these caves could accommodate thousands of people, which
rendered most of air raids meaningless," Akimenkov said. "The people sitting

at the far end of such a cave would not even notice that you dropped a bomb
that exploded at the entrance."

Only Special Forces teams could rout Bin Laden from such lairs, the veterans

said. But that requires good local intelligence, including reliable

Lisinenko worked firsthand with such intelligence--he has a degree in
languages and he was the reconnaissance unit's translator. Some informants
were paid, others were not, he recalled. Either way, the information was
mostly inaccurate.

"They would take our money and then lie," Lisinenko recalled.

Lisinenko said that to understand the Afghan mind-set, you have to set aside

Western values.

He learned this his first day in Afghanistan when he entered a family's hut.

The poverty was more than he could fathom. There was no furniture. No light.

The only object inside was a copy of the Koran, tucked into an alcove.

"I asked an old man, 'Why do you live in such conditions? Don't you want to
do something to improve your lot?' " Lisinenko said. "But the man replied,
'Don't you understand that the worse we live in this world, the better our
lives will be in paradise? We don't want the same things in life that you
want.' "

That's when Lisinenko said he began to understand that Western ideas of
warfare might not succeed in Afghanistan. How do you battle a foe who has so

little to protect in this world? A person who may believe a greater good
come from sacrificing himself, his home, his family? How do you vanquish an
enemy for whom categories of defeat and victory, life and death do not match


"Nothing we know works in their world," he said.

Lisinenko left Afghanistan two years later with a wounded leg and a
spirit. These days, the 39-year-old runs a tea bag company and represents a
district of Moscow in Russia's lower house of parliament.

The lesson they learned in Afghanistan, the veterans said, is that actions
stop terrorism more often have the opposite effect.

They urged the United States to accompany military action with economic aid
and forswear a bombing campaign.

"The Afghans will stop fighting each other and join together to fight you,"
said Izmailov, former battalion commander. "You need courage, but not to
bombs. What you need courage for is to not drop bombs. Otherwise, your war
will be endless."

And though veterans of the Afghan conflict point out that the U.S. bought
bullets for the moujahedeen who killed their comrades, Lisinenko said most
wouldn't wish an Afghan war on their worst enemy.

"Don't do it like we did. Don't do it like you did in Vietnam," he said.
"Don't listen to me if you don't want. Listen to your own people, those who
fought in Vietnam. . . . They'll tell you the same things."



No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999

<< I just don't get it. Why risk killing thousands of American's (soldiers) to get rid of those who may or may not have caused the WTC tragedy? Bush still doesn't have concrete evidence and already he's acting like he's so sure that Bin Laden did it. In fact he's showing the same exact signs of how people who never had "superior power" - eventually getting it - act.

I just don't get it.

Terrorist killing thousands of American's for their reasons - EVIL!
Bush killing (indirectly the cause) American's fighting a country/people who he's not even sure is the cause of the WTC attack - RIGHT!

Eye for an eye. Sure. That doesn't apply to everything.

Bush is just adding fuel to the fire by thinking he can attack Afghanistan and win. The Soviets attacked and lost miserably. The British attack and ended up with the same fate.

My thoughts exactly.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

WTF do you expect from a culture that buries alive the widows of it's war dead?

You serious - they do this?

I, too, believe that a ground invasion will be catastrophic and more than most americans are willing to support once they see how awful it will be.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Um....just a thought.......why don't we wait and see what happens before we judge what's going on?????? 1) Are you SURE they are going to Afghanistan???? 2) Are you SURE they haven't found conclusive evidence??? 3) Are you SURE they are even going to attack could very well be a pre-emptive show of force!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2000

<< I just don't get it. Why risk killing thousands of American's (soldiers) to get rid of those who may or may not have caused the WTC tragedy? Bush still doesn't have concrete evidence and already he's acting like he's so sure that Bin Laden did it. In fact he's showing the same exact signs of how people who never had "superior power" - eventually getting it - act.

I just don't get it.

Terrorist killing thousands of American's for their reasons - EVIL!
Bush killing (indirectly the cause) American's fighting a country/people who he's not even sure is the cause of the WTC attack - RIGHT!

Eye for an eye. Sure. That doesn't apply to everything.

Bush is just adding fuel to the fire by thinking he can attack Afghanistan and win. The Soviets attacked and lost miserably. The British attack and ended up with the same fate.

Then don't go. Don't support our military. But know that if you aren't willing to die to make sure American children stay safe for 50 years, you don't deserve all the liberties you enjoy. I feel very strongly about this. If we don't retaliate HARSHLY, then we might as well tell them to come on over and blow up whatever the hell they want because there will be no consequences.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000

<< the negotiations were a stalling tactic, i would guess, to help mobilize thier army. >>

They dont have an army in the traditional sense that u need to mobolize. mostly its a sort of village militia which join the fight as enemy approaches there area. there is no strategic placement of troops! no Defcon 3 (or what ever status). Instead when ever there is enemy near by (be it russian, american or afghan) they simply pick up there AK from the cuppord and follow the village commander to setup ambush.

But u may be right about stalling. but not about the reason for the stall.



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

WTF do you expect from a culture that buries alive the widows of it's war dead?

You serious - they do this?

I, too, believe that a ground invasion will be catastrophic and more than most americans are willing to support once they see how awful it will be.

I'm dead serious.

As for a ground invasion, it's not an "eye for an eye," it's self defense. As long as we allow these terrorists and countries that support them to exist and thrive, thay are a direct threat to innocent American lives here, and around the world.

BTW, we wont make the same mistakes the USSR made, and our conventional military is light years ahead of theirs.

What would you people have us do?

1. Diplomacy has failed.

2. Reverting to isolationism would only give them what they want, and spread the message far and wide that any time you want to force the US to do something, just kill 5000 of their innocent civilians.

3. Sitting and wringing your hands is obviously useless.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999

<< Then don't go. Don't support our military. But know that if you aren't willing to die to make sure American children stay safe for 50 years, you don't deserve all the liberties you enjoy. I feel very strongly about this. If we don't retaliate HARSHLY, then we might as well tell them to come on over and blow up whatever the hell they want because there will be no consequences. >>

Hold on are taking this TOO far. No one is against/not supporting the military. I just don't want them going over there for all the wrong reasons.

You don't go shag the first girl that you see walking down the block. And you don't go bombing countries without undisputable evidence that they are at fault.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Then don't go. Don't support our military. But know that if you aren't willing to die to make sure American children stay safe for 50 years, you don't deserve all the liberties you enjoy.

I think its more a matter of first being 100% positive that this is the correct target and secondly is this the best way to deal with the situation? Certainly enough americans are going to die that its worth being absolutely sure that its the best thing to do.


Jan 10, 2001


<< the negotiations were a stalling tactic, i would guess, to help mobilize thier army. >>

They dont have an army in the traditional sense that u need to mobolize. mostly its a sort of village militia which join the fight as enemy approaches there area. there is no strategic placement of troops! no Defcon 3 (or what ever status). Instead when ever there is enemy near by (be it russian, american or afghan) they simply pick up there AK from the cuppord and follow the village commander to setup ambush.

But u may be right about stalling. but not about the reason for the stall.


i dunno. It has been reported that 20000 people are mobilized on the border of pakistan. I would call that an army.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Remember that Bush also stated that terrorists and those who harbor terrorists are not safe.

Bin Laden is known to be a terrorist from previous attacks. The current Afghan government is harboring him. Therefore, Afghan becomes a target as long as Bin Laden is holded up there.



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Certainly more time would be good in figuring out combat tactics and strategy. By not mobilizing I think he means they aren't fueling their tanks and B2 bombers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2000
regardless of guilt regarding the WTC, the Al-Qaeda pose a direct threat to the safety of America. Their leader is in Afghanistan.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000

<< Then don't go. Don't support our military. But know that if you aren't willing to die to make sure American children stay safe for 50 years, you don't deserve all the liberties you enjoy. I feel very strongly about this. If we don't retaliate HARSHLY, then we might as well tell them to come on over and blow up whatever the hell they want because there will be no consequences. >>

LOL! Another thing I've found out the past few days by going to a Cardinals baseball game and severasl other places where there were large groups of people.........don't base support for what we are doing, and for the military by what is posted in here! Support is OVERWHELMING in nearly all of the US! I talked to a friend of ours whose husband is a recruiter.......enlistment is higher since last Tuesday than it's EVER been!

I hope everyhting can be settled in any other way......but, support IS Nationwide!!!


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000

<< WTF do you expect from a culture that buries alive the widows of it's war dead?

You serious - they do this?

They do many bad bad things to women but not that (atleast as a matter of policy). (if u could quote your source on that , it would be helpful)

Also if US goes into afghanistan its not gonna be to rescue its women. for saudis have the same restrictive rules for women that taliban do (saudis have simply more money so they can afford the segregated schools etc while taliban have simply banned women from studies till segregated schools etc can be established). And US has hell of lot more influence (supposedly) with the saudis than afghanis

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