US Sending 300 Newly Returned Troops Back to Iraq


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
"As the Iraqis stand up, we'll stand down."

Hey george and dick! I thought things were getting so much better over there in Iraq!

Looks like the chimp is having a harder time than he's letting on putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.


I'd like to see bush meet these guys and their families at the airport on their way BACK to Iraq and tell them that bullsh!t to their faces. Or better still, I'd love to see dick "other priorities" cheney there too. Maybe georgie could sit on dick's lap like he did at the 9/11 hearings. :laugh:

US Sending 300 Newly Returned Troops Back to Iraq

Published: August 14, 2006

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 300 U.S. soldiers who just weeks ago returned home to Alaska after a year in Iraq are being ordered back to try to help bolster security in Baghdad, the U.S. Army said on Monday.

The soldiers are part of the 3,900-strong 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team from Fort Wainwright in Alaska. Facing rising sectarian violence in Baghdad, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on July 27 ordered the unit to remain in Iraq for up to four months past its scheduled departure.

That order provoked anger and disappointment among some of the soldiers' families in Alaska. It also made clear that any significant reduction in the 135,000-strong U.S. force in Iraq was unlikely in the immediate future.

The brigade was so far along in the process of flowing out of Iraq after its yearlong tour that 378 soldiers had returned home to Alaska and about 300 had arrived in Kuwait en route home, the Army said.

All of the soldiers who had reached Kuwait were sent back to Iraq, the Army said. Now, 301 of the 378 who made it to Alaska will be sent back to Iraq in roughly a week, with the remainder allowed to remain home, said Maj. Gen. Charles Jacoby, head of Army forces in Alaska.

``Of course, this comes as a huge disappointment to the families and perhaps a greater disappointment to kids that were really expecting dads and moms home,'' Jacoby told reporters.

But Jacoby said the brigade, which uses the Stryker wheeled armored vehicle, needed the soldiers, mainly infantrymen, back in Iraq to ``reassemble a proven team.''

``From a tactical and military standpoint, this makes all the sense in the world,'' Jacoby said.

Most of the soldiers returned to Alaska three weeks ago but some have been back for as long as five weeks, said Paul Boyce, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon.

Mary Cheney, a soldier's wife who gave birth to her fourth child just weeks ago, said at a briefing in Alaska arranged by the Army: ``Am I happy about him being gone? No. But I accept what he's doing.''

Pentagon policy is for Army units to serve 12-month tours in Iraq and Marine Corps units to serve seven-month tours. Army soldiers kept longer than one year in Iraq get an extra $1,000 in pay per month, the Army said.

The 172nd had operated primarily in the Mosul area in relatively calm northern Iraq, but is being shifted into Baghdad, the site of unrelenting violence despite attempts at a security crackdown by U.S. and Iraqi government forces.

The brigade now is due to return to Alaska starting in late November through early January, officials said.

After some troops and families complained earlier in the war about lack of predictability in the length of tours in Iraq, the Pentagon instituted the rules on deployment duration. This was intended to reduce emotional stress for troops serving in a hostile and unpredictable environment.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It is unfortunate that so much is being asked of those who volunteered while Congress raises its pay and cuts taxes on the wealthy. You would think there would be an option on our tax forms for donations to the military personnel for those serving, a donation that at some level of income, baring a close family member serving, would not just be optional. This porking the patriotic in the poop shoot is really getting old in my opinion.


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
How about sending some of P&N's 101st Keyboard Brigadists? I'm sure most of them would be more than happy to go serve.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
i think BBond should go...I have a space for him in my platoon....

172nd is an outstanding unit...they are probably going back because those 300 can do what would take 1,000 fresh troops...


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

You do realize DOD has become even more bloated, with more people, arguably less effective, and slow to deploy. And the only people that believe its cheaper for the taxpayer . . . are probably the same idiots that can name 3 Stooges but can't name the three branches of government.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
Topic Title: US Sending 300 Newly Returned Troops Back to Iraq
Topic Summary: Order provokes anger and disappointment among some of the soldiers' families in Alaska

Sorry this is what America voted for "The War President".

Therefore have no business griping.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

Did they not only numb your heart but your brain too?

I hate neocons and anyone who votes for them..

Bush has made me begin to hate Christians too

When will all the real Christians stand up and protest against Bush and his murderous aspirations.. They have no spine and they have no heart



Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Its a system that works


As I view the quagmire in Iraq, the continued freedom of OBL, and the resurgence of the supposedly eradicated Taliban in Afghanistan, I wonder by what definition does it 'work'?

If this is 'working' I would hate to see 'broken'.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

Did they not only numb your heart but your brain too?

I hate neocons and anyone who votes for them..

Bush has made me begin to hate Christians too

When will all the real Christians stand up and protest against Bush and his murderous aspirations.. They have no spine and they have no heart

Take what you just said and apply it to the Muslims of the world.....



Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

Did they not only numb your heart but your brain too?

I hate neocons and anyone who votes for them..

Bush has made me begin to hate Christians too

When will all the real Christians stand up and protest against Bush and his murderous aspirations.. They have no spine and they have no heart

Take what you just said and apply it to the Muslims of the world.....

I was hoping people in this country would start worrying about our own issues first. Imagine what we could have done domestically (with education, hurricane reconstruction, national security, health care, etc.) with the few hundred billion dollars we are spending in Iraq.

No WMDs, a country that doesn't want us there, and no exit strategy.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
Hmmm. Give the men just ebough time to make some babies for the 100 year war on terror and then jerk them back into uniform and on a C-130 back to hell.

They are going back to where a Colonel on the ground there right now in Bagdad is saying morale there is rock bottom and our soldiers there feel like the only question of the day is "when will we get blown up".

The current operation to strengthen Bagdad that President Cheney has ordered could be considered the most hazardous duty of this war, next to the all out assaults that have occured in cities like Faluja.

Sending these particular 300 men in who did their duty and served their Country in full ALREADY, amounts to nothing more than slavery to the State. In Vietnam, soldiers went in, did their time, risked their lives in service to our Country, then WENT HOME! That's was the deal. No treachery allowed!

Times have changed. The crazzies are in Power. Make no mistake. Cheney is in charge and doing this crap. Backdoor draft time and he could not care less. These crazy neocons have America by the nutz and our USA Soldiers are their playthings.

Bagdad is an Islamic radical hellhole. Worse than Nam. Our men are being driven and forced to give beyond what any one man can give and still go on afterwards and live a normal life. I'd compare this to an ancient Roman slaveship full of rowers chained to their oars and their backs deeply scarred by whips.

Oh, and Iran is next. Maybe as soon as next month. And some say 90% odds before the November elections.

You can hear it can't you? CRACK! CRACK!CRACK! go the whips. Just 60 more terrorist Nations to go.


Jun 23, 2004
1: Being shorted on home time just isn?t right.

2: If America does not want to fight, it knows what to do this November and every other.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Its a system that works


As I view the quagmire in Iraq, the continued freedom of OBL, and the resurgence of the supposedly eradicated Taliban in Afghanistan, I wonder by what definition does it 'work'?

If this is 'working' I would hate to see 'broken'.

View, you havent viewed anything in Iraq,. wanna know why? you haven't been there, and probably dont even know anyone who has, so talk from experience, cause you dont have any

you talk like you hknow and have experience, but you dont , just your armchair generalin watching the nightly news


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2004
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

Did they not only numb your heart but your brain too?

I hate neocons and anyone who votes for them..

Bush has made me begin to hate Christians too

When will all the real Christians stand up and protest against Bush and his murderous aspirations.. They have no spine and they have no heart

Holy crap man, stop drinking during the week and STAY ON TOPIC


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Deptacon
View, you havent viewed anything in Iraq,. wanna know why? you haven't been there, and probably dont even know anyone who has, so talk from experience, cause you dont have any

you talk like you hknow and have experience, but you dont , just your armchair generalin watching the nightly news

Indeed. My sources are all based on media or publicly available analysis though none are television based.

Your employer, the Pentagon, admits to lying and using propaganda during 'times of war'... such as planting news stories, false leaks, etc... so I'm not shocked that an employee such as yourself might parrot the official opinion of the DoD which is quite often contrary to reality.

Let me guess... despite all outward appearances, reports, members of government suddenly switching positions on the war, casualty numbers, etc... the war in Iraq is going just fine? This isn't, as even many conservatives are starting to concede now, a major foreign policy mistake?

We've won the war, right? 'Mission Accomplished' is what your CiC proclaimed right?
The situation in Iraq isn't very grave, unstable and serious... it's peachy keen, right?
It's all just a smear campaign by left-wing doomsayers isn't it? I knew it. Those bastards.

How can we even begin to fix the pooch if some can't yet even admit we've screwed the pooch?


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003

The war was won, and brilliantly at that...What the U.S. is now trying to do is nation-building from the outside. It's not going so quickly or smoothly.

It is not necessarily the job of the United States to teach Iraqi to be peaceful. In that one respect, I feel that the United States has failed (though it was not the stated mission objective). The United States should not have spared the infrastructures, nor institutions that did not serve the end-goal. Draconian to be sure, but like car motors, infrastructure and instiutions are easier to repair when not running! The U.S.thought that as soon as the tyrant was gone, the Iraqi people would turn peaceful and thrive. Silly opinion when they have never been thriving or peaceful before. Iraqis don't know what to do with peace. They have never truly experiencved peace/freedom and and hope. They DO know a thing or two about power/control/hate/death/survival. they are doing the only thing that they know how.

There is good progress in all sectors, but the religious zealots interfere, in their quest for power and domination.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
As bad as Iraq was when Hussein in power it seems it was better than it is now. The only true winner of this debacle seems to be the Assholes running Iran.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003

From a tactical standpoint, the latest and greatest tech is a wonderful idea, with many demonstrated beneifts.

Thousands of years of fighting though have shown that for a protracted fight, the stratigic answer is to occupy ground in sufficient force to deny the enemy use of the territory for: refuge, transport, survailance, recruiting, etc., and to prevent any recources from falling to the ememy. The alternative is to either kill EVERYONE in the area, as the Romans often did, or use a "scorched earth" policy as the Russians did against Napolean and Hitler, that leaves nothing of value and nobody in an area.

Vietnam proved the folly of superior firepower and technology in a stratigic sense, and Iraq is proving it again for those who cannot learn from history. Instead of blindly accepting the hype from the Pentagon, you should study the history of war and do your own thinking.



Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Deptacon
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
Rummy doesn't believe in a large military. You go to war with the army you have. Then use them and abuse them till they are worn out or broken. Remember, technology is more important than boots.

No you obviously have no concept of the new 21st century modular army..... do a little research and read about it. Its a system that works, with less people ,is less bloated (like most govt activities) is more effective, more responsive, faster deploying, and ....dare isay it...cheaper for the taxpayers.....

LARGE COLD WAR ARMIES ARE INEFFECTIVE WItH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY.....but hey what do i know, im not in the army or anything....

Did they not only numb your heart but your brain too?

I hate neocons and anyone who votes for them..

Bush has made me begin to hate Christians too

When will all the real Christians stand up and protest against Bush and his murderous aspirations.. They have no spine and they have no heart

I think you should check yourself in a anger management class.
Jun 27, 2005
We're all kind of pissed off about it up here. And it's not just that 300 guys are getting turned around right after they got back, it's that 3400 of the rest of them that were supposed to come home right after the first batch got held over for another four months.

They've been gone for a year. They did a great job. Send them home.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003

I am now on a second extension. I extended one, and the Army extended that. I sympathize, but the Army is paying a thousand per month as a "SORRY" payment. BCT's are tight at the moment, and to risk the crews with cherries added in is not protecting those soldiers. I would HATE to have new blood added to my team at the moment. It would take months to get them up to speed.

It does suck to be involuntarily extended, but LOTS of soldiers are either stip lossed or involuntarily extended. It's part of he game that is the armed forces.

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