v4 4500 or geforce2 mx


Jan 15, 2000
I am wondering would video card I should get. Both close in price. Which one is the one that should go in my system and why?


Jun 16, 2000
What games do you play? If you play UT or flight/racing sims, Probably the V4, because of glide and FSAA, respecivally. Play Q3/MDK2/other T&L games or love to watch 3dMark? Get a GeForce2 MX.


Jan 15, 2000
I thought I saw on the Guillemot Prophet2 mx that It supported FSAA. I play Q3 and mostly sports games. I also like good 2d perfomance. Occasionally UT.


Jan 15, 2000
I thought I saw on the Guillemot Prophet2 mx that It supported FSAA. I play Q3 and mostly sports games. I also like good 2d perfomance. Occasionally UT.
P3 450
256Megs Ram
Windows ME


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
The FSAA is virtually useless on a V5500, so it is certainly useless on a V4500. The MX does support FSAA, but again you are usually better to play at the higher resolution than dumb it down and blur it. The general consensus is that the Voodoo is an overpriced stinker.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< The FSAA is virtually useless on a V5500 >>

WTF???? You obviously are clueless. FSAA on a 5500 kicks ass. Now, on my GTS, FSAA is virtually useless.

<< The MX does support FSAA, but again you are usually better to play at the higher resolution than dumb it down and blur it. >>

agreed. On an MX, I can't possibly picture it being useful, as on a 64MB GTS, it is almost worthless.

Unfortunately, the MX doesn't have the bandwidth to play at higher resolutions, so that isn't really an option either.

<< The general consensus is that the Voodoo is an overpriced stinker. >>

the general consensus among people that have used the 5500 for more than just benchmarks is that it is an asskicking card.



Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Voodoo just do not have the same bang for ze buck as other cards right now. RoboTECH, which card that cigarman is interested in would you recommend and why? Hmmm?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
Auric, saying that &quot;FSAA is virtually useless on a 5500&quot; is sheer, utter, ridiculous nonsense. There is more to life than Q3.

It also has nothing to do with what he wants to do.

My reply would be &quot;what games do you play&quot;, &quot;what OS are you running&quot; and &quot;what size monitor do you have&quot;

then I'd give a complete answer and I'd explain why for each.


Aug 14, 2000
Higher performance, GPU, T&amp;L, true AGP implementation, true tri-linear filtering, asintrophic filtering, better drivers, lower price.


Senior member
Sep 8, 2000
i have a question ? I like to play TFC and half-life,Madden 2001 ,NBA live,Hidden and dangerous ,Thief, and what ever else comes out.What video card do you suggest i get. I was thinking about the invidia geforce2 MX .also i was going to buy it oem .Would i be missing anything if i get it oem instead of retail ?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Id go MX over a V4 anyday, unless I knew Id only be playing Deus Ex for some time to come.
The MX has better performance, better feature set, and better drivers, while costing the same.


Apr 23, 2000
I have a new Geforce2 MX &amp; I think it`s better value for money ,faster &amp; cheaper then the V4 4500,btw I`m a gamer &amp; every game I`ve played with it so far works great(even on my Via based board MSI K7T PRO),image wise on 2d is very sharp,for a quick review of V4 4500 compared to a Geforce2 MX go here and here for Geforce2 MX MX review .



Jun 16, 2000

Hmm....for those games, it's not a very clear cut choice, but probably the MX. I know that Madden 2001 is optimized for T&amp;L. If you have an older NBA Live, it's glide, which would be better on the V4, if it's newer, I'm not really sure what it is. I have 98, it is glide. Basically, the MX will be faster for those games, but the V4's FSAA is better. So, do you prefer speed or FSAA? The V5's FSAA is not useless, and neither is the V4's. The V4 can only do 2x, but it is still decent and is still better than nvidia's.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
for the most part, the MX will definitely be superior.

Issues that will make you want to consider a V4:

1) If you are a stickler for hi-res 2d image quality
2) If you play a lot of glide games (i.e. UT, Deux Ex, older games such as NFS and various EA sports titles)
3) If you don't want to mess around with drivers

If the above 3 situations don't really apply to you, then go for the MX.


Apr 23, 2000
RoboTECH,with all due respect the Geforce2 MX has great 2d image Quality I can confirm that ,second this from a review (a Savage site so unbiased)
2D Quality:

&quot;Upon booting this card up for the first time and getting my desktop to my preferred resolution, I couldn?t help but notice how crystal clear the display was. This card has excellent image quality and is extremely fast. The refresh was near instantaneous in Photoshop even with very large images. I doubt that you could find a card with much better 2D performance at this time.&quot;

Third since when is installing a driver hard,My friend has had more problems with his Drivers for V3 2000 then I have,I`m not trying to start a Flame war but facts are facts.I cannot say if the V4 has better image quality or worst since I have not seen this card in action ,but can tell you there is nothing wrong with my Geforce2 MX(tested upto 1600*1200) on my 19&quot; monitor.

I would agree with glide games if you play a lot then the Voodoo cards are the better option.But more &amp; more games are DirectX or openGL &amp; Nvidia do have the best drivers for openGL plus regular updates.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< RoboTECH,with all due respect the Geforce2 MX has great 2d image Quality I can confirm that ,second this from a review (a Savage site so unbiased)
2D Quality:

<snip kudos to the MX>

well, I'll admit that I'm comparing the 5500 to the GTS. I have had both, and the 5500's image quality is/was significantly better at higher resolutions. I assumed (perhaps incorrectly?) that the 5500=4500 and the GTS=MX WRT image quality

<< Third since when is installing a driver hard >>

it's not, but many peeps have reported issues with nvidia drivers. Of course, half of the problems are all the leaked drivers, but even the &quot;official&quot; release 6.18's are causing many people fits.


Apr 23, 2000
Did not mean to step on your toes but the post title is V4 4500 or Geforce2 MX, so I assumed you was comparing these two.



Mar 12, 2000
I would agree with glide games if you play a lot then the Voodoo cards are the better option.But more &amp; more games are DirectX or openGL &amp; Nvidia do have the best drivers for openGL plus regular updates.

I can't think of any Glide only games that have come out in the last two years.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
RoboTECH, I'm not into a pissing match here but you are sounding biased like a poor 3dfx share holder or something.

I could not recommend a V4 to anyone UNLESS they play old old old Glide only games AND want to play recent games in full color. Otherwise, if you only want to play Glide only games than get a V3 for less than half the price. The reference to messing around with drivers and poorer 2D image quality comments with an MX are just plain bogus. You're shameless!


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Auric, do you only read and troll 3Dfx threads?

<< The reference to messing around with drivers and poorer 2D image
quality comments with an MX are just plain bogus.

Most every video forum on the planet is loaded with requests for help
in these very areas.

Even ours, you passed a half dozen to get in here.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< Did not mean to step on your toes but the post title is V4 4500 or Geforce2 MX, so I assumed you was comparing these two. >>

NP man, my bust.


<< I would agree with glide games if you play a lot then the Voodoo cards are the better option.But more &amp; more games are DirectX or openGL &amp; Nvidia do have the best drivers for openGL plus regular updates.
I can't think of any Glide only games that have come out in the last two years.

Unreal Tournament and Deux Ex are 2 very very popular games right now that look and play WORLDS better under Glide.


<< RoboTECH, I'm not into a pissing match here but you are sounding biased like a poor 3dfx share holder or something. >>

Nope, just someone who's used both the latest from 3dfx and nvidia. I'm biased toward the card that did a better job OVERALL, benchmarks bedamned.

Funny how you are trying to say *I'M* biased, when you made the moronic remark &quot;FSAA is virtually useless on a 5500&quot;. It sure as hell is a lot more useful than T&amp;L on our beloved GTS. Aside from MDK2, I have YET to find anything worthwhile about this T&amp;L unit my card has.

Oh yeah, I forgot. It gets me an extra 1000 3dMarks. Can't forget that. <rolls eyes>


<< Auric, do you only read and troll 3Dfx threads?
<< The reference to messing around with drivers and poorer 2D image
quality comments with an MX are just plain bogus. >>

Most every video forum on the planet is loaded with requests for help
in these very areas.

Even ours, you passed a half dozen to get in here.

ROFL!!!!! No kidding man. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why so many of my fellow nvidia users are SO DAMN BLIND to some of these issues!?!?! My guess is they spend all their time running Q3 demo001 and 3dMark2000, and don't have time to actually play these (And other) games to test for compatibility and visual quality.
See, I made the mistake of going about 2 days without running a benchmark on this GTS i have, and guess what? I lost interest in it. It didn't look as good in windows (looked like $hit, actually), didn't look as good in most of the games I play, and didn't run any better in ANY of them (benchmarks aside) aside from 1280x1024 in Q3 and MDK2.
However, in another thread, someone hit upon it. Many of us are computer geeks. Just as some of the guys like to brag about their 350 HP engine in their souped up 1967 Camaro, there are nvidiots who just love to compare 3dMark2000 scores. I must admit, after hitting 7994, I was VERY tempted to try tweeks to get over the 8000 hump. Then I came to my senses. I don't even sit at my computer while 3dMark2000 is running. Why the f*** would I spend time on that, when I could be playing games, which is what *I* bought it for. I'm pretty much convinced that many of the GTS owners who have their heads buried in the sand re: the GTS's fallacies simply bought the card for bragging rights. I completely lost interest in the GTS once I tried NFS. Good gawd, if ever there was a game made for the 5500, it's that. The GTS doesn't even come close. BUT..... since there isn't an easily accessible benchmark program for those games, DESPITE the fact that they have outsold Quake3 and MDK2 by far, no reviewers bother with it. It's just so much easier to run a few default benchmarks than actually form an actual opinion based on something other than a few numbers. hell, let's go out and spend our hard-earned $$$ on the cars with the best 0-60 times. Nothing else matters, right?



Feb 1, 2000
FSAA rules. Whoever said its useless is insane. I've had a asus v6800 geforce and a v7700 gf2(i've actually had dozens of cards). But in my testing the fsaa isnt' nearly as good as on the voodoo5. Also on my 19&quot; monitor 1280x1024 is worse and 1600x1200 is headache giving cad on the nvidia cards. The voodoo5, 1280x1024 is better, and 1600x1200 is waaaay sharper about as good as my old g400 16mb was. Sure the voodoo5 ended up being only about as fast as the v6800, but they are all plenty fast. Plus i dont have to mess with drivers (i spend 2 hours trying to get 3d mode to work with diablo 2 in windows 2000 with the nvidia cards only to find out its something that totally doesnt work). So assuming the v4 and gf2mx are just lower end version of those 3 cards, i'd think that the v4 is a good card. Especially if you want good 2d and care about misconvergence, text blurring etc (i.e. you work with large spreadsheets , photoshop or program in small fonts i.e. 10pt at high res ,which is what i do).

and another thing robotech is actually thinking with practicality. Its amazing... I use my computer to do actual work.. the 2d quality is VERY important. If you actually use your computer for something besides mdk2, q3a and 3dmark get the v4 4500 just to save your eyes and still have decent game play


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
I am insane)
Anyway i think FSAA rules too. But i sold me V5 5500 AGP. I decided to sell it will i can(for a good price of course i only make a lose of $10). I will go for a Ati Radeon Maxx for around $250 (i know someone who works in a mayor ditributor). I guess i have to wait 1 or 2 months for Radeon Maxx to arrive. To be honest there are no good videocards right no. All videocard are way too expensive an not worth your money. Around christmas will be alot of good videocards)


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
You 3dfx trolls dont understand something. Higher resolutions are better than lower resolutions with FSAA. Jaggies are greatly reduced you you have MUCH MORE clarity than FSAA at a low res especially in the distance.
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