Valve publishes their own Linux Distribution


Dec 18, 2010
Kinda console related, but since valve is mainly a PC company, I posted it here.

Valve is releasing their own version of linux based off Ubuntu.

How about that? An operating system made for gamers.

It would be nice for steam box, and a PC operating system to be just alike. With steam cloud users could move from one device to the other and keep their settings.
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Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
One (small) step closer to removing our dependency on Windows for gaming. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dependency on Windows for gaming? Yeah because Windows is sooooo expensive.

Why move your dependency from Microsoft over to Valve? Valve has innovated steam at a snails pace and has far fewer resources than Microsoft.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Dependency on Windows for gaming? Yeah because Windows is sooooo expensive.

Why move your dependency from Microsoft over to Valve? Valve has innovated steam at a snails pace and has far fewer resources than Microsoft.

Because Valve actually gives a damn about gaming whereas Microsoft doesn't? While Valve continues to work on Steam and improving the experience Microsoft attempted to force a bloated DRM on us and charge PC gamers for online services, which they laughably failed at, and for the past few years they've done just about everything in their power to push PC gamers to the Xbox?

Why should gaming be tied to Windows? It's a bloated OS that costs money compared to a Linux distro that's much cheaper, light-weight, and secure. There is no reason at all why any gamer should be happy that Windows has a near monopoly on PC gaming.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Because Valve actually gives a damn about gaming whereas Microsoft doesn't? While Valve continues to work on Steam and improving the experience Microsoft attempted to force a bloated DRM on us and charge PC gamers for online services, which they laughably failed at, and for the past few years they've done just about everything in their power to push PC gamers to the Xbox?

Why should gaming be tied to Windows? It's a bloated OS that costs money compared to a Linux distro that's much cheaper, light-weight, and secure. There is no reason at all why any gamer should be happy that Windows has a near monopoly on PC gaming.

so you want it to go from one monopoly to another?

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
so you want it to go from one monopoly to another?

Windows should not be a requirement for gaming. A Linux distro allows Valve (and hopefully other devs) to make their games on a light-weight, secure, bloat-free platform that can be fine tuned specifically for gaming. The only one who should be against this is Microsoft, because they make millions off of gamers who would otherwise be just fine with a free Linux distro. What exactly are the detractors saying, that it's a good thing you have to buy a Windows license to play the majority of games?


Oct 10, 2006
Dependency on Windows for gaming? Yeah because Windows is sooooo expensive.

Why move your dependency from Microsoft over to Valve? Valve has innovated steam at a snails pace and has far fewer resources than Microsoft.

Because the good Linux distros are in almost every way a better operating system?

If Valve gets some success with the whole steam box thing, games for Linux independent of steam might become commercially viable in and of themselves, and that's where things start getting awesome.

Plus, as others have said, Valve gives a shit. Games are Valve's sole product (a product that they're VERY good at producing) whereas games are simply one of Microsoft's infinite divisions, and are being steadily more neglected.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
Because windows 8 sucks.

Well that's a valid opinion. Oh wait, no it's not. Windows 8 does not suck, it's still very much the platform you've been using for the past decade - just because they've added a different interface doesn't change any of it's functionality.

Because Valve actually gives a damn about gaming whereas Microsoft doesn't? While Valve continues to work on Steam and improving the experience Microsoft attempted to force a bloated DRM on us and charge PC gamers for online services, which they laughably failed at, and for the past few years they've done just about everything in their power to push PC gamers to the Xbox?

Why should gaming be tied to Windows? It's a bloated OS that costs money compared to a Linux distro that's much cheaper, light-weight, and secure. There is no reason at all why any gamer should be happy that Windows has a near monopoly on PC gaming.

Wrong, Valve cares about money, which is gaming. Don't confuse them caring about gaming because it needs to return to it's roots or develop innovative games.

As for bloated OS - eh, how is it any more or less bloated than a common Linux distro like Ubuntu or SuSe or Mint? Also, Linux isn't anymore secure than Windows - don't fool yourself. Microsoft has no monopoly on PC gaming outside of the OS itself - they don't force you to use them. Go ahead and use Linux as your primary OS for gaming and let me know how you feel when major games never touch it. Steam is climbing the wrong tree here, and their argument about Windows 8 being a "closed" platform is unfounded. Steam wants you to use their store, and if they're worried that the Windows Store is going to take business away from them, then they need to make sure their product is better - which it already is. Newell just opened his big mouth for no reason.


Oct 10, 2006
Well that's a valid opinion. Oh wait, no it's not. Windows 8 does not suck, it's still very much the platform you've been using for the past decade - just because they've added a different interface doesn't change any of it's functionality.

Wrong, Valve cares about money, which is gaming. Don't confuse them caring about gaming because it needs to return to it's roots or develop innovative games.

As for bloated OS - eh, how is it any more or less bloated than a common Linux distro like Ubuntu or SuSe or Mint? Also, Linux isn't anymore secure than Windows - don't fool yourself. Microsoft has no monopoly on PC gaming outside of the OS itself - they don't force you to use them. Go ahead and use Linux as your primary OS for gaming and let me know how you feel when major games never touch it. Steam is climbing the wrong tree here, and their argument about Windows 8 being a "closed" platform is unfounded. Steam wants you to use their store, and if they're worried that the Windows Store is going to take business away from them, then they need to make sure their product is better - which it already is. Newell just opened his big mouth for no reason.

Who pissed in your cherios?

Linux distros are inherently more secure than Windows due to their open-source nature, and make much more efficient use of system resources besides. Even "bloated" distros like Linux Mint have run markedly faster than any equivalent version of Windows on every desktop or laptop I've ever tried them on. There's a reason linux and unix variants are the server OS of choice for most.

You can chastize Valve's hmotivations all you like, but right now they're at least attempting something that has great positive potential for PC gaming, and a lot of us PC gamers are happy about that. Sorry if it gets your panties in a twist.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Are they just going to bake steam into the OS in the same way MS baked Windows Store into Windows 8?

How is that any better?


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
I'm pro linux, but a couple of the biggest obstacles to linux gaming being a serious contender to Windows is:

1. A ridiculously large back catalog of content. I'm still able to play games from the Win9X days and XP days on the latest Windows versions with little to no difficulty. Steam is it's own worst enemy here because even though it's making a noble push into linux, the vast majority of it's content is for Windows and 5 years from now people will still maintain Windows as long as the content they purchase today stays functional. For many people, moving away from Windows now is like literally throwing away all the cash they've spent on Windows software since forever.

2. DirectX provides a full suite of capabilities for developers for sound, control, graphics, etc. Linux is decentralized. OpenGL is nice and can compete with Direct3D, but it is only one part of a larger equation. Microsoft gaming didn't appear in a vacumn and whether they get credit or not, MS via DirectX has done more for gaming stability than virtually any other platform. Maybe MS has been pushing Xbox more in recent years, but it is the latest Direct3D combined by attrition by numbers that pushes GPU evolution. In economics, it matters more where the money is than the virtue of any particular applicaiton.

I do believe linux will have a larger role in the future, but if anyone is expecting some sort of revolution I wouldn't hold my breath over it. There are many steps that have to be taken before Linux would be viable for the average mainstream user.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Are they just going to bake steam into the OS in the same way MS baked Windows Store into Windows 8?

How is that any better?

Valve is releasing a Linux distro designed around Steam. If you weren't interested in Steam... then you wouldn't download it. Or am I not understanding you correctly?

It's better because there are a lot of people who pay to use Windows only because they happen to like games that are by default developed for Windows. If gaming moved away from Windows I would have zero reason to pay for or use Microsoft's OS, and I could then switch over completely to better alternatives.


Oct 10, 2006
Are they just going to bake steam into the OS in the same way MS baked Windows Store into Windows 8?

How is that any better?

It's linux... right now you can download steam for linux on any distro, and it runs any game you own already ported to linux. What they're doing is optimizing a distro for it. This is hardly a new or sinister concept.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
Who pissed in your cherios?

Linux distros are inherently more secure than Windows due to their open-source nature, and make much more efficient use of system resources besides. Even "bloated" distros like Linux Mint have run markedly faster than any equivalent version of Windows on every desktop or laptop I've ever tried them on. There's a reason linux and unix variants are the server OS of choice for most.

You can chastize Valve's hmotivations all you like, but right now they're at least attempting something that has great positive potential for PC gaming, and a lot of us PC gamers are happy about that. Sorry if it gets your panties in a twist.

No, just absolutely NO. Linux is NOT inherently more secure than Windows. There are just as many vulnerabilities out there for Linux as there are for Windows - feel free to acknowledge it or not, but I deal with both on a daily basis where I work as well as sit on the patch advisory board at my company and we review Linux security exploits from Red Hat as much as we do Windows. As for their choice for server OS - that lies within licensing and various other cost factors. Most security in an enterprise environment lies at the network level.

I don't see how this is positive - they're focusing efforts that would be better off on new and innovative games. Going against Microsoft is an uphill battle within the OS field, like it or not. I understand what you're saying, but this is not something a lot of gamers are happy about. Quite a few I know in person couldn't care less about this - they'd rather see HL3 or new episodic content for HL2.


Oct 10, 2006
I can see the hater lines forming now.


Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
There are just as many vulnerabilities out there for Linux as there are for Windows.


Also it makes no sense to tie your entire multi million/billion dollar business to what Microsoft does or doesn't do. It's a smart move by Valve, and one that will benefit those of us who'd rather not pay for a Windows license just to play games.


Oct 10, 2006
No, just absolutely NO. Linux is NOT inherently more secure than Windows. There are just as many vulnerabilities out there for Linux as there are for Windows - feel free to acknowledge it or not, but I deal with both on a daily basis where I work as well as sit on the patch advisory board at my company and we review Linux security exploits from Red Hat as much as we do Windows. As for their choice for server OS - that lies within licensing and various other cost factors. Most security in an enterprise environment lies at the network level.

I don't see how this is positive - they're focusing efforts that would be better off on new and innovative games. Going against Microsoft is an uphill battle within the OS field, like it or not. I understand what you're saying, but this is not something a lot of gamers are happy about. Quite a few I know in person couldn't care less about this - they'd rather see HL3 or new episodic content for HL2.

Given Red Hat's centralization I can see it potentially developing security issues similar to Microsoft, but even if that's the case Red Hat is just one rendition of linux. I know corporate IT people too, and they've told me they have significantly fewer issues with their linux and BSD machines over Windows, security-based and otherwise.

I assume you also lambast Firefox OS, Ubuntu Phone, the OUYA and Windows Phone. I mean fuck competition and choice right? People shouldn't waste their money trying to do new stuff, or improve things. Should put their money on the status quo where it won't go to waste. Are you a former CEO of RIM?

Just because it's an uphill battle doesn't mean it's a hopeless one. Even if the steam box isn't a massive success in and of itself it could very well breath some much needed life into the gaming market, much like the OUYA.

I'd like HL2E3 and HL3 too, but like most gamers I've gotten over it at this point. If it's between something that has the potential to fundamentally alter the market or a guaranteed $60 20-hour time-waster, I and a lot of others will take the former.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002

Also it makes no sense to tie your entire multi million/billion dollar business to what Microsoft does or doesn't do. It's a smart move by Valve, and one that will benefit those of us who'd rather not pay for a Windows license just to play games.


Why are people stuck in the 90s and think that Linux is invulnerable? Due to it's popularity, Linux is still constantly being attacked and vulnerabilities discovered - same with Windows and changes that Microsoft has made to it's system.

The only time Linux is truly more secure is when you start customizing your own installation and even compiling your own kernel. It requires far more involvement than any end-user wants to do, especially new PC owners who are just getting into gaming.

Valve is out to make money, period. They're not looking out for gamers, period. This is in their best interest to obtain other avenues and means of income - they still have to convince developers and publishers to join them, which is going to be highly doubtful.

Take off your "hate" blinders and cast your ignorance aside - look at the big picture. This doesn't benefit you in any way - odds are, you're still going to be purchasing a Windows license if you build a new PC due to other needs. And if you think I'm just looking to hate, eh, whatever - I'm pretty open about my desktop OS. Hell, I'd probably use OSX if Apple would actually support it on non-Apple hardware. I've used Linux on my desktop before as well, but I kept booting into Windows because of games.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005

Why are people stuck in the 90s and think that Linux is invulnerable? Due to it's popularity, Linux is still constantly being attacked and vulnerabilities discovered - same with Windows and changes that Microsoft has made to it's system.

The only time Linux is truly more secure is when you start customizing your own installation and even compiling your own kernel. It requires far more involvement than any end-user wants to do, especially new PC owners who are just getting into gaming.

Valve is out to make money, period. They're not looking out for gamers, period. This is in their best interest to obtain other avenues and means of income - they still have to convince developers and publishers to join them, which is going to be highly doubtful.

Take off your "hate" blinders and cast your ignorance aside - look at the big picture. This doesn't benefit you in any way - odds are, you're still going to be purchasing a Windows license if you build a new PC due to other needs. And if you think I'm just looking to hate, eh, whatever - I'm pretty open about my desktop OS. Hell, I'd probably use OSX if Apple would actually support it on non-Apple hardware. I've used Linux on my desktop before as well, but I kept booting into Windows because of games.

I already told you the only reason why I have Windows is because of games. As soon as I get an alternative I jump ship, and I know I'm not alone. I have no other reason to be stuck to Windows and if Valve helps push developers to move to Linux, then I immediately benefit and will continue to benefit until my gaming days are done.

Valve is out to make money, but as a private company with good leadership, they do care. They aren't like a Microsoft or EA where they are slaves to share holders where the constant demand for profit drives every single thing they do.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
I assume you also lambast Firefox OS, Ubuntu Phone, the OUYA and Windows Phone. I mean fuck competition and choice right? People shouldn't waste their money trying to do new stuff, or improve things. Should put their money on the status quo where it won't go to waste. Are you a former CEO of RIM?

Just because it's an uphill battle doesn't mean it's a hopeless one. Even if the steam box isn't a massive success in and of itself it could very well breath some much needed life into the gaming market, much like the OUYA.

I'd like HL2E3 and HL3 too, but like most gamers I've gotten over it at this point. If it's between something that has the potential to fundamentally alter the market or a guaranteed $60 20-hour time-waster, I and a lot of others will take the former.

It is - a distribution system like Steam has quite a bit of pull in the industry. Enough to go to developers and publishers, and get them onboard to begin with so there's some emphasis behind the concept. But that's all this is, a concept. It's cute, it's nice and it's a great concept. Many developers and publishers realize this and that's why they're not jumping on this - you don't think they'd like to give Microsoft a big fat fist up the ass?

Game changers are things like the Occulus Rift - look at what happened when Carmack put his name on it.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
I already told you the only reason why I have Windows is because of games. As soon as I get an alternative I jump ship, and I know I'm not alone. I have no other reason to be stuck to Windows.

Valve is out to make money, but as a private company with good leadership, they do care. They aren't like a Microsoft or EA where they are slaves to share holders where the constant demand for profit drives every single thing they do.

We'll have to agree to disagree here. The only reason Valve is relevant anymore is because of how tied we are to their system because of our purchases.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
I've used Linux on my desktop before as well, but I kept booting into Windows because of games.
You admit that Linux meets your needs except for gaming. If valve gets companies to provide their software for linux, would you stop using Windows? Also, if game developers use cross platform APIs and tools (OpenGL, OpenAL, etc) it can run on almost anysystem easily except for windows phone and Xbox.
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