Video: Rand Paul Supporter Stomps Head Of Female UPDATED

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I didn't exactly see what the lady did wrong from a legal perspective (i watched the video of her apparently rushing rand paul and then being tackled down, and eventually stepped on by capt. douche)

Lady : some sort of misconduct violation, disturbing the peace? Prob not enough evidence other then witness testimony

Capt. douche: assault, video evidence

I highly doubt any civil remedy is available in either of these options, but it's clear both of them could be prosecuted to a certain extent.

Technically I suppose they could both be charged with assault. I just don't see her being charged, not in the South.

Cpt. Douche: She charged into me!
Judge: You need to effin grow a pair, dude, she weighs 90 pounds.


Dec 9, 1999

I didn't exactly see what the lady did wrong from a legal perspective (i watched the video of her apparently rushing rand paul and then being tackled down, and eventually stepped on by capt. douche)

Lady : some sort of misconduct violation, disturbing the peace? Prob not enough evidence other then witness testimony

Capt. douche: assault, video evidence

I highly doubt any civil remedy is available in either of these options, but it's clear both of them could be prosecuted to a certain extent.

Go and watch the raw video PJABBER posted on page 2 of this thread, and then correct your first sentence in this quote. You think that's legal? At the very least - and I'm not a lawyer so this is just my guess - that's creating a public disturbance. Purposefully. At a political event that should be about the politics, not public disturbances.

Which this idiot full well knows, but, decided to do anyways.

Zero sympathy.


P.S. He doesn't even "stomp" her head. He firmly pushes down on her very upper back area, to give her the message to stay the F down. And, guess what: It worked. She didn't move after that.


Nov 21, 2000
Go and watch the raw video PJABBER posted on page 2 of this thread, and then correct your first sentence in this quote. You think that's legal? At the very least - and I'm not a lawyer so this is just my guess - that's creating a public disturbance. Purposefully. At a political event that should be about the politics, not public disturbances.

Which this idiot full well knows, but, decided to do anyways.

Zero sympathy.


P.S. He doesn't even "stomp" her head. He firmly pushes down on her very upper back area, to give her the message to stay the F down. And, guess what: It worked. She didn't move after that.

there are lots of things you can do to a person if your only definition of victory is that they don't move after.


Dec 9, 1999
True, but, 'she didn't move after that' doesn't mean she was knocked out, dazed, dead, whatever. It clearly shows in that video that she got the F'ing message. Horay for not handling dumbf*cks with kid gloves.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
You don't see a problem with a person wearing a disguise (wig and sunglasses) bull rushing a person running for the Senate with some kind of object in her hand? Really??

Why you hatin' someones extensions bro?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Go and watch the raw video PJABBER posted on page 2 of this thread, and then correct your first sentence in this quote. You think that's legal? At the very least - and I'm not a lawyer so this is just my guess - that's creating a public disturbance. Purposefully. At a political event that should be about the politics, not public disturbances.

Which this idiot full well knows, but, decided to do anyways.

Zero sympathy.


P.S. He doesn't even "stomp" her head. He firmly pushes down on her very upper back area, to give her the message to stay the F down. And, guess what: It worked. She didn't move after that.

She didn't move because that's her training as a professional leftist agitator. Provoke the violence, then be very passive so that her masters get good footage of passive, helpless "students" being abused. Her lack of movement, and her evident satisfaction afterward, show that she got the violence she needed. I too have zero sympathy for her and every sympathy for the man stomping her, but that doesn't make what he did right. Hell, I have some sympathy for O.J. too; that doesn't mean I wouldn't have convicted him (assuming the evidence was there.)


Aug 5, 2000
Well, I think the guy doing the "restraining" with his foot was doing it to let the lady know what he thought of her and her ilk, and not so much actually attempting to keep her head pinned to the ground.

Kind'a like a "take THAT you commie hippie skank slut you.....and THAT little toe-tap is fer not be'in a fell'a so I could really do a two-step romp-a-stomp on yer haid. Where's the stomp'in music when you need it!"


Dec 9, 1999
I understand what he did wasn't right, however, I think given the circumstances and his level of training - zero - it was not wrong enough to get more than a warning from a judge, especially given the nature of her actions.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Go and watch the raw video PJABBER posted on page 2 of this thread, and then correct your first sentence in this quote. You think that's legal? At the very least - and I'm not a lawyer so this is just my guess - that's creating a public disturbance. Purposefully. At a political event that should be about the politics, not public disturbances.

Which this idiot full well knows, but, decided to do anyways.

Zero sympathy.


P.S. He doesn't even "stomp" her head. He firmly pushes down on her very upper back area, to give her the message to stay the F down. And, guess what: It worked. She didn't move after that.

i totally agree she should have been detained by citizen responders, but "sneaking one in" like stomping a tackled football player is clearly wrong and will be punished......unless the witness wimps out

She was clearly easily detained by an unfit guy, the stomping served no purpose other than unnecessary bodily harm


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
She didn't move because that's her training as a professional leftist agitator. Provoke the violence, then be very passive so that her masters get good footage of passive, helpless "students" being abused. Her lack of movement, and her evident satisfaction afterward, show that she got the violence she needed. I too have zero sympathy for her and every sympathy for the man stomping her, but that doesn't make what he did right. Hell, I have some sympathy for O.J. too; that doesn't mean I wouldn't have convicted him (assuming the evidence was there.)

Yep, mission accomplished for her, im sure she was dying to run into someone who lacked self control. Looks like shes an ex greenpeace member so its not surprising she wants to be a martyr


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
My home county (Rhea County, TN) had an experience with professional leftist agitators. They stole (and later burned) a rollback, moved some concrete-filled barrels to block off a nuclear plant, tore up everything they could find, then spray painted what they could tear up. Local sheriff arrested them, of course, which they expect. Then things went a little off expectations. None of them carried ID. They all gave names like "George Washington" and "Abraham Lincoln". And they all expected to be released on their own recognizance. Didn't happen.

First, the sheriff decided that since none of them had ID, they'd have to be held until the judge was available for arraignment. Then the judge refused bail, since none of them could prove their identity. Those who recanted were then charged with lying to a policeman. Most of them were held for weeks, until trial, when of course they were given slaps on the wrist. In the mean time the sheriff fed them sausage biscuits for breakfast and bologna sandwiches for lunch and supper - and of course, most of them were vegans.

No way could the County recoup the damage they did, but their treatment (and subsequent indignation) was funny as hell.


Mar 5, 2001
She didn't move because that's her training as a professional leftist agitator. Provoke the violence, then be very passive so that her masters get good footage of passive, helpless "students" being abused. Her lack of movement, and her evident satisfaction afterward, show that she got the violence she needed. I too have zero sympathy for her and every sympathy for the man stomping her, but that doesn't make what he did right. Hell, I have some sympathy for O.J. too; that doesn't mean I wouldn't have convicted him (assuming the evidence was there.)

Freedom isn't free douchebag. It doesn't matter if somebody is an "agitator" in your opinion. Assault is assault, it doesn't matter if somebody was hurling words at you or getting close to your candidate, it's still assault.

It's easy to throw around the "agitator" excuse and start excluding those you don't like. It's a nice shortcut to a police state, or one that at least limits freedom of speech.

I bet you like those Free Speech zones too.


Dec 9, 1999
i totally agree she should have been detained by citizen responders, but "sneaking one in" like stomping a tackled football player is clearly wrong and will be punished......unless the witness wimps out

She was clearly easily detained by an unfit guy, the stomping served no purpose other than unnecessary bodily harm

Except he's not 'sneaking one in' because she was still struggling some even though she was down.

And for the last time, she didn't get "stomped". I've seen someone get stomped, and what you see on that video is no where F'ing close to what getting stomped really looks like.



Mar 5, 2001
My home county (Rhea County, TN) had an experience with professional leftist agitators. They stole (and later burned) a rollback, moved some concrete-filled barrels to block off a nuclear plant, tore up everything they could find, then spray painted what they could tear up. Local sheriff arrested them, of course, which they expect. Then things went a little off expectations. None of them carried ID. They all gave names like "George Washington" and "Abraham Lincoln". And they all expected to be released on their own recognizance. Didn't happen.

First, the sheriff decided that since none of them had ID, they'd have to be held until the judge was available for arraignment. Then the judge refused bail, since none of them could prove their identity. Those who recanted were then charged with lying to a policeman. Most of them were held for weeks, until trial, when of course they were given slaps on the wrist. In the mean time the sheriff fed them sausage biscuits for breakfast and bologna sandwiches for lunch and supper - and of course, most of them were vegans.

No way could the County recoup the damage they did, but their treatment (and subsequent indignation) was funny as hell.

So you're comparing vandalism to freedom of expression without damaging anything?

Gestapo much?


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
Are we watching the same video? In the one I watched here, the one PJIBBERJABBER linked on page 2, Rand Paul emerges from his vehicle and the camera tracks, following him to the left. At 0:07, the camera tracks back to the right and at 0:09 we catch a glimpse of someone in red; the camera moves in through the crowd and we get a full view of the person in red at 0:11, already being pushed forward and down by several men (PJIBBERJABBER's "femlib style football rush"); at no time does this person seem to be moving under her own volition. At 0:22, she has been pushed to the ground and one of the two brave men who have wrestled her to the ground places a foot on her shoulder while the other man holds her down. spidey's new favorite "Patriot" slides his foot forward and down, forcing the restrained woman's head against the pavement.

Is there another video? Am I missing something?


Dec 9, 1999
Freedom isn't free douchebag. It doesn't matter if somebody is an "agitator" in your opinion. Assault is assault, it doesn't matter if somebody was hurling words at you or getting close to your candidate, it's still assault.

It's easy to throw around the "agitator" excuse and start excluding those you don't like. It's a nice shortcut to a police state, or one that at least limits freedom of speech.

I bet you like those Free Speech zones too.

Except she wasn't doing that, she was ramming her way through a crowd purposefully. Nice strawman.

But to your point, the one that wasn't a strawman, I actually agree with you.

It's just that when these F'ing idiots want to push it, and they get pushed back, I don't want to see any legal BS mumbo jumbo, no going on TV and whining, nothing.

You wanted to try and be a big badass, you wanted to push it, well, you got pushed back. Take it like man and don't be a p*ssy about it.



Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
So you're comparing vandalism to freedom of expression without damaging anything?

Gestapo much?

No, merely comparing one form of douchery that damages property with another form of douchery that doesn't damage property, with both being performed by the same group of people - let's call them ticks since they are parasitic on the country.

You have the right to free speech. You do NOT have the right to have your picture taken with a candidate while holding an agitprop sign. Thanks for making Godwin proud though.


Mar 5, 2001
Except she wasn't doing that, she was ramming her way through a crowd purposefully. Nice strawman.

But to your point, the one that wasn't a strawman, I actually agree with you.

It's just that when these F'ing idiots want to push it, and they get pushed back, I don't want to see any legal BS mumbo jumbo, no going on TV and whining, nothing.

You wanted to try and be a big badass, you wanted to push it, well, you got pushed back. Take it like man and don't be a p*ssy about it.


Please interweb toughguy. You're probably sitting on the couch with your bitchtits giggling with cheetos while you listen to some teabagger commentary from Glenn Beck. Had this been one of your teabagger assclowns getting roughed up by a lefty, you'd be on here bemoaning the police state Obama the muslim has established, complaining that Sharia martial law has started, so stop the bullshit

I've pushed my way through crowds, most people don't bother. Reacting violently and "taking down" somebody, all because they are pushing through a crowd is an overreaction and assault at the very least.

I also love how it's "legal mumbo jumbo" now. Let me guess, you're one of these shitstains that wraps themselves in the Constitution when it suits you but you're more than willing to wrap a piece around your asshole to wipe a bit if you need to take a shit?


Mar 5, 2001
No, merely comparing one form of douchery that damages property with another form of douchery that doesn't damage property, with both being performed by the same group of people - let's call them ticks since they are parasitic on the country.

You have the right to free speech. You do NOT have the right to have your picture taken with a candidate while holding an agitprop sign. Thanks for making Godwin proud though.

Please, you have a *RIGHT* to be a douche free from being beaten up, assaulted, detained, or tossed to the ground and held down against your will. What one considers being "parasitic" is another's form of expression and patriotism. It's a very short road to hell to think any other way.

It's why I support Phelp's free speech, any other way is a slippery slope.

She wasn't breaking laws, the teabaggers were.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Are we watching the same video? In the one I watched here, the one PJIBBERJABBER linked on page 2, Rand Paul emerges from his vehicle and the camera tracks, following him to the left. At 0:07, the camera tracks back to the right and at 0:09 we catch a glimpse of someone in red; the camera moves in through the crowd and we get a full view of the person in red at 0:11, already being pushed forward and down by several men (PJIBBERJABBER's "femlib style football rush"); at no time does this person seem to be moving under her own volition. At 0:22, she has been pushed to the ground and one of the two brave men who have wrestled her to the ground places a foot on her shoulder while the other man holds her down. spidey's new favorite "Patriot" slides his foot forward and down, forcing the restrained woman's head against the pavement.

Is there another video? Am I missing something?

We're watching the same video, just we're watching it in a world without unicorns. She isn't being pushed, she's being chased down.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
I guess according to the Tea Baggers, the only citizen discontent allowed is the discontent aimed at the Black President.

no room for anyone else to be angry at their government.

Anyone other than "We the People" just gets stomped on...thats the REAL America for you true believers of Freedom and Liberty.


Dec 9, 1999
Poor little whiny liberal, got your g-string in a twist because your strawman got called out? LOL at you "pushing through crowds"...sure you did internet toughguy...those cheetos, pick them off your moobs before they stain your shirt.

If you took the time to read through the thread, which my posts are a part of, instead of whining like a typical little bleeding heart, you'd already see I posted that if this "foot stomper" guy did something like this at a MoveOn rally you were at, I'd be just fine with him getting the same treatment.

Poor poor little confused, so confused...


Dec 9, 1999
P.S. The legal mumbo jumbo will be the inevitable MoveOn, joined with the ACLU of course, filing suit for this totally pure at heart, innocent, gentle woman, just getting demolished by all those raving Tea Partiers who were out raging the neighborhood.


Fire up the base, fire up the base!!! We're going to lose big in Nov. and we need to stem the flow!!!

Unreal you F'ing idiot make the idiot Righties seem sane...
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