Video released in fatal police shooting of unarmed Oklahoma man


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
This is the original report
A man was shot by a police officer Friday night after he reportedly reached into a stalled vehicle in the middle of a north Tulsa road instead of complying with officers' commands to raise his hands.

An officer had stopped about 7:40 p.m. to investigate why the sport utility vehicle was stalled in the middle of 36th Street North, just west of Lewis Avenue, while the officer was on his or her way to another call, police spokeswoman Jeanne MacKenzie said.

Before getting out of the car, the officer radioed for backup.

As that officer and the backing officer walked toward the SUV, a man — identified only as 40 years old and black — apparently approached the two officers from the side of the road, MacKenzie said.

The officers ordered the man multiple times to put his hands up, and the man reportedly didn't comply before reaching into the SUV. One officer deployed a Taser at the man, and shortly thereafter the other officer fired one shot, MacKenzie said.

This is what actually happened

The footage showed Crutcher walking back towards his car with his hands raised in the air. He placed his hands on the side of the SUV.

Four officers surrounded him, and they obscured what happened at the moment police said he had been hit with the stun gun and the shot from Shelby's gun.

"He's got his hands up there for her now," an officer could be heard saying in the video from the helicopter as it hovered overhead.

"Time for a Taser, I think," another officer said as the four officers pointed their weapons toward Cutcher from a few feet away.
The officers then backed away from the bloodied man, according to the footage.
May 13, 2009
Why did he continue walking to the car? I agree cops are way too trigger happy but wtf would you give them even the slightest reason to shoot you?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Why did he continue walking to the car? I agree cops are way too trigger happy but wtf would you give them even the slightest reason to shoot you?

He was probably told to get his ID. Not that police claims on this hold any water, they all lied about the case and anything they say in their defense is worthless. Can only hope those pigs get what they deserve. But I'm not holding my breath, probably enough racist white trash down there to defend them.
Reactions: Humpy


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Why do people always make it about race? This happens to white people. It's not about race in those instances, so why would I think that's the only conclusion when it involves a black person? The amount of black people killed by police correlates well with their violent crime rate. You can see this violent crime correlation with Asians being killed less than whites (really, the cops have a racial animus towards there own?) In fact, there are several studies that suggest that there is no racial difference in the use of deadly force, or if there is, it's in favor of blacks.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
Why did he continue walking to the car? I agree cops are way too trigger happy but wtf would you give them even the slightest reason to shoot you?
Why is it the role of the amateur to ensure that the professional behaves accordingly? Such a standard doesn't apply in any other field. If a doctor causes harm to a patient, nobody blames the patient. Or if a student is assaulted by a teacher, no one blames the student. But if a civilian in a traffic stop is assaulted or killed by a police officer, inevitably we blame the civilian for actually fairly shallow reasons overall.

Why do people always make it about race? This happens to white people. It's not about race in those instances, so why would I think that's the only conclusion when it involves a black person? The amount of black people killed by police correlates well with their violent crime rate. You can see this violent crime correlation with Asians being killed less than whites (really, the cops have a racial animus towards there own?) In fact, there are several studies that suggest that there is no racial difference in the use of deadly force, or if there is, it's in favor of blacks.
I think that pretty much every formal study on this topic says the complete opposite of what you are asserting. I assure you that there is no credible literature to support your claims, but there is a mountain of literature supporting discriminatory practices against african american's by US police departments, practices that also allow for the unlawful use of force again this very vulnerable population.

In regards to the case, I find it odd that officers in observance were calling for a taser, that one officer used a taser and that another used deadly force, and by description the officer using deadly force was immediately overcome with paralytic emotion. I would wonder if we had another mixup like prior where a taser was meant to be used, but someone with inexperience made an error.
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Why is it the role of the amateur to ensure that the professional behaves accordingly? Such a standard doesn't apply in any other field. If a doctor causes harm to a patient, nobody blames the patient. Or if a student is assaulted by a teacher, no one blames the student. But if a civilian in a traffic stop is assaulted or killed by a police officer, inevitably we blame the civilian for actually fairly shallow reasons overall.

No, to the contrary, people make asinine judgments on the cops. Why do you think the BLM examples (Garner, Brown, etc.) are so piss-poor?

The media has investigated this issue by trying to fill in the blanks of the FBI data. Guess what? Most of the time, the officers were already shot at or the perp brandished a weapon or whatever. People aren't getting killed just because they were walking. More evidence to this is the fact that even though video evidence of police interactions has increased, the amount killed each year has stayed the same. If the BLM theory was correct, the cops should be refraining shooting since it's on tape, but that's not what is happening.

“In 74 percent of all fatal police shootings, the individuals had already fired shots, brandished a gun or attacked a person with a weapon or their bare hands, according to an analysis of actions immediately preceding the shootings, which draws on reports from law enforcement agencies and local media coverage. These 595 cases include fatal shootings that followed a wide range of violent crimes, including shootouts, stabbings, hostage situations, carjackings and assaults.
Another 16 percent of the shootings came after incidents that did not involve firearms or active attacks but featured other potentially dangerous threats. These shootings were most commonly of individuals who brandished knives and refused to drop them.

I think that pretty much every formal study on this topic says the complete opposite of what you are asserting. I assure you that there is no credible literature to support your claims, but there is a mountain of literature supporting discriminatory practices against african american's by US police departments, practices that also allow for the unlawful use of force again this very vulnerable population.

I said use of deadly force. And even then, contextual factors could be different ( i.e. black people more likely to resist, etc.) as to resulting in more handcuffing or whatever.

Black cops shoot and kill more often than white cops, btw.
Reactions: x26


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Why did he continue walking to the car? I agree cops are way too trigger happy but wtf would you give them even the slightest reason to shoot you?

People act like she rationally pulled the trigger. I'd say it's a fair game at this point to figure out why, it's very likely she pulled the trigger out of intense irrational anxiety/fear. She perceived a deadly force situation when actually it did not exist.

Looks like a slam dunk for negligent manslaughter.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I'd like to know why backup (including police helicopter) was called over a stalled car in the road.
I'd also like to know what was going through the officers head as they were backing away from the man bleeding on the ground.


Oct 22, 1999
In regards to the case, I find it odd that officers in observance were calling for a taser, that one officer used a taser and that another used deadly force, and by description the officer using deadly force was immediately overcome with paralytic emotion. I would wonder if we had another mixup like prior where a taser was meant to be used, but someone with inexperience made an error.

That incident also happened in Tulsa.


Oct 22, 1999
I'd like to know why backup (including police helicopter) was called over a stalled car in the road.
I'd also like to know what was going through the officers head as they were backing away from the man bleeding on the ground.

Dead men tell no tales.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
She said her brother had left a class at Tulsa Community College when his SUV stalled on East 36th Street North at around 8pm.

An attorney for the Crutcher family, Damario Solomon-Simmons told reporters Saturday that Crutcher was in the area because his car stalled and officers saw him while on an unrelated call and approached.

Officers came across Mr Crutcher's stalled vehicle while they were en route to another call, reports say.

Police said he refused to follow commands.

Shelby's lawyer, Scott Wood, told the Times that the officer thought Crutcher had a weapon. The lawyer added that Crutcher allegedly refused to comply with orders.

Jordan said at the news conference that Shelby came across Crutcher while on her way to another call. She requested back up, alleging that the man was not cooperating, he said.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
I'd also like to know what was going through the officers head as they were backing away from the man bleeding on the ground.

When asked why police did not provide immediate assistance once Crutcher was down, MacKenzie (Tulsa PD spokesperson) said: “I don’t know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people.”

Fucking retards.
Reactions: PianoMan


Jun 23, 2004
Large correction / retraction based on clear evidence.

This is the original report...

I watched the video. The original report IS what actually happened. Insofar as the opening line.
"A man was shot by a police officer Friday night after he reportedly reached into a stalled vehicle"
That's proven by the video.

So he ignored police orders after guns drawn and lead officers backwards some 20-30 feet back to the vehicle where he then turned and reached inside said vehicle.

A person ignoring orders and reaching is a HUGE red flag. That's the scenario they're trained to shoot for.
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Reactions: PianoMan
Feb 16, 2005
When asked why police did not provide immediate assistance once Crutcher was down, MacKenzie (Tulsa PD spokesperson) said: “I don’t know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people.”

Fucking retards.
Seriously? That was an acceptable answer? FFS...


Jun 5, 2000
ALWAYS follow the lawful orders of police IMMEDIATELY!
This isn't a color, race, creed, or religious issue. Unless this was an accidental discharge, this "unarmed citizen" created a very dangerous situation by NOT complying. One DOESNT have the "right" to walk back to one's vehicle after being told otherwise. The fact he didn't have a weapon wasnt known until AFTER the "citizen" refused to comply. Police don't have the luxury of knowing what they don't know at the time. Seeing a video doesn't make YOU an expert concerning police work or the law. Stop judging what you don't understand and think you do.
Reactions: x26
Dec 10, 2005
New ALWAYS follow the lawful orders of police IMMEDIATELY!
That's great and all, but maybe the police should be a little more cautious about when and who they shoot. They're the ones that are supposed to be trained professionals. The general public might *know* to obey the police, but they're the amateurs of the situation - Joe Public may not always react properly. I don't think reacting awkwardly should result in immediate death.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
I watched the video. The original report IS what actually happened. Insofar as the opening line.
"A man was shot by a police officer Friday night after he reportedly reached into a stalled vehicle"​
That's proven by the video.

So he ignored police orders after guns drawn and lead officers backwards some 20-30 feet back to the vehicle where he then turned and reached inside said vehicle.

A person ignoring orders and reaching is a HUGE red flag. That's the scenario they're trained to shoot for.

He shouldn't have been allowed to get close to his vehicle without an attempt at tasing him. They are trained for this and it was a huge fuck up to let it get to a point where everyone was in more danger.


Aug 21, 2007
ALWAYS follow the lawful orders of police IMMEDIATELY!
This isn't a color, race, creed, or religious issue. Unless this was an accidental discharge, this "unarmed citizen" created a very dangerous situation by NOT complying. One DOESNT have the "right" to walk back to one's vehicle after being told otherwise. The fact he didn't have a weapon wasnt known until AFTER the "citizen" refused to comply. Police don't have the luxury of knowing what they don't know at the time. Seeing a video doesn't make YOU an expert concerning police work or the law. Stop judging what you don't understand and think you do.

Not sure I have all the facts here, but non-compliance with a policeman's order isn't sufficient reason to cap the guy. I would think the officer would have to reasonably perceive a serious threat.

The video doesn't make clear if the guy was threatening,


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
No, to the contrary, people make asinine judgments on the cops. Why do you think the BLM examples (Garner, Brown, etc.) are so piss-poor?

The media has investigated this issue by trying to fill in the blanks of the FBI data. Guess what? Most of the time, the officers were already shot at or the perp brandished a weapon or whatever. People aren't getting killed just because they were walking. More evidence to this is the fact that even though video evidence of police interactions has increased, the amount killed each year has stayed the same. If the BLM theory was correct, the cops should be refraining shooting since it's on tape, but that's not what is happening.

“In 74 percent of all fatal police shootings, the individuals had already fired shots, brandished a gun or attacked a person with a weapon or their bare hands, according to an analysis of actions immediately preceding the shootings, which draws on reports from law enforcement agencies and local media coverage. These 595 cases include fatal shootings that followed a wide range of violent crimes, including shootouts, stabbings, hostage situations, carjackings and assaults.
Another 16 percent of the shootings came after incidents that did not involve firearms or active attacks but featured other potentially dangerous threats. These shootings were most commonly of individuals who brandished knives and refused to drop them.

I said use of deadly force. And even then, contextual factors could be different ( i.e. black people more likely to resist, etc.) as to resulting in more handcuffing or whatever.

Black cops shoot and kill more often than white cops, btw.

I'm not really sure what you're arguing here. No one isn't saying that police kills aren't justified some of the time or even most of the time (assuming you realize justification in general is done entirely by the persons doing the shooting). No one would believe that they are always justified either and the fact that many of these case result in large payments for wrongful death suggests it's not quite as kosher or rosy as you think. Also the fact that African American police officers may violate the rights of African Americans as much as their white counterparts doesn't really reflect on the presence or absence of racism within a police department but rather on the process of acculturation. For example, people who live in one country have certain rates of disease (like obesity) and then when they become part of another country assimilate and acquire those rates of disease to match the host country . That doesn't reflect on the role of genetics in obesity or discount the existence of a genetic component. It just is an observation that describes a different phenomena.

What I do wonder is why we blame the victim. Again if a doctor harms a patient and it is deemed as justified or unavoidable, no one blames the patient for having the physical structure, or history, or behavior and makeup that contributed to harm? We only as a society have just started moving away from blaming victims of rape as well. I just don't understand why with any police shooting immediately we are quick to blame the dead person who was a complete amateur at police interactions rather than ask questions about the professional who is formally trained and does this all the time.
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Jun 23, 2004
Not sure I have all the facts here, but non-compliance with a policeman's order isn't sufficient reason to cap the guy. I would think the officer would have to reasonably perceive a serious threat.

The video doesn't make clear if the guy was threatening,

Prior to the shooting, the last thing we saw clearly was him REACHING into the vehicle.
Yes folks, that's a serious threatening action. Do not do that while 4 guns are drawn on you.
Reactions: PianoMan


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2007
Don't know how U.S. has right to accuse other countries like China or Philippines.

It's getting worse right here in our own land.


Jun 23, 2004
Don't know how U.S. has right to accuse other countries like China or Philippines.

It's getting worse right here in our own land.

No, it is not. You are seeing what has always been.
Society has only recently given us the capacity to experience these situations as they happen to others.

And pray tell, what is wrong? A man died, yes. But his actions were textbook police training on when you shoot.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2007
The last thing, prior to the shooting, we saw clearly was him REACHING into the vehicle.
Yes folks, that's a serious threatening action. Do not do that while 4 guns are drawn on you.

Did he attempt to open vehicle's door?
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