Vista ANI Exploit Patch Plagued With More Problems

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Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
my linux box got hacked, it's not as secure as V1st@!!1!

I turned on ssh with root password of "test" and allowed root ssh access, so L1nUX is crap!1!!

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod

?Windows Vista was built from the ground up to simplify how people work together, find information, reduce IT costs, improve security and enable mobile environments,? said Shanen Boettcher, general manager of Windows Client Product Management at Microsoft.


Wow Quinton. Your genius has caused me to see the light! With my newfound brilliance...


Yes, it's true. Apparently Linux was written by ion communications and engard linux, and dozens and dozens of other companies that show up when you throw the catch phrase "built from the ground up" through any popular search engine!
We've Built Embedded Linux Operating Systems from the ground up
EnGarde Secure Linux is not just another "repackaged" Linux distribution, but a modern open source system built from the ground up to provide secure services in the threatening world of the modern Internet.

See, just look at those quotes! They built it from the ground up and didn't re-use any code whatsoever from someone else kernel!

lol so?
I could care less. I'm a *nix advocate. I support Unix and Linux (that includes OS 10). I used to support Windows until I realized that Microsoft seriously does not care about their userbase. They constantly lie and take their time with security threats. They then turn around and design an OS for media corporations and not their own users. Their priorities are messed up.


Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: nweaver
my linux box got hacked, it's not as secure as V1st@!!1!

I turned on ssh with root password of "test" and allowed root ssh access, so L1nUX is crap!1!!



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
And according to Microsoft, Vista was built from the ground up.

You do understand that it's possible to build something and still reuse existing parts to do so, right?

Yet another example of Windows users avoiding and outright denying the facts.

Are you calling me a Windows user? If so, that's got to be one of the funniest things you've ever posted.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Nothinman
And according to Microsoft, Vista was built from the ground up.

You do understand that it's possible to build something and still reuse existing parts to do so, right?

Yet another example of Windows users avoiding and outright denying the facts.

Are you calling me a Windows user? If so, that's got to be one of the funniest things you've ever posted.

Nothinman. You know me well enough that when I say Windows users avoid the facts that I'm referencing what I said in a previous post you replied to. You know my stance on this issue and you know it's true.

I do understand that it's possible to build something and reuse existing parts. However, a huge chunk of Vista has been "reused". So, why say from the ground up? They never did with Windows XP or Windows 2000. PR spin? Indeed.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
I could care less. I'm a *nix advocate.

A) You mean you "couldn't care less".
B) Your type of advocacy is the kind that makes people less interested in using Linux.

I used to support Windows until I realized that Microsoft seriously does not care about their userbase. They constantly lie and take their time with security threats. They then turn around and design an OS for media corporations and not their own users. Their priorities are messed up.

Welcome to the world of commercial software, MS is not alone in any of those regards and actually they're the most liberal in a lot of them. And you're either a huge hypocrite or just really uninformed because you say that you also support OS X (and you also write it incorrectly as OS 10) and yet Apple is also supporting the media corporations just as much by selling DRM'd music and their OS is one of the most restrictive in that it can only be installed on Apple branded hardware.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Oh yeah, still waiting for an answer from here

Originally posted by: loup garou
Please post quotes of anyone you've argued with in this thread saying Vista is invincible.

C'mon, troll, do it.



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
I do understand that it's possible to build something and reuse existing parts. However, a huge chunk of Vista has been "reused". So, why say from the ground up? They never did with Windows XP or Windows 2000. PR spin? Indeed.

Of course it's PR, hell calling it Windows Vista instead of NT 6.0 is PR because cool names are easier to remember. The same was true of XP and Windows 2000 so why make a big deal about Vista? And why do you take offense when MS uses those terms it but not when other companies like Ion Communications or Engarde Linux do?


Aug 21, 2002
Of course it's not built from the ground up. Did you honestly think they threw out EVERY line of code they had? Hell... there are commands in Windows that originated in Linux if I'm not mistaken...


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Hell... there are commands in Windows that originated in Linux if I'm not mistaken...

Originally their TCP/IP stack had large chunks of BSD code, I think the cli ftp client even still had the BSD copyright in the binary, but I don't know if that's still true and it wasn't from Linux anyway.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Hell... there are commands in Windows that originated in Linux if I'm not mistaken...

Originally their TCP/IP stack had large chunks of BSD code, I think the cli ftp client even still had the BSD copyright in the binary, but I don't know if that's still true and it wasn't from Linux anyway.

I was referring to "at" specifically. I was told that was a command used in Linux way back when before it appeared in Windows. Yeah... not a big deal and by no means significant... but my point is that it's highly unlikely that any OS will ever be written entirely from scratch. There's too much existing code that just plain works and it would be ridiculous to rewrite it for the sake of writing new code.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
And netstat and pretty much anything to do with networking is all Unix-originated.

That's why in the Windows command line the slashes go one way, but when your dealing with websites explorer the slashes go the other way.

The only part of 'Longhorn' Microsoft wanted to realy rewrite was their Explorer.exe shell in managed code, which they gave up on. Otherwise it was always going to be NT-based.

Rewriting a OS from scratch nowadays is just a stupid idea.



No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Smilin
I'm going home now before this thread turns me stupid.

...damn, too late I've slobbered.

Blast you Quinton!

LMAO, I used to read Quinton's threads with the same fascination that one might find in a car wreck. It's really gotten tedious in the past couple of weeks though. I think I'd have an easier time explaining grammar and computer fundamentals to my cats...


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod

?Windows Vista was built from the ground up to simplify how people work together, find information, reduce IT costs, improve security and enable mobile environments,? said Shanen Boettcher, general manager of Windows Client Product Management at Microsoft.


Wow Quinton. Your genius has caused me to see the light! With my newfound brilliance...


Yes, it's true. Apparently Linux was written by ion communications and engard linux, and dozens and dozens of other companies that show up when you throw the catch phrase "built from the ground up" through any popular search engine!
We've Built Embedded Linux Operating Systems from the ground up
EnGarde Secure Linux is not just another "repackaged" Linux distribution, but a modern open source system built from the ground up to provide secure services in the threatening world of the modern Internet.

See, just look at those quotes! They built it from the ground up and didn't re-use any code whatsoever from someone else kernel!

lol so?
I could care less. I'm a *nix advocate. I support Unix and Linux (that includes OS 10). I used to support Windows until I realized that Microsoft seriously does not care about their userbase. They constantly lie and take their time with security threats. They then turn around and design an OS for media corporations and not their own users. Their priorities are messed up.

Don't take this the wrong way, but why do you feel the need to advocate? I'm satisfied with what I use, and feel no drive to foist it on others. Would it not be easier and less confrontational for you assumed the same posture?


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2005
"I killed a spider this morning because my girlfriend gets freaked out by them."

OMG I'M A MURDERER! plz dnt call police, i alrede have 3 past comvictions!

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Nothinman
I could care less. I'm a *nix advocate.

A) You mean you "couldn't care less".
B) Your type of advocacy is the kind that makes people less interested in using Linux.

I used to support Windows until I realized that Microsoft seriously does not care about their userbase. They constantly lie and take their time with security threats. They then turn around and design an OS for media corporations and not their own users. Their priorities are messed up.

Welcome to the world of commercial software, MS is not alone in any of those regards and actually they're the most liberal in a lot of them. And you're either a huge hypocrite or just really uninformed because you say that you also support OS X (and you also write it incorrectly as OS 10) and yet Apple is also supporting the media corporations just as much by selling DRM'd music and their OS is one of the most restrictive in that it can only be installed on Apple branded hardware.

A) No. I mean't I could care less. It goes both way, so we're both right.

B) Ya think so? Personal opinion on your part.

C) No, I meant OS 10 because that is how it is spoken. I don't normally use roman numbers in my text, so why should it be different with the title of OS 10?

Apple was forced to bide by the RIAA's rules and I understand that. However, I never said I was an "Apple" advocate. I said I was a *nix advocate and included OS 10. Not because it was made by Apple. I am because it's based from Unix.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: mechBgon
LOL so you've been lampooned using your own chosen tactics

Oh, and


No. I could see through his little ploy, so I decided to not dignify it with an intelligent response.

If you read into what he's saying, you can see that it's stupid and the logic to it is pointless. For example. If you say you're going to build a Linux OS from the ground up, it's obvious that you're going to use the Linux kernel. Why is it so obvious? Because the word "Linux" is there. So, obviously, it technically isn't being built from the ground up.

As far as Vista is concerned, Microsoft never said their code was based from anything. They just said from the ground up.

So, it was an blatant attempt to aim for my ankles with his little post and I saw right through it.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod

?Windows Vista was built from the ground up to simplify how people work together, find information, reduce IT costs, improve security and enable mobile environments,? said Shanen Boettcher, general manager of Windows Client Product Management at Microsoft.


Wow Quinton. Your genius has caused me to see the light! With my newfound brilliance...


Yes, it's true. Apparently Linux was written by ion communications and engard linux, and dozens and dozens of other companies that show up when you throw the catch phrase "built from the ground up" through any popular search engine!
We've Built Embedded Linux Operating Systems from the ground up
EnGarde Secure Linux is not just another "repackaged" Linux distribution, but a modern open source system built from the ground up to provide secure services in the threatening world of the modern Internet.

See, just look at those quotes! They built it from the ground up and didn't re-use any code whatsoever from someone else kernel!

lol so?
I could care less. I'm a *nix advocate. I support Unix and Linux (that includes OS 10). I used to support Windows until I realized that Microsoft seriously does not care about their userbase. They constantly lie and take their time with security threats. They then turn around and design an OS for media corporations and not their own users. Their priorities are messed up.

Don't take this the wrong way, but why do you feel the need to advocate? I'm satisfied with what I use, and feel no drive to foist it on others. Would it not be easier and less confrontational for you assumed the same posture?

I advocate because people don't realize that they give up a part of their freedoms by using Vista. You may be satisfied, but that doesn't mean you aren't imprisoned. Read Microsoft's EULA for Vista. You are practically agreeing for Microsoft to say, "Your PC does not belong to you. You are renting it."


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Q, I'm well aware of what I'm getting into, and it has very little to do with TRUE lost freedoms. It's all about business. That may be a dirty word to some people, but business makes the world go round. As for me being imprisoned, well, be healthy dude, let ME decide what value I see in what. I can easily offer you this "freedom", without badgering, hyperbole and innuendo. Can't you do the same for me, and the rest of the folks here?

I've had Vista installed for all of 3-days now, and I'm very pleased with it. Nothing you can type is going to change this.

Here's some advice from a person who's probably been around a fair sight longer than you: seek out the company of people who share your passion for this, and feel superior to all of us poor fools who REALLY don't care about this issue as much as you.

I'm not going to switch my OS because you finally find the right combination of words to throw at me. I seriously doubt that anyone here will respond any differently.


Platinum Member
Apr 27, 2006
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
If you read into what he's saying, you can see that it's stupid and the logic to it is pointless.

Thread summary.

For example. If you say you're going to build a Linux OS from the ground up, it's obvious that you're going to use the Linux kernel. Why is it so obvious? Because the word "Linux" is there. So, obviously, it technically isn't being built from the ground up.

You mean you haven't heard of Windows Vista?

As far as Vista is concerned, Microsoft never said their code was based from anything. They just said from the ground up.

It's been public knowledge for a good while that Vista is based on the NT kernel. Apparently you were the only one that didn't get the memo.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
I advocate because people don't realize that they give up a part of their freedoms by using Vista. You may be satisfied, but that doesn't mean you aren't imprisoned. Read Microsoft's EULA for Vista. You are practically agreeing for Microsoft to say, "Your PC does not belong to you. You are renting it."

Ah, right. And people are forced at gunpoint to click "I Accept" and continue, aren't they?

Go back to your open source forums or wherever you came from, and quit trolling.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Q, I'm well aware of what I'm getting into, and it has very little to do with TRUE lost freedoms. It's all about business. That may be a dirty word to some people, but business makes the world go round. As for me being imprisoned, well, be healthy dude, let ME decide what value I see in what. I can easily offer you this "freedom", without badgering, hyperbole and innuendo. Can't you do the same for me, and the rest of the folks here?

I've had Vista installed for all of 3-days now, and I'm very pleased with it. Nothing you can type is going to change this.

Here's some advice from a person who's probably been around a fair sight longer than you: seek out the company of people who share your passion for this, and feel superior to all of us poor fools who REALLY don't care about this issue as much as you.

I'm not going to switch my OS because you finally find the right combination of words to throw at me. I seriously doubt that anyone here will respond any differently.

What do you consider a TRUE freedom? If you buy a Microwave from me and then 2 months later I take it back. How would you feel? Cheated, wouldn't you? What makes Vista any different? If you bought it, it's yours. That is how everything works. According to Microsoft's EULA, you do NOT own Vista. You are merely renting it.

Your excuse is business. Does Windows XP prevent you from finishing this so called business you speak of? Would Linux or OS 10 prevent you from completing this business? Of course not. So, using "business" as an excuse is an old and tired one.

I've had Vista for much longer than you have. 3 days worth of experience is nothing. Try several months. You will then realize the errors of your mistakes. If you want to use Vista, then fine. Be my guest. However, you do realize that you are giving up a use that your computer once had; many uses in fact.



Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
What do you consider a TRUE freedom? If you buy a Microwave from me and then 2 months later I take it back. How would you feel? Cheated, wouldn't you? What makes Vista any different? If you bought it, it's yours. That is how everything works. According to Microsoft's EULA, you do NOT own Vista. You are merely renting it.

Your excuse is business. Does Windows XP prevent you from finishing this so called business you speak of? Would Linux or OS 10 prevent you from completing this business? Of course not. So, using "business" as an excuse is an old and tired one.

I've had Vista for much longer than you have. 3 days worth of experience is nothing. Try several months. You will then realize the errors of your mistakes. If you want to use Vista, then fine. Be my guest. However, you do realize that you are giving up a use that your computer once had; many uses in fact.
Quinton care to explain what you mean by you are simply renting your computer if you use Vista? What functionality is Microsoft preventing you from using?
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