Info Vitamin B6


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
I've been taking Rainbow Light's Men's One multivitamin for about 5-7 years.
  • I used to have trouble feeling energetic after any amount of sleep (8 hours+/etc), I'd feel like a trainwreck.
  • That feeling lasted every day for at least 5 years itself, I thought that was a normal feeling, it'd take me a couple hours to really "wake up".
  • I was working long hours, eating junk food (McDonalds and pizza multiple times a week), not taking care of myself, not getting vitamins naturally.
  • My buddy asked if I took any OTC multivitamins, so he recommended I try.
I started taking Rainbow Light's multivitamin and the next 7 out of 8 nights I woke up with almost full energy and thought I found a magic potion.

Other vitamins aside, it contains 1250% of your daily B6 (25mg).
  • B6 is supposed to be water soluble, as the other B Vitamins.
  • It can build up over time.
  • A detriment of B6 can result in sensory neuropathy.
  • High levels of B6 can also result in sensory neuropathy (blocks nutrients being delivered to cells)
6 months ago I started suffering mild neuropathy in my toes (especially at night). It's gotten worse since I've been on a healthy diet. Neuropathy is basically burning/stabbing/aching pain in your nerves (they're dying!). It's an annoying and can be depressing condition.

Doctors ran a bunch of tests (EMG and blood tests) recently and we discovered my B6 level indicates toxicity (very high).
  • I've immediately stopped taking the OTC multivitamin.
  • I'm going to get my B6 levels checked again in 4 months.
  • There's no guarantee of reversibility of my neuropathic damage/symptoms, but "only time will tell".
This is a friendly message to those who take over the counter multivitamins without talking to your doctor or knowing what you're taking. Talk to your doctor, and at least in my case, check your B6 level in your vitamin.

Make sure it's at 100% DV or less...
Reactions: KristiJ55


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
Too much of a good thing is never good. I bet you would have gotten similar results without the dangerous levels of B6 if you had simply cut fast food and eaten fresh food.

Everyone should be eating food that gives them enough nutrients that they don't need to take multivitamins. It's such a racket and encourages poor diets, but I understand that it is necessary for some people in certain cases.
Reactions: 007ELmO


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
Good thing you caught this in time. And yes most of the time multivitamins are a waste of money, and as you found out, can be dangerous.
Reactions: 007ELmO


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
Agreed, I wonder how many other people out there just pop a multivitamin from OTC without realizing it or talking to their doctor.

Unfortunately I don't know if I caught it in time, 6 months of nerve damage has been occurring and it's only been a week off the vitamin, it's still tough to sleep with the pain.

I'm trying to drink more water to see if it helps flush out the "water soluble" vitamin (lol), but I think it will be in the 3-4 month range before I realize I may not be having any nerve pain anymore.

The weird part is my multivitamin also had major B1 (1667%) and B-12, but those levels are normal in my body where-as B6 is 4x the max level. I read B6 is not as water soluble as the others, though.

In this case, I hope for nerve repair somehow.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
Agreed, I wonder how many other people out there just pop a multivitamin from OTC without realizing it or talking to their doctor.

Unfortunately I don't know if I caught it in time, 6 months of nerve damage has been occurring and it's only been a week off the vitamin, it's still tough to sleep with the pain.

I'm trying to drink more water to see if it helps flush out the "water soluble" vitamin (lol), but I think it will be in the 3-4 month range before I realize I may not be having any nerve pain anymore.

The weird part is my multivitamin also had major B1 (1667%) and B-12, but those levels are normal in my body where-as B6 is 4x the max level. I read B6 is not as water soluble as the others, though.

In this case, I hope for nerve repair somehow.
Good luck on your recovery. Both the FDA and vitamin manufacturers should make it very clear that they are medicines and drugs and should be only used when needed.
Reactions: 007ELmO


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Good reminder. I've been worried I have too much B6 (I tested high for it back last January). Ugh. Trouble is, it's mixed in with other multivitamins. So if I cut B6, I cut the other Bs.

PLUS there's B6 mixed in with my 5HTP - which means that 5HTP gets converted to serotonin in my gut, thanks to B6, and thus boosts serotonin in my bloodstream, which really helps. But ... I feel I need to target my brain too. Absorbing p5p-B6 under the tongue lets it hit the brain unmolested and the B6/5HTP combo is synthesized into serotonin in the brain, rather than the gut.

If I could sleep I'd do without all this supplementing. I'm basically working on staying alive without sleep.

  • If you have nerve pain try inositol.
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Golden Member
Jul 14, 2003
I'm trying to drink more water to see if it helps flush out the "water soluble" vitamin (lol), but I think it will be in the 3-4 month range before I realize I may not be having any nerve pain anymore.

Out of curiosity, how much water would you estimate you were drinking on average per day over the years? How much are you trying to intake per day currently?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I've been taking Rainbow Light's Men's One multivitamin for about 5-7 years.
  • I used to have trouble feeling energetic after any amount of sleep (8 hours+/etc), I'd feel like a trainwreck.
  • That feeling lasted every day for at least 5 years itself, I thought that was a normal feeling, it'd take me a couple hours to really "wake up".
  • I was working long hours, eating junk food (McDonalds and pizza multiple times a week), not taking care of myself, not getting vitamins naturally.
  • My buddy asked if I took any OTC multivitamins, so he recommended I try.
I started taking Rainbow Light's multivitamin and the next 7 out of 8 nights I woke up with almost full energy and thought I found a magic potion.

Other vitamins aside, it contains 1250% of your daily B6 (25mg).
  • B6 is supposed to be water soluble, as the other B Vitamins.
  • It can build up over time.
  • A detriment of B6 can result in sensory neuropathy.
  • High levels of B6 can also result in sensory neuropathy (blocks nutrients being delivered to cells)
6 months ago I started suffering mild neuropathy in my toes (especially at night). It's gotten worse since I've been on a healthy diet. Neuropathy is basically burning/stabbing/aching pain in your nerves (they're dying!). It's an annoying and can be depressing condition.

Doctors ran a bunch of tests (EMG and blood tests) recently and we discovered my B6 level indicates toxicity (very high).
  • I've immediately stopped taking the OTC multivitamin.
  • I'm going to get my B6 levels checked again in 4 months.
  • There's no guarantee of reversibility of my neuropathic damage/symptoms, but "only time will tell".
This is a friendly message to those who take over the counter multivitamins without talking to your doctor or knowing what you're taking. Talk to your doctor, and at least in my case, check your B6 level in your vitamin.

Make sure it's at 100% DV or less...

Curious, you said it’s possible to reverse the damage, what were you told?

I too ODed on vitamin B and now I got that great feeling that my toes are on fire.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
Out of curiosity, how much water would you estimate you were drinking on average per day over the years? How much are you trying to intake per day currently?

Probably only 3 bottles (24oz) a day of pure water a day, but liquid in other forms. My diet was really bad before (fast food and junk food, on fruits and no vegetables).

Even now I'm still at only 3 bottles of water, but I have a heavy liquid diet (16oz of smoothies). I'm probably still not getting enough water as per the equation goes.

I usually do a lot of gardening during the spring/summer, which causes me to drink a lot more than the average person (I think), but in winter I'm pretty much stuck inside.

I'm on a diuretic because I have high BP, so the more water I have in my body it just gets expelled as quickly as possible anyway, but I'm trying to help remove B6 too, lol.

I'm not a super overweight person to give you guys an idea, I was 5'9 194 at my peak about 4 months ago (which I call fat), I'm now at 169ish lbs. I'm trying to get back to 155 lbs.

Curious, you said it’s possible to reverse the damage, what were you told?

I too ODed on vitamin B and now I got that great feeling that my toes are on fire.

I was told "only time will tell", in regards to trying to lower my B6 level and seeing if things heal (doctor has a 4 month checkup to give you an idea of the length of time he'd expect levels to change).

I read a few medical articles, specifically overdosed on B6 because of artificial/supplements (I read it's nearly "impossible" to overdose on B6 via a diet). The 85 year old woman was taken off her supplements (which contained B6) and after 3 months, neuropathy was reversed.

I also read B6 deficiency is "easy" to fix, you just add a supplement (or change your diet), while B6 toxicity's outcome is more difficult to reverse.

In both cases they should be caught "quickly" in order to try and reverse any damage.

I think the human's body to heal is constantly tested (second by second basis), and it informs us of something it's not able to heal itself (like neuropathic damage).

Some reports of reversals were from people who were taking very high B6 supplements for only "weeks" and were able to reverse after being off it for a "short period of time."

I've been taking supplements for 5+ years, and now have progressing neuropathy in my toes/feet for 6 months. I will give it 4 months to see if anything gets better. Nerve pain is not something that comes and goes overnight, but any type of chronic pain - you have to feel for people, it can be debilitating.

Honestly, it's depressing. I know it is, because when I'm feeling it (like now, at night) I can't sotp thinking about it, but when it leaves, I'm happy and start looking for new PC parts (lol). When it starts to hurt, I stop looking for PC parts, it's a cycle.
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Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
Good reminder. I've been worried I have too much B6 (I tested high for it back last January). Ugh. Trouble is, it's mixed in with other multivitamins. So if I cut B6, I cut the other Bs.

PLUS there's B6 mixed in with my 5HTP - which means that 5HTP gets converted to serotonin in my gut, thanks to B6, and thus boosts serotonin in my bloodstream, which really helps. But ... I feel I need to target my brain too. Absorbing p5p-B6 under the tongue lets it hit the brain unmolested and the B6/5HTP combo is synthesized into serotonin in the brain, rather than the gut.

If I could sleep I'd do without all this supplementing. I'm basically working on staying alive without sleep.

  • If you have nerve pain try inositol.

Yep, high levels of B6 affects people's mood (probably also serotonin related in the capacity of feeling happy).

I'm pretty sure I was deficient in a lot of other vitamins that now a healthier diet is correctly supplementing.

When it comes to health, I'd say I was/am pretty dumb - I consider myself of at least average intelligence overall, so to make such a dumb maneuver (taking a multivitamin everyday) without talking to a doctor or thinking it was safe just because it was OTC = stupid.

The doctor wanted to prescribe Gabapentin (for nerve pain). I just had my dog go through an IVDD incident over the summer where she was on Gabapentin for a month or so. I don't want to take any medication to ease the pain unless it's actually helping my nerves heal, in that case, I will take it - lol.

Otherwise, I basically go day by day hoping that one night, the pain isn't there. And that's how these things go (pain that takes months to resolve itself). One night, you go to bed, and realize - it's gone.

I searched briefly for "foods to heal nerves" and the articles all came up with foods that raised your B6 basically (because usually neuropathy is associated with B6 deficiency).

If anyone is really worried about their nerves, you can get a small checkup at the doctor, they'll do the needle test/etc. For instance my big toe is now losing feeling (numb) over time.

It's possible that high levels of B6 are also an indication of malabsorption though, and you may need even more B6 just to try and rectify the situation (to where it balances out). For me, I'm just trying to lower my B6 for the next few months to see if it gets back in line and if my nerve pain goes away.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
When it comes to health, I'd say I was/am pretty dumb - I consider myself of at least average intelligence overall, so to make such a dumb maneuver (taking a multivitamin everyday) without talking to a doctor or thinking it was safe just because it was OTC = stupid.
Don't feel so bad lots of people think that OTC=safe. Consider yourself lucky, I have heard of people ending up in the ER or in worst cases dying due to overuse of OTC drugs.
Reactions: 007ELmO


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Inositol is hella safe and works for nerve pain. It's a sugar alcohol, I believe.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I was told "only time will tell", in regards to trying to lower my B6 level and seeing if things heal (doctor has a 4 month checkup to give you an idea of the length of time he'd expect levels to change).

I read a few medical articles, specifically overdosed on B6 because of artificial/supplements (I read it's nearly "impossible" to overdose on B6 via a diet). The 85 year old woman was taken off her supplements (which contained B6) and after 3 months, neuropathy was reversed.

I also read B6 deficiency is "easy" to fix, you just add a supplement (or change your diet), while B6 toxicity's outcome is more difficult to reverse.

In both cases they should be caught "quickly" in order to try and reverse any damage.

I think the human's body to heal is constantly tested (second by second basis), and it informs us of something it's not able to heal itself (like neuropathic damage).

Some reports of reversals were from people who were taking very high B6 supplements for only "weeks" and were able to reverse after being off it for a "short period of time."

I've been taking supplements for 5+ years, and now have progressing neuropathy in my toes/feet for 6 months. I will give it 4 months to see if anything gets better. Nerve pain is not something that comes and goes overnight, but any type of chronic pain - you have to feel for people, it can be debilitating.

Honestly, it's depressing. I know it is, because when I'm feeling it (like now, at night) I can't sotp thinking about it, but when it leaves, I'm happy and start looking for new PC parts (lol). When it starts to hurt, I stop looking for PC parts, it's a cycle.

Yeah you basically need to try and tune it out. I read too that it's reversible, but I wasn't successful at it. You definitely want to stop it from getting worse because at least for me you'll start to get a muscle twitch that likes to travel around the body. If you can I'd get your levels checked again sooner as everything I heard tends to point the opposite way and that it's not reversible, but permanent.

What's weird about neuropathy is B6, 12 & 1 can actually relieve the symptoms. I also found that acupuncture does too, but it's an ongoing thing.

Have you been checked for diabetes? I don't recall reading that, it will also cause this.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
Yeah you basically need to try and tune it out. I read too that it's reversible, but I wasn't successful at it. You definitely want to stop it from getting worse because at least for me you'll start to get a muscle twitch that likes to travel around the body. If you can I'd get your levels checked again sooner as everything I heard tends to point the opposite way and that it's not reversible, but permanent.

What's weird about neuropathy is B6, 12 & 1 can actually relieve the symptoms. I also found that acupuncture does too, but it's an ongoing thing.

Have you been checked for diabetes? I don't recall reading that, it will also cause this.


That was the first thing I had checked, diabetes (A1C, etc).

Yeah, a deficiency of B6 usually causes this, but toxicity also does for different reasons. Any idea what they would do if the level isn't going down by itself?

It hasn't gotten any better in the last 10 days of not taking my multivitamin. I'm not sleeping as well anymore (get up every 3-4 hours) and starting to get minor headaches. Guess my body is trying to adjust to different levels of vitamins. Feet still have neuropathy randomly though.

Trying to forget about it for now, drinking more water...


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000

That was the first thing I had checked, diabetes (A1C, etc).

Yeah, a deficiency of B6 usually causes this, but toxicity also does for different reasons. Any idea what they would do if the level isn't going down by itself?

It hasn't gotten any better in the last 10 days of not taking my multivitamin. I'm not sleeping as well anymore (get up every 3-4 hours) and starting to get minor headaches. Guess my body is trying to adjust to different levels of vitamins. Feet still have neuropathy randomly though.

Trying to forget about it for now, drinking more water...

No, the specialist said stop taking the B vitamins and as you come back in 4 months for retest. I called back 3 weeks later saying my toes were still driving me nuts, what can I do? They basically said let it run its course and it's likely the damage was already done - all I could do is prevent it from getting worse by staying off the vitamins. Basically I screwed myself by accepting what my GP said which is it'll go away on it's own. By the time I saw a specialist my B levels were off the charts.

B6 is supposed to be water soluble, so drinking water like you are should flush it out. I wonder if exercise will help burn it off?

Are you getting burning or that heavy feeling in your toes?


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
I've been jogging 3 miles every few days ever since it started about 6 months ago. I've lost about 25 lbs during this time, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect on the burning. I feel great in the morning/running.

I have burning feeling in my toes that's slowly moving to underneath the middle of my feet. I don't think they feel heavy but I think the big toe is starting to go numb after these months.

I'm trying to drink as much as possible. My B6 is off the charts, I think B6 is not as water soluble as the other B Vitamins, from what I read.

If my damage is already done, I'd like the burning to stop (lol). I can live with whatever nerve damage occurred so far, unless that means I have to live with this annoying burning. It's enough to affect your psyche I think.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I've been jogging 3 miles every few days ever since it started about 6 months ago. I've lost about 25 lbs during this time, but it doesn't seem to have had any affect on the burning. I feel great in the morning/running.

I have burning feeling in my toes that's slowly moving to underneath the middle of my feet. I don't think they feel heavy but I think the big toe is starting to go numb after these months.

I'm trying to drink as much as possible. My B6 is off the charts, I think B6 is not as water soluble as the other B Vitamins, from what I read.

If my damage is already done, I'd like the burning to stop (lol). I can live with whatever nerve damage occurred so far, unless that means I have to live with this annoying burning. It's enough to affect your psyche I think.

Oh man that sucks, it sounds like you’re doing a lot to reverse and keep it from spreading.

Does B12 cause this? That one is supposed to store in your liver.

The only thing I can tell you and you probably already figured it out, but change your sleeping positions. When your toes touch something like a bed sheet it’s what sets of the nerves to send the wrong signals you’re getting. So I sleep on my side now and it doesn’t bother my ability to sleep.

I dunno, but if I were you I’d try to find the best nerve doctor you can and don’t wait 4 months for a recheck. I hate to say it but you’ll get even stranger feelings than what you have now and they **** with your ability to self diagnose future medical issues.

There’s pills you can take to alivate the pain. I think one is called Lyrica.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
I also take a diuretic for blood pressure. So I think the less water in my blood the better but it then also allows water soluble vitamins to build up? Just an idea lol. I need to start drinking the 120oz a day. It's just water is so bland lol.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
I also take a diuretic for blood pressure. So I think the less water in my blood the better but it then also allows water soluble vitamins to build up? Just an idea lol. I need to start drinking the 120oz a day. It's just water is so bland lol.
Drink tea instead. I found this great tea mix at Ruler Foods that isn't too strong and its cheap. I've been trying to wean myself off diet soda with it.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I also take a diuretic for blood pressure. So I think the less water in my blood the better but it then also allows water soluble vitamins to build up? Just an idea lol. I need to start drinking the 120oz a day. It's just water is so bland lol.

That’s interesting, I was on that too but I don’t remember when I made them take me off the diuretic. It seemed like I was always peeing my brains out and I couldn’t understand the concept of flushing all that water out when I needed it.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
That’s interesting, I was on that too but I don’t remember when I made them take me off the diuretic. It seemed like I was always peeing my brains out and I couldn’t understand the concept of flushing all that water out when I needed it.

Yeah, interestingly I think I only pee 3 times a day nowadays, and that shows I'm not getting nearly enough liquid these days (considering I'm on a diuretic!).

In regards to tea, I might try some flavors that I can put into water and also get a filter for the faucet so I don't have to buy a ton of water.

Basically, I need to drink 1 gallon of water per day (only $1, though).

I also read having more water in your body can help reduce blood pressure, since having less can increase your body's response to hold onto salt (to conserve water). The diuretic tries to remove as much water as possible (because its idea is the more water in your blood, the higher the pressure). The body supposedly also constricts some "unnecessary" supplies when it's short on water, increasing blood pressure further.

I will continue to drink a lot of water in the next month and see if I see any subsiding nerve pain.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Yeah, interestingly I think I only pee 3 times a day nowadays, and that shows I'm not getting nearly enough liquid these days (considering I'm on a diuretic!).

In regards to tea, I might try some flavors that I can put into water and also get a filter for the faucet so I don't have to buy a ton of water.

Basically, I need to drink 1 gallon of water per day (only $1, though).

I also read having more water in your body can help reduce blood pressure, since having less can increase your body's response to hold onto salt (to conserve water). The diuretic tries to remove as much water as possible (because its idea is the more water in your blood, the higher the pressure). The body supposedly also constricts some "unnecessary" supplies when it's short on water, increasing blood pressure further.

I will continue to drink a lot of water in the next month and see if I see any subsiding nerve pain.

1 gallon?!? Sounds like a lot especially when you don’t like it. There’s a couple of threads on water enhancement in the forums to help with the taste.

Have you always had high BP? I’ve done everything to lower it without meds and nothing works. Even dropping 40# and it’s still high.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
1 gallon?!? Sounds like a lot especially when you don’t like it. There’s a couple of threads on water enhancement in the forums to help with the taste.

Have you always had high BP? I’ve done everything to lower it without meds and nothing works. Even dropping 40# and it’s still high.
High levels of sodium n the diet will do cause BP as well as genetics. Does your faimly have a history of high BP?


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2005
1 gallon?!? Sounds like a lot especially when you don’t like it. There’s a couple of threads on water enhancement in the forums to help with the taste.

Have you always had high BP? I’ve done everything to lower it without meds and nothing works. Even dropping 40# and it’s still high.

I have high BP in the family. From what I read, you can probably lower it 3-5 points via diet/exercise. Considering I'm 20 points over, I think it's fruitless, but it's nice to have goals (lol). Hard to fight genetics. Kind of like trying to stop your hair from graying/falling out.

Had another burning feet experience last night. I do feel like it's related to hydration.

The 1 gallon comment is just based off the general equation of men should get a certain amount of fluid ounces/liters of water per day, something like 130 ounces - 1 gallon of water has 128 ounces. Certainly we can get water from other things (fruits, food, other drinks, etc), but my brother in law uses an app that tells him it's time to drink a glass of water (lol).

Similar to the timers for "time to stand" and "time to sit" for standing desks, I guess. In regards to that, I bought an autonomous desk a few months ago and I haven't sat down at work since then - always standing or leaning with the wobbly stool. My lower back feels stronger, my neighbor said it looks like I grew a foot - I think she meant because I've lost some weight too, but I think posture is helping too lol.

I read something that by the time you feel hungry or feel thirsty, it's too late (you shouldn't have those feelings) - lol.
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