vLite & Vista


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
I'm thinking just to get Vista Home Basic, since this box will only be for gaming, but even still Vista Home Basic I'm sure is a bit bloated, and I came across vLite to strip it down.

Has anyone used vLite, and how is it? If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean, fast Vista?





Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
There really isn't much need to "strip down" windows. Just don't use features you don't need. Disabling windows defender, etc, is quite simple and safer than some third party tool that has caused strange problems for many people that I've observed. If your computer is capable enough, "stripping" Vista won't do much of anything for you. If your system is struggling to run the OS, then your problems are best resolved with a different OS or better hardware.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: DasFox
I'm thinking just to get Vista Home Basic, since this box will only be for gaming, but even still Vista Home Basic I'm sure is a bit bloated, and I came across vLite to strip it down.

Has anyone used vLite,
and how is it?
Very good!
If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean
, fast Vista?
No, I don't think there is any improvement to speed.



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Navid
Originally posted by: nerp
There really isn't much need to "strip down" windows.
You mean, you have no need, right?

No he doesn't seem to understand performance & what bloat can do.

There are many apps/services running, that it doesn't matter HOW MUCH RAM & CPU speed you have, they can still lockup/crash and kill the system, it's just that simple.

Remove them, and you remove that potential problem.

Now I haven't run Vista but only a few times, so some of these apps/services I'm talking about if I'm not mistaken, can't simply be shutdown/stopped from "Computer Management" - "Services"

Now if everything thing can be, then so be it, no need to rip out, BUT look at how much space Vista uses, why install all of it, kill space if you don't need it, why waste 3-5GB of space that can be used for something else.

I don't buy into the thinking, that I have a 300GB hard drive, so I can waste.

Waste not want not....

I don't throw around money, and I don't throw around my hdd space either...

Bloat not needed is hdd wasted space, that's all there is to it...

In the end it all depends on how big your pocket books are, how much you've spent, how much you're willing to loose, and well, simply how much you don't really care, LOL

And it also depends on ONE very BIG factor, and that is, if Frugality is a part of your vocabulary, because it certainly is in mine.


P.S. My hdd is a Raptor 150GB for gaming, that is all, and I certainly won't waste any of it on stuff I'll never use, that's foolish...

I like driving sports cars, not economy cars, and I don't like wearing one size fits all either. Oh and you can be frugal with your sports car and sizes too, hehe.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: DasFox

No he doesn't seem to understand performance & what bloat can do.

There are many apps/services running, that it doesn't matter HOW MUCH RAM & CPU speed you have, they can still lockup/crash and kill the system, it's just that simple.

Remove them, and you remove that potential problem.

Now I haven't run Vista but only a few times, so some of these apps/services I'm talking about if I'm not mistaken, can't simply be shutdown/stopped from "Computer Management" - "Services"

Now if everything thing can be, then so be it, no need to rip out, BUT look at how much space Vista uses, why install all of it, kill space if you don't need it, why waste 3-5GB of space that can be used for something else.

I don't buy into the thinking, that I have a 300GB hard drive, so I can waste.

Waste not want not....

I don't throw around money, and I don't throw around my hdd space either...

Bloat not needed is hdd wasted space, that's all there is to it...

In the end it all depends on how big your pocket books are, how much you've spent, how much you're willing to loose, and well, simply how much you don't really care, LOL

And it also depends on ONE very BIG factor, and that is, if Frugality is a part of your vocabulary, because it certainly is in mine.


P.S. My hdd is a Raptor 150GB for gaming, that is all, and I certainly won't waste any of it on stuff I'll never use, that's foolish...

I like driving sports cars, not economy cars, and I don't like wearing one size fits all either. Oh and you can be frugal with your sports car and sizes too, hehe.

Just about everything in Vista is potentially needed. There's no such thing as bloat. If you start removing things because you think you know more about MSs O/S than their well paid engineers do, then your going to set yourself up for problems.

5gb of hd space is nothing, and buying a Raptor for a gaming system is the antithesis of frugal. A Raptor gives very minimal performance gains, and the exponential increase in cost would be better spent on a better gfx card, or even a ppu as far as that goes.

I game fine on my fully featured version of Vista business. I have 62 process' currently running, and 1.5gb of memory in use. Xp never ran this smoothly. The best thing you can do is install Vista and leave it alone. It works fine out of the box.



Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Just about everything in Vista is potentially needed. There's no such thing as bloat.

Vista DVD is made so that it works for most people. Most people may need all "Drivers" that are included in a Vista installation.
I don't. I get all my drivers from the web pages of the manufacturers of my hardware.

I have no need for those drivers being on my hard drive when I know I will never need them.

That's just an example.

You want to keep them? Go ahead.
As mentioned before, one size does not fit all! What one considers absolutely necessary, another may consider bloat.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Navid
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Just about everything in Vista is potentially needed. There's no such thing as bloat.

Vista DVD is made so that it works for most people. Most people may need all "Drivers" that are included in a Vista installation.
I don't. I get all my drivers from the web pages of the manufacturers of my hardware.

I have no need for those drivers being on my hard drive when I know I will never need them.

That's just an example.

You want to keep them? Go ahead.
As mentioned before, one size does not fit all! What one considers absolutely necessary, another may consider bloat.

Maybe, I like having the convenience of having hardware instantly recognized and working on first install though. It doesn't take that much drive space, and I like it when things just work.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Originally posted by: Navid
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Just about everything in Vista is potentially needed. There's no such thing as bloat.

Vista DVD is made so that it works for most people. Most people may need all "Drivers" that are included in a Vista installation.
I don't. I get all my drivers from the web pages of the manufacturers of my hardware.

I have no need for those drivers being on my hard drive when I know I will never need them.

That's just an example.

You want to keep them? Go ahead.
As mentioned before, one size does not fit all! What one considers absolutely necessary, another may consider bloat.

Maybe, I like having the convenience of having hardware instantly recognized and working on first install though. It doesn't take that much drive space, and I like it when things just work.

You may like short sleeves while the OP may like long sleeves.

If the OP never uses any language other than English, he may want to remove the language support, which takes about 1GB of space on the installed Vista. You may not care about that. No problem with either!


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Ripping things out generally won't speed up much of anything and can introduce potential, unforseen problems that typically won't have much documentation. The risk/reward level is low and that's the reason I advise against it. Obsessive tweaking is a bad habit.

the Chase

Golden Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Originally posted by: DasFox

No he doesn't seem to understand performance & what bloat can do.

There are many apps/services running, that it doesn't matter HOW MUCH RAM & CPU speed you have, they can still lockup/crash and kill the system, it's just that simple.

Remove them, and you remove that potential problem.

Now I haven't run Vista but only a few times, so some of these apps/services I'm talking about if I'm not mistaken, can't simply be shutdown/stopped from "Computer Management" - "Services"

Now if everything thing can be, then so be it, no need to rip out, BUT look at how much space Vista uses, why install all of it, kill space if you don't need it, why waste 3-5GB of space that can be used for something else.

I don't buy into the thinking, that I have a 300GB hard drive, so I can waste.

Waste not want not....

I don't throw around money, and I don't throw around my hdd space either...

Bloat not needed is hdd wasted space, that's all there is to it...

In the end it all depends on how big your pocket books are, how much you've spent, how much you're willing to loose, and well, simply how much you don't really care, LOL

And it also depends on ONE very BIG factor, and that is, if Frugality is a part of your vocabulary, because it certainly is in mine.


P.S. My hdd is a Raptor 150GB for gaming, that is all, and I certainly won't waste any of it on stuff I'll never use, that's foolish...

I like driving sports cars, not economy cars, and I don't like wearing one size fits all either. Oh and you can be frugal with your sports car and sizes too, hehe.

Just about everything in Vista is potentially needed. There's no such thing as bloat. If you start removing things because you think you know more about MSs O/S than their well paid engineers do, then your going to set yourself up for problems.

5gb of hd space is nothing, and buying a Raptor for a gaming system is the antithesis of frugal. A Raptor gives very minimal performance gains, and the exponential increase in cost would be better spent on a better gfx card, or even a ppu as far as that goes.

I game fine on my fully featured version of Vista business. I have 62 process' currently running, and 1.5gb of memory in use. Xp never ran this smoothly. The best thing you can do is install Vista and leave it alone. It works fine out of the box.

I believe you for sure but.....You also have 4GB of memory installed....


Sep 19, 2000

Nerp and lxskllr Shut UP!

He did not ask "Will I break my computer if I slipstream" or "Does slipstreaming cause problems" He asked "Has anyone used vLite, and how is it? If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean, fast Vista?"

Just by the endless dribble you are posting about "MS Needs everything it installs" It is extremely apparent you know nothing about OS's or what is installed by them. Slipstreaming has been around for a long time now, and if people want to use it, let them, don't criticize them and make yourselves look like idiots in the process. In case you haven't noticed not everyone wants to do what you do. Some people actually know what they are doing as well when installing things *Gasp*

Why on earth do you think it is important for the OP to install Drivers for an AMD platform or printers made in the 80's? If he knows his hardware and what he is getting then whats it to you if he wants to remove the excess? If he wants to completely remove UAC and any firewall installed with Vista and use his own Virus scanner and firewall, then Whats it to you to start moaning "It will Make problems!" Perhaps you did not realize that if he gets himself into a mess that he just might be wise enough to get himself out or be able to reinstall vista again and slipstream again, did you think of that?

To the OP, I have never used vLite myself (don't even have vista for that matter) You probably would be best off downloading and trying it for yourself.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Cogman

Nerp and lxskllr Shut UP!

He did not ask "Will I break my computer if I slipstream" or "Does slipstreaming cause problems" He asked "Has anyone used vLite, and how is it? If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean, fast Vista?"

Just by the endless dribble you are posting about "MS Needs everything it installs" It is extremely apparent you know nothing about OS's or what is installed by them. Slipstreaming has been around for a long time now, and if people want to use it, let them, don't criticize them and make yourselves look like idiots in the process. In case you haven't noticed not everyone wants to do what you do. Some people actually know what they are doing as well when installing things *Gasp*

Why on earth do you think it is important for the OP to install Drivers for an AMD platform or printers made in the 80's? If he knows his hardware and what he is getting then whats it to you if he wants to remove the excess? If he wants to completely remove UAC and any firewall installed with Vista and use his own Virus scanner and firewall, then Whats it to you to start moaning "It will Make problems!" Perhaps you did not realize that if he gets himself into a mess that he just might be wise enough to get himself out or be able to reinstall vista again and slipstream again, did you think of that?

To the OP, I have never used vLite myself (don't even have vista for that matter) You probably would be best off downloading and trying it for yourself.

LMAO, THANKS Cogman, no kidding, please stick to the POST!

I've been using computers over 20 years, and I'm far from a newbie, there's a ton of stuff that can be ripped out that will improve performance, and clear out some hard drive space as well.

Anyhow let the vLite discussion continue and not the lectures for newbies...

I love nerp's thoughts here:

Obsessive tweaking is a bad habit.

That is utter stupidity, sorry Nerp, don't mean to sound rude, but you are truly NOT a PC Geek, and that is one of the worst things I've ever heard.

Tweaking rules the Geek's domain, and no one is talking about being Obsessive, but hey even Obsessive is COOL if it LEADS to ----> Precision

I can tell by the replies from the supposed Geeks around here, that they are not Unix/Linux geeks, but Windows Geeks.

Windows users always seem to be happy with one size fits all.


Again, I don't need lectures, or lessons...



No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Cogman

Nerp and lxskllr Shut UP!

He did not ask "Will I break my computer if I slipstream" or "Does slipstreaming cause problems" He asked "Has anyone used vLite, and how is it? If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean, fast Vista?"

Just by the endless dribble you are posting about "MS Needs everything it installs" It is extremely apparent you know nothing about OS's or what is installed by them. Slipstreaming has been around for a long time now, and if people want to use it, let them, don't criticize them and make yourselves look like idiots in the process. In case you haven't noticed not everyone wants to do what you do. Some people actually know what they are doing as well when installing things *Gasp*

Why on earth do you think it is important for the OP to install Drivers for an AMD platform or printers made in the 80's? If he knows his hardware and what he is getting then whats it to you if he wants to remove the excess? If he wants to completely remove UAC and any firewall installed with Vista and use his own Virus scanner and firewall, then Whats it to you to start moaning "It will Make problems!" Perhaps you did not realize that if he gets himself into a mess that he just might be wise enough to get himself out or be able to reinstall vista again and slipstream again, did you think of that?

To the OP, I have never used vLite myself (don't even have vista for that matter) You probably would be best off downloading and trying it for yourself.

I answered the question. Here it is again No, Vlite doesn't make Vista faster I know plenty about MS's O/Ss. I also know that "tweaking" doesn't do anything for performance. If you want to save drive space, then ok, but that's all that'll be accomplished. I have better things to do with my computer, than perform a bunch of useless tweaks that could cause problems in the future. Forums are filled with people that stripped their O/Ss down, and are now wondering why something isn't working. Vlite if you want, I don't care.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Originally posted by: Cogman

Nerp and lxskllr Shut UP!

He did not ask "Will I break my computer if I slipstream" or "Does slipstreaming cause problems" He asked "Has anyone used vLite, and how is it? If you're experienced, and I stress this, does vLite work nice to make a nice lean, fast Vista?"

Just by the endless dribble you are posting about "MS Needs everything it installs" It is extremely apparent you know nothing about OS's or what is installed by them. Slipstreaming has been around for a long time now, and if people want to use it, let them, don't criticize them and make yourselves look like idiots in the process. In case you haven't noticed not everyone wants to do what you do. Some people actually know what they are doing as well when installing things *Gasp*

Why on earth do you think it is important for the OP to install Drivers for an AMD platform or printers made in the 80's? If he knows his hardware and what he is getting then whats it to you if he wants to remove the excess? If he wants to completely remove UAC and any firewall installed with Vista and use his own Virus scanner and firewall, then Whats it to you to start moaning "It will Make problems!" Perhaps you did not realize that if he gets himself into a mess that he just might be wise enough to get himself out or be able to reinstall vista again and slipstream again, did you think of that?

To the OP, I have never used vLite myself (don't even have vista for that matter) You probably would be best off downloading and trying it for yourself.

I answered the question. Here it is again No, Vlite doesn't make Vista faster I know plenty about MS's O/Ss. I also know that "tweaking" doesn't do anything for performance. If you want to save drive space, then ok, but that's all that'll be accomplished. I have better things to do with my computer, than perform a bunch of useless tweaks that could cause problems in the future. Forums are filled with people that stripped their O/Ss down, and are now wondering why something isn't working. Vlite if you want, I don't care.

I also know that "tweaking" doesn't do anything for performance.

You're saying that tweaking, meaning in the general sense of the word, never improves performance?

Because I have certainly seen 20 years of tweaking that have greatly improved performance.

Maybe you don't know how to tweak, or what to tweak to increase system performance.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I tweak just fine. The only tweaks that give a measurable performance boost are through hardware. I never played with anything below win2kpro, so there may have been workable tweaks for the dos versions of Windows, but for the NT Windows versions there's nothing that can be done. If you disagree, then I challenge you to provide benchmarks.


Sep 19, 2000
Originally posted by: lxskllr
I answered the question. Here it is again No, Vlite doesn't make Vista faster

Humm, I still don't see that in your posts, what I do see is pretty funny rehodoric like "There is no such thing as bloatware" Obviously you don't seam to realize that it just so happens that when people make an OS for everyone, there is bound to be stuff in them that many people don't use (like language packs for 100+ languages that the user has never heard of)

It wasn't till this post that you actually address the issue at hand.

I know plenty about MS's O/Ss. I also know that "tweaking" doesn't do anything for performance.

Gee, and here I thought that turning off aero or not installing it with a weak video card was some sort of performance increase... Mind you, I realize that vista has been fairly well optimized for performance, but it is assinign to think that one size fits all and everything turned on is how everyone likes it.

If you want to save drive space, then ok, but that's all that'll be accomplished. I have better things to do with my computer, than perform a bunch of useless tweaks that could cause problems in the future.

Like posting criticisms of people that want to tweak? The OP was not asking you what you do with his computer or if you think it is worth his time to tweak his computer. He was asking how well vLite worked with vista.

Forums are filled with people that stripped their O/Ss down, and are now wondering why something isn't working.

This sounds like a challenge! Please do indulge me with a link or two from the masses of people posting with problems.. Go ahead, take your time (unless being proven wrong is something you can't waist computer time with).

Oh, and about that challenge you issued, have you ever tried to run Windows vista with 512MB of ram and superfetch turned on? No? Well then, I suggest you look up anand's benchmarks of superfetch for the Tweaking proof. In a case of 512MB of ram or less you are better turning superfetch off as it is not enough to keep vista happy (and starts pageing the hardrive)


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Missing languages

Scanner doesn't work

Halo doesn't work

Memory errors

I went for the low hanging fruit on this task. I don't feel like scouring the forums I frequent looking for the posts I've seen in the past. This is good enough though.

Originally posted by: Cogman

Oh, and about that challenge you issued, have you ever tried to run Windows vista with 512MB of ram and superfetch turned on? No? Well then, I suggest you look up anand's benchmarks of superfetch for the Tweaking proof. In a case of 512MB of ram or less you are better turning superfetch off as it is not enough to keep vista happy (and starts pageing the hardrive)

I assume people aren't going to install Vista on something retarded like a system with 512mb of ram. I could put XP on my old 486dx, but it doesn't mean I should.


Sep 19, 2000
512 by no means is a 486 system, it can be a two year old system at most. And if you want to get picky, that is the vista minimum anyways, so if you think its retarded, tough. The skilled and knowledgeable microsoft engineers thought it was doable. At any rate, the question was weather or not a tweak can give major improvements, there you have it, a tweak that gives major improvements...

<Retracted statement, realized how low the fruit was that you picked>

One last thing, just because you don't like to build giant boats in bottles, doesn't mean that everyone else shares your opinion. You may think it retarded that someone would install vista on a computer with 512 MB of ram and then tweak it till it works like XP, but for some people that is fun and they enjoy doing it. (maybe they like vista's searching capabilities)


Sep 19, 2000
LOL I just realized how low the fruit really was. You went to the troubleshooting forums for Nlite and Vlite to get people that are having problems, thats like me saying "Forums are filled with people having vista problems" and then going to the microsoft vista forums and posting links to all their problems, you need to do a lot better then just going the the products troubleshooting forums and saying "Look Heres where people have problems"

P.S. Sorry to the OP, I have Highjacked your thread, Ill try to curb my need to argue.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003

This isn't a flame war over tweaking, it's a post asking about what people thought about vLite.

PLEASE keep on the TOPIC!


P.S. I know how to tweak software for performance, and any geek worth his weight should know how to as well, and anyone that thinks there are NO software tweaks that can be done to an OS to improve performance simply isn't geek enough.

So ENOUGH of the discussion, because this is like Geek 101 Performance Tweaking, simple basic crap, so PLEASE drop it!
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