VOIP SunRocket Internet Phone Service $199 for 15months = $13.27/month

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Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: georgepa
Call quality is and has been as stable as always, tonight and every day. I don't think it fluctuates. Perhaps something with the internet at the local level?
Well...these are my gripes with call quality. There are more issues with SunRocket when it comes to sending and receiving. When I make a phone call, the other person I'm talking with may say something and the delay causes them to talk when I might be speaking. It makes it hard to have a conversation until we get in sync with the "You talk, ok...now I'll talk" thing....and we have to pause between turns. This wasn't as bad with Packet8.

The other issue they have that's pretty bad is no white noise when I'm not speaking. That means when I stop talking the person I'm talking with hears an abrupt silence after I stop talking. This isn't natural compared to land lines and it bothers a lot of people. It sometimes actually chops off the end of my last words and sometimes causes them to miss the first thing I say because it's trying to save bandwidth. I prefer Packet8 to SunRocket....and am thinking about Cancelling SunRocket pretty quick. I just need to know if things are going to get better anytime soon.

EDIT: I wanted to get my unlocked PAP2 working with SunRocket, but never could. If I knew what I had to set to make it work, I could verify that SunRocket's problems are due to the Gizmo being out of date. I'm not sure how old that technology is, but you would think they would address the obvious problems and work on call quality. If I'm not mistaken, Packet8 uses less bandwidth too and sounds better...maybe they should switch codecs...


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2003
Just to let yall know I renewed my $199 service with SR and asked them to send me 2 more phones for renewing and they agreed and even over nighted them Funny thing was the CSR said the promotion was a current promo for new customers and I laughed and told him for a year now this promo has been going on, I guess he hasnt been a rep for too long.


Senior member
Jun 1, 2000
If I start soon with SunRocket and pay the annual fees, will I be able to change my phone number when we move in June?


May 23, 2002
Has anyone ported their home number to SR and then had the locla phone company port it back because you decided to leave SR and switch back? Phone numbers are supposed to be able to be ported all over the place theese days right?


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2001
Originally posted by: daweeze02
Just to let yall know I renewed my $199 service with SR and asked them to send me 2 more phones for renewing and they agreed and even over nighted them Funny thing was the CSR said the promotion was a current promo for new customers and I laughed and told him for a year now this promo has been going on, I guess he hasnt been a rep for too long.

The Canadians are a really generous people.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Great find. Beats signing up for a new account for 15 months for $199, then having to port. The extra 2 phones can be hawked on ebay and make up for the 2 months less (at 13 months.) BTW, the sales department has been moved to Canada, so the promos are "new" to them (I believe 3 weeks ago they started taking calls in that center.)


The thing about piggybacking onto someone elses internet connection is that you don't know what that party is doing when you are trying to make calls using the same pipe. Torrent? Could viruses be on their machines? Stuff like that. The only way to really be sure is if you have your own pipe and are 100% responsible for it. In addition: 2.4 GHz can interfere with a lot of devices (such as wireless, microwaves) which then results in broken-up conversation.


The number will always belong to the originator. So, if, for example, your number was with Verizon and you port it around to different providers, the number will still always belong to Verizon. If you decide to just drop the number and get a new number (perhaps a vanity # that spells -BE-COOL or something like that) the dropped number will automatically revert back to the originator, for Verizon to reassign it to a new customer. What that also means: Porting back to the originator is easy and virtually instant (unlike porting away or from #2 provider to #3 provider.)


Jun 30, 2005
Originally posted by: FrankyJunior
Has anyone ported their home number to SR and then had the locla phone company port it back because you decided to leave SR and switch back? Phone numbers are supposed to be able to be ported all over the place theese days right?

Well yeah you're supposed to have the right to port your number, BUT - I don't think landline phone line carrier (e.g. SBC etc) transfer numbers from other companies, mainly because landline phone numbers are assigned by geography so they are very restricted.

So in effect I think you can only port your number into a cellphone or VOIP company (from any other cellphone or VOIP company or landline carrier) but not into a landline carrier company.

My advice is to only transfer your number from the landline to sunrocket after you had the service for a while and are happy with it.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2005
Originally posted by: DidlySquat
Originally posted by: FrankyJunior

So in effect I think you can only port your number into a cellphone or VOIP company (from any other cellphone or VOIP company or landline carrier) but not into a landline carrier company.

My advice is to only transfer your number from the landline to sunrocket after you had the service for a while and are happy with it.

I think that's correct.

And yeah, can't hurt to wait a bit to port it over. Have you signed up yet, or you planning to?


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

the way I read Franky's question was about porting your home number from POTS into SR and perhaps (if things don't work out( back to that same POTS provider. Should be no problem. I agree with the advice to only port the # once one is satisfied with the service. That can be withing 2 weeks for some (was that way for me) or 8 months for others. I just helped a couple people with their ports after having had SR for 6 months and 9 months, others actually tie-in their VOIP purchase with an instant port. It depends on affordability for some, I would imagine.


A lot depends on whether SR is also available in the new location. If it is, no problem. Tell them about the changed address, and, depending on where you are moving to, you may have to change primary household numbers. If you are just moving a few blocks most likely nothing will change with your numbers. If you are moving to a completely different area you will be getting a new area code and number. If the area you are moving to does not have SR you could keep your current setup and just not tell. The only thing to worry about would be 911, as that would not be available to you at the new location.


Junior Member
May 10, 2005
Originally posted by: GTFan
Originally posted by: upssBTW, does any one know how to upgrade the Gizmo firmware quickly, without calling SR?

I think by default these phone home every day for updates, so you could hook it up to a free port and see. This assumes that you've not turned off auto-config. However, with the latest tweaks it looks like they've disabled line 2 access according to reports at BBR. Admin pw has not been changed, so you'd get the new firmware but lose the ability to configure line 2 for outbound calls (dialtone). You probably don't care about losing this, most people don't bother with line 2 on the gizmo.
But would this even work with an old gizmo's MAC address, or do they disable access for these?
I know if you leave the Gizmo online eventually its firmware will get updated, but it doesn?t happen the next day. Since this Gizmo is so old its firmware has problems (which were eventually fixed) and I cannot wait until it gets updated automatically.

Regarding the 2nd line port, you are right they did disable it. Unfortunately, I do care loosing it. I loved it because it let me have a different caller ID on the 2nd number but no more. If any one knows how to restore it please PM me.


Mar 19, 2005
Everything is working fine here in Delaware... no offense, but I hope that your problem(s) don't spread!

Originally posted by: dchakrab
Yeah, I was hoping that was it, so I checked...according to quality tests posted earlier in this thread, I'm still at exactly the same levels I've always been at (Comcast cable)...halfway between "normal cell phone" and "crummy cell phone". My SR signal is still completely unuseable, 10:33pm Central. A friend in the same neighborhood (same Comcast node) had the same problem earlier today, but hers is working fine now. Sent an email to the builditbetter@SR address...hopefully something will come of it.

I'm asking for a new Gizmo...maybe that'll fix the problem. It's frustrating.


Dave A. Chakrabarti

Sunrocket Review

Nirman - My dealings with a dishonest Varanasi, India nonprofit organization that ended up stealing my computer equipment when I volunteered for them for over 3 years.



Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Jlensbo
Everything is working fine here in Delaware... no offense, but I hope that your problem(s) don't spread!

Also working fine here in Delaware. Hey, that's two of us...one more and that's the entire population of the state!


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
LOL. Isn't Delaware some sort of tax haven? Thought I read the state was pretty good about not collecting sales taxes or property taxes, or sumthing like that. No wonder you guys like SR.


I will probably get another lecture, but methinks his problems are unique to his internet situation, most "choppy" calls are.

A client of mine had a problem with SR yesterday. He could hear just fine, perfect, crystal-clear call quality. But the party on the other end only got choppy results. He sounded terrible when he called me. I already had an appointment with him for that afternoon for unrelated stuff, so I checked it out. Turns out his daughter had brought in her laptop and it was online. They said it acted "kind of slow." There were a total of 3 computers connected to a wireless router. I ran a bandwidth speedtest from BBR. If anyone is interested to test your own broadband speed, here is the link:


Turns out he had over 5000kbps for DOWNLOAD speed but only 10kbps for UPLOAD. I turned one computer off completely, only leaving 2 computers active, and upon recheck the UPLOAD speed improved just marginally, to 24. As you know VOIP requires a pretty healthy amount from BOTH the DOWNLOAD and the UPLOAD bandwidth. SRs high-quality codec requires at least 90k on both ends, 10k and 24k UPLOAD respectively just won't cut it as for the other party hearing your voice without choppyness. I proceeded to take the laptop his daughter had brought over out of the equation by shutting it down. Bandwidth test results suddenly showed over 400 for the UPLOAD portion of the equation. A test call to my cell (and me stepping outside for a moment) resulted in crisp, clear, call quality both ways. Turns out her computer has a nasty variant of spyware called WINFIXER on her machine. It not only slowed her computer down to a crawl, but the entire network, as it was sending out massive amounts of random data packets. I now have the laptop here with me, because Winfixer is one of the harder spyware's to remove and I really didn't have time to get it done yesterday afternoon at his place. If I turn that laptop on in my home and have it detect my wireless router (bringing it online) my internet connection (outgoing portion) will slow to a crawl, and my high-quality SR phone calls will suddenly turn to crap.

Bottom line:

Spyware and viruses can have a major effect on your bandwidth, and thus the quality of your phone calls with any broadband phone provider. Make sure you are absolutely clear of any and all viruses, hijackers and spyware/adware. If you experience any choppyness, run the speedtest and see if your bandwidth is somehow effected (UPLOAD is the usual bottleneck, as it is usually the wimpy red-headed step-child of any broadband internet provider to begin with.) Turn off all computers sharing bandwidth with your internet phone, then make a test call to see if call quality improves.

In David's case, provider blame is extremely quick to come by, that has always been the case since post 1. His situation is unique as he shares bandwidth with his landlord, thus depends on THEM keeping the network clean and crisp for HIS phone calls. Who knows WHAT they were doing at their end to effect bandwidth speeds? Perhaps there is a virus lurking in their network, maybe one of their computers got this WINFIXER spyware or a similar bandwidth drain on their computer? Perhaps heavy torrenting or kazaa-ing on multiple computers led to bandwidth drain? I know he dislikes if someone tells him his particular problems appear unique to his situation and that it most likely has to do with his setup/shared internet. But in absence of anyone else here reporting "terrible call quality" that night how else to diagnose the problem than to surmise that it is home-baked?


May 23, 2002
Originally posted by: georgepa

the way I read Franky's question was about porting your home number from POTS into SR and perhaps (if things don't work out( back to that same POTS provider. Should be no problem. I agree with the advice to only port the # once one is satisfied with the service. That can be withing 2 weeks for some (was that way for me) or 8 months for others. I just helped a couple people with their ports after having had SR for 6 months and 9 months, others actually tie-in their VOIP purchase with an instant port. It depends on affordability for some, I would imagine.

Yes that was my question.

My landline is SBC (now AT&T I guess). If I sign up with SR and use it for a while and like it, I can then port over my number and cancel my account with SBC. But then lets say 2 months later everything goes to hell and I watch to change it back. THe question was, could I then take my number back to SBC/AT&T since that's where it started from.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Ah, Georgepa, here we go again.

First: As I posted above, I ran bandwidth tests while I was experiencing the problem, and achieved the same response I normally do. This was not the case for your client, according to your post.

Second: My landlord currently uses only one machine; a laptop, used to connect only when he's home. When he's out (as was the case then) there's no computer downstairs. My computer (the only other one on the network) is currently in Windows, but was booted into Debian at the time of the problem. No spyware on Debian. My OSX laptop was off at the time.

Both of these would lead me to believe that spyware wasn't the problem in that particular case. Nor was random uploading. I haven't taken a look at this laptop recently, but in that particular instance it shouldn't have been a problem with his network.

Third: you just admitted your client had exactly the same symptoms I did...and then turned around and said that no one's ever had this issue. How can you still call my problem an isolated instance? You would appear to be contradicting yourself in your zeal. My girlfriend has also reported similar problems (though far less frequently).

I personally think my problem was for different reasons. Either way, if you're going to say my problem is an isolated instant because of spyware...well, look up the stats on how many machines are infected with spyware across the US. And how many VOIP users are on college / university networks. Hardly a minority population.

Are they all isolated users? Are they not allowed to voice complaints because they're on large networks, and don't have control over their peers? What about people on municipal Wifi nets? You'll have to put a little more thought in your persecution of me (and yes, I feel persecuted) before I'll take that seriously.

Comcast has recently installed a new cable modem for my landlord, and their hardware and download / upload specs are almost exactly the same as my girlfriend's. She has far less problems with the service than I do. My landlord previously used both Lingo and Comcast's VOIP service before a bandwidth upgrade, both of which reportedly worked fine. My girlfriend also had a Gizmo that worked out of the box, while mine took many days of tinkering (apparently it shipped with *very* out of date firmware). Not a service problem, but a hardware issue, as far as I could tell.

Based on that, I'm inclined to think that my connection and their service aren't necessarily the problem, and I'm wondering if a Gizmo swap will help. Sorry if that bothers you, George.

I agree with you on the spyware issue, however...too many people don't take care of their networks, and don't understand the cause of their bandwidth problems till something like this happens. I've supported enough small networks to know how often this is the case.


Now that we've dealt with the customary protests whenever I have a problem with Sunrocket:

While SR phone support was as terrible as always, I have had one extremely positive response from their email support (the builditbetter@SR address). Last year I could never get a response from them on anything critical.

This time, I got a response in two days (not bad) saying that he had received my email, and had looked into my call records (impressive), and agreed that I had had a high instance of having to call back inbound callers. He escalated the tech support ticket, promised someone would get back to me, and said he would be checking personally with both tech support and with me to make sure that the follow up took place (very impressive, especially compared with before).

He also added $25 in referral credit to my account, though he said he knew this didn't solve my problem, and said he's waiting on info from tech support before sending out a replacement modem.

My expectations were low after the initial call, but I must say I'm *extremely* impressed with the way the email was handled. This is the first time they've offered me a freebie to make up for a service issue, and the first time they've been so thorough in escalation / followups. I'm confident that I'll at least get the followups, and hopefully figure out a fix.

My opinion of their call-in support is still abysmal, but their email support on this one was top-notch. I'm actually in the surprising position of preferring email support to calling in next time something goes wrong.


Dave A. Chakrabarti

Sunrocket Review

Nirman - My dealings with a dishonest Varanasi, India nonprofit organization that ended up stealing my computer equipment when I volunteered for them for over 3 years.[/quote]


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2001
She has far less problems with the service than I do. My landlord previously used both Lingo and Comcast's VOIP service before a bandwidth upgrade, both of which reportedly worked fine. My girlfriend also had a Gizmo that worked out of the box, while mine took many days of tinkering (apparently it shipped with *very* out of date firmware). Not a service problem, but a hardware issue, as far as I could tell.

Based on that, I'm inclined to think that my connection and their service aren't necessarily the problem, and I'm wondering if a Gizmo swap will help.
Good grief...put this to bed by swapping out your Gizmo, and your girlfriend's Gizmo!
If your's doesn't work at her place, and her Gizmo does at your place?then all of the conjecture is put to rest!
End of story?Finis...no mas!


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
Good grief, dave. persecution, zeal? Pipe down. Quit with the anger stuff already. :|

Spyware is widespread, of course. I deal with it every day. I am baffled that you have read into my post that I make a claim to the contrary. The issue is: Spyware is YOUR issue, or a HOUSEHOLD's issue, not an issue that would prompt me to blame the phone provider (who happens to need a clean broadband pipe) or my "bad fortune."

Bottom line (and that's where you are correct): There are MANY users with problems like the one I illustrated above. The user basically asked "What the heck is wrong with this Sunrocket thing" until he was confronted with the truth that it was his system, and his system only. Blame shifted to the "damn spyware creators." Lesson learned there. Good thing I was around to explain the relationship between a super-clean computer network and crisp phone calls. If not this user would have called SR, believing they messed up calls. Maybe others can learn from this as well.


May 23, 2002
Well, I took the punge last night and signed up. Now I just have to wait to get my stuff and we'll see how it goes.

But on the topic of power outages... Can anyone recommend a UPS system that I coudl plug my cable modem, router, and Gizmo into that would run for a few hours if we lost power? I'm not sure how to calculate power consumptions and them compare that to what a UPS outputs to know how long something should last...



Golden Member
Mar 17, 2005
Hey george, I'm curious now. I'm not too quick on the draw with regards to dealing with spyware and all of that, since I've run a Mac since I was a kid and never really had much to deal with in the way of viruses and security, but I've recently purchased a PC laptop that I run at home as well, and your posts here made me wonder if I shouldn't be more careful with it. I run Firefox and try not to visit suspicious sites (or sketchy ones) with it, but what else should I be doing? I'd hate to have my carelessness with my PC lead me to gimp my network and potentially impact my SunRocket quality simply because I was ignorant (and believe me, I am ignorant when it comes to PCs).

Any suggestions for a PC newbie?


May 23, 2002
Running Firefox will cut down on your spyware by probably 90+% all by itself.

If you're worried that you still might have some, there are 3 very popular programs people use..

1) Adaware SE - this program runs when you want it to and will scan your computer to look for spyware and then remove it.

2) Spybot - This is similar to Adware but just doesn't look as pretty. But it's acctually more powerful and finds more things most times. Also has an Immunize feature to try to block out some common spyware threats before they have a chance to infect you.

3) Microsoft Defender or AntiSPy or whatever it's called these days - This program runs manually when yo uwant but also lives down in your system tray and tries to prvent spyware from getting on your PCV in the first place.

The first two can be downloaded from http://www.download.com They should both be on the first page in the Top 10 Downlaods. THe MS program can be downlaoded from Microsoft.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2005
Originally posted by: FrankyJunior
Running Firefox will cut down on your spyware by probably 90+% all by itself.

If you're worried that you still might have some, there are 3 very popular programs people use..

1) Adaware SE - this program runs when you want it to and will scan your computer to look for spyware and then remove it.

2) Spybot - This is similar to Adware but just doesn't look as pretty. But it's acctually more powerful and finds more things most times. Also has an Immunize feature to try to block out some common spyware threats before they have a chance to infect you.

3) Microsoft Defender or AntiSPy or whatever it's called these days - This program runs manually when yo uwant but also lives down in your system tray and tries to prvent spyware from getting on your PCV in the first place.

The first two can be downloaded from http://www.download.com They should both be on the first page in the Top 10 Downlaods. THe MS program can be downlaoded from Microsoft.

Awesome, thanks. I'll look into that. Like I said, I wouldn't want my newbieness with Windows to somehow gimp my SunRocket by hogging bandwidth for junk programs.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

franky has good suggestions. I am comfortable that my clients are doing as much as they can in regards to viruses, spyware and hijackers by loading up (and suggesting weekly scans with) the following free programs:

Virus protection:

AVG (free version)


IMO one of the best virus protection programs around. It updates itself with the latest virus definitions daily and is free.


The aforementioned Ad-Aware and Spybot

Weekly scans and object removal are encouraged.

(available at download.com)




Full cleanup of Temporary Internet files, all temp files, history, cookies, etc. Also free.

and, if you don't mind a clean extra toolbar, install the Yahoo Toolbar, available here:


It comes with a nice button called Anti-Spy, a good and also fast junk-killer program.

Be sure that your computer is not running anything that may affect broadband stream by running the broadband test linked to above. If you suspect that you have a process running that has not been caught by any of the proggies listed above check with the program HIJACKTHIS to see what processes are currently running in your computer. Reading the results is a bit more technical, but typically you can see a line that seems obviously garbage-related (like a line with a reference to savenow.com or bargainbuddy.com for instance.) Remove lines that point to obvious junk. If you are unsure about a certain item, copy and paste the complete results of hijackthis and PM it to me so I can look it over and let you know.

Hijackthis can be downloaded with this link:




Jun 13, 2000
dchakrab, try Packet8. It's $8 more a month, but better than Vonage and definitely better than Sunrocket on Quality. They have less bandwidth requirements, but also have better call quality. I think it might have to do with the equipment. The Gizmos are old technology if you ask me....not sure exactly what era they came out of, but I'll take the DTA310 over that sunrocket crap any day. It just sounds better and fills in whitenoise appropriately. I would say that it has a 15% increase in call quality over Sunrocket....whether or not it's worth $96 a year...? I don't know.
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