VOIP SunRocket Internet Phone Service $199 for 15months = $13.27/month

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Jun 30, 2000
I'd be interested in the AUTOUPDATES off routine if you have the time to send it to me in a PM. Thanks.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
I downloaded Georgepa's alternative application, and it said "this feature isn't enabled for this account" when i tried to log in, or something along those lines. So I assumed I had to call Sunrocket and activate it first, and download their program while I was at it. So I called in, and after a very short hold time (good!) i was connected to a CSR.

Then the problems began. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about, to begin with, and then she came back after putting me on hold for a while to say that it was done. She directed me to click on a lot of random links around "my account" ...she obviously didn't know where I was supposed to download the app from. She eventually had me click on "help" ...at which point i asked her if the app shouldn't appear under "downloads" ...since that would make the most sense. I checked, the app hadn't appeared, and this display of undue intelligence on my part fried some circuits on her end, and she put me on hold again. When she came back, the connection was so bad (using my Sunrocket line) that I couldn't understand a word she was saying, and she eventually hung up on me.

SR strikes again. I want this voicemail app working, so I'm going to call back and try again in a few minutes.



Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
Geez-louise. Sunrocket strikes again? What the heck?

I am sorry I ever mentioned the darn app. It was certainly not intended to give you more bash fodder, but if that does it for you.....

To wit: You are bashing the service senseless because they don't readily tell you exactly how to set up the gizmo in a remote location using a game adapter/bridge on a wireless connection with a 3rd party wireless router, even though that connection is not at all supported (they support ONLY behind the modem.) I looked at the your "horror" blog and felt you went overboard. IMO if you are going to use a network device in an unconventional manner you have to be willing and be able to "do it yourself" or hire a network professional to do it for you. SR only supports setup right behind the modem. Users are able to put the gizmo behind routers, but understandably SR's CS can't possibly help with settings for many individual routers. The need to be your own tech applies even more so when you attempt something that is rarely, if ever, attempted with the gizmo.

Now you happen to come across a CS rep who has not been approached by anyone about this app, as it is not something many people, even long-time SR customers, know about and they are the pits again? I learned a valuable lesson here for sure.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Actually, I've had a uniformly unpleasant experience with Sunrocket support, George. I didn't intend to "bash" but if I come across as doing so, it's not because I came across *one* CSR that was unfamiliar with my needs...it was because I've received ubiquitously disastrous levels of support from SR from the beginning.

If you go over my earlier posts in detail, the problems weren't with my unconventional setup. My unconventional setup was what I eventually got working, by myself, with no support from them, even though their sales people *specifically* said that my unconventional setup would work fine. They never mentioned not being able to support it, but whatever.

*All* of my issues with sunrocket support were when I was down in the basement, connecting the gizmo first before and then after the router, according to the whims of my several tech support people. I'm still not sure what the problem was...all I know is that I connected it downstream of my computer, tried ICS, and then left it alone for the night when I gave up on it...and in the morning, I had a dial tone. This suggests to me that it simply needed a lot more time than expected connected to the internet, downloading firmware / patches to get it up and running. I have not tried to reconnect it downstairs, though I assume that this would now work fine...it suits my needs where it is at the moment. If I find that call quality sinks to unuseable levels, I'll consider moving it again.

If their service / gizmo had worked the way they intended, and how they claimed, from the beginning, I would have had no problems at all. This is my first note. My second is that if their CSR's had been better trained, and if they had had a system for escalating calls (I understand that this has at least partially been addressed now) my experience would have been infinitely better. And lastly, if their sales people didn't feel the need to say anything and everything to make a sale, I would have had a much better idea of what to expect.

I went into this knowing that I would have to do a lot of work on my end to get this working. All I really needed to know was if VOIP would work well over a wireless connection...their sales people said "sure" while their higher-level tech said wifi is too bursty for VOIP, and there would always be problems related to that. Further, if their product or their service had reached acceptable levels, my unconventional setup would have been as easy to implement as their conventional one...which they couldn't get working for me, despite several hours of calls over several days with several different people on their end.

Despite all of this, I still haven't quit SR. I add this just to allay accusations that I'm looking for an excuse to bash the company. I'm unhappy with their support, and was led to believe that things may have been improving...but my recent call to them indicates otherwise. Still, the fact that I have some form of home phone system for this price, and am never faced with a bill, is worth the price, to me. Of course, I reserve the right to complain about the company when their support levels are abysmal.

If my last call to them was such an extremely exceptional case, as you suggest, then I apologize...my critique may have been premature. I think it was a logical conclusion for me to arrive at, however, based on my experiences with them so far.

I'm confident that I'll find the time to call them again today, and that I'll eventually find a CSR who'll get this working for me. That's good enough for me. Incidentally, thanks for your note on voicemail forwarding (and the difference between this and voicemail notifications) ...it's working fine for me now.




Nov 26, 2005
Dave - I'll be asking about the voicemail app myself once I get setup.... I think I may take a valium before calling support though.


Junior Member
Nov 29, 2005
I signed up for SR one month ago after reading this forum. So far so good with quality, etc. I'm very pleased with the money saved. My problem is that my laptops won't sign on to my wireless system since I hooked up SR gizmo. (as described in directions of book by SR) When I try to sign on my system with my laptops I get asked for a WEB key. Before SR I had an open access (I know it isn't a good idea) therefore I never had a WEB key and I don't know how to get one. If it helps I have a Linksys Wireless router 2.4 Ghz 802.11b. I've had cordless phones before also and never had a problem with interference. I was always able to get on with a good signal with either lap top (one has an internal wifi and the other has a card), Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I called SR and the person they had no idea. FYI I'm not the most computer literate person.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001

According to other posters here, Sunrocket apparently has a more normal system of escalation now...you can ask to be escalated, and they can transfer you directly to higher-level techs. If you have any problems with the CSR that answers the phone, I'd strongly suggest asking to escalate the call, and refusing to wait for a call-back, so they transfer you directly. The higher-level tech I spoke with knew what he was talking about.


I'd recommend switching to a WEP key. Find your router documentation and look up how to access the configuration options...it'll most likely tell you to type in a certain IP address (often or something similar) and then type in the default user name and password to access the router (if you've never done this before, it'll be something like "admin" with a blank password, or blank username with "admin" as the password, etc).

Find the part under Wifi settings where you have to enter the security key. This can be a variety of different things, depending on your router. I would recomment using WPA encryption if your wireless equipment all supports it. Otherwise, use a WEP key or password. Also, while you're at it, change the default wireless channel and the SSID in your router.

Then double click on the wireless card in your XP taskbar, and look at your available networks. You should see the new SSID you set showing up as a wireless access point. If you try connecting to it, it'll ask you for the passphrase or the encryption key...which you hopefully wrote down, and can now enter.

That should be it. Set up the other laptop the same way. For a more detailed explanation, you'll need to consult your router's documentation, either from their pamphlets or online. Incidentally, if you're operating from two laptops and no desktop, you may need to find an ethernet cable and connect to the router directly to access the admin panel...that doesn't tend to work too well over a wireless connection.

For Sunrocket to have caused changes to your router's config is strange...unless your router defaults to an encrypted signal, and they asked you to do a hard reset on the router when they were talking you through the install. Otherwise, having the Gizmo on your network, even in front of the router, shouldn't make any difference to your router settings at all. Are you sure you're trying to connect to the right router, and that it's connected to the internet and online?

Hope that helps,



Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

The easiest way to fix your issue is to put the gizmo AFTER the router. I know that is not what is listed in the SR manual, but with the router you have it is your best bet. So, plug your router straight into your modem. Then plug the gizmo into one of the available ports of the router. You should be up and running with your laptops again.

You should still get WEP enabled on your router for security reasons.


I just don't get worked up like some do. SR does not advertise the message screener on their site and it is a feature they may eventually scrap altogether, as it is not even listed. Easy to see that the new staff was instructed in the basics first until they can be drilled on the more involved issues (and no, downstream bridge internet VOIP connection will not be something that is ever supported, and the CS rep probably should have sent you to the game adapter/bridge manufacturer for support.) All works fine for me and I am getting enjoyment out of learning the ins and outs of this by myself and with other posters. If I REALLY have an issue I'll be sure to insist on Level 3 tech help fast, but all these things are not even a blip. Be glad that they HAVE stuff like this, nobody else does.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Georgepa: True...it's an unsupported, undocumented feature. I guess I'm just prone to go nuts at SR's support, after my experiences with them in the past. I will note that I've called in twice now, and both times was told to expect a 2-minute hold time, which extended into over 10 minutes before the line simply died.

And again, my troubles with their CS person were in getting my gizmo to work at all...connected directly to a cable modem. No bridge, no wireless...all the fancy stuff I tried later, on my own, even though they specifically said that it would work fine. The installation they absolutely botched with me was the basic gizmo before router setup they recommend. It was actually suggested to me several times that if that didn't work, I should put it behind the router and open ports...which is ridiculous.

Hylanders: I strongly doubt your problem lies in the Gizmo's position on your network...the Gizmo can, at most, be assigning an IP address, but it certainly can't be influencing your router's settings for WEP or unprotected broadcasting. That's something you'll have to change from within the router's configuration, if it's truly your router that's suddenly transmitting on an encrypted channel.

Of course, it's possible that someone living next door cracked your insecure router, and put a password on it to torment you...I've seen it happen before.




Senior member
Mar 1, 2005
Originally posted by: hylanders
I signed up for SR one month ago after reading this forum. So far so good with quality, etc. I'm very pleased with the money saved. My problem is that my laptops won't sign on to my wireless system since I hooked up SR gizmo. (as described in directions of book by SR) When I try to sign on my system with my laptops I get asked for a WEB key. Before SR I had an open access (I know it isn't a good idea) therefore I never had a WEB key and I don't know how to get one. If it helps I have a Linksys Wireless router 2.4 Ghz 802.11b. I've had cordless phones before also and never had a problem with interference. I was always able to get on with a good signal with either lap top (one has an internal wifi and the other has a card), Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I called SR and the person they had no idea. FYI I'm not the most computer literate person.

george speaks the truth again. I had similar problems and a quick switch helped me out for the time being. Just put it behind the router and see if that frees you up.


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2001
I'm looking to use this deal as my first VOIP service. It sounds great. I think I'll sign up tonite.

How much does the service cost after 15 months?


Senior member
Aug 2, 2005
signed up nov 22nd and got worried when the tracking number was stuck at "billing information recieved" even after my dsl modem from verizon had already arrived; both services were ordered on the same day. the day or day after i called asking about it, the gizmo was shipped and arrived within 2 days. the NEXT day (today), i get an e-mail in the morning with another tracking number... i thought they probably made a mistake when i called earlier to complain and just sent out a second gizmo, so i called again and asked about the package and about refusing it etc... long story short, the package arrived while i was on the phone with UPS to ask them not to deliver. guy rings door bell and leaves package before i get to the door.

so it turns out they sent me the free phones (i figured when the gizmo package was 2lbs and the new one was 4lbs), meanwhile on my account online it still says i have the $100 international calling which is the free gift i actually picked. maybe a CSR misunderstood what shipment i was expecting or maybe SR just screwed up somewhere. now i just need to decide if i should be nice and return or if they'll ask for it back.
my SR sound quality is great so far on my cable service but i'm waiting for those idiots at verizon to give me DSL service since i'm cancelling a free month of triple play package from optimum. i've called SR customer service a few times and the sound quality on their end always seems to suck for some reason, the CSR's all seem to be struggling to understand problems and give advice (lots of "err"'s and "uhm"'s), but i guess fortunately a higher tier of tech support seems to be emerging (i was told i could be transferred to them if i had to call back about returning the second package). i know that they're supposedly restructing their support though but i'm curious if anyone knows, is their support all outsourced? i don't mean any offense, but it seems i've only talked to indians the few times i called.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2001
I think George reported that support was going to the Philippines...maybe it wound up a little further west than that.
PS another satisfied long-time Opera user. Firefox sure killed their business model.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Actually, I was sure tech support was Indian, too (I'm Indian) but when I asked, they turned out to be in the Philipines. Never had a Philipino friend, so no idea...are the accents really that similar? The people I've talked with could have passed for Indian with their English, easily.

Congratulations on the free phone...I actually got a second gizmo with my order, which will be nice if Georgepa & others can help me unlock it so it works with another service...I have high hopes for SR with something like FWD working as a backup on the second gizmo.



Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Honestly, I would keep the phones. They must get them in gigantic quantities at, say, $20 a pop. Just the shipping label back to them which they would provide for you and then the labor and paperwork in handling the returned product probably matches that. Besides, someone there may get the wrong idea and assume that you are returning your stuff because you are cancelling the service altogether.


I think hylander should try the switcheroo. It is possible that plugging a wireless router into the gizmo's LAN port messes up the ports. Besides, I am not 100% sure that whatever screen hylander is presented with is necessarily the WEP password screen. He/she claimed not to be the most computer literate person.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
As for support, I was told by a SR engineer that it is a Phillipines company. I did read, however, that after a certain time they switch to India, but am not sure if that was a misconception on the writers part, as I have not spoken with anyone from India as of yet.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
Sure, I'd give it a shot. My reasoning is that the ports / connection / encryption we're talking about is a problem between router and computer only, as long as the router's getting through to the internet via the Gizmo in some way. I could be wrong...there's always something new to learn.

Hylander: Could you post back with details on your problem, and on what error you're getting? Tell us what you clicked on to try to connect, what it said, and what you tried. I'm interested to see if the gizmo can actually affect something like whether or not the router's using WEP.



Golden Member
Apr 15, 2001
Can anyone please recommend me another phone system to use with this VOIP service? I want to use a secure signal and I don't want it to interfere with 802.11. I also need at least 3 handsets.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
Maybe I should be upset with Sunrocket. They move so fast, my head spins and hurts:

Sunrocket now offers a $9.95 service.

In a nutshell:

- Unlimited incoming calls
- 200 minutes for global long distance anywhere in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and all 41 global Sunspots
- Unlimited calls to other Sunrocket users

It costs $35 in setup fees. There are no free phones and the signature number is not part of it. This would appeal to someone who makes limited long distance calls, or someone who makes a ton, but mostly to one person (girlfriend in another state?) with another SR account like this. It would also be a good service to set up for someone to ship overseas, so someone in China could make unlimited calls to a person on Sunrocket here in the US. Obviously, this would appeal to someone with limited funds.

$9.95 Limited Edition - Monthly

Their 2-phone promotion for the yearly and monthly all-inclusive services is still there, as it always was. The "3 months free" and "$100 international call credit" deals are gone from the website.

New section on the website:



It explains the equipment, there are FAQ and an interesting Sunrocket Dictionary.

As for the FCC ruling on E-911: With Sunrocket having the foresight to include E-911 right from the start they have no problem to be in compliance before the deadline hit. The FCC ruling for E911 went into effect on Nov. 28. Providers who find themselves in non-compliance are forced to stop all VOIP sales in areas where they can't provide E-911 service. Vonage has just 26% of their area covered. They are asked to stop sales for 74% of their coverage area. Lingo, Broadvoice, Voicepulse and Nuvio have put together nothing.

Sunrocket has 96% of their area covered with full E-911.

96% of SunRocket Customers Have Full E-911


Vonage may be banned from adding new customers



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2003
dang it, george... ya beat me

I just logged into SR and noticed the $9.95 plan.

- Unlimited incoming calls
- 200 minutes for global long distance anywhere in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and all 41 global Sunspots
- Unlimited calls to other Sunrocket users

Seems like an even more exceptional deal.... especially for everyone that has 'converted' all their friends and family to SR
Wow... I'll need to check my call logs and see if it makes sense to "downgrade"


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

I am sure they have special deals with promo codes coming down the pike for that deal, but for you the $9.95 deal as of right now probably would not be more attractive than renewing the $199. It is not just the minutes that are being limited.

Here is the math:

$9.95 per month for the service=$119.40 for the year
Equipment fee of $39.95
$3 for voicemail=$36
if you need a signature number, that's an additional $3, plus the $3 int'l call allowance is not included.

Let's assume you really don't need that signature number and have no use for the $3 int'l call allowance. I assume voicemail should probably still be part of the package. So, your price for the year going with the $9.95 deal would be $119.40 + $39.95 + $36=$195.35. For the first year the $9.95 limited service with voicemail would cost you "really" $16.28 per month. Of course, you can refer yourself to this new account, which gives you a referral fee of $50. That would bring your cost down to $145.35=$12.11 per month.

Contrast that to the $199 flat fee for unlimited service, which also includes the $3 call allowance, a signature number and the free phones, making it $16.58 per month. The phones are worth $55 on ebay. On a renewal you won't get the phones, but you could get them if you just started a brandnew account and ported your current Sunrocket numbers over to it (I checked, they let you.) Or you could just get the 15 month for $199 deal, which would give you 15 months of unlimited service for $199, bringing the monthly cost down to $13.27. If you sign up for a brandnew account (or perhaps have your wife sign up) you can refer yourself, which means you can get the $50 referral fee. In that case then your total cost for the year on the 15 month plan would be $199 minus $50=$149 for 15 months. So, your best deal would be to sign up for a brand new account for 15 months by referring yourself, and you end up paying $9.93 per month for that contract for unlimited service with voicemail, international call credit and the signature line.

BTW, the "3 months free" deal is still there:


If you already have phones that is probably your best deal right there.

I am sure the "$100 international call credit" deal is still there also (even though it is not advertised on Sunrocket's site.) We just have to find the promo code that came with. I remember seeing the code at the top of the page but didn't write it down. If anyone did write it down, could they please list it here so that deal can be once again available for readers?


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Correction on my previous message: I just checked with Sunrocket, and if you are a current SR subscriber they will waive the $39.95 equipment fee because you already own a gizmo. So, for you the deal would be $9.95 per month for limited service.

Plus, if you need voicemail or signature number, $3 each.

IMO currently the best scenario:

Have your wife or girlfriend sign up for the unlimited all-you-can-eat $199 deal for 15 months, but have her use your referral number. That way you get the $50 referral credit. Cost then for $15 months would be $149, which works out to $9.93 per month. Then port your existing SR numbers over (easy to do for SR as it is internal) and you are done for the next 15 months, effectively paying only $9.93 per month.
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