VOIP SunRocket Internet Phone Service $199 for 15months = $13.27/month

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Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

The truth is that SR is working well for almost all. Big outage issues are well in the past. Whatever issues you see now are issues I see occasionally for some Packet 8 users here and there in other places (i.e. Caller ID quirkyness, voicemail setup issues, etc.)

I used to have Packet 8 and dumped them because call quality was not very good and many features are simply missing.

P8s voice codec is the inferior g729 whereas Sunrocket, Vonage and ATT CallAdvantage use the better g711u codec. Feature-wise you can pretty much take most of the features listed in my Vonage comparison above, take away the Call Blocking features (which P8 has) and add the lack of 7-digit dialing (which P8 does not have.) It is a decent service P8 provides, and uptime sure has been a strong point, but there are shortcomings that you would probably see if you tried SR.

BTW, why not give SR a try? The phones are yours to use and keep, no matter what you decide. You could sign up for the $199 deal but if it doesn't work for you just cancel before the 31 day trial period is up. The phones are yours to keep and you don't pay a single dime to SR, even for an entire month's worth of phone calls, domestic and international. You could also sign up for the $19.99 deal, again, with the 31-day free trial and 2 free phones. If you cancel that before the 31 day trial is over you get to keep the $65 phone system and, again, don't owe a dime. You may just end up liking it and keeping it, but if not the free phones are yours.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
RE:"P8s voice codec is the inferior g729 whereas Sunrocket, Vonage and ATT CallAdvantage use the better g711u codec"

Doesn't packet8 use less bandwidth?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
The joke is that VOIPBuster has better voice quality than all of them. But thats computer based.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Yes, it does. Which is why it does not sound as good. Of course, compared to cell it may be fine, but the g711u codec sounds much better in comparison. The g711u codec uses about 90k. Most people who have high-speed internet have pretty decent bandwidth, so using the better-sounding higher bandwidth makes sense. If someone is on DSL Lite with 768 down and 128 up it would probably be better to use a less bandwidth-hungry service like Packet 8 or Lingo.



Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2001
Packet 8 is what the folks have who can not get S/R -Not meant as a slam to Packet 8-
My sister has it in Wyo on Bresnan cable & it is the only time I ever have heard a voice echo (except cellular).

Speaking of S/R's caller ID, I also note that the ID name never shows up, just the # & the reference to it being a cell call. However, I have not noticed if it is also true for a cell # call that is programmed into the handset. It may be an area thing or dependent on the originating circuitry.

Let me go way out on a limb at great personal risk of being called a shill and venture that S/R may have turned the corner.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: georgepa

Sorry you have that problem with Vonage now. Seriously, if you want to give SR one more try I have a couple of extra gizmos around that are ready to be set up. As you can tell, the "turmoil" we had from early September's massive hardware upgrade is gone. Should work well for you this time around, because your previous issue was definitely due to a faulty gizmo. Since you are local I could swing by and get you set up the way everybody else I have turned on to SR in this area has been setup (basically 100% satisfaction rate.) We could post "how-to" pictures for readers on this site to show setup, equipment, our muggs, etc.
Hi George... I'd definitely like to give SunRocket another try. Not sure if you still have my contact info so I'll PM it to you.



Nov 26, 2005
I had my first support experience today. I called up to do 2 things: Get a new signature number for a newly added SR area (to replace my existing signature number), and to get access to the message screening software. I waited on the phone for about a minute before a woman answered. She was very friendly and was able to help me with both my issues IMMEDIATELY. So far, a good SR experience all around.....


Sep 13, 2002
Just another random update from a "long-time" sunrocket customer. I was on this deal the 1st month it came out, and everything went smoothly in terms of setup etc... There have been a few short service outages, but overall I am VERY satisfied with the service. The feature list can't be touched, neither can the price. The couple times I have called customer care, they took care of questions quickly. In the last 2 months I have had perfect service with no outages. I think the voice quality has improved as well.



Golden Member
Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: georgepa
Well, we've seen how much good switching to Vonage did for Robor.

Seriously, IMO Sunrocket is the choice, even if prices were the same.

Price is about a third for the same thing, Vonage is seriously overpriced. Add all the fees on top and SRs feature advantage......

SR currently offers 15 months for $199, which comes out to $13.26 per month. You get a $3 int'l call credit per month, so true base cost could be as low as $10.26 per month. No shipping cost, no fees or taxes, so for a new startup true cost for the month is either $13.26 or $10.26 (if you call internationally).

Can u still get 15 months for 199? All I see on the website is 1 year...


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
I don't know how you guys do it...it's 8:07 on Sunday evening, and I've been on hold waiting for someone to pick up at SR for 21 minutes now, and counting.

Which number are you calling? (I'm calling the toll free number in their contact us page).

Ok, got through as I was typing this...AT must be good luck.

Now, to get my screener program and my billing adjustment (no $3 international credit as promised, and since I'm a poor volunteer on a *very* tight budget, that extra $3 put me $3 in overdraft...which means $3 + $30 in overdraft fees with Chase, argh).

Ok...got the credit. They said it was a known issue, so if anyone else had problems with it, they said it'll be adjusted in your bill next month, so no biggie. Minor problem on their end with insisting I had the wrong card number, though that's the only card number I have, and it's the one they charged me on, but nothing major.

She's checking on the voicemail app now.

On the whole, a *dramatic* improvement. She sounds like a US-based CSR, she seems to know what she's doing, and she's found answers to my problems as soon as I've voiced them. If it had been like this in the beginning, I would have been a much happier camper.

My only current gripe is the hold time, and that's absolutely insubstantial compared to the cost-savings involved with using SR over anything else. Besides, anyone who's ever tried to have problems solved by SBC / Ameritech's CSR's over the phone is no stranger to hold times and service / support issues. I'm extremely happy to have replaced my pots line with SR...hopefully they'll continue to make changes for the better.



May 30, 2004
vonage vs. sunrocket:

I'm neither a vonage person nor do I recommend it. However, common sense to me answers it all. Just check thislink where there are ton of reviews and SR literally ranks 3rd at the bottom with 130 reviews. With company being this new and this many bad reviews clearly proves one simple fact, SR is not a good VoIP program nor will ever be one. (sorry for the analogy but it truly explains my thoughts) SR is like a football team that does not have a single win, rank at the bottom of the league and yet they claim that they are a good team.

Do not waste your money on SR.

my 0.02$


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: bulletpr00f
vonage vs. sunrocket:

I'm neither a vonage person nor do I recommend it. However, common sense to me answers it all. Just check thislink where there are ton of reviews and SR literally ranks 3rd at the bottom with 130 reviews. With company being this new and this many bad reviews clearly proves one simple fact, SR is not a good VoIP program nor will ever be one. (sorry for the analogy but it truly explains my thoughts) SR is like a football team that does not have a single win, rank at the bottom of the league and yet they claim that they are a good team.

Do not waste your money on SR.

my 0.02$
To put things in perspective, keep in mind the date the review is posted, relative to the well-known service outtages of early-July and mid-October. I'm not saying outtages won't happen again (since I'm not a psychic), but everything I've read from SR indicates they have fixed those specific problems. Clearly, those instances are too much for some.
Regarding the above link at dslreports: my favorite review is by "Champer" who rates all but the website at the lowest possible rating -- AND NEVER EVEN TRIED THE SERVICE. (His valid gripe is: SR dropped the ball on delivery).
I don't know why I have an overwhelming urge to keep responding to bullet's repeated "warnings". I thought he was done with SR for good... and hoped he'd be done with this thread for good, too. Meh. In the early days of electricity, there were a lot of problems -- so you shouldn't sign-on for the obviously passing fad. Electricity was no good, and never will be. Just my $0.02.


Golden Member
Dec 12, 2003


Senior member
Apr 25, 2001
I've had my share of SR problems, but my own personal experience is that it's an improving trend...SR has been getting better. So the way I see it, it has tons of features and an incredible price point, gives me everything I need and then some, and I get two numbers (haven't figured out what to do with the other one yet) ...so if they seem fairly committed to fixing their technical difficulties and their service levels, it seems like a good thing to hang on to.

I agree that being third from the bottom is a bad indication, but perhaps more understandable for a new company than an established one (Tiger Direct, anyone?). Secondly, read into the reviews...if you do your homework, most of the complaints against SR are for their service issues and the inability to escalate calls - things they've gone a long way towards addressing. My recent calls to their support confirm this (not perfect, by a long shot, but to put this in perspective, much better than SBC). They also seem to have upgraded their infrastructure, so outtages seem to not be a problem (keeping my fingers crossed).

So, if they're addressing the major issues that had them ranked at third, and if they've become a major player despite being this new to the game, then I'd say they're on their way to moving up that ranking ladder. It's not a question of who's ranked where now...it's a question of where SR's going to be ranked over the course of this coming year.

I got SR as a replacement for a POTS line. I'm thinking about it from that point of view, and in comparison to Lingo, which i used before. Either way, SR does seem like a great deal for the price, and offers features that'll keep me happy for a long time to come. I'd definitely recommend it. My call quality is now great (occasional issues, but much better than any cell phone), voicemail screening works, and I'm beginning to experiment with the call forwarding features...



Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

It is like when Bostonkarl made his brief appearances here and is now nowhere to be found for discussion. "Don't get this, it stinks" in SRs case has got to be the single most stupid advice in VOIP history. It is obvious that most people are very happy or satisfied with the service, even when you read through the reviews. But, the kicker here is that it does not COST anything to try this out just to see if this fits YOUR particular situation, lifestyle, calling patterns, phone service needs. THEY pay for shipping. The first month is a 31-day free trial, so if it does not work out cancel this and for all that trouble you get that month's calls for free as well as you get to keep the 2 free phones worth $65. For someone to recommend not trying it for yourself with the parameters lined out above is patently absurd. Bulletproof has an obvious agenda and being ignored with his last post must have panicked him to no end. So the "dire warnings" come out again. Yet, nobody heeds his warnings with new signups popping up on this thread left and right. And the amazing thing: Usually people are glad they sign up once they get it.

Sunrocket is close to hitting 60,000 users, passing ATT CallVantage in the process. They will be passing Packet 8 to become the #2 VOIP in the land probably before May of next year, given current adoption patterns. Churn (turnover) is minimal, overall below 10%, when VOIP industry average is 25%. They are doing very well at this point. One has to remember that basically for a little over $13 per month one gets features regular POTS does not have at any price and no other VOIP can match. One also gets the second line (with voicemail) for free, the best prices for international calling in the VOIP business and NO FEES, startup cost, taxes whatsover. To get a matching product with other VOIPs one would have to pay close to $40, almost triple the true cost of SR. With uptime and call clarity as good as this has been for almost 2 months now this is a value unrivalled in the VOIP world.

Sorry, bullitproof, your ship has sailed, or, as they say in the deep south: That Dog Won't Hunt.


Nov 26, 2005
SR is awesome. I just disconnected my POTS from my phone demarcation box outside (but keeping the service active while we test SR out). Plugged in the Gizmo to one of my home jacks and now all the phones in my house are active. VERY COOL. I tested my Brinks Alarm System with it and IT WORKS GREAT!! Now to test out my FAX.... BTW, I have Verizon FIOS for phone, and the caller id stopped working on one of my phones under Verizon FIOS (after we switched from copper), BUT it works great with SR. Does that means the Gizmo is adhering to more phone standards than Verizon? Too funny.


May 3, 2000
Well, my initial Sunrocket experience is less than stellar.

I'm now in the hole with them for $398. They charged me twice for the service and they don't even have a record of it! They tell me that billing will be contacting me, but that they cannot connect me to their billing department because they don't take phone calls. The USELESS customer service department tells me that they can't tell me when billing will contact me and they can't even tell me the hours they work! This is the worst billing "help" I've ever encountered. I feel like I'm in a vacuum when I talk to them. The customer service reps are COMPLETELY useless.


Nov 26, 2005
Originally posted by: pulse8
Well, my initial Sunrocket experience is less than stellar.

I'm now in the hole with them for $398. They charged me twice for the service and they don't even have a record of it! They tell me that billing will be contacting me, but that they cannot connect me to their billing department because they don't take phone calls. The USELESS customer service department tells me that they can't tell me when billing will contact me and they can't even tell me the hours they work! This is the worst billing "help" I've ever encountered. I feel like I'm in a vacuum when I talk to them. The customer service reps are COMPLETELY useless.

pulse8 - I would change tactics... I would call your credit card company and protest both of the charges. Typically, if the credit card company researches it and gets the same info you are getting, then you are not responsible for the charges..


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Let's get this straight. They charged you for your service, which you have a record for with phone numbers, confirmation, etc. but then you were charged a second time for the same service. So, you are really in a hole with them for the second $199, right? I am sure it'll be straightened out in no time, but as doozer said, just call your credit card company and dispute the unwanted portion of the charges. If you rather not do that just get the charge taken off. Today is Monday, so the billing department should now be able to get this thing done right away (I believe that department is closed on weekends.)


May 3, 2000
Thanks for the responses and I plan on contacting my credit card company in a few days if I don't get anywhere with Sunrocket. I'd like to give them a little more time to straighten this out.

Also, I'm in the hole with them for $398. They have no record of billing me and as far as I know they are probably going to bill me again on Wednesday unless this gets resolved before then because that is when they were supposed to bill me in the first place..


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005
I guess I am not getting it. When you signed up were you not transported to a confirmation page and, at the end, shown a page labelled "Order confirmation" with all your information (including your 2 new Sunrocket numbers, username, password, etc.) ready for printing? If you got that, even if you did not end up printing it, there is obviously a record of your transaction in form of an active account. You should be in the hole for $199 then, right?

BTW, I doubt you'll get charged again on the 7th. How would the CS person know when exactly you are to be charged, him not working in the billing department? He probably assumed that you should have been charged approximately matching your receipt of the SR package, but in this case it obviously happened sooner.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
I admit, I'm a packet 8 user. Their codec uses less bandwidth (supposed to even work over dial up) and because I call to some far away places I figured I get less dropped calls. I'm very satisfied with the voice quality.
When the year runs out I may give SunRocket a try. They seem to be the best deal out there and I have always supported them on this thread. Sounds like they are really working hard to give customer satisfaction.
I urge everyone to give them a try.
I'd really like to know how to invest in VOIP equipment. Any traded companies make the terminal adaptors, routers necessary for VOIP?


Nov 26, 2005
So I notice the first few syllables of each call are cut off. Nothing major, but of course my wife will pick up on that and complain.

Also, interesting call I had recently. I called home. From my end, it rang a few times, it went to some elevator music, then over to my wife answering the phone. From her end, it rang, she picked it up and it was dial tone. She hung the phone up. It rang again. She picked it up and there I was. Has anyone else experienced this?


Senior member
Apr 3, 2005

Sounds like your wife inadvertantly hit the TALK button twice. That had the effect that she picked up on your call but then immediately put you on hold. Of course you get the chipper but cheesy hold music. When your wife hung up the phone it rang back because you were still on hold.
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