Volunteer account of a raid on a medical marijuana facility


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
You would think the would have security cameras to verify the account of the volunteers (and I hope they do), so we'll see how this plays out. That said, I would not be surprised if this was 100% true.

PLEASE READ THE APPALLING ACCOUNT of events leading to this protest:

We are volunteers of a medical marijuana collective located in Pomona. Our doors had only been open 7 days and since opening, the Pomona Police Department continuously harassed patients and volunteers. We are desperate to get the word out regarding this issue. At this time, I am orchestrating a protest in front of the Pomona Police Department for some time later this week. Currently, 4 volunteers have been arrested and charged with multiple felonies. Their court date is set for May 18th.

The police department kicked down the doors a little after 6:00 pm on Saturday evening without a warrant for the second time in 2 days. They claimed they needed to sweep the office to make sure there was nobody in the building with a weapon. They were unwilling to state the reasons for being there other than they were investigating. When asked what they were investigating, they said for crimes. They were unable to obtain a warrant until nearly 10:00 pm. During this time, the Pomona Police Department threatened the driver of a terminally ill cancer patient trying to fill out paper work in the waiting room. The cancer patient, who appeared gravely ill, asked the police officers if he could please get the help of the volunteers to pick up his prescription. He stated that after receiving his medication he would like to go home, and the officers told him to go to a real pharmacy and get a prescription from a real doctor. The cancer patients driver was forced to leave the parking lot and drive off or he would be arrested. The ill man was left in the waiting room with no medicine, no ride home and when he asked the officers to provide him with a ride home they told him no. As if what I just stated wasn't bad enough the patient is currently under going chemo and needed help to the door by one of our volunteers. He is extremely ill and weak.

The volunteers informed officers over and over again that they invoke their 5th Amendment Right. They also repeatedly stated that the officers were trespassing without a warrant and to please leave the premises immediately. They informed the officers that without a valid letter of recommendation from a doctor as well as California Identification, they were not to go into the room where the medication was being kept. When asked to see a copy of the warrant, the officer claimed he didn't need one.

Sergeant Leonard Badge #3, threatened a volunteer who informed him he was trespassing without a warrant to search the property. He informed the volunteer, "You better be careful what you say to me son, because I am old school." The volunteers invoked their 5th amendment right several times during the interrogation by officers who stated they did not care about Proposition 215 or SB 420. They repeated over and over that this was their turf, and that they were "old school."

The collective is not violating any of the state guidelines. We work closely with our attorney J. David Nick and do not understand why the police continue to harass us or our patients. On Thursday a patient arrived in tears with her husband during a police investigation. An officer told her to go to the hospital when he turned the couple away. Her doctor ordered her to medicate with marijuana. Prior to medicating with marijuana, she was taking enough morphine to kill a horse. She and her husband are both on disability, and we provide her medication for free. She lost her eyesight after nearly bleeding out after having her 4th child 10 years ago. The disease she developed cannot be explained and causes her severe pain. There is nothing doctors can do for her other than keep her medicated for comfort. Her doctors informed her she would have overdosed one of these days had she not turned to marijuana. Marijuana helps to relieve her pain and allow her to eat without making her sick. It is patients like her we take pride in helping.

The Pomona Police officers have pulled patients over and told them never to return or else. One patient who is suffering from brain cancer at the age of 20, pulled his hat off for an officer. He showed him the scars from the last surgery he had where they attempted to take out a tumor. The officer told him they have other medications to help him. As if the boys Oncologist who has been practicing for over 20 years wasn't capable of telling him what to medicate with...

On Thursday, they illegally searched the property and seized the patient's medicine and their files. They detained patients and volunteers for hours without telling them anything other than they were criminals who were breaking the law. This is an obvious shakedown and abuse of law enforcement power. We have tried to inform them that our goal is to provide safe access to medication to patients who qualify and have a valid letter of recommendation along with a valid california identification card or license. The volunteers have explained to officers over and over again they are breaking the law by trespassing, and they are told to shut up they don't know what they are talking about.

We are turning to the media for support and for help because we obviously cannot trust law enforcement who is supposed to be there to protect us. Saturday evening when they arrested the 4 volunteers, 1 officer attacked a volunteer. He threw him on the ground and beat him pretty good before putting him in cuffs and in a squad car. After being released from jail, he was sent to an emergency room to be checked out. When the officer attacked him he hit his head and shoulder on the ground and suffered a shoulder injury.

Please help get the word out.


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2005
Disgusting. If I was there I would likely have gone to jail for disorderly conduct. I watched my mother die of brain cancer, so I know firsthand how debilitating and horrible it is.


Jul 12, 2000
And people think that pot is going to be completely legal..... :roll:

As far as what they are doing to sick people......disgusting.


Feb 5, 2006
Thugs are going to be thugs until a bigger thug puts them in their place.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Yeah, that's real "old school", barge into a place full of non-violent, unarmed people and tell sick people to go away.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
This is why letting police investigate and punish themselves via internal affairs units is a bad idea. Every police dept should have a civilian review board.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ns1
The officer told him they have other medications to help him.

Do prohibitionist fucktards even think about what they're saying?

It's OK to use this drug, but not that drug. Why? We have no idea, but we're old school.

Fuck the drug war and any morons that still defend that waste of resources.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.

99.99% of the people who want marijuana legalized don't have terminal cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2005
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

In this case they obviously don't care about the cancer patients. Are you implying that a dying person who is in great pain that is successfully relieved by cannabis rather than morphine is a pothead addict? Go troll elsewhere.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.




No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: scott916
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

In this case they obviously don't care about the cancer patients. Are you implying that a dying person who is in great pain that is successfully relieved by cannabis rather than morphine is a pothead addict? Go troll elsewhere.

MJ is better than many, many prescription drugs at relieving various ailments.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.

99.99% of the people who want marijuana legalized don't have terminal cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that eat beef don't have an iron deficiency, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that breath oxygen don't have emphysema, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that wear sunblock don't have skin cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.

99.99% of the people who want marijuana legalized don't have terminal cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

About as idiotic as labeling all the people who want it legalized potheads.


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2005
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.

99.99% of the people who want marijuana legalized don't have terminal cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

:laugh: Go read the link in your own sig.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: ScottyB
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

Yup. The nerve of these people, faking illness, even going so far as to make themselves appear bald from cancer... it's disgusting.

99.99% of the people who want marijuana legalized don't have terminal cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that eat beef don't have an iron deficiency, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that breath oxygen don't have emphysema, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

99.99% of the people that wear sunblock don't have skin cancer, suggesting otherwise is idiotic.

I'm not suggesting otherwise on any of those things, how are they even related here?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: scott916
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

In this case they obviously don't care about the cancer patients. Are you implying that a dying person who is in great pain that is successfully relieved by cannabis rather than morphine is a pothead addict? Go troll elsewhere.

I'll say I'm for allowing MJ to be used as a medicine if you say you are for stricter enforcement of MJ laws from people with out a prescription...

Do all of yall support legalizing heroin and cocaine and meth etc? And why not at age 12 while were at it?


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2005
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: scott916
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

In this case they obviously don't care about the cancer patients. Are you implying that a dying person who is in great pain that is successfully relieved by cannabis rather than morphine is a pothead addict? Go troll elsewhere.

I'll say I'm for allowing MJ to be used as a medicine if you say you are for stricter enforcement of MJ laws from people with out a prescription...

Do all of yall support legalizing heroin and cocaine and meth etc? And why not at age 12 while were at it?

You had a valid argument going until you decided to group pot with hard drugs. It's simply a different ball park. Marijuana is non-addictive and a medically viable alternative to harder, more addictive, and often side-effect laden pain medicines currently on the market. Heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are dangerous banes upon society.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: scott916
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Originally posted by: scott916
Originally posted by: BrownTown
Marijuana is illegal and should remain so. Acting like the people who want it legalized don't give two shits about cancer patients is just silly, they are just a bunch of potheads who want to make their addiction legal.

In this case they obviously don't care about the cancer patients. Are you implying that a dying person who is in great pain that is successfully relieved by cannabis rather than morphine is a pothead addict? Go troll elsewhere.

I'll say I'm for allowing MJ to be used as a medicine if you say you are for stricter enforcement of MJ laws from people with out a prescription...

Do all of yall support legalizing heroin and cocaine and meth etc? And why not at age 12 while were at it?

You had a valid argument going until you decided to group pot with hard drugs. It's simply a different ball park. Marijuana is non-addictive and a medically viable alternative to harder, more addictive, and often side-effect laden pain medicines currently on the market. Heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are dangerous banes upon society.

I could take the people I knew in high school who smoked MJ and the people who didnt and look at where they ended up in life and the guys who did pot, many of their lives have gone down the crapper. I smoked Marijuana in college for the "experience", probably 75% of the people here did too, but that still don't make it right. If your life is at the point where you need a drug to make you happy there is a much worse problem and you need REAL help.

In all honesty I don't have too much of a problem legalizing Marijuana, I just cant stand the sort of people who support it.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: BrownTown
I could take the people I knew in high school who smoked MJ and the people who didnt and look at where they ended up in life and the guys who did pot, many of their lives have gone down the crapper.

If you want to use that logic, I know way more people who's lives were "destroyed" by world of warcraft.

Hell in terms of productivity, ATOT has been WAAAAAAAAAAAY more detrimental to my existence then pot.
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