Voodoo 4 4500 or GeForce 2MX?


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
Both are attractively priced but which one looks better? Speed is not much of a consideration, because I'm not going for super high res and fps over 60 dont make that much of a difference any way.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 1999
<-- says get yourself a geforce 2mx. better chipset and the o/c capabilities are great w/ these cards.
better for q3a if you ask me! 32bit rendering baby!


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Huh... 32bit color rendering baby? 4500 is capable of that. It really depends on what type of games you play, if UT is your game, grab the V4. If you play mostly Q3A, then get GF2 MX.


Feb 1, 2000
there is another thread on this, turned into a classic 3dfx vs. nvidia war. It really depends what you are going to do. Both are easily capable of playing todays games, the voodoo4 4500 being slower , but not by a huge amount especially at resolutions like 1024x768 or 800x600 with 32bit color as both cards are held back by having the same type of memory. As for 2d quality i'd say the v4 4500 wins (i'm talking about say using excel or photoshop, or word / web browsers). 3dfx seems to have better quality at 1280x1024 and especially 1600x1200 on your desktop for doing work tasks, probably 2nd to matrox. Most nvidia cards aren't to great above 1280x1024, and if you get a crappy manufacturer that really cut corners on 2d buffers and ramdac quality 1280x1024 might not be too great either. The geforce2mx has a t&amp;l unit and that is starting to get important. In older games like counterstrike you should be able use the 2x fsaa on the voodoo5 though, while the geforce might kind of choke since its limited by the sdram more than the voodoo5. Also the voodoo5's fsaa is in most people's opinions better, some say 2x on the voodoo5 is about the same as 2x2 on the geforce and i agree. The geforce2mx has the twinview thing but only on certain cards so if you want dual monitors or tv out you'd have to get that, since i dont think they make the 4500 with tv out. I'm pretty sure i'll get flamed for this. I personally have not owned any of these cards, but i have had a voodoo3 2000, many ASUS 32 and 64mb DDR geforce256 cards (i sell them in forsale / trade), an elsa erazor x and a voodoo5 5500. I'd say get the vooodoo4 if you want good 2d quality and fsaa , get the geforce2 for higher frame rate and t&amp;l. Also i'd say for most newbies the voodoo series cards are easier to install since they dont do agp texturing and there are less problems with vgart drivers and the like because of that.


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2000
If you get an NVIDIA, be sure to pick up MR.F's drivers! I get a higher FPS in Counter-Strike(72 steady, 92burst) with my Geforce256 than people with GTS2 running same resoulution just NVIDIA drivers.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2000
If you are going to consider running FSAA 2x for all of your games, you might want to consider getting the voodoo4. I love FSAA and wish that the Radeon was implemented with more FSAA features.


Aug 14, 2000
Think of it this way. V4 = TNT2 Ultra - true AGP + FSAA x 2.
Think of this also: how fast do you think a TNT2 Ultra would be with 2 x FSAA? Answer: not very fast.

GF2 MX: true AGP, T&amp;L, GPU, true tri-linear mip-mapping, asintrophic filtering, better performance. Also most people forget that the detonator drivers do FSAA. Anyway, the GF2 MX will give you better performance if you do choose to use FSAA, plus you will get a whole range of values other than just 2x.


Apr 28, 2000
>>over 60 dont make that much of a difference any way.<<
Right, but to keep the minimum rate over 60, you have to average over 100.



Feb 1, 2000
doesnt the voodoo4 have tri linear mip mapping and, anti-scopic filering also? Besides the hit that 3dfx's 2x fsaa implementation does, isnt as bad as the hit that the geforce2 mx takes with 2x2 low quality (i'd say those two are about equivalent).


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
&quot;Think of it this way. V4 = TNT2 Ultra...&quot;

There you go, spewing crap again.

Well, since the V4 outperforms a GTS MX in UT, I guess the MX is worse than a TNT2U.

Dude, why do you hate 3dfx? Does somebody there beat you up, and steal your lunch money?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Glen you dont need over 60 to keep an avarge of 60.
Of course in that case you cant have any lower than 60 either, but you get the idea, you can have 50 half the time and 70 the rest of the time and youll have 60 avarge.

Oh and, Id go for the MX anyday.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
How does the Radeon SDR perform when compared to these two cards? Hate to throw this thread into a 3some but I've been looking for reviews on the SDR and haven't found any. Anand really needs to put together a budget video card round up. (hint, hint, I know I'm not the first to suggest this.)


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm bringing this up for the sake of discussion but remember you can use the 2nd disc of compressed textures in UT now with a Geforce MX. But currently NOT on a V5 4500 since 3dfx has no S3TC liscense.

Frankly thats a HUGE mark for the MX for UT usage. The CON is that you have to use the 402 patch. Personally I would go with the MX, both won't last you forever but with the MX's extra features like the NSR and T&amp;L, it will help a low end system better with the next round of games.

&quot;doesnt the voodoo4 have tri linear mip mapping and, anti-scopic filering also?&quot;

It does have trilinear mip-mapping but only when single-texturing. EG almost never, and it does not have anistropic.

Frankly neither card has enough fillrate to use FSAA fully. Not at a good enough resolution anyway, the only reason I'd use FSAA on either card is with older fixed or low resolution games.



Oct 9, 1999
GeForce2 MX... think about it like this, the Voodoo4 4500 was supposed to be out to compete with GeForce1 or TNT2 Ultra, and its out now.


Apr 23, 2000
There is no contest,go with the Geforce2 MX,it`s one great overclocker,the V4 is probably the worst 3DFX card ever to come out ,too little &amp; too late.Price wise the Geforce2 MX is cheaper with more features.



Jan 11, 2000

Several people have already pointed out the rather obvious inaccuracies in your argument, but there are a couple of points not addressed, so I decided to post a correction:

Think of it this way. V4 = TNT2 Ultra - true AGP + FSAA x 2.

You are comparing a previous generation performance card to a current generation entry-level card. Price point is the key issue in that market. And since the performance of the cards is so similar, what you are actually saying here is that the MX=TNT2 Ultra. Not only is the comparison invalid, it is also damaging to your argument for the MX.

Think of this also: how fast do you think a TNT2 Ultra would be with 2 x FSAA? Answer: not very fast.

You bet, especially when compared with a Voodoo4.

GF2 MX: true AGP, T&amp;L, GPU, true tri-linear mip-mapping, asintrophic filtering, better performance.

These also are non-issues. AGP texturing and 4X (or any X for that matter) yields virtually no performance advantage, T&amp;L has to be present in the application to be taken advantage of (unlike FSAA), the Voodoo4 has LOD adjustments which can be used to enhance image quality and the MX only has better performance in some areas while the V4 has it in others.

Also most people forget that the detonator drivers do FSAA. [\i]

Yes, and any comparison you look up (or any benching you do yourself) will tell you the well established fact that the 3dfx implementation is faster than nVidia's. Most will also tell you it looks better.

Anyway, the GF2 MX will give you better performance if you do choose to use FSAA,

That is a fascinating conclusion since it is documented fact that the 3dfx implementation is faster.

plus you will get a whole range of values other than just 2x.

Yes, which at the ultimate high setting will get your image looking as good as 3dfx's in 2X while dropping the performance way below what the Voodoo4 would be doing.

Again, I sincerely encourage you to look beyond whatever nVidia-biased source you are using for your facts and do a little research before continuing to make statements like this. They really don't stand up to even a small measure of scrutiny and as you can see from the responses in this thread, they make people question your motivation.


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
Wow, for some people its no question... but I'm not polarized. If I played games the GeForce 2 MX was really good on, I'd get it, no question. But I'm going to buy Deus Ex TF2 and I already have Half-Life and Diablo II. All of those, I belive, are 3Dfx freindly.


Aug 14, 2000
Well, since the V4 outperforms a GTS MX in UT,

Ah, the classic zombie argument. Start &quot;benchmarking&quot; a game based around Glide and proudly show off the benchmarks.

It does have trilinear mip-mapping but only when single-texturing. EG almost never, and it does not have anistropic.

Right. And neither does the V5 5500.

You are comparing a previous generation performance card to a current generation entry-level card.

Previous two generations performance card. Anyway nVidia's MX = GF1 SDR while your &quot;entry level&quot; V4 = TNT2 Ultra and probably costs more than the MX.

So nVidia's entry level card has more features and equals the performance of the previous high end board, while your board has less features and equals the previous previous speed king.

And since the performance of the cards is so similar, what you are actually saying here is that the MX=TNT2 Ultra. Not only is the comparison invalid, it is also damaging to your argument for the MX.

I love it how you PR types twist words. I never said the MX = TNT2 Ultra. I said the V4 = TNT Ultra and the GF2 MX > either of those two. The only thing I am damaging is your &quot;entry level&quot; theory because nVidia's definition of entry level is higher than 3dfx's.

You bet, especially when compared with a Voodoo4.

Don't make me laugh. I have seen benchmarks of the V4's lackluster FSAA scores. You can barely play modern games at all with it nevermind with using FSAA. (See later for the benchmarks).

These also are non-issues. AGP texturing and 4X (or any X for that matter) yields virtually no performance advantage

I have seen benchmarks which disagree with this.

T&amp;L has to be present in the application to be taken advantage of (unlike FSAA)

So does 32 bit colour. Why did you bother including it then? What about OpenGL? Games have to take advantage of it too. Why did you even bother with it? Oh wait: the V3 didn't have any of these things. Now I understand 3dfx's philosophy.

A quote from Carmack about Doom 3: 3DFX Voodoo4/5, S3 Savage4/2000, Matrox G400/450, ATI Rage128, Nvidia TNT[2]: Much of the visual lushness will be missing due to the lack of bump mapping, but the game won't have any gaping holes. Most of these except the V5 probably won't have enough fill-rate to be very enjoyable.

In other words you will need the V5 5500 costing twice as much to play the game and it will still be inferior to an MX. The V4 will be already be useless and it has only just been released. What does that tell you?

Not only that, but the MX with all its &quot;not needed&quot; features is able to perform better and faster than the V5 5500, which costs twice as much and has twice the RAM and CPUs. Boy you're right, nVidia sure did include a lot of &quot;useless&quot; features on their boards.

Read the whole thing here.

What about the Voodoo4 has LOD adjustments which can be used to enhance image quality and the

Of course sharpening the image in this way results in perfomance hits.

MX only has better performance in some areas while the V4 has it in others.

V4 = Unreal/UT and MX = everything else. In fact now UT is better on the MX because of S3TX not available on the Voodoo. So I guess that just leaves Unreal.

Yes, and any comparison you look up (or any benching you do yourself) will tell you the well established fact that the 3dfx implementation is faster than nVidia's. Most will also tell you it looks better.

I have seen FSAA benchmarks showing nVidia's boards outperforming the Voodoo simply because it doesn't matter what you do differently, the fact of the matter is you are still rendering more pixels like the others. Since FSAA is almost entirely dependent on raw fillrate, I think we know who comes out on top with these benchmarks.

The image quality is also very subjective and a lot of sites think that high resolutions are far better than FSAA.

A quote from planet hardware: And while the anti-aliasing routines of the V5-5500 are absolutely the best in the group of cards tested here, most of our staff feels that they'd rather not give up playing games at a resolution of 1024x768x32bpp with all graphic features on besides AA, than have to play at a modest 640x480x16bpp with AA enabled.

Oh, and lets not forget the V5 finished last out of all of the tested boards.

Planet hardware round-up.

That is a fascinating conclusion since it is documented fact that the 3dfx implementation is faster.

Perhaps it's documented but where are the benchmarks to prove this &quot;documentation&quot;? I have some here.

The V4 in HQ Q3 is scoring 36 fps with FSAA * 2. How on earth can someone recommend a V4 over a GF2 MX based on FSAA? Wait don't tell me: the human eye can't see a difference over 30 fps right? Or is it 24 fps, just like a film?

Yes, which at the ultimate high setting will get your image looking as good as 3dfx's in 2X while dropping the performance way below what the Voodoo4 would be doing.

I don't think so. Here we have some FSAA x 2 screenshots on both boards. The difference between the two was so low that the V4 comes slightly better after downloading both still images and looking at them for a while. I don't know about you but I don't know anyone who plays Quake 3 to look at still images. In contrast raising the resolution results in an immediate and obvious image quality gain.

They really don't stand up to even a small measure of scrutiny and as you can see from the responses in this thread, they make people question your motivation.

And what makes you think they don't question your motivation? I don't work for any graphics card company nor do I have shares in one. I am completely independant consumer and I simply pick what option is the best. You on the other hand are a 3dfx PR guy. Are you suggesting you have no bias toward 3dfx? If you don't, I'm not sure why they gave you such a position.

Your statement is the most extreme case of &quot;pot-kettle-black&quot; I have ever seen.


Feb 1, 2000
ok bfg10k, i'm pretty sure you are a total nvidiot and what i'm about to say wont matter. The guy said he was going to run UT/deus ex, diablo2 and counterstrike. All of those games are glide pretty much. Also if you look on pricewatch , yes you can get a cheap evga or cheap clone brand low quality gf2mx for around $105, but if you want a decent brand i.e. leadtek or hercules or visiontek even, you are looking at $120 or so. Now the cheapest for the v4 4500 is $120 so they really aren't that much more expensive. Now if i was gonna get a gf2 mx i'd personally go for the hercules one which is $125 or so for the oem version with 6ns ram i belive, and actually more expensive than the v4 4500. For all purposes lets just say to get a decent gf2mx it costs the same as a v4 4500 (now you want good 2d quality and good filters and buffers so you dont get horrible 2d at 1280x1024 and higher). Anyways the whole point of this thread was to see what card was best for him and he happens to play the 4 or 5 games that the v4 is better at. Now if he was playing quake3 (which we all know is the definitive game of games... not, but i digress...) or fakk2 or mdk2 or sits there watching 3dmark2000 run all day then we should recommend the gf2mx. If he plays decentfreespace2 or MS flight sim or nsf4 or even nfl blitz then its probably better for him to get a v4 again. . So mr. bfg10k if you were a logical person you would say v4 4500 if you were at all trying to help this guy instead of just preaching your nvidia religion. Have you seen diablo2 in glide? it is soooo much better than in d3d and that is a fact. And he plays that game so he should get a glide card... Oh yeah.. and unlike you , i own a BOTH geforce ddr AND a vooodoo5 5500.
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