voter disenfranchisement in OHIO caught on camera


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000

For all those who wanted evidence from this post, take a little looksy here

Why are these people in the polling place in the first place?
What possible reason did they have for being there?
If what they were doing was totally innocent, why didnt they explain their behavior on camera?
All these names missing from the ballot...

more evidence. Its not known whothe letter came from but I have my guesses.

An independent agency that monitored the election said:

In a letter to the chairs of both major parties Wednesday, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), the nation's largest coalition of civil and human rights groups, called for both to ?cease and desist? in any efforts to conduct aggressive challenges to voters at the polls, particularly those that are ?likely to impact minority voters more harshly than non-minority voters.?

In addition, the group called for the universal use of provisional ballots, or those that can be cast by voters who, for one reason or another, might otherwise be disqualified for technicalities, such as showing up at the wrong voting site. So long as the voter is indeed eligible to vote, s/he should not be denied the opportunity to cast a ballot that counts, according to the delegation which said that was ?surely the intention of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
This was a particular concern of delegation members who visited Ohio. The report noted their concerns over a recent directive by the state's secretary of state discouraging poll workers from providing provisional ballots to voters who go to the wrong voting precinct. They also found that the bulk of voter registration and education outreach is carried out by civic groups that have not been provided with confirmation of new voter registrations. Both practices, it said, may discourage turnout and disproportionately affect low-income minority groups.?

original article here

Ever wish you could cast a ballot by phone

from here
Suzie Husami, a University of Toledo student said in a press conference that her voter registration was challenged by Republicans along with 35,000 other mostly newer registrants. She received a letter from the Board of Elections reading: "NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3503.24: your registration is being challenged. The reason stated as the basis for this challenge is that you are unqualified to vote because you are not a resident of the precinct where you can vote. A hearing has been set at the above stated place and time. You have the right to appear, testify and call witnesses and to be represented by an attorney." The letter was addressed from Paula Hicks-Hudson, Director of the Toledo Board of Elections. Although the challenges to her were thrown out in court the day before her hearing?three days before the election, many people who received such letters were likely discouraged from voting.

Alli Starr, also a get out the vote volunteer, described how, 25 minutes before polls closed in Toledo, Ohio, Republican challengers were harassing voters at the Mott Library, Central City polling station, a low-income African-American community. Observers said that they believed these challengers had repeatedly called the police producing absurd stories in order to intimidate voters. One of the Republican challengers was recognized as Dennis Lange, a prominent local business owner who owns Pumpernickels Deli & Cafe. Mr. Lange aggressively tried to push back African-American community members who were poll watching and voting at the site. At one point more than four police and sheriffs officers, including undercover officers, were witnessed at the site for no apparent reason.

will post more stuff later, but need to go to class.



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
theres a law in the state of Ohio letting challengers be there, both Republican and Democrat challengers were there. Why were the names missing from the voter lists? Who knows, they could be lying for all we know. There is no proof what-so-ever of any of this. If it's true their name was purged for some reason, then its wrong...but I see no proof therefore I won't believe it until I see PROOF.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
Originally posted by: ntdz
theres a law in the state of Ohio letting challengers be there, both Republican and Democrat challengers were there. Why were the names missing from the voter lists? Who knows, they could be lying for all we know. There is no proof what-so-ever of any of this. If it's true their name was purged for some reason, then its wrong...but I see no proof therefore I won't believe it until I see PROOF.

If the challengers had the right to be there, why were they forced to leave?
its ok for them to stand over the voters and try to influence them?
Isnt that type of behavior illegal?

Funny how all these people's names are disappearing from the list and these voters are then forced to use provisional ballots.




No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Political Parties should have no influence on the Voting process. An independent Electoral committee should determine Voters lists and those at the Polling places should have a procedure to verify the legitimacy of a Voters registration. It is utterly ridiculous that Partisans can challenge a Voter at Polling Stations, they are there for purely Partisan reasons and as such offer no legitimacy to the process.


Oct 31, 2000
I see nothing going wrong in the videos (and I voted for Kerry) - come back with some real proof and then we'll talk.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
Originally posted by: rbloedow
I see nothing going wrong in the videos (and I voted for Kerry) - come back with some real proof and then we'll talk.

What do you want? A republican challenger telling a voter to vote for bush on camera. yea, likely to happen.
So you dont think that voters complaining about harassment is real proof? Or do you think theyre lying?



Golden Member
Apr 23, 2001
Originally posted by: imhotepmp
Originally posted by: rbloedow
I see nothing going wrong in the videos (and I voted for Kerry) - come back with some real proof and then we'll talk.

What do you want? A republican challenger telling a voter to vote for bush on camera. yea, likely to happen.
So you dont think that voters complaining about harassment is real proof? Or do you think theyre lying?


The problem is your topic is misleading...
voter intimidation in OHIO caught on camera

Should read
Complaints of voter intimidation in OHIO caught on camera

The video is not catching voter intimidation, it is only documenting complaints... My opinion... If the complaints are true (which I think might be for a few of the challengers but not the majority) then charges should be filed against the individuals that committed the crimes and that is that.

Here is a quick way to resolve the alleged questions...

"It's none of your damn business who I am voting for."


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|

What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: imhotepmp
Originally posted by: rbloedow
I see nothing going wrong in the videos (and I voted for Kerry) - come back with some real proof and then we'll talk.

What do you want? A republican challenger telling a voter to vote for bush on camera. yea, likely to happen.
So you dont think that voters complaining about harassment is real proof? Or do you think theyre lying?


Heh, if someone asked me who I was voting for at the polls I'd tell them and walk on. How is that intimidating them? If anything they were being intimidating to the challengers and ranting and raving like lunatics. Intimidation would be if a guy with a baseball was "encouraging" them how to vote. Intimidation is going to require some type of thread -- whether implied or specific -- if you don't do what someone says. Who was intimidated?


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
The facts do not matter. Only the seriousness of the charge matters. This is democrat strategy #1 from their playbook.

Originally posted by: Amused

What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?



Senior member
Dec 6, 2001
Yawn people. It's over. The courts did allow this to happen.
Just another racial video by the "Reverend Jesse Jackson," who of course is a fine upstanding example to represent all African Americans....i think i saw one white person in the video being interviewed.....another video of "African American's getting bashed with racism" right? I'm sure someone was treated unfairly, but of course no one on the Democratic ticket did anything wrong anywhere.
Bush won Ohio. He won the Presidency, let it go. No matter who you voted for its over.

Cant wait to here the naysayers excuses....

Good lord if thats not a flame war comment kicking of this thread by the thread starter. You WANTED to start an arguement, not discuss the matter.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: TheGameIs21
Originally posted by: imhotepmp
Originally posted by: rbloedow
I see nothing going wrong in the videos (and I voted for Kerry) - come back with some real proof and then we'll talk.

What do you want? A republican challenger telling a voter to vote for bush on camera. yea, likely to happen.
So you dont think that voters complaining about harassment is real proof? Or do you think theyre lying?


The problem is your topic is misleading...
voter intimidation in OHIO caught on camera

Should read
Complaints of voter intimidation in OHIO caught on camera

The video is not catching voter intimidation, it is only documenting complaints... My opinion... If the complaints are true (which I think might be for a few of the challengers but not the majority) then charges should be filed against the individuals that committed the crimes and that is that.

Here is a quick way to resolve the alleged questions...

"It's none of your damn business who I am voting for."

Exactly. Complaints, and not substantive proof.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|

What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|

What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!

No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|
What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!
No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.
People saying they've lived in area for 20 years and their name isn't on the ballot? Two of the Republican challengers hanging around outside in an apparent attempt to dissuade people from voting and finally leave when they see the video camera? Hmm....


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|
What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!
No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.
People saying they've lived in area for 20 years and their name isn't on the ballot? Two of the Republican challengers hanging around outside in an apparent attempt to dissuade people from voting and finally leave when they see the video camera? Hmm....

Obviously, they think that since they're black, they MUST be lying. If the people being interviewed were WHITE and REPUBLICAN, it'd be "OMG, that's crap. I hope they hang those f'in challengers."


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|
What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!
No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.
People saying they've lived in area for 20 years and their name isn't on the ballot? Two of the Republican challengers hanging around outside in an apparent attempt to dissuade people from voting and finally leave when they see the video camera? Hmm....

We see NOTHING of the sort. We see two people outside. We see them do nothing but avoid the camera.

We hear people say they have lived in the same place for 20 years, and we hear them say they are registered, but no proof is offered and no "facts" checked.

Again, this is nothing but unsubstantiated claims. There is NOTHING on the tape that shows anything remotely criminal if you have the objectivity to look past the obvious attempt to make people think something is going on.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|
What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!
No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.
People saying they've lived in area for 20 years and their name isn't on the ballot? Two of the Republican challengers hanging around outside in an apparent attempt to dissuade people from voting and finally leave when they see the video camera? Hmm....

We see NOTHING of the sort. We see two people outside. We see them do nothing but avoid the camera.

We hear people say they have lived in the same place for 20 years, and we hear them say they are registered, but no proof is offered and no "facts" checked.

Again, this is nothing but unsubstantiated claims. There is NOTHING on the tape that shows anything remotely criminal if you have the objectivity to look past the obvious attempt to make people think something is going on.

Exactly, and to further that this video is completely useless and totally not reliable, michael moore was in it along with that racist Jessie Jackson.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: conjur
Damn...that is complete BULLSH*T!!!

:| :| :| :|
What was? I see nothing in that tape but unsubstantiated claims.

If they can use hidden cameras to catch everything from car thieves to corrupt politicians, they can use them to catch REAL footage of REAL intimidation.

Funny how no real acts were caught on tape. Why?

What is even funnier is that Moore did not add clips of Democrats in Florida ganging up on early voters inside voting areas and REALLY intimidating voters.

In fact, that is the only verifiable case of voter intimidation so far.
Perhaps the topic title is incorrect but the content of that video cries out voter disenfranchisement!
No it doesn't. I see two people forced to cast provisional ballots for reasons unknown. I see one or two claiming voting challengers were looking over their shoulders, and I see a bunch of others just talking sh!t.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.
People saying they've lived in area for 20 years and their name isn't on the ballot? Two of the Republican challengers hanging around outside in an apparent attempt to dissuade people from voting and finally leave when they see the video camera? Hmm....

We see NOTHING of the sort. We see two people outside. We see them do nothing but avoid the camera.

We hear people say they have lived in the same place for 20 years, and we hear them say they are registered, but no proof is offered and no "facts" checked.

Again, this is nothing but unsubstantiated claims. There is NOTHING on the tape that shows anything remotely criminal if you have the objectivity to look past the obvious attempt to make people think something is going on.

funny how conspiracy theories are only brought out at the persons convenience. You easily question the integrity of the voters, but yet you dont question the integrity of the challengers. If this were an isolated
incident then I think that it would be more likely be questionable, but the fact is that its NOT. This has been happening all over the country, but this is one of the few times anything was caught on tape. And yes some may say this is an isolated incident, but the fact is its not. Just give it some more time for more evidence to come out.

The video cries out nothing but "inflammatory propaganda." Congrats on falling for it.

Why is it propaganda? Because its has jesse jackson and michael moore in it? The minute any repub see any of those two people their eyes glaze over and all logic leaves their senses. It was a mistake imho to put those two individuals in the video for that exact reason, but it is a mistake to dismiss the implications of the video simply because you saw someone you didnt like.

Good lord if thats not a flame war comment kicking of this thread by the thread starter. You WANTED to start an arguement, not discuss the matter.

Youre right, it is inflammatory and I apoligize. However my reasoning for that comment is not unfounded, just look at some of the replies...

Heh, if someone asked me who I was voting for at the polls I'd tell them and walk on. How is that intimidating them? If anything they were being intimidating to the challengers and ranting and raving like lunatics. Intimidation would be if a guy with a baseball was "encouraging" them how to vote. Intimidation is going to require some type of thread -- whether implied or specific -- if you don't do what someone says. Who was intimidated?

Voter indimidation is not that narrowly defined(lucky for us!) and its really naive to think it is. Now a days most voter intimidation is done in more elaborate and covert ways. I mean really, following someone and writing their license plate down. These type of things are so despicable.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
Exactly, and to further that this video is completely useless and totally not reliable, michael moore was in it along with that racist Jessie Jackson.
Hey, genius. Michael Moore had a grassroots movement of people with video cameras go to polling places in OH and FL to catch such shenanigans. Of course he's involved.

Are you afraid of the truth?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: KK
Exactly, and to further that this video is completely useless and totally not reliable, michael moore was in it along with that racist Jessie Jackson.
Hey, genius. Michael Moore had a grassroots movement of people with video cameras go to polling places in OH and FL to catch such shenanigans. Of course he's involved.

Are you afraid of the truth?

The truth would only reveal the big lie. The big lie isn't Bush, it is within themselves and that's what they fear the most.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: KK
Exactly, and to further that this video is completely useless and totally not reliable, michael moore was in it along with that racist Jessie Jackson.
Hey, genius. Michael Moore had a grassroots movement of people with video cameras go to polling places in OH and FL to catch such shenanigans. Of course he's involved.

Are you afraid of the truth?
The truth would only reveal the big lie. The big lie isn't Bush, it is within themselves and that's what they fear the most.
Are you taking moonbeam's latest course?
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