Wal-Mart Shopper Slaps Crying Child - Another heart felt story from wally world

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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: NFS4
I don't believe in slapping kids in the face, but I have no problem smacking them on the butt/leg. There's just something about slapping someone in the face that is offputting to me.

my mom has never slapped me in the face, but i've seen her lay a mean pimp slap on my sister when she seriously fucked up in her bitchy teen years. not in public though.
that explains a lot

can't slap through a bubble?


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
Any random stranger who decides to attack my son is taking their life in their hands.


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: NFS4
I don't believe in slapping kids in the face, but I have no problem smacking them on the butt/leg. There's just something about slapping someone in the face that is offputting to me.

my mom has never slapped me in the face, but i've seen her lay a mean pimp slap on my sister when she seriously fucked up in her bitchy teen years. not in public though.
that explains a lot

can't slap through a bubble?




Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: mugs
Doesn't seem like an offense worthy of a felony charge, but I don't know how this guy thought it was acceptable to slap someone else's child.

Also, WTF @ the mother. First he warned her that he was going to shut the kid up, yet she didn't do anything when he approached the child?

You don't think society should employ a very strong deterrent to people who might lay hands on another's child, an act which would very likely be met with a response from the child's parent with an extreme escalation in violence? If a strange man slapped my kid (which I don't have yet) in a store for crying, I'd bury the motherfucker. That's why it's a felony.

it takes a village mentality. Everyone around can and should punish the child when the child acts up. When I was young my neighbors would slap me if I got out of line, my teachers could hit me with the paddle board. It wasn't a big deal back then. If my mom was around she would hit me, if she wasn't it was a teacher or whoever saw me acting up. There was no lecturing, there was no "time outs" 5 goosd swats on my ass with the paddle board when I was 6 worked wonders to get me in line. If I ever have a kid I will handle the punishment, but it would be good to know that others would step up when I'm not around and the child acts up. I guarantee if more people acted like this man in Wallmart, we'd have far less kids acting like this in public. Hell I remember being 7 and outside throw rocks at the train, a neighbor I didn't even know came up and slapped me. My mom probably thanked him for stepping up.

The fact that you admit you needed repeated and frequent beatings is surely testament to the efficacy of the repeated and frequent beatings.

I'm sure I would have ended up dead or in jail without the beatings. They kept me from progressing from a bad ass child into a hoodlum teenager. Actually, I know 100% that's what kept me from crossing major lines. I knew when enough was enough, without the beatings I would have gone a lot further. Even though beating didn't stop me from acting up, logic tells me that means lectures and "time outs" would have had zero impact on me.

Beatings are ALWAYS more effective than a time out. A lot of parents start with the time outs, and if they don't work they move up to spanking and possibly more physical things.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Codewiz
Originally posted by: Queasy
Children scream in any store. Doesn't matter if it is a Wal-Mart or not. I was in a Kroger last week and this little girl was screaming and throwing a hissy fit at the top of her lungs (little girl screams are the worse btw) because she wanted some coloring book. The Mother just stood there and went about her business and ignored the little girl. And this wasn't some down-trodden lower-income mother either. She and the daughter were well-dressed and I later saw them getting into a nice car in the parking lot

Have you had children?

There are times when parents must ignore the child throwing a hissy fit. If you cave to the child it just re-enforces the hissy fit behavior.

It sucks but a child has to learn that they don't get everything they want. And let me say there is a huge difference between a 9 month old and a 2 year old.

Just recently was the first time I had to take my son out of a restaurant because he was in a foul mood. At 9 months, there is only so much I can do. My only option was going outside. Parents who ignore their 1 year old screaming are just silly. It is a whole different ball game when the child gets older.

Its a common phsycological tactic called Extinction. With which comes the extinction burst in which the subject intensifies their attempt to get a response. When this fails, the 'hissy fit' ceases and the child ( or paitent) realizes this tactic is ineffective and ceases further attempts to use it.

it works REALLY well in children and mentally ill people.



Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Toasthead
Originally posted by: Codewiz
Originally posted by: Queasy
Children scream in any store. Doesn't matter if it is a Wal-Mart or not. I was in a Kroger last week and this little girl was screaming and throwing a hissy fit at the top of her lungs (little girl screams are the worse btw) because she wanted some coloring book. The Mother just stood there and went about her business and ignored the little girl. And this wasn't some down-trodden lower-income mother either. She and the daughter were well-dressed and I later saw them getting into a nice car in the parking lot

Have you had children?

There are times when parents must ignore the child throwing a hissy fit. If you cave to the child it just re-enforces the hissy fit behavior.

It sucks but a child has to learn that they don't get everything they want. And let me say there is a huge difference between a 9 month old and a 2 year old.

Just recently was the first time I had to take my son out of a restaurant because he was in a foul mood. At 9 months, there is only so much I can do. My only option was going outside. Parents who ignore their 1 year old screaming are just silly. It is a whole different ball game when the child gets older.

Its a common phsycological tactic called Extinction. With which comes the extinction burst in which the subject intensifies their attempt to get a response. When this fails, the 'hissy fit' ceases and the child ( or paitent) realizes this tactic is ineffective and ceases further attempts to use it.

it works REALLY well in children and mentally ill people.

That tactic is fine at home. I'm not willing to use that tactic in public at the expense of others eardrums though.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Codewiz
There are times when parents must ignore the child throwing a hissy fit. If you cave to the child it just re-enforces the hissy fit behavior.

It sucks but a child has to learn that they don't get everything they want. And let me say there is a huge difference between a 9 month old and a 2 year old.

Just recently was the first time I had to take my son out of a restaurant because he was in a foul mood. At 9 months, there is only so much I can do. My only option was going outside. Parents who ignore their 1 year old screaming are just silly. It is a whole different ball game when the child gets older.

Same opinions for when they're young. You're brave for bringing a 9mo to a restaurant... they just cry randomly. At 14 months now my boys will grow tired of the high chairs after maybe 5-10 minutes. There is no winning when they are young and don't really understand.

When they get older though I won't be able to just ignore them and I surely won't give in like my wife tends to. I will make sure they know it is not acceptable. I have a really bad temper to begin with and I get embarrassed if a scene is made in public. They will feel my wrath away from the public eye (no not beat downs exactly).


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
I have NEVER had my kids act up in the store but one time for each kid.

My kids are extremely well behaved when we go out. They know the rules and learned them very quickly.

Parents the ignore thing does not work at all. I have seen it used more times than I can count and yes the kid will eventually stop fussing but this can go on for 30+ mins (man these little guys have stamina ). Sure at some point after pulling this many times and being ignored the kid may or may not put 2 and 2 together and realize the fit thing is getting me nothing. Trust me I have seen this first hand with kids of family members and friends not just complete strangers.

I have been in the grocery store, Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy , Kohls you name on more than one occasion where the kid did not get his/her way and the parents did nothing. Carried on about their business as if the child was not even there. My personal fav is the parents that let their kid rant on forever while they chat it up with a friend ignoring the kid completely.

Of course it gets even better when all the people this is bothering get verbally bitch slapped by the mom as they vacate the area with scorns on their faces. Gotta love that ... ignore the kid but threaten all others.

The Queasy method is works well and is certainly a fair and just way to handle it.



Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: GCS
I have NEVER had my kids act up in the store but one time for each kid.

My kids are extremely well behaved when we go out. They know the rules and learned them very quickly.

Parents the ignore thing does not work at all. I have seen it used more times than I can count and yes the kid will eventually stop fussing but this can go on for 30+ mins (man these little guys have stamina ). Sure at some point after pulling this many times and being ignored the kid may or may not put 2 and 2 together and realize the fit thing is getting me nothing. Trust me I have seen this first hand with kids of family members and friends not just complete strangers.

I have been in the grocery store, Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy , Kohls you name on more than one occasion where the kid did not get his/her way and the parents did nothing. Carried on about their business as if the child was not even there. My personal fav is the parents that let their kid rant on forever while they chat it up with a friend ignoring the kid completely.

Of course it gets even better when all the people this is bothering get verbally bitch slapped by the mom as they vacate the area with scorns on their faces. Gotta love that ... ignore the kid but threaten all others.

The Queasy method is works well and is certainly a fair and just way to handle it.


same here and i totally agree. kids will keep escalating the bad behavior until they 1 either get what they want or the get your attention. The ignoring thing to do to a kid is just plain stupid it teaches the kid nothing at all.

confront the problem head on, get in the kids face and tell them that you are really mad and to dry it up and let them know what will happen if the crying does not stop Time outs are not an option. sometimes a parent has to put the fear of God in their kid and a lot of parents are too chicken shit to so that.



Mar 6, 2008
I've smacked kids hands who were hanging on the back of my seat during flights. They get a warning first, but I don't see why I have to tolerate ill behaved brats simply because their parents can't teach them to behave.


Feb 22, 2007
Originally posted by: Queasy
Children scream in any store. Doesn't matter if it is a Wal-Mart or not. I was in a Kroger last week and this little girl was screaming and throwing a hissy fit at the top of her lungs (little girl screams are the worse btw) because she wanted some coloring book. The Mother just stood there and went about her business and ignored the little girl. And this wasn't some down-trodden lower-income mother either. She and the daughter were well-dressed and I later saw them getting into a nice car in the parking lot

And that is the way you should handle it.

If you have never had children going through the terrible twos then you can't understand. They will do anything to get your attention to get their way. If you ignore them, they learn that the tactic of crying and throwing fits doesn't work and that listening and talking are more effective.

If the child continues for more than a few minutes then I leave the store with the child, telling them that they will not get what they want that way.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: mugs
Doesn't seem like an offense worthy of a felony charge, but I don't know how this guy thought it was acceptable to slap someone else's child.

Also, WTF @ the mother. First he warned her that he was going to shut the kid up, yet she didn't do anything when he approached the child?

You don't think society should employ a very strong deterrent to people who might lay hands on another's child, an act which would very likely be met with a response from the child's parent with an extreme escalation in violence? If a strange man slapped my kid (which I don't have yet) in a store for crying, I'd bury the motherfucker. That's why it's a felony.

it takes a village mentality. Everyone around can and should punish the child when the child acts up. When I was young my neighbors would slap me if I got out of line, my teachers could hit me with the paddle board. It wasn't a big deal back then. If my mom was around she would hit me, if she wasn't it was a teacher or whoever saw me acting up. There was no lecturing, there was no "time outs" 5 goosd swats on my ass with the paddle board when I was 6 worked wonders to get me in line. If I ever have a kid I will handle the punishment, but it would be good to know that others would step up when I'm not around and the child acts up. I guarantee if more people acted like this man in Wallmart, we'd have far less kids acting like this in public. Hell I remember being 7 and outside throw rocks at the train, a neighbor I didn't even know came up and slapped me. My mom probably thanked him for stepping up.

The fact that you admit you needed repeated and frequent beatings is surely testament to the efficacy of the repeated and frequent beatings.

I'm sure I would have ended up dead or in jail without the beatings. They kept me from progressing from a bad ass child into a hoodlum teenager. Actually, I know 100% that's what kept me from crossing major lines. I knew when enough was enough, without the beatings I would have gone a lot further. Even though beating didn't stop me from acting up, logic tells me that means lectures and "time outs" would have had zero impact on me.

Beatings are ALWAYS more effective than a time out. A lot of parents start with the time outs, and if they don't work they move up to spanking and possibly more physical things.

Your analysis sounds very scientific. You should write a book.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: mugs
Doesn't seem like an offense worthy of a felony charge, but I don't know how this guy thought it was acceptable to slap someone else's child.

Also, WTF @ the mother. First he warned her that he was going to shut the kid up, yet she didn't do anything when he approached the child?

You don't think society should employ a very strong deterrent to people who might lay hands on another's child, an act which would very likely be met with a response from the child's parent with an extreme escalation in violence? If a strange man slapped my kid (which I don't have yet) in a store for crying, I'd bury the motherfucker. That's why it's a felony.

it takes a village mentality. Everyone around can and should punish the child when the child acts up. When I was young my neighbors would slap me if I got out of line, my teachers could hit me with the paddle board. It wasn't a big deal back then. If my mom was around she would hit me, if she wasn't it was a teacher or whoever saw me acting up. There was no lecturing, there was no "time outs" 5 goosd swats on my ass with the paddle board when I was 6 worked wonders to get me in line. If I ever have a kid I will handle the punishment, but it would be good to know that others would step up when I'm not around and the child acts up. I guarantee if more people acted like this man in Wallmart, we'd have far less kids acting like this in public. Hell I remember being 7 and outside throw rocks at the train, a neighbor I didn't even know came up and slapped me. My mom probably thanked him for stepping up.

The fact that you admit you needed repeated and frequent beatings is surely testament to the efficacy of the repeated and frequent beatings.

I'm sure I would have ended up dead or in jail without the beatings. They kept me from progressing from a bad ass child into a hoodlum teenager. Actually, I know 100% that's what kept me from crossing major lines. I knew when enough was enough, without the beatings I would have gone a lot further. Even though beating didn't stop me from acting up, logic tells me that means lectures and "time outs" would have had zero impact on me.

Beatings are ALWAYS more effective than a time out. A lot of parents start with the time outs, and if they don't work they move up to spanking and possibly more physical things.

Your analysis sounds very scientific. You should write a book.

It's more scientific than parents who think ignoring the kid and letting them scream themselves until they're too tired to do it anymore is actually teaching them something. Without punishment children don't learn. ignoring them isn't close to a punishment. If the parent would slap them good in the store, the kid might cry louder for a few seconds from the shock of what happened. But they'll understand if they act up in public they'll get hit. The majority of kids will learn real fast and the majority won't be doing it any more. I never acted up around adults out of fear of getting slapped, I always would be a bad ass when I was only around other kids and where I thought no adults would see me.


Jun 29, 2009
Parent's who can't control their kids should just stick the kid back in their wife/girlfriends vagina. You are not fit to have or raise a kid. Don't use the excuse if someone touched my kid I would take them out. If you were fully capable of controlling the situation a stranger would not have had to stepped in to do it for you. It's your own fault who was not capable handling the situation. The guys should of slapped that woman silly also since no matter what he was going to get hit with a felony. Might as well go all the way.



Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Originally posted by: Queasy
Children scream in any store. Doesn't matter if it is a Wal-Mart or not. I was in a Kroger last week and this little girl was screaming and throwing a hissy fit at the top of her lungs (little girl screams are the worse btw) because she wanted some coloring book. The Mother just stood there and went about her business and ignored the little girl. And this wasn't some down-trodden lower-income mother either. She and the daughter were well-dressed and I later saw them getting into a nice car in the parking lot

And that is the way you should handle it.

If you have never had children going through the terrible twos then you can't understand. They will do anything to get your attention to get their way. If you ignore them, they learn that the tactic of crying and throwing fits doesn't work and that listening and talking are more effective.

If the child continues for more than a few minutes then I leave the store with the child, telling them that they will not get what they want that way.

But that's, like, way more work than just smacking your kids all the time. Plus old people look at you funny while the kid is screaming, which is totally embarrassing and stuff.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: mugs
Doesn't seem like an offense worthy of a felony charge, but I don't know how this guy thought it was acceptable to slap someone else's child.

Also, WTF @ the mother. First he warned her that he was going to shut the kid up, yet she didn't do anything when he approached the child?

You don't think society should employ a very strong deterrent to people who might lay hands on another's child, an act which would very likely be met with a response from the child's parent with an extreme escalation in violence? If a strange man slapped my kid (which I don't have yet) in a store for crying, I'd bury the motherfucker. That's why it's a felony.

it takes a village mentality. Everyone around can and should punish the child when the child acts up. When I was young my neighbors would slap me if I got out of line, my teachers could hit me with the paddle board. It wasn't a big deal back then. If my mom was around she would hit me, if she wasn't it was a teacher or whoever saw me acting up. There was no lecturing, there was no "time outs" 5 goosd swats on my ass with the paddle board when I was 6 worked wonders to get me in line. If I ever have a kid I will handle the punishment, but it would be good to know that others would step up when I'm not around and the child acts up. I guarantee if more people acted like this man in Wallmart, we'd have far less kids acting like this in public. Hell I remember being 7 and outside throw rocks at the train, a neighbor I didn't even know came up and slapped me. My mom probably thanked him for stepping up.

The fact that you admit you needed repeated and frequent beatings is surely testament to the efficacy of the repeated and frequent beatings.

I'm sure I would have ended up dead or in jail without the beatings. They kept me from progressing from a bad ass child into a hoodlum teenager. Actually, I know 100% that's what kept me from crossing major lines. I knew when enough was enough, without the beatings I would have gone a lot further. Even though beating didn't stop me from acting up, logic tells me that means lectures and "time outs" would have had zero impact on me.

Beatings are ALWAYS more effective than a time out. A lot of parents start with the time outs, and if they don't work they move up to spanking and possibly more physical things.

Your analysis sounds very scientific. You should write a book.

It's more scientific than parents who think ignoring the kid and letting them scream themselves until they're too tired to do it anymore is actually teaching them something. Without punishment children don't learn. ignoring them isn't close to a punishment. If the parent would slap them good in the store, the kid might cry louder for a few seconds from the shock of what happened. But they'll understand if they act up in public they'll get hit. The majority of kids will learn real fast and the majority won't be doing it any more. I never acted up around adults out of fear of getting slapped, I always would be a bad ass when I was only around other kids and where I thought no adults would see me.

As if there's no middle ground between ignoring misbehavior and smacking a kid? This is why parents only have to hit their kids a few times before they become models of good behavior. Oh wait, that doesn't work at all. Kids who get spanked get spanked often because children misbehave. It's what they do. They make noise, they throw things, they have tantrums. If you spank a kid for being a kid, you'll be doing lots of spanking. Spanking works no better than other punishments and has the detrimental effect of illustrating the acceptability of inducing pain to rectify behavior. Great lesson.

There is no parent in the world who only had to spank their kid a couple times. It becomes a routine habit for you and them, and further, the kid comes to understand the exchange being made. Misbehavior = a smack on the butt, which frankly they are willing to put up with depending on the misbehavior. That doesn't encourage good behavior, it encourages a cost/benefit analysis. Which isn't a bad thing in itself, but the smack portion will become stale, and you'll have to threaten or execute more severe corporal punishment. So unless you think seriously beating your kids is also a good idea, spanking is a waste of time. Alternative punishment can be just as effective if not more so. Stealing from the cookie jar is almost certainly worth a smack on the butt or two, but loss of Wii privileges? Hell no!
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