Wal-Mart's everyday high costs


Jun 4, 2003
What are those low prices really costing us?

Froma Harrop:
Wal-Mart's everyday high costs
01:00 AM EDT on Wednesday, October 22, 2003

AMERICA WORSHIPS at the altar of Everyday Low Prices. That's how Wal-Mart can get away with ravaging American wages, benefits and the jobs themselves. That's how Wal-Mart can go on hollowing out America's downtowns -- and with taxpayer subsidies, to boot.

Wal-Mart is not the only big-box discounter turning the American countryside into a "crudscape" and its working people into paupers. But the monster leads the pack in terms of size and its holy crusade to cut costs. With $245 billion in revenues last year, Wal-Mart is the world's largest company. Sales at the Bentonville, Ark.-based giant are bigger than the combined total of Home Depot, Target, Sears and Kroger.

Business Week described the "everyday low prices" slogan as the core value of "a cult masquerading as a company." All those yellow smiley faces and front-door "greeters" are part of a bigger strategy: to get rich off America's workers while undercutting them at every turn. What am I talking about? Here are the particulars:

-- Wal-Mart likes to call its sales clerks "associates," but "serfs" would be more like it. The company paid its salespeople an average $8.23 an hour in 2001. At that wage, a full-time worker made only $13,861 a year. The poverty level for a family of three was $14,630. Only 38 percent of Wal-Mart's workers have health coverage. It should surprise no one that nearly half of Wal-Mart's employees quit every year. (Before the recession, the annual turnover rate was 70 percent.)

-- Wal-Mart is destroying factory jobs in America. Example: Levi Strauss was one of the last apparel makers to actually produce stuff in the United States. But the made-in-America label means zip to Wal-Mart, which scours the globe's sweatshops for the sweetest prices. Demands for the cheapest jeans have forced Levi Strauss to shut down about a dozen U.S. plants. A factory in San Antonio is about to become the latest casualty.

Wal-Mart lobbies furiously in Washington for free-trade deals that guarantee a flood of goods made by pennies-an-hour labor ($12 billion worth from China alone last year). Small wonder America's manufacturers call Wal-Mart the Beast from Bentonville.

-- To Wal-Mart, unions are the devil and must be destroyed. Three years ago, meat cutters in Jacksonville, Texas, tried to establish the first Wal-Mart union. Eleven days after they joined the United Food and Commercial Workers, Wal-Mart closed all the meat-cutting departments at its stores and started buying pre-cut meat.

Wal-Mart is now on a rampage to devour the nation's supermarkets, and so threatens workers everywhere. Its Supercenter stores, which sell groceries, have already sent more than 20 national supermarket chains into bankruptcy. Wal-Mart has plans for 1,000 new Supercenters.

Terrified of a Wal-Mart invasion, California's three biggest supermarket chains have tried to lower their own costs by demanding concessions from their unionized employees. The result is a strike by 70,000 workers at supermarkets in southern California.

-- Wal-Mart is paving over America and destroying our communities. Its ugly boxes, plopped down on the edge of town, vacuum up business from local shopkeepers. (So much for any notion of customer loyalty.)

A group named Sprawl-Busters was formed 10 years ago to block Wal-Mart from forcing itself onto Greenfield, Mass. Every day, five or six towns from across the country contact Sprawl-Busters for advice on stopping a Wal-Mart, according to the group's founder, Al Norman. "It's not even about shopping," Norman says. "It's about how we relate to the places we live in. These towns are being changed economically, physically and socially."

-- Wal-Marts hurt surrounding communities. Iowa State University economist Kenneth Stone has studied the impact of Wal-Mart on rural Iowa. He found that some business districts benefited from a Wal-Mart but other towns within 20 miles suffered badly, with retail sales plummeting 25 percent after five years. Having lost their local merchants, the people in surrounding areas find themselves driving long distances to the Wal-Mart.

The line of groups calling for a boycott of Wal-Mart and its Sam's Club subsidiary grows by the week. As a former Wal-Mart customer, your author appreciates the lure of a good price. But there are competing values. When we understand the real cost of these "everyday low prices," they don't seem much of a bargain at all.

Froma Harrop is a Journal editorial writer and syndicated columnist. She may be reached by e-mail at: fharrop@projo.com.



Dec 26, 2001
I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart. They're building one in my hometown now, though (after they've been fighting it for nearly 15 years, too ).


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
remember back when wal-mart was a bastion of american pride?


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: ElFenix
remember back when wal-mart was a bastion of american pride?

They used to talk about the "dumbing down" of America. I find the "Wal Martization of America" just as if not more dangerous to our nation.

At some point we have to consider what the values (or lack of values to be more precise) Wal Mart presents are doing to us as a nation.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Wal-mart is the suck. If people want to destroy themselves and thier communities though..who are we to stop them. Free market and all. I refuse to buy anything from Wal-Mart.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Ooooooo...Wal-Mart is teh Deevil!!!!

Seriously, what's wrong with any of this? It's just competition. If you don't like their policies, don't shop there.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
only Bill Gates and the Fabulous Forbes 10 can stop them. oh but the wallys take up a bunch of those slots

last year there was a Walmart sketch about a walmart so large it had another walmart inside

so walmarts are gonna be on every corner like starbux


Nov 25, 2001
I also refuse to shop or buy ANYTHING from Wal-Mart. The one or two times I've actually gone in (on a fruitless chase-down of a "good deal"), I found their store to be loaded with absolute CRAP. I don't even think they're prices are that great either. Not to mention how they treat their workers. The clincher though, is their mascot: The evil, happy satan-ball. Bouncing around their store, killing random shoppers, all in the name of low prices. Sick! :Q


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: tk149
Ooooooo...Wal-Mart is teh Deevil!!!!

Seriously, what's wrong with any of this? It's just competition. If you don't like their policies, don't shop there.

And I don't shop there. I wouldn't shop there if they were giving merchandise away.

What we're facing here is a company that will stop at nothing to undercut their competition. Slave labor overseas, no problem. Lobbying Washington to allow weaker trade policies to take advantage of overseas labor standards that would be criminal here, no problem either.

Don't try to laugh this off with silly, "Wal Mart is the devil" remarks.

Wal Mart comes into communities that were once thriving, builds their "big box" on cheap land just outside of town and like a giant retail vampire sucks the blood out of these communities. Ditto Home Depot, Lowes and others.

We once had several very good hardware stores within walking distance in our town. I could go in and in a few minutes find anything I needed. Now they are all gone. I have to go to Home Depot and buy inferior lumber and settle for products that are "close" to what I came for because Home Depot put them all out of business. Now we have vacant store fronts and when I have to shop at Home Depot I not only have to check myself out at the register but immediately afterwards a "guard" asks to check my receipt even though he is standing just feet away from the check out line.

Just a pet peeve of mine but why doesn't Home Depot hire some cashiers so they can get people out the door instead of hiring contracted minimum wage guards to harass customers who have to help themselves, check themselves out and then be insulted when they leave the store? I refuse to show them my receipt and if they give me a hard time I tell them if they think I'm a shoplifter to call the police.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I never shop at Wal-Mart for reasons that have nothing to do with all that. News flash people: you're not saving money if you have to drive all the way across town and spend hours fighting through a crowded parking lot and store -- you're wasting it on gas and lost time. The local store may charge a penny more but you get it back in gas savings and convenience.
Costco is the same way. And with both Costco and Wal-Mart, the prices really aren't that great. No self-respecting Ferengi would shop at either, 'nuff said. IMO, Wal-Mart is just a bigger K-Mart -- low prices maybe but low quality goods always.
People are just stupid I guess


Nov 25, 2001
Does Wal-Mart give an additional discount to trailer-park residents or something? The handful of times I've been there, that seems to be the overwhelming demographic. Who I really feel sorry for though, are the people in small midwestern towns, where Wal-Mart (and if they're lucky, a Sears) is the only place close to them to shop. Poor bastards.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Does Wal-Mart give an additional discount to trailer-park residents or something? The handful of times I've been there, that seems to be the overwhelming demographic. Who I really feel sorry for though, are the people in small midwestern towns, where Wal-Mart (and if they're lucky, a Sears) is the only place close to them to shop. Poor bastards.

So where do you shop ? The local ma and pa who offer zero benefits and pay minimum wage? Or have you found the perfect large retailer that says damn the profit ?



Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: 308nato
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Does Wal-Mart give an additional discount to trailer-park residents or something? The handful of times I've been there, that seems to be the overwhelming demographic. Who I really feel sorry for though, are the people in small midwestern towns, where Wal-Mart (and if they're lucky, a Sears) is the only place close to them to shop. Poor bastards.

So where do you shop ? The local ma and pa who offer zero benefits and pay minimum wage? Or have you found the perfect large retailer that says damn the profit ?

Whenever I can, if they haven't already been put out of business, I shop at the local Mom and Pop who are there working sometimes 12 to 16 hours a day and paying their own benefits while other people are shopping at WalMart who pay something like 38% of their employees benefits and are ruining the fabric of our towns and cities where they build their big box ugly stores.

I'll take shopping in town and supporting my community over the feeding frenzy to save a nickel on lower quality merchandise from a retailer who abuses their employees not to mention the sweat shop workers who they take advantage of overseas.


"Wal-Mart likes to call its sales clerks "associates," but "serfs" would be more like it. The company paid its salespeople an average $8.23 an hour in 2001. At that wage, a full-time worker made only $13,861 a year. The poverty level for a family of three was $14,630. Only 38 percent of Wal-Mart's workers have health coverage. It should surprise no one that nearly half of Wal-Mart's employees quit every year. (Before the recession, the annual turnover rate was 70 percent.)"


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: 308nato
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Does Wal-Mart give an additional discount to trailer-park residents or something? The handful of times I've been there, that seems to be the overwhelming demographic. Who I really feel sorry for though, are the people in small midwestern towns, where Wal-Mart (and if they're lucky, a Sears) is the only place close to them to shop. Poor bastards.

So where do you shop ? The local ma and pa who offer zero benefits and pay minimum wage? Or have you found the perfect large retailer that says damn the profit ?

So I am guessing you are a fan of Wal-Mart?


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Ferocious

Walmart is instrumental in propping up employment numbers for Bush.

People need to look beyond the raw numbers and look at what these practices are doing to our communities. Working for poverty level wages to save a few cents on merchandise made in foreign sweat shops is forcing a downward spiral in our economy and the small businesses that make up the life blood of our communities. It isn't just the number of people employed it's the number of people who are earning enough to maintain a standard of living that benefits their community and thereby the nation as a whole.


Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: tnitsuj
All restaraunts are Taco Bell.

Hehe. Last night at the World Series at the Pro-Players Stadium (what an awful name and an awful stadium) there was a section of people who were given Taco Bell signs to hold, maybe 16 people, if a batter hit a home run into that small section Taco Bell would buy the entire country a burrito or something between the hours of 4 and 6 next Monday (or something like that)!


Jun 30, 2001
What a biased crap article. That doesn't mean there aren't a few good points, but it sounds like a Michael Moore article. All the facts are twisted to reflect terrible on walmart. Ex:
Wal-Mart likes to call its sales clerks "associates," but "serfs" would be more like it. The company paid its salespeople an average $8.23 an hour in 2001. At that wage, a full-time worker made only $13,861 a year. The poverty level for a family of three was $14,630. Only 38 percent of Wal-Mart's workers have health coverage. It should surprise no one that nearly half of Wal-Mart's employees quit every year. (Before the recession, the annual turnover rate was 70 percent.)
What do you expect??? There are lots of teenagers working there, lots of people who are simply working as a second job, etc... It's a freaking discount store for crying out loud!

To Wal-Mart, unions are the devil and must be destroyed. Three years ago, meat cutters in Jacksonville, Texas, tried to establish the first Wal-Mart union. Eleven days after they joined the United Food and Commercial Workers, Wal-Mart closed all the meat-cutting departments at its stores and started buying pre-cut meat.
What, so not liking unions is so bad? If enough people wanted to start a union, they could do it.

Here's my personal favorite...
Business Week described the "everyday low prices" slogan as the core value of "a cult masquerading as a company." All those yellow smiley faces and front-door "greeters" are part of a bigger strategy: to get rich off America's workers while undercutting them at every turn
LOL I don't know where to even begin with this. A cult? LOL. The greeters are part of a big strategy? I get rich off America's workers while undercutting them at every turn? LOL. Yea (hahaha). That's the WHOLE purpose of greeters. What a moron. I think his tin-foil hat has some holes in it and Walmart is starting to fry his brain with their satellites


Nov 25, 2001
I'd like to suggest the following: If you shop at Wal-Mart, you probably don't give two sh!ts about this country.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
This "article" is a load of crap:

Wal-Mart likes to call its sales clerks "associates," but "serfs" would be more like it. The company paid its salespeople an average $8.23 an hour in 2001. At that wage, a full-time worker made only $13,861 a year.

Lesse for a moment: 8.23 * 40 hours * 52 weeks = $17,118, not $13,861.

Can I trust an article where creative multiplication is used to misrepresent its most basic premise. I dunno, but my sensibilities lead me to state that it is probably laced with a semblence of fact but spiced with bullshit.

And for the life of me, I'm curious how many "salespeople" Walmart really employs. Most of their workforce is stock/clerk/cashiers--hardly what I would call "salespeople".

How much does that mom and pop shop pay stock boys, clerks, and cashiers?

I also find it interesting how Walmart is being blamed for simply offering a service that, apparently, the public has a high demand for? If there were no demand, would Walmart even exist? Ah hah!!! I've got it! It's the stupid, uninformed, and ignorant masses who are simply shooting themselves in the foot!!!!

Looks like another elitist snob pointing out how stupid the poor are. Perhaps a benevolent liberal government should step in and make the proper decisions for these imbeciles. Ban Walmart, ban imported goods, hell, just go ahead and ban corporate entities. We should all live on minimum sustinance at communal farms (Moonie loves this idea).



Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Corn
This "article" is a load of crap:

Wal-Mart likes to call its sales clerks "associates," but "serfs" would be more like it. The company paid its salespeople an average $8.23 an hour in 2001. At that wage, a full-time worker made only $13,861 a year.

Lesse for a moment: 8.23 * 40 hours * 52 weeks = $17,118, not $13,861.

Can I trust an article where creative multiplication is used to misrepresent its most basic premise. I dunno, but my sensibilities lead me to state that it is probably laced with a semblence of fact but spiced with bullshit.

And for the life of me, I'm curious how many "salespeople" Walmart really employs. Most of their workforce is stock/clerk/cashiers--hardly what I would call "salespeople".

How much does that mom and pop shop pay stock boys, clerks, and cashiers?

I also find it interesting how Walmart is being blamed for simply offering a service that, apparently, the public has a high demand for? If there were no demand, would Walmart even exist? Ah hah!!! I've got it! It's the stupid, uninformed, and ignorant masses who are simply shooting themselves in the foot!!!!

Looks like another elitist snob pointing out how stupid the poor are. Perhaps a benevolent liberal government should step in and make the proper decisions for these imbeciles. Ban Walmart, ban imported goods, hell, just go ahead and ban corporate entities. We should all live on minimum sustinance at communal farms (Moonie loves this idea).

Hmmmm, maybe you assume too much, Corn. I highly doubt Wal-Mart gives any of their "full time" employees 40 hrs/week. More likely, they get 24 hrs/week, or just under whatever cut-off offers benefits. Supermarkets do that too. Sure, some (a minority) supermarket clerks get $17/hr, but they only work 22 hrs/week. But hey, go on believing whatever you think is the "truth" Corn.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
I'd like to suggest the following: If you shop at Wal-Mart, you probably don't give two sh!ts about this country.

Of course you feel that way DealMonkey, of course. Evidently the ignorant screaching of "UNAMERICAN" is not solely rooted in the backwater right.

Walmart is the product of what is great about this country. Choose to shop there or don't. Evidently it was unamerican to boycott loudmouth country music artists, likewise it must be unamerican to boycott Walmart.
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