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Nov 25, 2013
They've just been horribly misled & manipulated for a very long time. They're mostly victims of extremely effective right wing propaganda. Their heads are full of it. Their attitudes about the rest of humanity, particularly their countrymen, are often very poor indeed.

You're never going to stop excusing them. Isn't that kinda like enabling?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
The way I see it:

1. The red tsunami is coming this November
2. President Trump win in 2020
3. Trump Jr will take the reigns 2024

What will it take for you Dems to submit? Don't be ashamed now... It is quite natural for humans to gravitate towards strong leadership.


Oh fun! Predictions!

Well, since we proved, incontrovertiblly that your "walkaway" campaign is fabricated by right-winders and promoted by Russians AND Trumps recent throwing of America under the bus in Helsinki...


1. Democrats will take the senate and house in November.
2. Trump will be impeached. The GOP will disown him and just as with Nixon, start claiming they never supported him anyhow.
3. Trump Jr will be convicted of fraud, money laundering and various other charges.
4. The growing backlash against racism and nationalism will take its toll, driving the white powder puffs back into the shadows.

And I'm a fiscal conservative.

The GOP has gone full batshit. Never go full batshit.
Feb 16, 2005
I think that anyone who still backs trump after all this will be behind him indefinitely. His excessive, nebulous claims, the never ending lies, the racism, the xenophobia, they somehow find some or all of those traits as honorable Fuck that, and fuck them, each and every one.
Feb 4, 2009
Oh fun! Predictions!

Well, since we proved, incontrovertiblly that your "walkaway" campaign is fabricated by right-winders and promoted by Russians AND Trumps recent throwing of America under the bus in Helsinki...


1. Democrats will take the senate and house in November.
2. Trump will be impeached. The GOP will disown him and just as with Nixon, start claiming they never supported him anyhow.
3. Trump Jr will be convicted of fraud, money laundering and various other charges.
4. The growing backlash against racism and nationalism will take its toll, driving the white powder puffs back into the shadows.

And I'm a fiscal conservative.

The GOP has gone full batshit. Never go full batshit.

I like this prediction but it’s very unlikely Ds will take the Senate, likely scenario is they only lose one seat. Senate map is very unfriendly to ads this cycle.


Senior member
Jan 6, 2014
Lol..@ this thread....

This "movement" appears to be obvious astroturf.

This shit worked pretty well once before. Expect a lot of this kind of garbage in advance of the mid-terms

There are so many Trumptards on these forums who supposedly “didn’t vote for Trump” yet for some inexcusable reason love to throw themselves, their family and now even their country under the bus to excuse the bullshit of this admin. In fact, none of those cowards have the balls to admit the truth on who they actually voted for. It’ll always be the same lie “I’m a liberal but <Breitbart talking point>” or “I didn’t vote for Trump but <regurgitating Alex Jones conspiracy>”

They can clearly see how reprehensible the party they voted for is, that even they are ashamed and would now rather lie to themselves and others than own up to their stupidity. A dishonest party for dishonest morons stuck in a constant loop of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics of rationalising the irrational. This forum is filled with them.


May 19, 2011
There are so many Trumptards on these forums who supposedly “didn’t vote for Trump” yet for some inexcusable reason love to throw themselves, their family and now even their country under the bus to excuse the bullshit of this admin. In fact, none of those cowards have the balls to admit the truth on who they actually voted for. It’ll always be the same lie “I’m a liberal but <Breitbart talking point>” or “I didn’t vote for Trump but <regurgitating Alex Jones conspiracy>”

They can clearly see how reprehensible the party they voted for is, that even they are ashamed and would now rather lie to themselves and others than own up to their stupidity. A dishonest party for dishonest morons stuck in a constant loop of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics of rationalising the irrational. This forum is filled with them.

I don't think you're correct about those people, because I doubt it would make any sense even to them to argue a opinion that they claim not to personally have. IMO it's like the "I used to be a liberal" line, IMO it's an attempt to sound non-partisan and so therefore superior and above the typical political battle lines even though their position clearly is not.

Of course some of these people are simply trolls and are doing it for shits and giggles.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
This. Why are people keeping this complete troll thread alive? Arguing with it is exactly what it wants.

Lock IT up! Lock IT up!

Seriously, a bot thread has to be grounds for a lock.

If this doesn't make you want to vote, nothing will. New thread topic on voting imminent...

Also, irony for perpetuating said thread.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
I'm an ex conservative and I walked away from the GOP.

We should start our own party. We will have mead and beer with big pretzels with several dipping sauces. Ohhh and a clothing optional platform! I hate clothes, in fact I'm sitting here naked eating oatmeal and coffee as I type this.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
We should start our own party. We will have mead and beer with big pretzels with several dipping sauces. Ohhh and a clothing optional platform! I hate clothes, in fact I'm sitting here naked eating oatmeal and coffee as I type this.

Ewwwww! TMI! lol
Don't leave any skid marks on that chair!


Oct 6, 2009
The point is there seems to be a paradigm shift going on right now. Agree?
Agree but it is the exact opposite of what you think. The Dems will be fine. Conservatives are the ones walking away from your dumpster fire of a party. Eventually all your gerrymandering and voter suppression won't be enough to overcome the changing demographics and the Republican party will be no more.

The good news for you is that the damage is already done to the climate and we can't stop it now. So you'll always have that accomplishment to look back on when you are killing a small child for a drink of water.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 22, 2001
Yeah, an autocrat who demands personal loyalty from his staff, rather than their oaths to the rule of law, and who interferes with free markets and trade with tariffs and walls, is totally libertarian...
Hence the "combination". Do you dispute that Trump has more libertarian traits of any prez since Reagan? Hell let's just start with Trump vs Obama vs W.
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Jun 22, 2001
Agree but it is the exact opposite of what you think. The Dems will be fine. Conservatives are the ones walking away from your dumpster fire of a party. Eventually all your gerrymandering and voter suppression won't be enough to overcome the changing demographics and the Republican party will be no more.

The good news for you is that the damage is already done to the climate and we can't stop it now. So you'll always have that accomplishment to look back on when you are killing a small child for a drink of water.
Killing a kid for a drink of water? Nice hyperbole. I use a $200 distiller which pays for itself after 1yr vs buying it by the gallon. As long as electricity is around and people have $200 and it rains, we will always have the option of 99.9% clean water. But keep spinning like a top.


Feb 24, 2009
Killing a kid for a drink of water? Nice hyperbole. I use a $200 distiller which pays for itself after 1yr vs buying it by the gallon. As long as electricity is around and people have $200 and it rains, we will always have the option of 99.9% clean water. But keep spinning like a top.
That sounds...........like an elite thing.


Sep 5, 2000
Killing a kid for a drink of water? Nice hyperbole. I use a $200 distiller which pays for itself after 1yr vs buying it by the gallon. As long as electricity is around and people have $200 and it rains, we will always have the option of 99.9% clean water. But keep spinning like a top.

You really shouldnt be drinking distilled water very much. It actually pulls nutrients from your body.


Jun 22, 2001
Moly gives the wink and nod to every hate group and "white pride" group out there.


Here Moly defends the Charlottesville white nationalists and slams police and the counter protesters.

He very fine peopled it


And here is Moly promoting the Bell Curve and myth that race determines IQ


Are you fucking kidding me??? This guy NEVER condemns white nationalist groups and DEFENDS the Charlottesville marchers while tearing apart every single counter protester he can name. He promotes racism through pseudoscience and Bell Curve bullshit.

He's also a science denier, climate change denier, Claims to be "anarchist" but just released a video supporting government banning of abortion (for the most absurd, insultingly misogynistic reasons possible). Claims to be an anti-statist but used IP laws to shut down critics.

Claims the moral high ground yet used information about his therapist wife's patients publically on his show.

Speaking of irony he claims mental illness doesn't exist.

The guy is an authoritarian statist, racist apologist pretending to be a "no statist."

What surprises me is he, along with all the others, are such cults of personality they can claim to be one thing while preaching the exact fucking opposite.

Meanwhile, his interview list is like a who's who of alt-right, authoritarian, white nationalist conspiratards.

And just like his listeners, you don't realize the insidious nature of the new "kinder gentler" white nationalism.

You probably believe David Duke is a very fine person just concerned about his "people."
You seemed to dodge the question if he's the most libertarian since Reagan, which he is. And it seems that Identity Politics are more important to you than libertarian ideals, am I correct? Here was my list of 8 libertarian things that Trump has done so far and I'm sure I'm missing a few:
-Wants to legalize weed
-Non-interventionist and wants us to pull our military out of moneysinks like Afganistan and won't attack unless provoked.
-Chopped down the size of the government workforce via attrition and hiring freezes and budget cuts. EDIT: Also wants to hold gov workers responsible by making them easier to fire and modify the current evaluation system
-Repealed the obamacare penalty mandate which forced people to pay for something they didn't want.
-Rejects climate change just like Gary Johnson (the libertarian nominee) did.
-Now officially against the Federal Reserve and slamming them publicly.
-Opposes gun control (his DoJ allowed 3D Printed gun schematics) and most likely dealt it a fatal blow.
-Lifted excessive red tape that was hampering businesses to operate freely in the market.

Your outrage at Trump's climate change denial is noted, but did you support Gary Johnson? Because then you should be outraged at him too and outraged at the Libertarian Party if you're a Libertarian. Note Gary's stance on it - he rejects it as fact and said even if it is true, too much money is being spent on proving and/or preventing it that can be done to help other more important matters like the economy (which is virtually identical to Trump's position).

Regarding Moly, I'll watch it when I have more time (bookmarked it).

Regarding Charlottesville, pretty sure Trump condemned both sides, look it up. He didn't just condemn Antifa who brought the weapons and came to fight, he clearly said both sides were wrong since the nazi's provoked them to use said weapons.

Also, why would he condemn white nationalists when that's his voting base? That'd be like Obama condemning Black Lives Matter. Did Obama ever condemn BLM before his re-election year (2012)? Not to my knowledge.
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Jun 22, 2001
You really shouldnt be drinking distilled water very much. It actually pulls nutrients from your body.
Holy shit, do you actually believe that? That's been disproven by science. Also, do you actually believe that you're getting enough trace minerals and nutrients from tap water to matter? Also, why would doctors recommend using distilled for baby's formula if it "pulled nutrients" from their bodies?

I've been drinking it for over a year and have more energy since my kidneys don't have to filter the sandstone and iron that comes from my town's wellwater.
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Jun 22, 2001
That sounds...........like an elite thing.
It's not an elite thing, most people will spend over $200 on electronics yet neglect the most important thing in our body (water). Most people either (falsely) believe that distilled water "pulls nutrients out of the body" (see JStorm's post above) and/or think spending hundreds on filters for a kitchen sink will do a better job than distillation. Here's the one I use. Throw a gallon of rainwater in it, 99.9% pure drinking water in 5 hours. The only optional filter you can change are the cheap charcoal pellets which act as a final filter for any VOCs (that have a boiling point lower than water) and evaporate first. I think I've changed mine once in the past year. My wellwater probably has hardly any VOCs at all.
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Oct 6, 2009
Killing a kid for a drink of water? Nice hyperbole. I use a $200 distiller which pays for itself after 1yr vs buying it by the gallon. As long as electricity is around and people have $200 and it rains, we will always have the option of 99.9% clean water. But keep spinning like a top.
Yes in a theoretical world where water is so scarce you have to kill people for it, obviously there will be electricity and rain.
Reactions: soundforbjt


Jun 4, 2004

Demineralised water (deionized, distilled) has none of the dissolved electrolytes that regular water does. Your body however does. Basic chemistry says high concentrations flow towards low concentrations.

Which is exactly what studies show:

Results of experiments in human volunteers evaluated by researchers for the WHO report (3) are in agreement with those in animal experiments and suggest the basic mechanism of the effects of water low in TDS (e.g. < 100 mg/L) on water and mineral homeostasis. Low-mineral water markedly: 1.) increased diuresis (almost by 20%, on average), body water volume, and serum sodium concentrations, 2.) decreased serum potassium concentration, and 3.) increased the elimination of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It was thought that low-mineral water acts on osmoreceptors of the gastrointestinal tract, causing an increased flow of sodium ions into the intestinal lumen and slight reduction in osmotic pressure in the portal venous system with subsequent enhanced release of sodium into the blood as an adaptation response. This osmotic change in the blood plasma results in the redistribution of body water; that is, there is an increase in the total extracellular fluid volume and the transfer of water from erythrocytes and interstitial fluid into the plasma and between intracellular and interstitial fluids. In response to the changed plasma volume, baroreceptors and volume receptors in the bloodstream are activated, inducing a decrease in aldosterone release and thus an increase in sodium elimination. Reactivity of the volume receptors in the vessels may result in a decrease in ADH release and an enhanced diuresis. The German Society for Nutrition reached similar conclusions about the effects of distilled water and warned the public against drinking it (7). The warning was published in response to the German edition of The Shocking Truth About Water (8), whose authors recommended drinking distilled water instead of "ordinary" drinking water. The Society in its position paper (7) explains that water in the human body always contains electrolytes (e.g. potassium and sodium) at certain concentrations controlled by the body. Water resorption by the intestinal epithelium is also enabled by sodium transport. If distilled water is ingested, the intestine has to add electrolytes to this water first, taking them from the body reserves. Since the body never eliminates fluid in form of "pure" water but always together with salts, adequate intake of electrolytes must be ensured. Ingestion of distilled water leads to the dilution of the electrolytes dissolved in the body water. Inadequate body water redistribution between compartments may compromise the function of vital organs. Symptoms at the very beginning of this condition include tiredness, weakness and headache; more severe symptoms are muscular cramps and impaired heart rate.

That being said as long as your aren’t working out and then consuming several liters of distilled water or only drink distilled water without other food or drink then the intake of electrolytes from other sources will mitigate most of that.

Feeling more ‘energy’ is simply placebo effect.
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