Walmart:11-21-06 Wal-Mart slashes food prices in half ahead of Thanksgiving

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No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: burnedout<BR>Hey Dave, here's another Wally World story for ya:<BR><BR>Study: Low Wal-Mart Wages Cost California $86 mil
<BR><BR>I was just about to add it in here.<BR><BR>Simply put in English:<BR><BR>Walmart pays such low pay <$7 hr that Californians that work there cannot afford Health Insurance<BR><BR>They make so little they qualify for public assistance so the rest of the Taxpayers of Californians with real jobs that pay >$16hr pay for the public assistance for the Wally World Employees.

I believe this link will serve you better. Study: Wal-Mart policies cost California taxpayers

In this report your <$7 an hour is way off. The University of California Berkley says they are paid an average of $9.70 an hour and Wal-Mart says they are paid $10.37 an hour. I assume your under $7 was for those who believe such nonsense.

The study talks about the lack of medical benefits. Guess what, insurance is optional as is savings. Wal-Mart can't force them to take the insurance benefits. Besides, since so many expect that medical care should be free why should they pay for it.

It seems to me that $9.70 and hour, or $10.37, is exceptional for unskilled labor. Why work for such low wages? No skills either yet learned or no desire to learn better skills. The desire to stay under a certain income level in order to avoid losing Government benefits. Retirees are working part time in an unstressful job. Students are working part time while going to school. Many valid reasons.

Just because you can't conceive of why someone would work for such pay doen't mean it is a bad situation. Nor does it imply that it is a great situation. So, all I"m saying is you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Nor should you fabricate information to fit an agenda.

Of course you are right. It costs a fortune to live in California. How dare those Walmart employees attempt to keep a roof over their head with such an undeserving wage of $9.70 hr.

They should still be at $6 hr and must live on the street per Republican Doctrine, silly me.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
4-23-2006 U.S. Vs Walmart - Wal-Mart Evolves Into Big Political Issue

WASHINGTON - There is no candidate. There are no ballots. There won't be an Election Day. And yet it may be the hottest, highest-stakes political contest in America today.

It's the campaign against Wal-Mart.

Their campaign has all the markings of the Dean and Clark insurgencies ? a snappy Web site, volunteer action lists and an issues-based grass-roots campaign.

Among those lined up against the company at Wal-Mart Watch are Jim Jordan, campaign manager for 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, and Terry Holt, a spokesman for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign.

Odd bedfellows: A Republican working for unions against Wal-Mart.

"Wal-Mart is giving capitalism a bad name," Holt explained. "It's lost touch with its small-town roots and has become a company that is depending on corporate welfare ... and an all-too-cozy relationship with China."

Under fire, Wal-Mart hired Reagan adviser Michael Deaver, Bush-Cheney political director Terry Nelson and several Democrats, among them civil rights leader Andrew Young, former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros and campaign strategist Leslie Dach.

Talk about odd bedfellows: Democrats working for Wal-Mart against organized labor.

"We were being attacked. We wanted to hire people who knew how to respond," said Wal-Mart's McAdam, formerly a GOP aide on Capitol Hill and political strategist for the tobacco industry.
Notice they are now calling anyone in the U.S. against the establishment "Insurgents" in the U.S. now


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-23-2006 U.S. Vs Walmart - Wal-Mart Evolves Into Big Political Issue

WASHINGTON - There is no candidate. There are no ballots. There won't be an Election Day. And yet it may be the hottest, highest-stakes political contest in America today.

It's the campaign against Wal-Mart.

Their campaign has all the markings of the Dean and Clark insurgencies ? a snappy Web site, volunteer action lists and an issues-based grass-roots campaign.

Among those lined up against the company at Wal-Mart Watch are Jim Jordan, campaign manager for 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, and Terry Holt, a spokesman for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign.

Odd bedfellows: A Republican working for unions against Wal-Mart.

"Wal-Mart is giving capitalism a bad name," Holt explained. "It's lost touch with its small-town roots and has become a company that is depending on corporate welfare ... and an all-too-cozy relationship with China."

Under fire, Wal-Mart hired Reagan adviser Michael Deaver, Bush-Cheney political director Terry Nelson and several Democrats, among them civil rights leader Andrew Young, former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros and campaign strategist Leslie Dach.

Talk about odd bedfellows: Democrats working for Wal-Mart against organized labor.

"We were being attacked. We wanted to hire people who knew how to respond," said Wal-Mart's McAdam, formerly a GOP aide on Capitol Hill and political strategist for the tobacco industry.
Notice they are now calling anyone in the U.S. against the establishment "Insurgents" in the U.S. now

Wal-mart didn't call them "Insurgents", RON FOURNIER (AP Political Writer) did.

This is what Wal-mart said:

By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer Sun Apr 23, 12:34 PM ET

WASHINGTON - There is no candidate. There are no ballots. There won't be an Election Day. And yet it may be the hottest, highest-stakes political contest in America today.

It's the campaign against Wal-Mart.

A year-old effort to force the nation's No. 1 private employer to change its business practices has evolved into a Washington-style brawl: tens of millions of dollars spent by Republican and Democratic political consultants using polling, micro-targeting, ads, e-mails, direct mail, grass-roots organizing and strategic "war rooms" to ply their trade in the corporate world.

Their fight involves some of society's most vexing trends, including the rising cost of health care, the painful realities of globalization and the waning relevance of organized labor.

"Our opponents have organized the likes of a political campaign against us," said Bob McAdam, vice president of corporate affairs at Wal-Mart. "It would be nonsense for us not to respond in a similar fashion."

Wal-Mart's main opponents are the Service Employees International Union, which started Wal-Mart Watch, and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which funds a separate campaign called

After failing to organize employees of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. with traditional tactics, the unions decided to use modern campaign and communications methods to drag the company into the public square and try to shame them into change.

Both groups have hammered the world's largest retailer about its wages, health insurance, treatment of workers and proclivity for buying non-U.S. goods. Wal-Mart has responded with counterattacks and a multimillion-dollar public campaign to polish its image.

On both sides are some of the best political strategists money can buy. is run by Paul Blank, political director for
Howard Dean's 2004 Democratic presidential campaign, and Chris Kofinis, a former political professor who helped draft retired Army Gen.
Wesley Clark into the same race.

Their campaign has all the markings of the Dean and Clark insurgencies ? a snappy Web site, volunteer action lists and an issues-based grass-roots campaign.

Among those lined up against the company at Wal-Mart Watch are Jim Jordan, campaign manager for 2004 Democratic presidential nominee
John Kerry, and Terry Holt, a spokesman for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign.

Odd bedfellows: A Republican working for unions against Wal-Mart.

"Wal-Mart is giving capitalism a bad name," Holt explained. "It's lost touch with its small-town roots and has become a company that is depending on corporate welfare ... and an all-too-cozy relationship with China."

Under fire, Wal-Mart hired Reagan adviser Michael Deaver, Bush-Cheney political director Terry Nelson and several Democrats, among them civil rights leader Andrew Young, former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros and campaign strategist Leslie Dach.

Talk about odd bedfellows: Democrats working for Wal-Mart against organized labor.

"We were being attacked. We wanted to hire people who knew how to respond," said Wal-Mart's McAdam, formerly a GOP aide on Capitol Hill and political strategist for the tobacco industry. claims 212,000 supporters who can be mobilized with a computer stroke to recruit members and participate in media events designed to shine a bad light on the Bentonville, Ark., company.

The group also passes out UFCW-sponsored workers' rights material outside Wal-Mart stores.

A goal of the UFCW is to show Wal-Mart's 1.3 million U.S. employees ? many of whom have a low opinion of unions or fear retribution if they organize ? that unionized labor can change their workplace and lives for the better.

"For years, labor leaders were fighting Wal-Mart the old way, but times have changed," Kofinis said. "Instead of organizing workers, they're trying to organize the nation" against Wal-Mart.

In its own way, this campaign over Wal-Mart is as important as the congressional races this year.

Bringing Wal-Mart to heel with 21st-century tactics would signal a fresh approach for organized labor after a decades-long decline in membership.

At stake for Wal-Mart is the future course of a company with $312.4 billion in sales in the fiscal year that ended Jan. 31. Its stock has fallen 20 percent over the past two years, and the company has had trouble sustaining its historically high rates of profit growth.

Analysts say bad publicity from the union-backed campaigns may be hurting Wal-Mart, though unrelated business pressures are also a factor.

Wal-Mart denies that the union-backed campaign has hurt its bottom line. But the company sees the effort as a threat.

After Maryland's legislature passed a labor-backed bill requiring companies ? Wal-Mart in particular ? to spend more on workers' health insurance, the Arkansas company came out with improvements in its health care coverage.

Amid criticism, Wal-Mart also has announced plans to:

_Help competing local companies stay in business.

_Expand its share of the Hispanic market.

_Sell more environmentally friendly products.

_Increase diversity in its work force.

A multimillion-dollar advertising campaign featuring testimonials of happy customers and employees cast Wal-Mart as a good corporate citizen.

Nelson was hired to wage a grass-roots campaign by recruiting Wal-Mart shoppers and local leaders sympathetic to the corporation's cause.

In the union camp, both groups send opposition research on Wal-Mart to reporters, e-mail supporters and stage events such as rallies and documentary film screenings.

They have had an impact.

Maryland-style health care bills have been introduced in more than 30 states. Democratic candidates in Ohio, Arizona and Pennsylvania have spoken out against Wal-Mart, as have elected officials in Wisconsin, Georgia, Connecticut and several other states.

Then there is Sen.
Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The potential 2008 presidential candidate served on Wal-Mart's board for six years when her husband was governor of Arkansas. Just two years ago, the New York senator called her time on the board "a great experience in every respect."

But now she does not want anything to do with the company. Her re-election campaign returned a $5,000 contribution from Wal-Mart, citing "serious differences with current company practices."

To this, Wal-Mart officials acknowledged that the company has become a political issue ? at least for Democratic candidates who need labor's money and organizing might.

"While not commenting specifically on Mrs. Clinton, apparently there are those who want to appeal to union leaders regardless of what office they're running for and whether they want to do what union leaders want done," McAdam said.

Will the company be a major issue in upcoming campaigns?

"I think there are those who want to make it so," the Wal-Mart executive said. "But I think the true test of whether that's true or not will play itself out in the midterm elections and the presidential elections to come."
But does that really matter to you?


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
I really don't understand all the fuss about walmart? Are they worse than k-mart because they're actaully good at what they do, and didn't file chap 11? Is walgreens evil too? How 'bout the dollar store? Only evil if they make money? What's the criteria? Can I eat at Mcdonalds? Thanks in advance....


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Walmart just wants back what the US was built on, free or near free labor.

When your CEO's are taking in billions and your workers make between $7-10 with lousey or no benefits, thats 21st century slavery. There is no reason for that company to have to pay out poverty wages and still not make billions upon billions a year.

But again the US version of capitolism just misses it's slaves. It's why illegal aliens are not a problem to these CORPORATIONS but are to the lower and some middle class.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: railer
I really don't understand all the fuss about walmart? Are they worse than k-mart because they're actaully good at what they do, and didn't file chap 11? Is walgreens evil too? How 'bout the dollar store? Only evil if they make money? What's the criteria? Can I eat at Mcdonalds? Thanks in advance....

You don't see a problem here???????????????

4-26-2006 Walmart only has 615,000 employees of its 1.34 million employees enrolled in Health care

46 percent of the children of Wal-Mart workers were uninsured or on public health care.

The announcements reflect growing outside pressure on the company, which was exhibited in the state of Maryland recently. There, the state's legislature passed a law that requires companies with more than 10,000 Maryland employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on employee health care or pay the difference into the state's Medicaid fund.
When and if we ever do wind up with a Universal Health Care system in the U.S. it will mainly be because of Walmart.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: railer
I really don't understand all the fuss about walmart? Are they worse than k-mart because they're actaully good at what they do, and didn't file chap 11? Is walgreens evil too? How 'bout the dollar store? Only evil if they make money? What's the criteria? Can I eat at Mcdonalds? Thanks in advance....

You don't see a problem here???????????????

4-26-2006 Walmart only has 615,000 employees of its 1.34 million employees enrolled in Health care

46 percent of the children of Wal-Mart workers were uninsured or on public health care.

The announcements reflect growing outside pressure on the company, which was exhibited in the state of Maryland recently. There, the state's legislature passed a law that requires companies with more than 10,000 Maryland employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on employee health care or pay the difference into the state's Medicaid fund.
When and if we ever do wind up with a Universal Health Care system in the U.S. it will mainly be because of Walmart.

This paragragh:
The announcements reflect growing outside pressure on the company, which was exhibited in the state of Maryland recently. There, the state's legislature passed a law that requires companies with more than 10,000 Maryland employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on employee health care or pay the difference into the state's Medicaid fund.

Refers to this paragraph:
Wal-Mart has defended its health care coverage and twice since October has announced improvements, including shorter eligibility periods for part-time workers, coverage for their children, lower premiums between $11 and $23 a month and reducing prescription co-pays to $3 from $10.

You do the worst job of summerizing articles. Its getting to be stupid. Just post the whole article.

Fix your topic title too, the "calls anyanone against them Insurgents" is incorrect.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Bahahahaha Goodbye Dell, Goodbye Monarch

5-5-2006 Wal-Mart to sell build-your-own computers

With the build-your-own-computer counters, shoppers can choose between several different components.

Such components include central processing units -- the brain of the computer that powers its basic functions -- as well as monitors, keyboards and mice that customers can combine to create customized packages they can load in a shopping cart and take home right away.

Wal-Mart's entry into a category can raise alarms because the retailer's persistent price-cutting pressures competitors' profit margins. It has been blamed for bankruptcies in sectors ranging from groceries and toys.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Bahahahaha Goodbye Dell, Goodbye Monarch

5-5-2006 Wal-Mart to sell build-your-own computers

With the build-your-own-computer counters, shoppers can choose between several different components.

Such components include central processing units -- the brain of the computer that powers its basic functions -- as well as monitors, keyboards and mice that customers can combine to create customized packages they can load in a shopping cart and take home right away.

Wal-Mart's entry into a category can raise alarms because the retailer's persistent price-cutting pressures competitors' profit margins. It has been blamed for bankruptcies in sectors ranging from groceries and toys.

It (the idea) will causing a marketing war of components for the consumer even worse that the Intel/AMD wars now. (Like wahat happends here in the Video Forum)

As we all know, some things will not place nice together, and the consumer will still have to ensure driver compatability, etc. Someone that can not put together their kids bike without an instruction manual is going toput aCPU in a coket with the proper amount of thermal grease (in the porper location)

WalMart will have to set up proper customer support (ie. Geek Squad type places) and also have better trained sales people. I do not think they know what they are getting into.

It may look like a lucrative market, however, the related back end costs can be a killer.



Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674

Wal-Mart to sell build-your-own computers

This sentence alone is just frightening. The people who worked in the electronics department at the Walmart I worked at didn't know a thing about computers, or really much of anything electronic. Some of them couldn't explain the differences between a DVD and a CD.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Bahahahaha Goodbye Dell, Goodbye Monarch

5-5-2006 Wal-Mart to sell build-your-own computers

With the build-your-own-computer counters, shoppers can choose between several different components.

Such components include central processing units -- the brain of the computer that powers its basic functions -- as well as monitors, keyboards and mice that customers can combine to create customized packages they can load in a shopping cart and take home right away.

Wal-Mart's entry into a category can raise alarms because the retailer's persistent price-cutting pressures competitors' profit margins. It has been blamed for bankruptcies in sectors ranging from groceries and toys.

Walmart Has no Service. NONE.

Also they are entering the least profitable market for pc hardware. Home computers.

Ainy going to hurt dell

Dave you are getting loonier by the day, You have no concept of reality. Do you know what a server or a san is? Is walmart selling integrated data solutions for network storage with high speed fiberchannel backplanes connected to chassis that hold multiple redundent blade servers in a cluster?




No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: smashp
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Bahahahaha Goodbye Dell, Goodbye Monarch

5-5-2006 Wal-Mart to sell build-your-own computers

With the build-your-own-computer counters, shoppers can choose between several different components.

Such components include central processing units -- the brain of the computer that powers its basic functions -- as well as monitors, keyboards and mice that customers can combine to create customized packages they can load in a shopping cart and take home right away.

Wal-Mart's entry into a category can raise alarms because the retailer's persistent price-cutting pressures competitors' profit margins. It has been blamed for bankruptcies in sectors ranging from groceries and toys.

Walmart Has no Service. NONE.

Also they are entering the least profitable market for pc hardware. Home computers.

Ainy going to hurt dell

Dave you are getting loonier by the day, You have no concept of reality. Do you know what a server or a san is? Is walmart selling integrated data solutions for network storage with high speed fiberchannel backplanes connected to chassis that hold multiple redundent blade servers in a cluster?



Dell is no IBM either.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Bahahahaha Wally World caught selling fakes

6-9-2006 Fendi sues Wal-Mart over sales of fake handbags

Italian fashion group Fendi S.R.L. sued Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in U.S. federal court on Friday, accusing the world's largest retailer of selling counterfeit handbags and passing them off as genuine at its Sam's Club warehouse stores.

Sam's Club stores, which sell everything from bulk groceries to office supplies, recently said it would ratchet up competition with rival Costco Wholesale Corp. by selling more luxury goods like fine wines and diamonds.

Fendi products are typically sold at high-end department stores like Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue in the United States and Fendi boutiques all over the world.

In one example cited in the lawsuit, a black handbag bearing Fendi's trademark logo was offered for sale in a Sam's Club store in Miami for $508.25, 45 percent less than the retail price of $930 for a genuine Fendi bag.

Fendi, a unit of French luxury goods maker LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA) said in the suit that Wal-Mart has made millions of dollars selling the counterfeit goods.

Fendi is seeking unspecified damages and asked that the handbags and other illegal Fendi merchandise be destroyed.



Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Sweet, someone call their favorite attorney, time for a class action lawsuit brought by those who bought the handbags.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
The Battle over Walmart and America intensifies

May true Americans win over the Republican Corporate Whores.

7-18-2006 Wal-Mart, critics slam each other on Web

BENTONVILLE, Ark. - The brawl between Wal-Mart and its union critics is escalating as groups on both sides, fighting over whether the world's largest retailer is good or bad, launched attack-style Web sites maligning each other's motives and politics.

More than a year after unions launched two political-style campaign groups attacking Wal-Mart Stores Inc. for what they say are low wages and skimpy benefits, the language is turning meaner and more personal. was started last week by Working Families for Wal-Mart, a group funded primarily by Wal-Mart, to reveal what it described as "the real motives of the union leaders behind the campaign against Wal-Mart."

The site is part of Wal-Mart's aggressive defense since last year against its increasingly organized critics. Wal-Mart won't say how much it is spending, but it has set up a political campaign-style "war room" staffed by consultants, hired Washington D.C. lobbyists, formed the Working Families group and created another Web site called Wal-Mart Facts.

Wal-Mart has hired a team of about 35 consultants at Edelman, which bills itself as the world's largest independently owned PR company, as well as lobbyists in Washington D.C.

In response to the new site, union-funded started its own Web site Tuesday, A Bunch Of Greedy Right Wing Liars Who Work For Walmart, which attacks the retailer's public relations and lobbying figures.

"These great guys who love to stretch the truth (or what mom called liars) honed their special Wal-Mart skills on an array of right wing political campaigns," the Web site reads.

In a letter to Democratic members of congress about Wal-Mart's efforts, WakeUpWalMart said the attacks were reminiscent of a campaign by a pro-Bush group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, that questioned Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam War military record during the 2004 presidential race.

Walmart's latest move comes right out of the Swift Boat playbook.

And it could become standard procedure for other corporations that find themselves in the center of public controversy.


Oct 9, 1999
As we all know, Wal Mart is evil, and labor unions have never had anything to do with shady activity. Clearly Wal Mart is the devil, and the union is our saviour. While Wal Mart is simply after profits at the expense of American workers, labor union leaders want nothing more than the satisfaction of a job well done. By the way, anybody have any idea where all those union dues end up?


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
Walmart is also getting into banking big time. Or trying hard to anyways. And from what i hear, a lot of other major catagories of business are under threat from the tidal wave of Walmart's cutthroat expansionist strategies.

They certainly are a phenomenon arent they? Amazing. When you see who's behind it all the puzzle pieces start to fall into place. Most of the seed money to start Walmart came from the same tycoons who have been raping our Country for over a hundred years.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
No surprise here, Walmart high paid Lobbyists successfully pay off Federal Judge to keep Taxpayers paying for lowly paid employee health care costs.

7-29-3006 Federal Judge overturns Maryland Wal-Mart health care law

BALTIMORE - A federal judge on Wednesday overturned a Maryland law that would have required Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to spend more on employee health care, arguing the retail giant "faces threatened injury" from the law's spending requirement.

In Maryland, where state budget writers were looking for ways to rein in a $4.6 billion annual Medicaid tab, the Wal-Mart law was seen as a way to encourage companies to keep employees off public rolls. It became law last winter when the Democratic legislature overrode a 2005 veto by Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich.


Apr 8, 2002
No surprise here, Walmart high paid Lobbyists successfully pay off Federal Judge to keep Taxpayers paying for lowly paid employee health care costs.

If you have proof bring it up with the states attorney general. Otherwise you are blowing smoke out your ass, like usual.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
No surprise here, Walmart high paid Lobbyists successfully pay off Federal Judge to keep Taxpayers paying for lowly paid employee health care costs.

7-29-3006 Federal Judge overturns Maryland Wal-Mart health care law

BALTIMORE - A federal judge on Wednesday overturned a Maryland law that would have required Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to spend more on employee health care, arguing the retail giant "faces threatened injury" from the law's spending requirement.

In Maryland, where state budget writers were looking for ways to rein in a $4.6 billion annual Medicaid tab, the Wal-Mart law was seen as a way to encourage companies to keep employees off public rolls. It became law last winter when the Democratic legislature overrode a 2005 veto by Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich.

Originally posted by: Genx87
No surprise here, Walmart high paid Lobbyists successfully pay off Federal Judge to keep Taxpayers paying for lowly paid employee health care costs.

If you have proof bring it up with the states attorney general. Otherwise you are blowing smoke out your ass, like usual.
It's been shown ad naseum in the thread as well as right in front of your nose in the article above:

the Wal-Mart law was seen as a way to encourage companies to keep employees off public rolls.

Who is blowing smoke out their ass now? :roll:
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