Wanna bet some protesters get busted in the nose tomorrow?


Jan 10, 2002
Protesters plan to stop war shipments

Antiwar group seeks to shut port of Oakland with picket line

By Tom Curry

April 3 ? Shifting protests against the war in Iraq to a new level, a San Francisco group says that it will set up a picket line Monday to block supplies being shipped to U.S. forces fighting in Iraq. The group, Direct Action to Stop the War, said will attempt to ?shut down the war merchants? at the port of Oakland by urging members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to not cross the picket line.
Click link for the rest of the story MSNBC


May 13, 2002
Originally posted by: dahunan
Protesters plan to stop war shipments

Antiwar group seeks to shut port of Oakland with picket line

By Tom Curry

April 3 ? Shifting protests against the war in Iraq to a new level, a San Francisco group says that it will set up a picket line Monday to block supplies being shipped to U.S. forces fighting in Iraq. The group, Direct Action to Stop the War, said will attempt to ?shut down the war merchants? at the port of Oakland by urging members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to not cross the picket line.
Click link for the rest of the story MSNBC

Blocking supplies for troops, they will probably have some there to guard their belongings, either way, there will be no picket line, yes the dock workers will stop, and when they are done, there will be no picket line....

Oakland? just another fine example of their reasoning....


Jan 10, 2002
The Teamsters will hire a local gang to do a Drive By Shooting on those fools :|


Jan 10, 2002
>>>>A source at the port who spoke on condition of anonymity said Direct Action?s protest was misplaced. ?Ninety-five percent of what?s shipped out of Oakland (to Iraq) is food which is going to help Iraqi citizens,? he said


>>>>Reinsborough said that on Monday some antiwar activists would also seek to disrupt shipments at the **Concord Naval Weapons Station**, which is northeast of Oakland.

Are they talking about SERIOUS Federal Crimes here???^^^

I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.

So if the police know someone is going to commit murder. They plan it out and the police have evidence of this. The police should let that murder happen before arresting them?


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Iwentsouth
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.

So if the police know someone is going to commit murder. They plan it out and the police have evidence of this. The police should let that murder happen before arresting them?

C'mon man...think harder. If that was the case, they would arrest the people in question for conspiracy to commit murder, which is a crime. Let's use your argument shall we? I will likely speed on my way home from work this morning. Should the cops just come here to my place of employment and write me a ticket beforehand? Are you really that naive?


Senior member
Oct 19, 2001
I look at conspiracy to block supplys to our troops and the Iraqi people as the same as attempted murder.

They need the equipment in a lifeor death struggle and so will the Iraqi people soon.

So these people should get there ass kicked in the least.


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
While you may feel that way, that is not how the law works. They can't be arrested until they actually try to do it. However, the local authorities are likely aware of their plans and will be on location to respond as soon as they try to act on their plan.


Jan 10, 2002
What if it was conspiracy to commit a federal crime During times of War?

Their actions could be seen as Domestic Terrorism.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.

You sure can, it'll be charged under threats or conspiracy.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.

Maybe u dont arrest them - u just kill'em - although not in America.

btw why should blocking that be a crime? Maybe it is civil disobedience but no crime - until they try violence



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: B00ne
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.

Maybe u dont arrest them - u just kill'em - although not in America.

btw why should blocking that be a crime? Maybe it is civil disobedience but no crime - until they try violence

Please recite your extensive knowledge of American laws B00ne.



Jan 10, 2002
civil disobedience - is also a crime!

Blocking access to a US Military Installation while the country is at War is just something to be accepted because these people want to do this and we should just let them because ...WHY???


Jan 10, 2002
In the very least.. jaywalking is a crime - so what should obstructon of traffic be considered?



Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
I did not figure this from US laws - which I dont know. I figured this easy: here, there wouldnt be a problem in doing this. The police would prolly come and try to carry the ppl away (when they are sitting/laying on the street). And since the US is the freeest country in the world (as I am told very often here) I figure this should be even less a problem in the US.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.
Yes but people here protest wars before they happen.



Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: FrontlineWarrior
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.
Yes but people here protest wars before they happen.

Yeah...like there was any doubt it was gonna happen. Not only that, but people have rallies for war...that is equally intelligent.

Interesting attitudes around here...you all seem to forget the principles this country was founded on. Oh wait...this is AT...nevermind.


Why do you get so worked up over protests? You are aware that several peaceful protests happen too right? You seem to have this idea that protesting this war or government in any shape or form is wrong and illegal. Do you forget that we have the right to peacfully voice our displeasure with the government and it's policies in this country. We are constantly hearing about these idiots who cross the line and make the news, but there are several people in this country that protest the war for whatever reason and still fully support our troops 100%. Just because these people say they will do this is not grounds to arrest them. The local authorities are likely aware of this planned action, and will be there in case they follow through with what they are saying they will do. If that happens, they will be arrested and/or removed and things will go on.

I really don't understand this general feeling that if you protest against this war or government, in a peaceful manner, and obey all local laws, you are somehow anti-american or not supporting the troops. As is the case with both sides, there are idiots who get all the attention and hurt the message they are supposedly trying to get across.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: FrontlineWarrior
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.
Yes but people here protest wars before they happen.

Yeah...like there was any doubt it was gonna happen. Not only that, but people have rallies for war...that is equally intelligent.

Interesting attitudes around here...you all seem to forget the principles this country was founded on. Oh wait...this is AT...nevermind.


Why do you get so worked up over protests? You are aware that several peaceful protests happen too right? You seem to have this idea that protesting this war or government in any shape or form is wrong and illegal. Do you forget that we have the right to peacfully voice our displeasure with the government and it's policies in this country. We are constantly hearing about these idiots who cross the line and make the news, but there are several people in this country that protest the war for whatever reason and still fully support our troops 100%. Just because these people say they will do this is not grounds to arrest them. The local authorities are likely aware of this planned action, and will be there in case they follow through with what they are saying they will do. If that happens, they will be arrested and/or removed and things will go on.

I really don't understand this general feeling that if you protest against this war or government, in a peaceful manner, and obey all local laws, you are somehow anti-american or not supporting the troops. As is the case with both sides, there are idiots who get all the attention and hurt the message they are supposedly trying to get across.

Lets see

I never said they were anti-American.

BUT.. ANYONE who threatens to disrupt another Americans life and daily activities is a Terrorist.. not a protester.

I SUPPORT PEACEFUL PROTESTS (unless they are holding signs that say "no blood for oil" , or "Illigetimate President"

America wouldn't be America if people did not have the right to PEACEFULLY Assemble. **I do not consider human shield blockades to be peaceful **Any form of protesting that is a Violation of the Law is Unacceptable and an Embarassment.


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: FrontlineWarrior
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.
Yes but people here protest wars before they happen.

Yeah...like there was any doubt it was gonna happen. Not only that, but people have rallies for war...that is equally intelligent.

Interesting attitudes around here...you all seem to forget the principles this country was founded on. Oh wait...this is AT...nevermind.


Why do you get so worked up over protests? You are aware that several peaceful protests happen too right? You seem to have this idea that protesting this war or government in any shape or form is wrong and illegal. Do you forget that we have the right to peacfully voice our displeasure with the government and it's policies in this country. We are constantly hearing about these idiots who cross the line and make the news, but there are several people in this country that protest the war for whatever reason and still fully support our troops 100%. Just because these people say they will do this is not grounds to arrest them. The local authorities are likely aware of this planned action, and will be there in case they follow through with what they are saying they will do. If that happens, they will be arrested and/or removed and things will go on.

I really don't understand this general feeling that if you protest against this war or government, in a peaceful manner, and obey all local laws, you are somehow anti-american or not supporting the troops. As is the case with both sides, there are idiots who get all the attention and hurt the message they are supposedly trying to get across.

Lets see

I never said they were anti-American.

BUT.. ANYONE who threatens to disrupt another Americans life and daily activities is a Terrorist.. not a protester.

I SUPPORT PEACEFUL PROTESTS (unless they are holding signs that say "no blood for oil" , or "Illigetimate President"

America wouldn't be America if people did not have the right to PEACEFULLY Assemble. **I do not consider human shield blockades to be peaceful **Any form of protesting that is a Violation of the Law is Unacceptable and an Embarassment.

Fair enough. I actually didn't say you called them anti-american, just that the prevailing attitude in this country seems to be that. I fully agree with your sentiments as you typed them, except for the requisite of only if they don't have certain signs.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Insane3D
Originally posted by: FrontlineWarrior
Originally posted by: Insane3D
I think they should be arrested BEFORE they ever reach the Naval Station

This is America my friend. We don't arrest people for a crime before said crime has even happened. This is 2003, not Minority Report.
Yes but people here protest wars before they happen.

Yeah...like there was any doubt it was gonna happen. Not only that, but people have rallies for war...that is equally intelligent.

Interesting attitudes around here...you all seem to forget the principles this country was founded on. Oh wait...this is AT...nevermind.


Why do you get so worked up over protests? You are aware that several peaceful protests happen too right? You seem to have this idea that protesting this war or government in any shape or form is wrong and illegal. Do you forget that we have the right to peacfully voice our displeasure with the government and it's policies in this country. We are constantly hearing about these idiots who cross the line and make the news, but there are several people in this country that protest the war for whatever reason and still fully support our troops 100%. Just because these people say they will do this is not grounds to arrest them. The local authorities are likely aware of this planned action, and will be there in case they follow through with what they are saying they will do. If that happens, they will be arrested and/or removed and things will go on.

I really don't understand this general feeling that if you protest against this war or government, in a peaceful manner, and obey all local laws, you are somehow anti-american or not supporting the troops. As is the case with both sides, there are idiots who get all the attention and hurt the message they are supposedly trying to get across.

Lets see

I never said they were anti-American.

BUT.. ANYONE who threatens to disrupt another Americans life and daily activities is a Terrorist.. not a protester.

I SUPPORT PEACEFUL PROTESTS (unless they are holding signs that say "no blood for oil" , or "Illigetimate President"

America wouldn't be America if people did not have the right to PEACEFULLY Assemble. **I do not consider human shield blockades to be peaceful **Any form of protesting that is a Violation of the Law is Unacceptable and an Embarassment.

Fair enough. I actually didn't say you called them anti-american, just that the prevailing attitude in this country seems to be that. I fully agree with your sentiments as you typed them, except for the requisite of only if they don't have certain signs.

Agreed, their are two anti-war protesters. Mr.Joe Blow and Mr.Extremist.... I honestly hope they get their asses thrown in jail with 300 pound bubba



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
And because Mr Extremist recieves the most press, there seems to be a growing problem with people (at least here on AT) thinking that Mr Joe Blow acts and thinks the same as Mr Extremist.

Typical Anandtech musings...
- Some antiwar protesters broke the law. "See? This is why the antiwar protesters are scum."

- Some French vandals defiled American tombstones. "See? This is why France is bad."

- Some friendly fire casualties occur. "See? This is why war is bad." "Oh, piss off. This is war! Sh!t happens."


Oct 9, 1999
Rubber Bullets Used Against Oakland War Protesters

9 minutes ago

OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Police fired rubber bullets on Monday against hundreds of anti-war protesters blocking a road near Oakland's port, witnesses and officials said.

Local media reported several longshoremen were injured in what is believed to be the first police use of rubber bullets against demonstrators since President Bush launched a war aimed at toppling Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on March 19.

Demonstrators were seeking to block access to American President Lines, a shipping company they claimed was profiting from the war in Iraq Police at the scene said they used two types of rubber bullets to disperse about 750 protesters and that some arrests were made.

Oakland Police spokeswoman Danielle Ashford said police used "sting balls," also known as rubber pellets, and bean-bags to disperse the crowd. "We gave our dispersal order, we gave them an order, we gave them ample time to disperse," she said.
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