wanted to make this thread, maybe someone wont be as stupid as i was.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
i came home today from harris methodist hospital in ft worth texas, last saturday, 6 days ago i chewed half a fentanyl 100mcg pain patch... it almost killed me... i'm sure all of you know i'm not opiate naive, i've had my share of addiction to opoids, been a long battle, i was honestly doing good... i didnt do any opiates at all for a long time, but recently, in the last few weeks i started slipping, started popping some vicodens here and there..stupid, very stupid..

these patches are the worst thing ever created, they've been recalled already for killing people who really need them and use them as directed..much less idiots who "abuse" the fentanyl in them... anyway... here's the story from the beginning...

a friend calls me up and says she's got a friend who has come into some 100 mcg transdermal patches.. of course the addict in me things hey hey a strong opiate, i'm not doing anything today, why the hell not.. so she picks me up and we go pick up this patch...since i dont have any tolerance, i decide i just want half of said patch, so i give her the other half, she drops me back off at home, on the way home i open the patch, open the gel sack, and proceed to squeeze the gel into my mouth... there is 12.5mg total i believe of fentanyl in each patch, meant be be delivered over a 2 or 3 day window.. the last significant thing i remember was getting out of her car and commenting on how my pupils were already pinpointed, way pinpointed.. she said yeah, your looking kinda white, you sure you dont want me to stick around for a while, of course i'm feeling the effects, so i told her to go on her way, i'd be fine... she believed me, after all, i have a huge track record with pain killers.....well apparently i made it to my bedroom.. not into my bed, i guess i collapsed before i could make it into the actual bed.... a friend came over 20 hours later.. yes.. 20 hours found me on the floor, barely breathing, hardly any pulse, blue and chalky... when the paramedics got there i apparently had a body temp of 80F, they were pretty much gonna bag me and tag me... people dont live from an overdose like that... i was taken to cooke county medical center, had an activated charcoal flush, a breathing tube inserted..i dont remember ANY OF THIS...this is what i've been told.. the little hospital here couldnt do much so they contacted my parents who made the decision to do whatever it took to keep me alive...which was a care flight to harris methodist cardiac center.. at this point i had had a heart attack they say, i was in acute liver/renal failure, still not breathing well, and to top it off i guess they cut trachia with the tube when they inserted it (more on that later) i was in bad shape...if i lived at all... my father was freaking out, he never left my side though, he said they were really close to putting a permanent trachia in, you know the thing smokers have, and they were saying my chances of a normal life ever again were slim to none, i would need dialysis, probably have some brain damage from the lack of oxygen...

i gotta hand it to God, and the doctors who took care of me though.... i pulled through, 3rd day in the ICU it started to make sense.. it's a good thing i still had the patch in my mouth when i got to the hospital so they new what they were dealing with... that third day the breathing tube came out and as of right now i have a hell of a sore throat from the cut, got my voice back kinda... i swelled up like a pregnant chick i guess from water rentention... i can usually put my forefinger and thumb around my wrist but right now there is iike a 1 inch gap there...thats how swollen i am...they say my liver/kidneys are looking alot better and right now i'm just on steroids/antibiotics because i choked on my vomit and it went into my lungs...they call that pnemonia aspiration...

i'll tell you what i feel like hell... it really feels like i was dead and came back to life.... like the way you'd imagine a zombie to feel...that's how i feel... i'm so achy, worse than any flu or other sickness i've ever had....

anyway, this is tiring me out typing this... DONT EVER EAT A FENTANYL PATCH, do not underestimate these.... even if you can bang 240mg of oxycodone in your vein, fentanyl is no joke, i've never been hurt like this before.


Sep 25, 2000

this should be good.

first post.

this spot for sale... $10,000


Aug 8, 2001
You really need to avoid all drugs like the plague.

The only thing you should ingest is food.


Sep 25, 2000
Hopefully the police will be visiting you soon, and you and your moronic friends will be in jail for a very long time as drug addicts and distributors.

Hopefully you will lose any custody you have of your kids.

You are a complete, utter waste of flesh.

For those who dont know what Fentanyl is..

Fentanyl is a class II (or schedule II) narcotic. A schedule II drug is one that has a high potential for abuse but is currently used for medical purposes.

Illicitly manufacturing, distributing, or possessing certain amounts of a schedule II substance is a felony in the United States and generally results in a term of incarceration.

Fentanyl is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine,with 100 micrograms of Fentanyl approximately equivalent to 10 mg of morphine.

This is what the patch looks like:

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Sep 25, 2000
i came home today from harris methodist hospital in ft worth texas, last saturday, 6 days ago i chewed half a fentanyl 100mcg pain patch... it almost killed me... i'm sure all of you know i'm not opiate naive, i've had my share of addiction to opoids, been a long battle, i was honestly doing good... i didnt do any opiates at all for a long time, but recently, in the last few weeks i started slipping, started popping some vicodens here and there..stupid, very stupid..

these patches are the worst thing ever created, they've been recalled already for killing people who really need them and use them as directed..much less idiots who "abuse" the fentanyl in them... anyway... here's the story from the beginning...

a friend calls me up and says she's got a friend who has come into some 100 mcg transdermal patches.. of course the addict in me things hey hey a strong opiate, i'm not doing anything today, why the hell not.. so she picks me up and we go pick up this patch...since i dont have any tolerance, i decide i just want half of said patch, so i give her the other half, she drops me back off at home, on the way home i open the patch, open the gel sack, and proceed to squeeze the gel into my mouth... there is 12.5mg total i believe of fentanyl in each patch, meant be be delivered over a 2 or 3 day window.. the last significant thing i remember was getting out of her car and commenting on how my pupils were already pinpointed, way pinpointed.. she said yeah, your looking kinda white, you sure you dont want me to stick around for a while, of course i'm feeling the effects, so i told her to go on her way, i'd be fine... she believed me, after all, i have a huge track record with pain killers.....well apparently i made it to my bedroom.. not into my bed, i guess i collapsed before i could make it into the actual bed.... a friend came over 20 hours later.. yes.. 20 hours found me on the floor, barely breathing, hardly any pulse, blue and chalky... when the paramedics got there i apparently had a body temp of 80F, they were pretty much gonna bag me and tag me... people dont live from an overdose like that... i was taken to cooke county medical center, had an activated charcoal flush, a breathing tube inserted..i dont remember ANY OF THIS...this is what i've been told.. the little hospital here couldnt do much so they contacted my parents who made the decision to do whatever it took to keep me alive...which was a care flight to harris methodist cardiac center.. at this point i had had a heart attack they say, i was in acute liver/renal failure, still not breathing well, and to top it off i guess they cut trachia with the tube when they inserted it (more on that later) i was in bad shape...if i lived at all... my father was freaking out, he never left my side though, he said they were really close to putting a permanent trachia in, you know the thing smokers have, and they were saying my chances of a normal life ever again were slim to none, i would need dialysis, probably have some brain damage from the lack of oxygen...

i gotta hand it to God, and the doctors who took care of me though.... i pulled through, 3rd day in the ICU it started to make sense.. it's a good thing i still had the patch in my mouth when i got to the hospital so they new what they were dealing with... that third day the breathing tube came out and as of right now i have a hell of a sore throat from the cut, got my voice back kinda... i swelled up like a pregnant chick i guess from water rentention... i can usually put my forefinger and thumb around my wrist but right now there is iike a 1 inch gap there...thats how swollen i am...they say my liver/kidneys are looking alot better and right now i'm just on steroids/antibiotics because i choked on my vomit and it went into my lungs...they call that pnemonia aspiration...

i'll tell you what i feel like hell... it really feels like i was dead and came back to life.... like the way you'd imagine a zombie to feel...that's how i feel... i'm so achy, worse than any flu or other sickness i've ever had....

anyway, this is tiring me out typing this... DONT EVER EAT A FENTANYL PATCH, do not underestimate these.... even if you can bang 240mg of oxycodone in your vein, fentanyl is no joke, i've never been hurt like this before.

Quoting the whole post.. so that when the Police or DEA contact anandtech for your IP information, this post may act as proof... your CONFESSION to illegally obtaining, posessing, and using a Schedule II narcotic.

Hopefully... HOPEFULLY... this will finally put you away in jail for a long, long time.


Aug 8, 2001
Sadly, I think him going to jail would be more of a warning against drugs and acting stupidly than this thread alone is.


Apr 18, 2001
I can understand ODing on something with cut in it, but a fucking pharmaceutical? Really?

10mg fentanyl is something like a half a gram of pure heroin... that's a lot of down.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
posting in epic thread

and of course we know what the right answer is, right zane? Next time only put 1/4th of it in your mouth.

edit: in case OP is edited..

i came home today from harris methodist hospital in ft worth texas, last saturday, 6 days ago i chewed half a fentanyl 100mcg pain patch... it almost killed me... i'm sure all of you know i'm not opiate naive, i've had my share of addiction to opoids, been a long battle, i was honestly doing good... i didnt do any opiates at all for a long time, but recently, in the last few weeks i started slipping, started popping some vicodens here and there..stupid, very stupid..

these patches are the worst thing ever created, they've been recalled already for killing people who really need them and use them as directed..much less idiots who "abuse" the fentanyl in them... anyway... here's the story from the beginning...

a friend calls me up and says she's got a friend who has come into some 100 mcg transdermal patches.. of course the addict in me things hey hey a strong opiate, i'm not doing anything today, why the hell not.. so she picks me up and we go pick up this patch...since i dont have any tolerance, i decide i just want half of said patch, so i give her the other half, she drops me back off at home, on the way home i open the patch, open the gel sack, and proceed to squeeze the gel into my mouth... there is 12.5mg total i believe of fentanyl in each patch, meant be be delivered over a 2 or 3 day window.. the last significant thing i remember was getting out of her car and commenting on how my pupils were already pinpointed, way pinpointed.. she said yeah, your looking kinda white, you sure you dont want me to stick around for a while, of course i'm feeling the effects, so i told her to go on her way, i'd be fine... she believed me, after all, i have a huge track record with pain killers.....well apparently i made it to my bedroom.. not into my bed, i guess i collapsed before i could make it into the actual bed.... a friend came over 20 hours later.. yes.. 20 hours found me on the floor, barely breathing, hardly any pulse, blue and chalky... when the paramedics got there i apparently had a body temp of 80F, they were pretty much gonna bag me and tag me... people dont live from an overdose like that... i was taken to cooke county medical center, had an activated charcoal flush, a breathing tube inserted..i dont remember ANY OF THIS...this is what i've been told.. the little hospital here couldnt do much so they contacted my parents who made the decision to do whatever it took to keep me alive...which was a care flight to harris methodist cardiac center.. at this point i had had a heart attack they say, i was in acute liver/renal failure, still not breathing well, and to top it off i guess they cut trachia with the tube when they inserted it (more on that later) i was in bad shape...if i lived at all... my father was freaking out, he never left my side though, he said they were really close to putting a permanent trachia in, you know the thing smokers have, and they were saying my chances of a normal life ever again were slim to none, i would need dialysis, probably have some brain damage from the lack of oxygen...

i gotta hand it to God, and the doctors who took care of me though.... i pulled through, 3rd day in the ICU it started to make sense.. it's a good thing i still had the patch in my mouth when i got to the hospital so they new what they were dealing with... that third day the breathing tube came out and as of right now i have a hell of a sore throat from the cut, got my voice back kinda... i swelled up like a pregnant chick i guess from water rentention... i can usually put my forefinger and thumb around my wrist but right now there is iike a 1 inch gap there...thats how swollen i am...they say my liver/kidneys are looking alot better and right now i'm just on steroids/antibiotics because i choked on my vomit and it went into my lungs...they call that pnemonia aspiration...

i'll tell you what i feel like hell... it really feels like i was dead and came back to life.... like the way you'd imagine a zombie to feel...that's how i feel... i'm so achy, worse than any flu or other sickness i've ever had....

anyway, this is tiring me out typing this... DONT EVER EAT A FENTANYL PATCH, do not underestimate these.... even if you can bang 240mg of oxycodone in your vein, fentanyl is no joke, i've never been hurt like this before.
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Jul 15, 2000
My wife was on those for awhile, 25Mg if I remember, her doctor was avid in explaining the danger of incorrectly applying the patch or anyone getting into contact with one. You will never be a recreational user ZJ, if you use it will always wind up being balls deep and you will end up dead or in jail for a long time, good luck to you dude and seek out some help, please...


Nov 18, 2007
Well OP, glad you pulled through and I hope this experience teaches you something. You've been given a second chance, don't blow it there might not be a third.
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