WaPo: Roy Moore underage sex allegations. 12/4 update: Trump endorses. Jones wins

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Jan 8, 2001
Man, I suppose the RNC has to do due diligence on this. But, they should drop Moore faster than they'd drop a piece of steaming hot shit
Reactions: DarthKyrie


May 28, 2007
The entire state of Alabama still disagrees, and especially the GOP disagrees...well, up until yesterday, anyway. Remember when this guy was the 10 Commandments darling of the national GOP, "doing for justice" what our beloved founders explicitly prohibited him from doing, via constitutional law?

The law and order types are always the most evil ghouls you can imagine. I'd bet anything Jeff Sessions tortured animals as a child and probably has some kind of Oldsmoboat style dungeon in his basement.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 28, 2004
It's fairly obvious that if Moore wins a seat, for as long as he's sitting, he'll be a constant painful and damaging reminder of how "The Party of Family Values and Personal Responsibility" can have as their leader and colleague the antithesis of such ideals with a President like Trump and a Senator like Moore in their midst, both setting an example for how low in the social and religious order of things they are willing stoop and tolerate in order to win the class warfare they are waging against the working class and the poor.

yup, and that's why i think he will be seated and then promptly removed by the Senate, which is also pretty damaging. the GOP is self destructing by the day.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Hannity is interviewing Moore and among all the creepy shit and denials Moore seems to indicate there will be more articles. Blames liberals and establishment Rs trying to take him down.


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
You aren't understanding what I am trying to say.

The culture around adultery in the 60s vs the conduct of a 32 year old man trying to have sex with 16 year olds in the 70s might basically be a wash. In one instance he took an 18 year old on a date and gave her wine (legal drinking age is 19).

The only difference is the culture has eased in one direction (adultery) and tightened in another (underage sex), so you are applying todays cultural values to actions of a person 40 years ago.

Even though it hasn't. Let's pretend that the stigma around adultery has actually gotten worse in this country. Would you want to be the person traipsing around this forum denouncing MLK every chance you got?

No. they aren't the same, no Moore is not MLK, and no I'm not defending his actions. I am just trying to add some nuance to the discussion.

She was 14. I do understand what you are saying. You may not know it but you are in deed defending his actions. Again PEDOPHILIA is not adultery.


Apr 8, 2013
She was 14. I do understand what you are saying. You may not know it but you are in deed defending his actions. Again PEDOPHILIA is not adultery.

Nor was it acceptable at that time. Roman Polanski was prosecuted for fooling around with a 13 year old in 1977.

The mere fact that she was 14 makes his interest in her borderline pedophilia, regardless of whether it was today or 1000 years ago. If you're attracted to children, you're attracted to children.
Reactions: Puffnstuff


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
This seems quite important.

Dude, you cannot possibly believe that a reporter just happened to hear that Moore had allegedly had sought relationships with young girls and then tracked down four reluctant witnesses who don't know each other and the story just happened to break after the primary and too late to withdraw his name from the ballot. (I'm assuming here that the Pubbies don't pull a page from the Democrat playbook when they replaced the Torch in Jersey.) Nobody should ever be that gullible or that flatout stupid. This is an intricately constructed Democrat scheme. (Which if course isn't saying that Moore didn't molest these girls.)

Have to congratulate the Dems; they may have actually found a way to get a Democrat Senator elected in Alabama. Certainly this is going to be THE mainstream media story until the election, and there is absolutely no way anyone can prove he didn't commit a specific crime forty years ago.

If the allegations are true, at least maybe the Pubbies will wise up and begin destroying such candidates in the primaries.


Oct 22, 1999
Nor was it acceptable at that time. Roman Polanski was prosecuted for fooling around with a 13 year old in 1977.

The mere fact that she was 14 makes his interest in her borderline pedophilia, regardless of whether it was today or 1000 years ago. If you're attracted to children, you're attracted to children.
To be fair, 14 is hardly pedophilia, unless you have some very immature 14 year olds. Not saying it's ok, but get annoyed when people use the wrong term. If she has breast and pubic hair, it isn't pedophilia. Considering his other victims were older, he probably isn't a pedophile, although he obviously has a thing for young girls. His wife is 14 years younger than him, fyi.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Guys, you're all missing the point. This is Alabama and as one of those state Alabama legislators tweeted yesterday: "There is no problem with a 32 year old man dating a 14 year old girl."

I mean, it's natural. It's Alabama. It's actually shocking to not accept that this is simply how things are done in the great state of...apparently bigoted morally-superior pedophiles!
Jan 25, 2011
Dude, you cannot possibly believe that a reporter just happened to hear that Moore had allegedly had sought relationships with young girls and then tracked down four reluctant witnesses who don't know each other and the story just happened to break after the primary and too late to withdraw his name from the ballot. (I'm assuming here that the Pubbies don't pull a page from the Democrat playbook when they replaced the Torch in Jersey.) Nobody should ever be that gullible or that flatout stupid. This is an intricately constructed Democrat scheme. (Which if course isn't saying that Moore didn't molest these girls.)

Have to congratulate the Dems; they may have actually found a way to get a Democrat Senator elected in Alabama. Certainly this is going to be THE mainstream media story until the election, and there is absolutely no way anyone can prove he didn't commit a specific crime forty years ago.

If the allegations are true, at least maybe the Pubbies will wise up and begin destroying such candidates in the primaries.
Lol way to use your feels to dismiss. There is no reason to doubt that is what occurred in finding the story. Notice no one from AL that has spoken out backing Moore has said "I can't see him doing it". "This is false". "This doesn't fit his character"? No. What are they saying? Well even if he did it's no big deal. Mary, mother of Jesus, was a young teen. 16 is legal here.

I haven't seen one question the validity of the accusations. And on Hannity he didn't deny them. His response to have you ever dated teenagers and he was 32 wasn't no. It was I never dated anyone without their mothers permission. That's a fucked up answer to that very specific question.


Mar 9, 2005
Guys, you're all missing the point. This is Alabama and as one of those state Alabama legislators tweeted yesterday: "There is no problem with a 32 year old man dating a 14 year old girl."

I mean, it's natural. It's Alabama. It's actually shocking to not accept that this is simply how things are done in the great state of...apparently bigoted morally-superior pedophiles!
Do you suppose that sweet home alabama was really about the boys heading home for child relations? USC prohibits U.S. citizens from traveling abroad to participate in child sex trafficking so it should apply in AL too


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Senate endorsements being pulled. Lee and Daines so far.

Looking like all hands abandon ship on this candidacy.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Speaking for myself (not lefty enough perhaps?) I wouldn't hang him for acts committed nearly 40 years ago... especially if it was statutory in nature and not physical assault. Sure it's still wrong, but what's worse is if he lies about it and blames the accusers and the press.

Lying about it is what would make him unfit for office. Unfortunately, I'm one of those old fashioned folks who stills sees sexual assault as a spectrum and not black and white. Moore's actions (based on what we know so far) pale in comparison to Weinstein, Cosby and Spacey.
Pretty sure Weinstein, Cosby and Spacey have not been accused of molesting fourteen year olds. Not saying Moore is guilty because it was forty years ago and now we have zero way of finding the truth, but to me, a thirty year old man fondling a fourteen year old is a LOT worse than that same man fondling a legal adult. Personally, I don't judge anything short of rape with an adult as worse than fondling a fourteen year old. That's not necessarily even a high school freshman yet.
Jan 25, 2011
Pretty sure Weinstein, Cosby and Spacey have not been accused of molesting fourteen year olds. Not saying Moore is guilty because it was forty years ago and now we have zero way of finding the truth, but to me, a thirty year old man fondling a fourteen year old is a LOT worse than that same man fondling a legal adult. Personally, I don't judge anything short of rape with an adult as worse than fondling a fourteen year old. That's not necessarily even a high school freshman yet.
Spacey was accused of fondling a 14 year old precisely. And every fucking movie I tried to watch last weekend seemed to have him in it. Sat on the couch and sulked instead.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Spacey was accused of fondling a 14 year old precisely. And every fucking movie I tried to watch last weekend seemed to have him in it. Sat on the couch and sulked instead.

Yea, Anthony Rapp was the first to come out with his accusation publicly. He was 14 at the time. Opened the floodgates on Spacey.


Dec 12, 2000
Check out the response from one of the mothers when daughter was 17...

I do notice it made a difference who the 34 year old man is. If he were Black or Hispanic I bet the mother's answer is different.
This is why I came across as defending Moore earlier. Context matters, especially the cultural context of the Deep South 40 years ago. We can judge all we want in 2017, but I would bet that enough Alabamans would think he did nothing wrong and throw their support to Moore.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Aug 5, 2000
Well, if the Alabamians(?) feel comfortable with Moore and respect him for the man that he is then they should have him run for governor and keep him at home, rather than expose him and his habits (via becoming a Senator) to a nation that apparently don't see things the same way Alabamians see themselves and Moore with regards to his record as a judge and now a politician. From whatever I've been seeing and hearing from those Repub senators who had the nerve to broach the subject, they really don't want him up there anyway.

So a win for all concerned then?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
You aren't understanding what I am trying to say.

The culture around adultery in the 60s vs the conduct of a 32 year old man trying to have sex with 16 year olds in the 70s might basically be a wash. In one instance he took an 18 year old on a date and gave her wine (legal drinking age is 19).

The only difference is the culture has eased in one direction (adultery) and tightened in another (underage sex), so you are applying todays cultural values to actions of a person 40 years ago.

Even though it hasn't. Let's pretend that the stigma around adultery has actually gotten worse in this country. Would you want to be the person traipsing around this forum denouncing MLK every chance you got?

No. they aren't the same, no Moore is not MLK, and no I'm not defending his actions. I am just trying to add some nuance to the discussion.
The 60s was the free love decade. While admittedly many people hadn't changed their opinion on adultery, that was a decade in flux.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Lol way to use your feels to dismiss. There is no reason to doubt that is what occurred in finding the story. Notice no one from AL that has spoken out backing Moore has said "I can't see him doing it". "This is false". "This doesn't fit his character"? No. What are they saying? Well even if he did it's no big deal. Mary, mother of Jesus, was a young teen. 16 is legal here.

I haven't seen one question the validity of the accusations. And on Hannity he didn't deny them. His response to have you ever dated teenagers and he was 32 wasn't no. It was I never dated anyone without their mothers permission. That's a fucked up answer to that very specific question.
I'm not dismissing the accusations; they may very well be accurate. (One REALLY good reason for a grown man not to date sixteen year olds is that some of them may actually not be sixteen yet.) I'm dismissing the idea that this is something that just now came out because a reporter overheard something, tracked down four reluctant women, and just not got all his ducks in a row.


Apr 8, 2013
To be fair, 14 is hardly pedophilia, unless you have some very immature 14 year olds. Not saying it's ok, but get annoyed when people use the wrong term. If she has breast and pubic hair, it isn't pedophilia. Considering his other victims were older, he probably isn't a pedophile, although he obviously has a thing for young girls. His wife is 14 years younger than him, fyi.

You ignored my use of the adjective "borderline" before the word pedophilia. I stand by that description.
Jan 25, 2011
I'm not dismissing the accusations; they may very well be accurate. (One REALLY good reason for a grown man not to date sixteen year olds is that some of them may actually not be sixteen yet.) I'm dismissing the idea that this is something that just now came out because a reporter overheard something, tracked down four reluctant women, and just not got all his ducks in a row.
Depends how you view "overheard". There's some reason someone wanted this out now. This doesn't have a made up feel to it with how everyone has responded to it. They were doing a profile on Moore when it started. Maybe people finally had enough with him and made sure the WaPo people knew. Overheard might not be overheard accidentally. But these people defending him sure seem to be acting like they know there's truth there. So others less supportive would know it as well. He's never run on a national stage where he would have this level of scrutiny (although yes, he's been under scrutiny before for many many reasons).
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Spacey was accused of fondling a 14 year old precisely. And every fucking movie I tried to watch last weekend seemed to have him in it. Sat on the couch and sulked instead.
My bad; I hadn't heard that.

Still, I like Kevin Spacey. Maybe he's a perv, but I've really enjoyed his work. Hell, I'd rather be molested by Kevin Spacey than Roy Moore if he had six breasts and three vaginas, so I have to say that even though I REALLY dislike grown men molesting pubescent boys, somehow the idea of a thirty year old Kevin Spacey molesting a fourteen year old boy just doesn't seem as nasty as the idea of a thirty year old Roy Moore molesting a fourteen year old girl. I know that makes me a hypocrite, and I'm usually just the opposite, but hey, at least I admit my hypocrisy.

Again, that is IFF these accusations are true. I don't see how they can possibly be proven, and obviously they cannot possibly be unproven.
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