WAR - Fail


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
So i am playing WAR for a while, i got my impressions, did some RvR and PvE.
I signed up on the warh forums, and i see that my complaints are actually the same as have MANY of WAR players out there.

Basically, the WAR forums are an only QQ place with people complaining about MANY aspects of the game.

For me, the more and more i play, the more and more i see inconsistencies...the more disappointed i get with this supposed to be "best MMORPG since WoW"

1) The game is empty, servers are empty, scenarios HARDLY ever pop. If it werent for my wife questing with me (ON WOW MAINTENANCE TUESDAY )..its literally walking through an empty world with NPCs. The game has no MMORPG feel to it whatsoever.

Due to the fact that the game is empty, RvR scnearios HARDLY (if ever!) pop. I have been in 4 hr queues...and no scneario is popping in hours. I dont see people running around and socialising, AT ALL

However, you get gold spammers (thats the only "entertainment")..and for some bizarre reason the /IGNORE command doesn't work...you cannot ignore them.

2) No zone chat

3) Another big common impression i share with other people is the fact that the game lacks heart, charm, atmosphere.
Starting with missing music score...to the fact that my caster's spells dont make any sounds. I always enjoyed the music score in WoW..and still do

4) People complain about the grinding, they say it gets even worse at T4. This applies to PVE as well as RvR.

5) I personally think that the "scenario" or BG concept is total nonsense, i dont see any new things compared to WoW BGs. "Scenarios" are distruptive and dont make any sense since they dont go together with whatever PVE questiong you're doing.
You just get "transported" from your questing right into a scenario..and then afterwards back to your PVE location ---> lame

6) I expected WAR far superior when it comes to PvP...and i actually dont think it is. The scens i played were not that much different from your average EOTS or whatever BG, i am missing innovative and new elements...but they're not there.

OVERALL....i think there are so many aspects of WAR which really, really disappoint and make this rather a halfa$$ attempt to compete with WoW, a game without soul and charm..and i see many people coming to the same conclusion.



Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
The game has a lot of balance/client issues to fix but it's not in awful shape after less than a month of live. It's in no worse shape than WoW was after it's 1 month mark, imo.

1) My server isn't empty at all and scenarios usually pop in a few minutes. (empire/chaos tier has the most people and orc/dwarf the least) Keeps are taken daily on each side (mostly t2 a few t3)

2) Was there in beta no idea why they got rid of it

3) Agreed, music/weather etc add a lot to the game and it's obvious they cut quite a bit to get it out before Wotlk. <--Wonder if EA had something to do with this

4) It's no less grindy than any other mmo I've played. At least I can level in pvp here.

5) More of a personal preference that can be argued to death either way (I like them)

6) Same as above, class balance issues (roots/knockbacks being out of control) are what annoy me during pvp, which hopefully will be fixed soon.

The first major patch didn't break more than it fixed (cough AoC) so I'm still hopeful things will be fixed/added quickly instead of the mega patch every 4 months cycle Bliz loves.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Xed
The game has a lot of balance/client issues to fix but it's not in awful shape after less than a month of live. It's in no worse shape than WoW was after it's 1 month mark, imo.

1) My server isn't empty at all and scenarios usually pop in a few minutes. (empire/chaos tier has the most people and orc/dwarf the least) Keeps are taken daily on each side (mostly t2 a few t3)

2) Was there in beta no idea why they got rid of it

3) Agreed, music/weather etc add a lot to the game and it's obvious they cut quite a bit to get it out before Wotlk. <--Wonder if EA had something to do with this

4) It's no less grindy than any other mmo I've played. At least I can level in pvp here.

5) More of a personal preference that can be argued to death either way (I like them)

6) Same as above, class balance issues (roots/knockbacks being out of control) are what annoy me during pvp, which hopefully will be fixed soon.

The first major patch didn't break more than it fixed (cough AoC) so I'm still hopeful things will be fixed/added quickly instead of the mega patch every 4 months cycle Bliz loves.

My server is always full,you are 274th in queue ( especially at peak times) like 35 min wait sometimes,Scenerio's are always populated on my server, normally I get in within 15 mins so they are not an issue,however some are laggy which is an issue.

As to WoW on my God please that game is crap,crap and crap,I can think of 10 MMORPGs I would rather play.

6) Same as above, class balance issues (roots/knockbacks being out of control) are what annoy me during pvp, which hopefully will be fixed soon.

Agreed!...things have to be changed/fixed etc...only time will tell.

Looks like I'll be waiting for Stargate or KOTOR online if things don't improve.

Gold spammers well its no way as bad as WoW and the so called new chat system is being redesigned according to the developers so you won't see that until later.


Aug 11, 2005
Gold sellers? a problem? getting you down with their constant tells?
Use SpamMeNot , this will also automatically report the gold spammers....very handy.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
To OP:

WAR could use a good music score, definitely, and the sound effects need to be improved drastically, in fact overall performance does (maybe that's part of the problem with the sound). I'm starting to think their servers just suck. Both of those would go a long way to adding more "charm" to the game.

I like Warhammer lore and I like what Mythic is trying to do with world RvR so i'm willing to stick with the game despite these shortfalls. And besides that I don't agree with the rest of your post Flexy. Your server's pretty strange then, scenarios pop fine for me, I see plenty of people. Oh, and I don't have a problem with the lack of "barrens chat". Zone talk was rarely, if ever, helpful or interesting to me in WoW. More like a bunch of inane chatter or insults, or both../wb, /sp, /g, /p and /w provide me with plenty of ways to interact with the players on my server.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
It's only been 3 weeks so I'm trying to be patient. I think a 5 second immunity after a root breaks would do wonders (some knockbacks also give you immunity for a bit while others don't, I guess it's a bug). Also adding the cut classes back should help a bit on balancing class numbers (more people would roll tanks on order if they could be human). On my realm order are 40% Bw 25% Healer 20% Wh/Eng 10% Ib 5% rest of the classes. Destruction is 50% Chosen, 20% Dok 15% Marauder/Bo 10% Sham/Zealot 4% WE .9% Sorc, .1% Squig/Magus. Needless to say they have a lot of class work still to do and soon.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
As for gold sellers, after I went /hidden and /anon I get maybe one tell every 2-3 days where before I'd get 5 tells within a minute of logging on.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Mem
Originally posted by: Xed

6) Same as above, class balance issues (roots/knockbacks being out of control) are what annoy me during pvp, which hopefully will be fixed soon.

Agreed!...things have to be changed/fixed etc...only time will tell.

Looks like I'll be waiting for Stargate or KOTOR online if things don't improve.

Please don't complain about knockbacks, they are part of what makes Warhammer PvP interesting...in other words I think the knockback mechanics are badass and innovative and I don't have a problem with them at all, note I'm the victim, having no roots or knockbacks myself.

Xed, 5 within 1 minute? That's a bit nuts. I see maybe 3 or 4 an hour...
Interesting class summary too btw, how'd you get that?
I like their classes, not sure what you mean by work? If you're talking about balance there's no such thing...


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2003
I don't want them removed or anything, but there has to be some sort of short immunity after being rooted, imo. It may be different on every other server but we regularly face order groups with 5-8 Bw/Eng and there is no escape from the root spam. Since we have almost no ranged dps or witch elfs to counter them it's even more frustrating.

I just keep a mental note of what I see while doing open rvr and scenarios. I'm on an open server so it's hard to hide from pvp =P


Apr 8, 2002
1. Go on a higher pop server. I play on Brettonia\destruction and Sylvania\order. I have no problems doing PQ's or getting into scenarios.

2. I dont see the problem with this. But that is my opinion. WoW's zone chat was nothing but people flaming each other.

3. I disagree to some extent. They really make the game world feel like a war is raging and you are part of the story.

4. I dont get this issue. The game has been out for 3 weeks, 3 effing weeks and people are complaining they have to grind to get the highest level? How fast did you expect the leveling to be???????

5. I agree with you at the top level scenario's should be tossed and open rvr be mainstay of pvp. But lower tiers scenarios are fine. They are much like daoc's battlegrounds.

6. No idea what your expectations for pvp were. It is what it is.

I dont think this game was designed to compete directly with WoW. WoW is a pve game with a crappy pvp game tacked on. This is a pvp\rvr game with ok pve tacked on. Two completely different beasts.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
WAR /= fail.

WAR is doing very well and will continue to do well.

Firstly, you must have rolled on a dead server.. I made this mistake too at first. I was leveling very slowly..hardly ever getting scenario's etc..

You will level MUCH faster and have MUCH more fun if you go to a med/high pop server.

Secondly, I do hate the fact that there is little to know chat interaction over the system..even when there are huge keep battles usually people never say anything over chat.

This game seems highly guild based and most chat i've seen is compartmentalized within guild chat

Gold farmers are running rampant but they are doing well to control them..even adding custom CSR appeals just for gold farmer spam.


The Dev's do scour all of the forums so I guarentee that those concerns will be addressed.

They released a couple good patches recently that helped some issues quite alot.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Genx87
1. Go on a higher pop server. I play on Brettonia\destruction and Sylvania\order. I have no problems doing PQ's or getting into scenarios.

What's your name on Bret man, my dest characters are there

4. I dont get this issue. The game has been out for 3 weeks, 3 effing weeks and people are complaining they have to grind to get the highest level? How fast did you expect the leveling to be???????

lol, qft.

5. I agree with you at the top level scenario's should be tossed and open rvr be mainstay of pvp.

Definitely, but making people commit to something usually results in less money, so i'm not sure scenarios will be removed altogether.


Apr 8, 2002
Heer - Chosen

What is yours?

My fear about scenario's in the highest tier is will people play them due to the rewards more than open rvr? But maybe I am jaded by WoW and how their BG system destroyed open world pvp.



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Def. a valid fear, but they could get around that by ensuring world pvp in T4 gives more renown and/or better loot. Which it does right now i think, it's just more difficult to get into an organized keep attack party...which could be an issue...

Mine's Warpstyle - Sorc right now...but I'm still playing with Destruction.


Dec 11, 2000
I played till 21, and then haven't played since. I'm just bored out of my mind. It's still just a grind fest like anything else. I might actually wait till the servers fill up for 40's before I go back to leveling, if ever.


Sep 2, 2008
So what rank/class did you actually get up to playing? T1 and T2 can be hit or miss depending on your server.

1. You must be on a bad server for it to be empty then because I'm on one with a decent population (Drifting Castle) and I see no shortage of people. Scenarios pop for me at least every 5-15 minutes max during prime time. Unless you're playing during bad times, I haven't seen any issues. Actually during the weekend I had some scenarios popping instantly. Are you queuing up in T1 or T2? if it's T1, it could just be that most people on your server have leveled out of that, it's really not that hard to get to 11. I can get to rank 5 in like an hour just doing quests. So rank 11 in a day is pretty easy.

I do see that not many people talk out in the open unless you're in a capital city. Mostly I see those people talking a lot in guild chat. I have run into people just randomly saying hi to me though. But I really don't know you expect, do you want people to constantly be talking to you as you walk around?

It feels like any other MMO to me. Maybe you're so used to past MMOs where you have friends to talk to or where people know each other more so they talk more. I would guess that in new MMOs like this, people keep to themselves more initially until they are comfortable.

2. Would be nice to have a zone chat channel, hopefully they fix that.

3. Not sure what this really means because at least the destruction areas have a lot of atmosphere, you really get a sense that there's a war going on. There's a lot of detail and little things here and there to make the world seem more alive.

I'm not much of a sound person so I won't comment on that. Too many sounds would make the game really annoying, especially if it's tied to spells that everyone uses.

4. Grinding in this game is a lot better than other MMOs. What do you expect though? I mean you get XP for almost everything you do in the game as is, would you a like an instant level 40 button too? To me there's no rush to get to 40 and there is plenty of content to keep me busy right now in T3. The XP curve does go up a lot in T3 but so what now it takes me 2 days to rank up instead of 1...

5. It's all a matter of preference if you like scenarios or not. I find it a nice thing if you just want some RvR action and being able to queue from anywhere is great also. They only last 15 mins max and really give decent XP rewards. So you'd rather have to run to a specific person to get into a scenario queue so it flows more with the questing storyline? now that's lame.

6. I can't comment as I'm not an expert on WoW PvP but you gotta admit that WAR RvR is pretty fun. Maybe PvP just isn't for you or if you're basing everything on Tier 1 content, then you're missing out on the later stuff when you actually get better abilities. And RvR is not just about scenarios, open world RvR is also a big part of it. The problem with that is it's not always available but it's not hard to check out keeps to see if any action is going. Or better yet, join a guild, get out of Tier 1 and go assault a keep.

WAR is not without it's problems that much is true but it has potential. PvP is not for everyone but even WAR doesn't force you into it. I think people are just spoiled from WoW or other MMOs not because those are better but because they're already high level / well geared / used to / know everything there is to know about the game that they expect the same from WAR. It's a new game so you have to understand that it has to start from somewhere.

All these comparisons made between the two games seems to be just the T1 & T2 zones of WAR with the endgame stuff of WoW... how does starting out fresh in WAR compare with starting out fresh in WoW?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
I won't be continuing to play past my free month. The game doesn't suck completely, but it isn't good enough for me to keep playing. My server has a queue every single night and it still feels dead. That's not to say I don't see any players, but I don't see near as many as I should for the game having had a "successful" launch. My scenario queues are average (roughly 15 minutes) but that doesn't matter when I can't stand playing them, although I do like them as an xp alternative to pve grinding.

They have a long, long way to go on the game before I even consider renewing.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I am on kragg....4-5 hrs without any scen popping is normal. I signed up since people i know play on this server. I hardly see anyone on, if i am on i am questing w/ wife

The more i read , the more i hear people complain how the grind is even worse than in WoW....at higher lvls they complain how little XP the questing gives and that for grinding XP and gear its 100x whatever scenario RvR...so this is *at least* as bad as the WoW BG grind.

Quests...this is subjective....they're not "worse" or "better" than in WoW...but at my early lvl (lvl 10) i get just WAYYYYYYYY too many quests, some of them just ridiculously easy....and the implementation just seems half-a$$...again, its just killing whatever NPC in the forest nearby...and then some odd "quest story" woven around this. It just sounds like there's not much thought oput into it.

SO..we all know that *supposedly* WAR has a higher focus on RvR...butt hen people get tired of it already....and i personally did not see anything new compared to WoW PvP, i mean, even the "scenario" concept is at least as dumb as the "BG" concept..

You (and others) might have a point..at lvl 10 you dont know **** about what comes at tier3 or tier4...certainly...but what i see gives me a bad taste and NOT really expect wonders once i am higher levels. (Example..spells are unspectacular due to lack of sound...etc..etc..just ONE trivial "detail")

other example...heard from that player who went wandering around until he came to the great city of "Altdorf" or whatever its called. Now...everyone playing WoW knows what happens once you first enter StormWind.....nice orchestral Music..etc..etc...the feel you are really in some virtual city, people on the streets, chats going on...etc..etc..
Person was very disappointed...he found entered Altdorf, a major city...no music...no nothing....houses with doors which you cant enter...etc..etc.... just another aspect of this "game has no flair and atmosphere"

The fact that on our server RvR rarely pops, the fact that i ALREADY (after a few days) have PVE burnout, inconsistent, confusing map (WHERE the **** do i return this or that quest?) makes it hard to stay in the game and keep going.



Sep 2, 2008
Compare the levels though, cap is only 40 and i'm currently rank 27 almost 28 and RR 21. I estimate it'll take me another week or so to get to 31. That's T4 in about a month. That's not bad considering I'm not being powerleveled and I only play week nights for maybe 3 hours or so and weekends. Add to that I'm crafting and my skill is currently 100 talisman and 110 salvaging. There have been times when i'm grinding PQs for influence that it's been bad but overall it's feels right.

The quests I think are ok, I don't really take the time to read them so i'm not as immersed in the story. Although some of them are pretty funny like the greenskin one where you throw a drunk dwarf in a barrel off the wall lol... or the dark elf ones where I have to go kill some things and put their heads on a pike is nice.

You will get burned out on scenarios if you keep doing them over and over that is definitely true. But it's the same for anything else... which is why you should really mix it up. The game is what you make of it so if you're going into it one sided it's not going to be very fun.

T3 so far has been good. It started out sparce with not many people but over the last week it's been filling up with keeps changing sides on a nightly basis. Also just tried out gunbad last night and that was a nice change of pace for me. At 27 I (chosen) duoed with my gf (DoK) and we were able to get to some of the PQs in there no problem. Seems like mobs there start at 23 champion level. It's a nice change from questing/rvr to just explore a new place.

As for the capital cities... I guess a nice intro would have been nice but really they're pretty massive as it is. The inevitable city has PQs and dungeons, danger at every corner, and the art is just fantastic IMO. Also depending on the city rank more stuff opens up also, so your friend probably saw a rank 1 altdorf.

and confusing map? it's like the easiest one quest system I've used so far lol... you get a quest, you see the red area where you're supposed to go, you go there finish it and then you see another red area for where to finish... how hard is that? There are quests that i've found in Tier 3 that are confusing and have wrong map coords but those are few.



Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
WAR will not fail...I'm very confident of this.

It's going to take the PVP group from WoW away..I'm pretty sure..some people actually like the RVR grind.

The game hasn't been out long enough for any of the afformentioned issues to bother me. Basically I'm extremely bored out of my mind with WoW..WAR is pretty fun..kinda refreshing.

I've realized a long time ago that questing was pointless for me (Some people will argue differently..but I'm one of those jerks that takes the easy way to EXP if he can) which is RVR.

For Instance. I am lvl 18. An RVR win for me (Pops every 5-10 minutes..last about 10 minutes (Mourkain Mountain FTW) yields roughly 10k. Quests at my lvl average around 2500xp..and take a bit of time to do.

My Strategy: Play Zombie Panic and Other source mods window'ed side by side..when RVR pops..I do that.

Basically this game of WAR is only holding my attention till SC2 and D3 come out. They are guarentee'd not to fail as they are just following proven success lines.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Oh it won't fail, not in normal terms anyway. Hell, SWG is still around and by all accounts it's a failure. A game can fail and still have active servers...


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
1) The game is empty, servers are empty, scenarios HARDLY ever pop

Not sure what server you're on... maybe you rolled destro on a server where most people are in tier2? I get scenarios popping for order t2 very quickly, and see a decent number of players as I go around the world.

Starting with missing music score...to the fact that my caster's spells dont make any sounds.

They don't? I hear my Bright Wizard's spells all the time...

I think some of your complaints are sorta valid, but other's just aren't my experience playing. Patches and such are always coming so I'm sure things will improve for what is a very young game.


Apr 8, 2002
btw the one thing I do like about this game. You can level exclusively via pvp. Got a runpriest I am going to strictly play scenarios with and grab renown gear. If I do pve it will only be for PQ's.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
i do NOT mind PvP, actually i love it However we have a problem if (on my server) scens pop only all 4-5 hours


Golden Member
Jul 26, 2004
There are parts of WAR that I really like, other parts not so much. I'm on the same server as Flexy (Kragg) and the lack of scenario pops in T1 is maddening. I'm not a PvP person at all but I at least wanted to attempt it once

I really like the RvR concept itself, just wish they had a PvE content that was worth it. As an example, I'd love to see RvR implemented in EQ2

One of the things that I think will mark WAR as a "failure" in MMORPG terms is the lack of diversity. In other games I could make almost any race/class combination. Heck I can even take a race from the "evil" side and play them on the "good" side. The race/class structure in WAR is just way too rigid to be any fun to an MMORPG player. I know its trying to stick to the Warhammer canon of lore but that won't cut it for many. I mean, why can't I make a dark elf that wants to betray his side and fight on the good team?

Also the crafting and player economy is awful in WAR, which is another big piece for the masses of MMO players out there.

So I have to agree with Beev, I won't be playing past the first month free.
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