War on porn


Dec 31, 2005
Bush Administration Wages New Battle in "War on Porn" in Texas
- A Klixxx Staff Report
November 18, 2005

The War on Porn Battles in Texas Some are saying that the true battlefront for Bush's "War on Porn" will be fought in his home state of Texas. The media are citing examples such as the Ragsdale case that was heard in Dallas, relating to the shipping of simulated rape fetish videos through the US mail to customers via the Ragsdale's website. That case was recently upheld in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, rejecting First Amendment protection arguments, which some say has now cleared the way for more prosecutions for similar cases. Some say that this is just the beginning of a war that has not seen its rival since the Edwin Meese prosecution days under President Ronald Reagan. At the Ragsdale appeals hearing, the President's nephew, Dallas lawyer Neil Bush, served as the presiding judge's clerk - representing, in a way, the Bush Administration in this case. New cases are presently being filed, not just in Dallas but across the country.

Defense attorneys involved in upcoming cases in Texas claim that it's "no mistake" that the first obscenity prosecutions under the Bush Administration were brought in Dallas, or that more are coming in the area. They claim that North Texas prosecutors have moved in recent months to bring second and third federal obscenity trials to the city of Dallas because it is one of the nation's most socially conservative judicial districts. This is where the administration can set a precedence of early successes and win on appeals to the uber conservative Fifth Circuit Court. The prosecution of "extreme adult content" such as defecation, piercings and simulated torture will be an easy win for the Task Force.

The U.S. Attorney's office in Dallas has also obtained indictments against three other sellers of simulated rape and sadomasochistic fetish videos. Thomas Gartmen of Nevada, a former partner of the Ragsdales, is one video seller who could face a trial in early 2006. Gartman's attorney Andrew Chathem, who will be defending the entrepreneur on grounds of the First Amendment, told the press, "This is a situation where you have overzealous individuals in the government who say 'Oh my God, this deals with sex! Ban it! Censor it! Criminalize it!' This isn't just a fine and go about your business and be on probation for six months. This is years of prison for selling ideas."

The Northern District of Texas was also chosen by federal prosecutors in Washington to indict Eddie Wedelstedt, who lives in the socially liberal jurisdiction of Colorado, and just so happens to be the nation's largest operator of adult video arcade stores, on 18 obscenity charges. Wedelstedt operates about 60 stores in 20 states, and many of the videos seized, as evidence in his case did not involve extreme rape or torture fetishes as in the Ragsdale and Gartman cases. Still, Wedelstadt was forced to come to Dallas and pled guilty to illegally transporting pornography and under-reporting his taxes. The case, which started as a tax evasion case under the Clinton administration, morphed into an obscenity distribution case under the Bush administration. Sentencing is set for February 9th.

U.S. Attorney Roper agrees that Dallas jurors are good for these kinds of cases, "I think Dallas has traditional, strong community values, a strong sense of family, strong sense of community values and decency. And I think the jurors in this area that have dealt with these cases have come back with a strong message, that the distribution of obscene material is illegal."

The FBI is quietly raiding Internet-based businesses and federal obscenity indictments are being filed across the country. In spring of 2005, the DOJ statistics logged 41 federal obscenity prosecutions since 2001 compared to just 4 during the previous 8 years under Clinton. In July, Alberto Gonzalez ordered the FBI to recruit its own "Porn Task Force" to be funded by Congress and supported by the DOJ. The task force's main job will be to gather evidence of obscenity statute violations by distributors and producers. Since its inception, the FBI has already raided LA-based Max Hardcore for his extreme adult videotapes that have been distributed via the Internet.

The new "War on Porn" revives age-old First Amendment debates, as well as the "Miller Doctrine" test to determine whether materials are obscene within local community standards, appeal only to prurient interests or lack artistic merit. In the Ragsdale case, a study was conducted by the defense for the area of North Texas utilizing a 40-square-mile circle around the local Federal building, and adult bookstores, art museums, mainstream bookstores and online fetish dating services were visited. This study showed that the simulated rape videos sold by the Ragsdales were in line with the sexual standards of North Texas, as materials depicting rape could be found everywhere within that radius, including the Dallas Museum of Art. Unfortunately, the evidence didn't fly with the jury or the organizations pressuring the Bush administration forward in this adult industry crackdown.

Supporters of the "War" include socially conservatives who feel that the spread of adult content via the Internet has led to a rise in sexual violence against women and children. They say that the new "standard" being developed in Dallas should be the standard for the rest of the country. Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine says that he feels he will be next in the administration's attack on the adult industries. He says that he and his lawyers are ready and eager - he told the press that he's like a cockroach, "I'll always be here."

The link to the site has a few nsfw links, so pm me for it. This is the article. I find it most interesting the number of convictions made, and if that has to do more with the theocracy of the US than with the advancement of the internet. Though I see most porn sites being in other countries. It seems to be a smart play to push the anti-porn confrontation up through small courts in heavy christian areas to get it to the now conservative bench. I wonder if this will be the year of anti-abortion, anti-porn pushes climax and finally get there way.


Sep 26, 2000
I consider it my duty as an American to keep abreast of this situation.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Don't panic folks, I'm currently attempting to backup all the smut on the internet to my storage system.

Viva la pornografía!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: K1052
Don't panic folks, I'm currently attempting to backup all the smut on the internet to my storage system.

Viva la pornografía!

thank you! give me a pm when ya get it all on disk. i'll pay shipping.



No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I vote for Larry Flynt!
Because he's done more time than George Dubya and Dick Cheney combined.


Jul 3, 2001
I wonder what the obscenity prosecutions are for (the ones in the DOJ statistics). I did a Wikipedia search for Max Hardcore that the article mentions, and apparently they charged him with child pornography because he pretends people are underage in his videos. However, the Supreme Court ruled that prohibiting adults from acting like children was unconstitutional in another case, so the charges were dropped. The new FBI raid is in regards to recordkeeping regulations.


Feb 27, 2006
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: TylerP
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.

Don't like pornography? Don't look at it. I swear, this is some kind of high brow concept here in the US...everybody is convinced that the appropriate thing to do with things they don't like is to try to ban them. Heaven forbid our nation engages in any activity that makes midwesterners feel icky


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: TylerP
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.

Don't like pornography? Don't look at it. I swear, this is some kind of high brow concept here in the US...everybody is convinced that the appropriate thing to do with things they don't like is to try to ban them. Heaven forbid our nation engages in any activity that makes midwesterners feel icky


Why the objection to porn, TylerP? You don't have to look if you don't want to, you know. There's tons of porn that I find objectionable and don't watch... but I don't think it needs to be banned.


Feb 27, 2006
I think some are missing the point and misconstruding my statement. The entire article is about laws being broken and the enforcement and punishment (if convicted) of the laws.

What I said was I don't see a problem with them enforcing laws.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: TylerP
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.

Don't like pornography? Don't look at it. I swear, this is some kind of high brow concept here in the US...everybody is convinced that the appropriate thing to do with things they don't like is to try to ban them. Heaven forbid our nation engages in any activity that makes midwesterners feel icky

How do you know he is midwestern or that midwesterners think this way?

Nice job of uniting this country, you guys.

Yes, all northerners are open minded and fair while everyone else is a bigot. Yes, all people think alike according to region.

Good going.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: TylerP
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.

Don't like pornography? Don't look at it. I swear, this is some kind of high brow concept here in the US...everybody is convinced that the appropriate thing to do with things they don't like is to try to ban them. Heaven forbid our nation engages in any activity that makes midwesterners feel icky

How do you know he is midwestern or that midwesterners think this way?

Nice job of uniting this country, you guys.

Yes, all northerners are open minded and fair while everyone else is a bigot. Yes, all people think alike according to region.

Good going.

Easy there chief, I was just going off of the common stereotype to make a point. I would think the big grin would have helped point this out. I in no way consider myself a "northerner", I was raised in Minnesota and went to school in Iowa, and I like the midwest quite a bit. Lewis Black fans might notice the reference as well.

While I don't think the stereotype fits midwesterners in any way, using the stereotype in a humerous way was certainly worth it to see your excellent hissy fit. Seriously, am I going to need to put "This is a Joke, Dumbass" labels on my posts from now on?


Aug 24, 2004
While I don't think the stereotype fits midwesterners in any way, using the stereotype in a humerous way was certainly worth it to see your excellent hissy fit. Seriously, am I going to need to put "This is a Joke, Dumbass" labels on my posts from now on?

Do whatever you wish.


Nov 23, 2001
I honestly doubt either Bush or Cheney cares in the slightest about porn, and believe that this is more about grandstanding in order to push the Republican "family values" theme for the next presidential election. They're going for the Donald Wildmon vote.


Jan 20, 2001
Of late, China has been steadily tightening the noose around users of Internet; it has targeted violent Web-based games, spam, fraud, gambling, as also, posts that "instigate illegal gatherings, formation of associations, marches, demonstrations, or disturb social order".
I wonder who is copying who? Granted after reading their list . . . what's left on the 'net . . . mahjong solitaire?


Sep 26, 2000
This is more a case, I believe, of attempting to clarify the ridiculous(imo) Supreme Court ruling of like 30 years ago that said obscenity is determined by community values. What the heck is that and how do you determine that? If 51 percent of community feels a naked breast is obscenity than its illegal in that community? Or is it 90 percent? And is a community a town? And do we have as many different definitions of obscenity as we have towns in the U.S.?
The other reason this is being brought up now is the new neo-cons on the court and the idea that anything not specifically prohibited in the Constitution is fair game for the government to restrict. Since movies are not strictly speech and the objection is to images it is not absolutely specifically protected by the Constitution since they didn't have movies when it was written. The "living constitution" is what's being attacked here.
If the neo-cons have their way we could be facing censorship on a grand scale.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: TylerP
I think some are missing the point and misconstruding my statement. The entire article is about laws being broken and the enforcement and punishment (if convicted) of the laws.

What I said was I don't see a problem with them enforcing laws.

This isn't about 'what is the law', because according to the law, this stuff is legal; but get someone in front of a socially conservative jury, and tell them 'this guy makes/sells filthy porn' and you will get a conviction.

That's what this case was about; the war on porn is just a minor branch of the war on the constitution.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: TylerP
I think some are missing the point and misconstruding my statement. The entire article is about laws being broken and the enforcement and punishment (if convicted) of the laws.

What I said was I don't see a problem with them enforcing laws.

This isn't about 'what is the law', because according to the law, this stuff is legal; but get someone in front of a socially conservative jury, and tell them 'this guy makes/sells filthy porn' and you will get a conviction.

That's what this case was about; the war on porn is just a minor branch of the war on the constitution.

Actually if you read the original posters article its about the government not wanting to lose especially the IRS.

Still, Wedelstadt was forced to come to Dallas and pled guilty to illegally transporting pornography and under-reporting his taxes. The case, which started as a tax evasion case under the Clinton administration, morphed into an obscenity distribution case under the Bush administration. Sentencing is set for February 9th.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: RichardE
Bush Administration Wages New Battle in "War on Porn" in Texas
Don't worry. You won't lose your your fapping material. They'll be as adept at this as they've been in the war on terrorism.

If they really wanted to kill porn, they'd propose a bill to create a Department of Porn, including an unfunded mandate to promote an introduction to porn for kids, including hands on practice. They could call it Right Up Front, Left Behind.


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: techs
This is more a case, I believe, of attempting to clarify the ridiculous(imo) Supreme Court ruling of like 30 years ago that said obscenity is determined by community values. What the heck is that and how do you determine that? If 51 percent of community feels a naked breast is obscenity than its illegal in that community? Or is it 90 percent? And is a community a town? And do we have as many different definitions of obscenity as we have towns in the U.S.?
The other reason this is being brought up now is the new neo-cons on the court and the idea that anything not specifically prohibited in the Constitution is fair game for the government to restrict. Since movies are not strictly speech and the objection is to images it is not absolutely specifically protected by the Constitution since they didn't have movies when it was written. The "living constitution" is what's being attacked here.
If the neo-cons have their way we could be facing censorship on a grand scale.

Actually there in lies another problem. The breast itself is not a problem, its the nipple. Look at any type of media, whether it be in print or electronic form and it is the nipples that are be obscured. Even on Discovery Health, showing breast surgery they will blur out nipples. Even though the segment is indeed about "Breast" surgery, you still have the "offensive" parts omitted. During this program, I commented to my wife about the subject to which she thought it was a bit silly herself.


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: TylerP
I don't see a problem with this. (the waging war on pornography part)

I am sure I am in the minority on this though.

Don't like pornography? Don't look at it. I swear, this is some kind of high brow concept here in the US...everybody is convinced that the appropriate thing to do with things they don't like is to try to ban them. Heaven forbid our nation engages in any activity that makes midwesterners feel icky
One can be concerned about other people. Porn is harmful to people and to society and it is better to restrict it.
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http://www.portvapes.co.uk/    | http://www.portvapes.co.uk/    |