use keycraft, I do. Use the "optimal key settings." This is their preset for hotkeys. This basically makes each square (4columns x 3rows) in you control box associate with a letter of the keyboard starting at 'q'. It takes about 8 games to get used to, but it's improve my micro speed a lot, its more intuitive.
It's amazing becauze 'z', will always be a nuke/attack spell because blizzard alwasy puts that kind of spell in lower left corners. Summons are always 'c'. Greathalls/townhalls are always 'q' button. so if you have deathknight and lichking in same group, for a .20 second double nuke (i'm sure pros use this program from watching their replays) you can hit z, left-click, tab, z, left click which will be a deathcoil/frostnova combo.
I can't ever go back to default, I dont' understand why blizzard didn't use these hotkeys in the first place.
As for the inventory, I think it's more work to do. Check out forums. Thats the place where I found this program.