Warlock, Hunter or Mage for PVP in WoW???


Sep 24, 2005
Ok so I"m tired of being a healer and getting my butt kicked in BGs. LOL, which one of the above class should I roll for? I'm thinking about hunter, hmmm.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Warlock or rogue. Warlock pros: Far better & more desired in PvE than rogues (sometimes pvp gets boring), better gold farmers (epic mounts rock). Rogue pros: The only thing more overpowered than chain fearing someone to death is chain stunning them to death. Stealth is fun.

Some will say these two classes are lacking in group PvP, but they have the tools to do very well here (eg. CC coming out their ears). My personal opinion is that they're underrepresented in arenas because most WoW players have the IQ of an overripe grapefruit. Being god-mode in more casual PvP such as BGs, players of these two disgustingly overpowered classes have no incentive to develop the skills needed to excel in arenas. Since you seem able to form coherent sentences rather than saying something like "LOZ WUT KLAS DU I PLAY!111!!!???/?", you should do just fine if you do BG preforms and/or arenas with either class, despite their alleged weaknesses here.

As for mage and hunter, mages level like greased lightning if you aoe grind. Mine's 44 with like 5 days played, and I spend probably 1.5 of those PvPing at 29 and 39. Hunters aren't slouches either but my god are they boring. Neither is really outstanding in PvP, though not weak either.


Mar 12, 2000
I don't play anymore, but from what I hear if you pair your Paladin up with an MS warrior you can do really well in the 2v2 arenas.


Aug 28, 2001
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.


Senior member
Aug 25, 2004
My main toon is a 70 mage. I also have a 60 War and 29 Rogue but they are pretty much sitting on the shelf. I still like to take the rogue out for PvP every now and then. I have him pretty twinked out so he does well in BGs.

Now to your question. I like my mage and it is pretty easy to get into groups as War, Healers and mages are the basic 3 for any group. PvP is quite a bit different. The dominating classes are Warlock, Rogue, Hunter and any Warrior with a healer. Warlocks are pretty rediculous when it comes to PvP. I am not the best PvP-er but I rarely win to locks in one on one situations. My mage is 3 minutes spec'd by the way. My race is undead so I do have a racial get-out-of-fear ability but locks have some other talent where they horrify (I prefer disgust) you which my racial does not counter-act.

Good rogues are a close second to Warlocks in PvP if they are good. Hunters are just a PITA and they seem to have every counter to whatever you throw at them. You could take pets away from locks and hunters and I still think they would be good at PvP if that tells you anything.

If I were trying to decide which class to roll, I would probably take Warlock. I like to PvP and most Pugs need locks as much as they need mages.


Nov 27, 2001

Kind of weak in the beginning but they get a bit stronger as you'll get along and end up surpassing most classes in soloability.

Hunters aren't too bad, but I don't think they're worth it over a warlock.

Mage is a fun class for overall damage, but if you want the ability to have high prowess in PVE and PVP... a mage may not be your best choice.


Apr 8, 2002
Depends on what kind of pvp you are trying to do. I play a rogue and in open world pvp I think rogues are the best in class.

Toss them into a BG and I think our stock falls. In BGs my experience has been warriors and mages wtfpwn people in a bad way. Toss a paladin in there with a warrior and you need a bunch of people to dislodge. Mages can simply train most classes to death.

Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.

Hunters probably fall into a similar category as rogues. I havent had much experience with a warlock, mine is only lvl 10. But I was very surprised at how ineffective that class was in BGs. I really expected it to work me over. But I find they are the easiest of the caster classes to take care of.

But it is like anything, if you know your class, you can do ok.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Rogues are great for dueling in ironforge and picking off scrubs that are by themselves in battlegrounds. Hunters are good if you just like to be #1 on KB's in BG's. They can be good in arenas depending on your team make up but at higher ranking they become more marginal.

Warlocks are actually powerful and useful in arenas. Mages are a good choice too, but require a lot more skill to be on top. Warlocks have lots of abilities that you need to learn in what situations to use, but once you have the basics down there isn't much else to it. Warlocks generally have more HP as well, and arguably more survivability where as mages have more burst damage. Picking between these two depends entirely on what playstyle you prefer: methodical casting and defensive style play (warlock) or highly aggressive and fast-paced offensive play (mages). If you are coming from playing a healer, a warlock would be a similar playstyle while a mage would be a big change and is more rogue-like. So if you are bored with your healer and want a completely different class go mage. If you like the playstyle of being a healer but want to dps, go warlock.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2005
Warlock hands down, any caster are more dependent on stam then anything else, while melee are dependent on gear and all the stats to get huge damage.

Shadow priests pwn face too =P


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
I always liked mage and IMO ice mage can be the most balanced build in WoW. Putting that aside I do have a 60 marks hunter and a 54 destruction Warlock(been affliction as well) to compare with (my ice mage is only 34 so I can't really talk about it).

Hunter is REALLY good at AV, play it right and it will always be on top of the DPS/HK chart. As long as I stay with the big group, I can bring a lot of hurt and confusion. One thing that is critical about hunter is you will need to think ahead, know to trap before your opponent attack you, keep an eye on the movement of your group and try to stay behind. Another thing about hunter is that you will need to be good at FPS. If you are doing small scale pvp, most of the time you will spend kiting, which means you will need to learn how to turn quickly and side step, and also be able to do the jump-180turn-shoot-180turn-land manuover in case a melee type is after you. As long as it's not 2 against 1, you will hold your own fine.

In BG pvp, warlock's play is kind of similar to hunters, in the aspect that you would never jump to the front line and do damage (as oppose to fire mage). Most people have horrifying experience about how a lock chain feared them, however as a lock I have way more experience when people will break out of fear pre-maturely in BG. A lock with instant horror will have 3 safes before you can get to him, but it will quickly become a target to more than one player as soon as the fear goes off and they become alerted. It's also one of the most hated class, between a lock as a healer, I will kill a lock before I kill a priest because they have no easy way to get away, and that getting chain fear is far worse than anything. So if you don't like people killing you, you might need to stay away from the locks...

To answer your question, I do think that if you like BG, judged by where you are playing your pally, a hunter is a better class to play, while I will answer ice mage to whoever ask me what class to roll for, I do think that the suicide bomber style that many mage are doing today in BG isn't really my cup of tea.

One more thing, what is wrong with your Paladin? They are the best PVP healer because they have uninterruptable heals at the most dangerous time, no other class has that. And you are also the most vital member of the group because any group without a healer will just lose. I have no idea why your paladin will even be scratched, let alone getting his assed kicked in BG when just last night a pally trained my resto shaman and an elemental shaman half way across AV without us being able to kill him...


Aug 28, 2001
Im sorry my post before was specifically referring to arenas.

In world PvP the balance isnt nearly as bad, hands down warlocks are the best in battlegrounds.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
If BG's are your main concern, I'd go with either a hunter or a lock. Mages are incredibly strong in their own right, but unless you're deep frost spec you'll be dead a lot.

Do you plan on getting into arenas at all or just BG's?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Trinket, Bubble, 6s insta stun, bottomless mana (if its a holy pally)

Mortal strike and the damn frost mage pets are the two most broken pvp aspects of the game right now.

Look at the top arena teams, its a joke. No rogues, no hunters, no warlocks, no priests, very few shamans


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.



Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.

Trinket out of sap and the trinket's down for 2 minutes while you're stunlocked and/or blinded. Trinket out of one stun and it's just on to the next. Stuns need to be nerfed hardcore. Not just rogue stuns either.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.

Trinket out of sap and the trinket's down for 2 minutes while you're stunlocked and/or blinded. Trinket out of one stun and it's just on to the next. Stuns need to be nerfed hardcore. Not just rogue stuns either.

Rogues only have 1 stun once they get out of stealth which is A) on a 30 second CD and B) requires combo points meaning you sacrifice DPS to do it. Warlocks' chain fear is much more overpowered in my opinion.

And blind is a poison that pallies, shamans, and druids can dispell.


Mar 12, 2000
Are you mostly going to be playing open BG's or like the 2v2 type arenas? That really makes a big difference.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: ggnl
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.

Trinket out of sap and the trinket's down for 2 minutes while you're stunlocked and/or blinded. Trinket out of one stun and it's just on to the next. Stuns need to be nerfed hardcore. Not just rogue stuns either.

Rogues only have 1 stun once they get out of stealth which is A) on a 30 second CD and B) requires combo points meaning you sacrifice DPS to do it. Warlocks' chain fear is much more overpowered in my opinion.

And blind is a poison that pallies, shamans, and druids can dispell.

1) Vanish, re-CS
2) gouge, back off, restealth, re-CS

I know it's a poison. Most tools do have their counters, the point is that you have the tools in the first place.

At 60 you sacrificed dps to stunlock. At 70 things are different, don't even try telling me it's a tradeoff. A rogue in greens can kill me in 10 seconds while I'm stunned the entire time.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: ggnl
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.

Trinket out of sap and the trinket's down for 2 minutes while you're stunlocked and/or blinded. Trinket out of one stun and it's just on to the next. Stuns need to be nerfed hardcore. Not just rogue stuns either.

Rogues only have 1 stun once they get out of stealth which is A) on a 30 second CD and B) requires combo points meaning you sacrifice DPS to do it. Warlocks' chain fear is much more overpowered in my opinion.

And blind is a poison that pallies, shamans, and druids can dispell.

1) Vanish, re-CS
2) gouge, back off, restealth, re-CS

I know it's a poison. Most tools do have their counters, the point is that you have the tools in the first place.

At 60 you sacrificed dps to stunlock. At 70 things are different, don't even try telling me it's a tradeoff. A rogue in greens can kill me in 10 seconds while I'm stunned the entire time.

What class? Paladins dont have this issue.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: ggnl
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Frost mage, holy paladin, MS war.

Look at the top classes in all of the top battlegroups. It is kind of sad how broken the balance is.
I've said why I think this is the case, and I stand by that.

Originally posted by: Genx87
Arena's take away the single biggest advantage of rogues, surprise. You run into an arena and people are expecting you, and rogues are paper tigers. The longer the fight, the less likely they are going to win.

In 5v5 rogues CC isnt worth that much. A warrior delivers serious damage with better longevity.
Warriors with heals are great, yes. So sap, then blind and then stunlock his healer.

Heh sounds easier than done. Trinket out of sap. Even if a warrior didnt have their trinket up or have a way out of sap. I really doubt I'd have enough burst dps to kill a paladin in the time it takes for the sap to wear off. Then it is all down hill from there. Warriors are simply amazing in pvp. I am consistently nailed for 1200-2400 while the best Ill do on most of my attacks are in the 600-1000 range if that. Almost makes me want to roll a warrior.

Trinket out of sap and the trinket's down for 2 minutes while you're stunlocked and/or blinded. Trinket out of one stun and it's just on to the next. Stuns need to be nerfed hardcore. Not just rogue stuns either.

Rogues only have 1 stun once they get out of stealth which is A) on a 30 second CD and B) requires combo points meaning you sacrifice DPS to do it. Warlocks' chain fear is much more overpowered in my opinion.

And blind is a poison that pallies, shamans, and druids can dispell.

1) Vanish, re-CS
2) gouge, back off, restealth, re-CS

I know it's a poison. Most tools do have their counters, the point is that you have the tools in the first place.

At 60 you sacrificed dps to stunlock. At 70 things are different, don't even try telling me it's a tradeoff. A rogue in greens can kill me in 10 seconds while I'm stunned the entire time.

What class? Paladins dont have this issue.

Does it really matter? Only arms warriors don't live in terror of decently played/equipped rogues. Paladins? Use wound poison.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent

Does it really matter? Only arms warriors don't live in terror of decently played/equipped rogues. Paladins? Use wound poison.

They can still bubble and heal themselves, plate armor and bottomless mana... While the MS warrior is tearing everything apart.


Senior member
Aug 29, 2003
ckent, it's obvious you've never played a rogue in competitive arena. it sounds like your gear is terrible if a rogue in greens is stunlocking you to death. sorry, but that's just not possible anymore (especially after the last trinket change). rogues are among the weakest class across 2v2/3v3/5v5 with mediocre to average numbers for the top teams of 2v2 and 3v3. they are absolutely craptastic in 5v5.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Zbox
ckent, it's obvious you've never played a rogue in competitive arena. it sounds like your gear is terrible if a rogue in greens is stunlocking you to death. sorry, but that's just not possible anymore (especially after the last trinket change). rogues are among the weakest class across 2v2/3v3/5v5 with mediocre to average numbers for the top teams of 2v2 and 3v3. they are absolutely craptastic in 5v5.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that the two most grossly overpowered 1v1 / bg's classes do terribly in arenas? It's because chainfearing / stunlocking people to death without giving them the opportunity to fight back is horrible pvp practice. Just as Garry Kasparov didn't become a chessmaster by beating schoolchildren at chess, rogues and warlocks haven't done well in arenas because pvp prior to arenas was easy mode for them. If anything, they need to be nerfed. This would make PvP fair for the other 7 classes and force them to learn how to play their characters for real. But instead they're being buffed. It's almost comical; since buffs won't address the reason they're doing poorly in arenas, they'll do just as poorly and whine even more on the forums.

I played a 60 rogue as my main for a while, btw. I'm well aware of the class' abilities, strengths and weaknesses. I think it was pretty well balanced at 60. But in TBC it was buffed in every way conceivable and has become disgustingly overpowered.

And here's my armory, it's my "main" in that it's my only 70, but I'm not sure you call a class that makes you want to throw up when you PvP your main. Nor am I sure whether you call it a main when you only log in for 20 minutes a day to do daily quests.
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