Warm - "My Life" by Bill Clinton - $19.20 shipped

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Jan 5, 2001
It would be very interesting to find out how many times he did have discreet adventures with Monica... where and when he did it and if it was consummated when Hillary was away fm the White House...we want the juicy stuff only. J/K only!


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: quincy2002
I don't think Clinton's book will outsell Rush's book. It'll be close, but no cigar.

What are the figures on Rush's book?

I believe one has been sold so far and yukichigai was the buyer.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 1999
Originally posted by: l0pher
Oh please. Look, first of all, I have no problem with people expressing different opinions about Bush or Clinton. But please check your facts before you start making arguments filled with inaccuracies. The UN did determine that Saddam shipped WMDs out of Iraq before, during, and after the second Gulf War.

It's funny how people still believe that there were no WMDs just like there was no Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Sure Al-Qaeda is/was in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Malaysia, Miami, California, Boston but it's impossible they could have been in Iraq.
Well, all I can say is that we have American boys and girls being killed in Iraq (and Saudi) and if there were any WMDs found, I believe even you would be willing to guarantee that W would be trumpeting it to the world.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2003
Originally posted by: ericlp
Bush should be Shot and Hanged for F**KING up the USA...

You know what is interesting, those who dislike and disapprove of Clintion are seldom hostile when talking about what should be done with him but those that don't like President Bush are hostile. Makes you wonder about the 'liberal left'.....

To the above poster, your comments and hostility are uncalled for and unfounded. I'd be more than happy to pay for a plane ticket so you can go live in Iraq if you think the USA is so messed up. It's amazing that you think one man can 'mess up' the whole country. What have you done to make this country better.

Quit speaking out of your arse.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: wallsfd949
Originally posted by: ericlp
Bush should be Shot and Hanged for F**KING up the USA...

You know what is interesting, those who dislike and disapprove of Clintion are seldom hostile when talking about what should be done with him but those that don't like President Bush are hostile. Makes you wonder about the 'liberal left'.....

To the above poster, your comments and hostility are uncalled for and unfounded. I'd be more than happy to pay for a plane ticket so you can go live in Iraq if you think the USA is so messed up. It's amazing that you think one man can 'mess up' the whole country. What have you done to make this country better.

Quit speaking out of your arse.

You obviously haven't visited P&N


Senior member
Apr 10, 2004
has anyone ever heard that comment about this book? About how it is funny that a guy who spent 8 years of his life not being able to recollect his past gets millions of dollars to write about it...


Oct 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Chebago
has anyone ever heard that comment about this book? About how it is funny that a guy who spent 8 years of his life not being able to recollect his past gets millions of dollars to write about it...
LOL... I would get it if that was listed on the book's cover in the reviews.


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2004
Originally posted by: wallsfd949

You know what is interesting, those who dislike and disapprove of Clintion are seldom hostile when talking about what should be done with him but those that don't like President Bush are hostile.

Funny, I never noticed that. What I have noticed is decades of virulent personal attacks by right-wingers on Bill Clinton and every other public figure who has stood in their way. And I've also noticed that it is almost always conservatives who tell people who disagree with them to leave the country. I agree that the post you responded to was out of line, but yours is not much better. Guess what? One can hate Bush and what he has done to this country and still be a patriotic American. In fact, I hate Bush because I am a patriotic American. Check your own arse, wallsfd949, it may be leaking something.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
According to the NY times, it sucks.

New York Times

Unfortunately for the reader, Mr. Clinton's much awaited new autobiography "My Life" more closely resembles the Atlanta speech, which was so long-winded and tedious that the crowd cheered when he finally reached the words "In closing . . ."

The book, which weighs in at more than 950 pages, is sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull ? the sound of one man prattling away, not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history.

Too bad, I was thinking of giving it a go. I think I'll wait for a few more reviews.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: quincy2002
I don't think Clinton's book will outsell Rush's book. It'll be close, but no cigar.

What are the figures on Rush's book?

What I found in answer to that was:

According to
this site, Rush Limbaugh?s book, The Way Things Ought to Be was the best selling nonfiction book of 1992. His second book, See I Told You So was the best selling nonfiction book of 1993.
Also, from Simon and Schuster, ?Rush Limbaugh, America's #1 radio talk-show host, bounded to the top of the bestseller lists with The Way Things Ought to Be, the #1 New York Times bestseller and the fastest-selling audio in history.?
Lastly, from ?Booklist?: (on his book, See I Told You So) ?By its second day in the stores, Limbaugh's second book had the biggest early sales of a hardcover book in publishing history?
The only other info I read was that one of the above books (after about 100 Google searches I don't remember which, but think it was See I Told You So) had an initial printing of 2 million books. Didn't find the final figures though. Hope that gives you some idea.


Senior member
Apr 20, 2001
The McDugals were lifelong criminals. Why would they do business with such honest upstanding people as the Clintons? And was that $1000 "investment" turning into $100,100 not a payoff from Tyson Chicken?


Dec 2, 2002
Originally posted by: joeski
Is this book in the Fiction or How to section?

Actually....From what I understand it is not going to be in any of the book sections, but in the magazine section of the book store?!?!

between Cigar Aficionado and Smokin' Ginas is what I heard...



Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
Adding fuel to the fire

Its sad, as much as I disliked Clinton for his immoral ways I would gladly take him over Bush any day. And you can Liberal this and Liberal that but I am a Republican. I am not following blindly. Its sad that so many blindly follow their chosen affiliation. Bush is probably the worst president we have ever had. Monica is one thing.

Compare that to things like companies getting no bid contracts, then look at their former emplyee list. Then they rip us off.

A Medicare plan that cannot be paid for, will hurt many many more than it helps, and makes our country into a country that cares not about those in need. I may of misunderstood the word humane, but I thought America prided itself on our moral and humane ways. Giving contracts to big prescription companies without any way for our (Read that our, not the corporations) Gov. to try to get lower prices is just absurd and totally one sided.

Weapons of Mass Destruction. Does this even need to be mentioned? He lied. Its obvious he lied. If so many really think he is so stupid as to not even know whats going on around him, when he is making the decisions then he should not be in power in the first place. But he does know very well. The fact that he started planning the attack on Iraq ten days after 9/11 shows this was a personal vendetta and nothing else. Yes Sadaam was a bad man, we did not go to war because of that. We went to war because we were lied to. Innocent young women and men, sons and daughters, are dieing (Now stop and think about your son or your daughter dieing for a outright lie and see how you would feel) over lies. We should never put our armed forces in harms way unless there is absolutly no other choice. Trust me, there were many other choices and what he did in Iraq is creating more terrorists because of the instability of the country. So again, it is obvious that weapons of mass desctruction has nothing to do with why we went to war. It was only used as a justifciation to the American people. He lied to all of us.

There are just so many other things. George Bush believes that you should build up a country by making the rich... Richer. He believes that in doing so the wealth will trickle down. Trust me this does not work. I have worked with the poor, and been around them quite a bit. Times are about as bad as they have ever been. People cannot afford to live. Even when working full time, trying to take care of a family they cannot afford food, power, gas, its just crazy. The trickle down effect does not work. You have to build up the citizens of a country one individual at a time. Education, and help to become prominent and good members of society. Wouldnt you like to think that the majority of all americans are good, intelligent, and hard working individuals? I would. So you have to build from the bottom up. You dont build a house by putting the roof on first.

You think Bush is a good person? Look at how much money Enron contributed to his campaign. Think about why they wanted him to be in power. Then look how long it took for our president to step in and stop this from happening.

Bush cares nothing about foreign policy. This only weakens us and in the end allows terrorists to win. You think we are the only big boys on the block so we can do what we want. And yes maybe that is true now, but not for long, so many other countrys will be super powers in the future. China for one, if nothing other than by the sheer amount of people in their country. Are we better served to alienate other countrys and threaten them? Thats not how you treat friends, but thats how bush would have you treat them.

Oh and guess what, I voted for this man. I made a bad mistake and all I can do is try to make ammends. I do say this, the worst thing that can ever happen to our country is for him to get a second term.

And sorry for hijacking the thread. I just feel some things needed to be said. And the point about love it or leave it has nothing to do with a free democratic society. That is more like a one sided society who says get out if you dont agree with me. Thats not what America was founded on and not what America should be.

Back to the point though I am going to read the book. I did not like Clinton for his immoral ways but I do think he is a intelligent man and would be interesting to see what makes him tick.


Golden Member
Dec 12, 2003
I dont think that a book about Clinton would be as interesting as a book about Clinton's women.


Dec 28, 2002
I will buy this book to read about how a great president was able to run the country and create a prosperous economy. The lie Clinton told to try and save his own marriage is peanuts next to multiple lies that our current president has been telling us for the past 3 1/2 years. The Weapons of mass destruction lie has killed over 700 american soldiers and thousands of Iraqi civilians. Should we expect our children to look up to GWB as a role model? Tell your kids that it is OK to drink and drive and use cocaine or to go AWOL from the service as long as your daddy has enough money and powerful influential freinds to clean up after you? I was thinking that a truthful book released by GWB would outsell Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clintons book together. Thanks to Micheal Moore GWB won't have to write his book, we can go see it at the movie theatre.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2001
Originally posted by: usernamemax20charact
2 million pre-orders? That's a lot of books.

Not when you subtract out the one copy per labor union member they have to buy to stay in good graces with the labor bosses!


Dec 2, 1999
I feel badly for George W. I don't think he ever wanted to be president.... He's a frat boy, ne'er-do-well living off daddy's largesse. I want to help him back to that life so he's happier."


Senior member
May 31, 2002
Take away a little thing called the internet that blossomed during the mid-90's and Clinton's economy goes out the Windows. Gone. Beyond that, just what did he do? The rich got richer under him, that nobody disputes, yet W's the rich man's guy. Give me a break. Oh, wait a minute, Al and Bill created the internet, just ignore what I said.

Then how 'bout a little episode in '92 when dear old Bill rushed back to Arkansas to watch a mentally retarded man get executed, just to show how tough he was to those who's vote he needed. What a guy! Must have made him feel real big.

Let's face it, Republican = dumb to you Clinton folks, there's nothing they can do to change it, 'cept become Democrat.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
Originally posted by: dfloyd
Adding fuel to the fire

And you can Liberal this and Liberal that but I am a Republican.
Like we really believe that! LOL!! Same old tactic. Don't you realize that people can see through that easily??

And sorry for hijacking the thread.
Gee the first truth of that post!

Back to the point though I am going to read the book. I did not like Clinton for his immoral ways but I do think he is a intelligent man and would be interesting to see what makes him tick.
What makes him "tick" is obvious; cigars, women and power.

This is all too much fun, libs taking a thread in HD's about a book by Clinton and turn it into a Bush bashing thread. So obvious, so typical and so Off Topic.


Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
Buz2b if I am wrong please argue my facts. But dont make up lies to try and distort reality to make it fit your vision of the truth.

And contrary to your distorted view I am a Republican. Honestly for one main reason. I cannot back anyone who believes that killing a innocent life is ok. I did not tell you to vote for a democrat, in fact if anyone was to ask my advice I would tell them not to vote for Kerry because of the above reason. I personally voted for Bush because I thought he was a moral person. I was so utterly wrong. Not only is he immoral but he does these immoral things while claiming to do it in the lords name, another thing that shows just how bad of a person he is.

And if you have the gumption to disprove my arugment then do so. Dont claim it is all wrong when the majority of it is documented fact. Some of it is conjecture, but considering the evidence the chances are better than not that it is true. But the things like the weapons of mass destruction not being found issue, the medicare issue, the Haliburton issue, and the support of big companies such as Enron are all documented facts. Deny as much as you need to if that makes you feel better but it is documented facts.

I spent Clintons whole two terms talking about how bad I thought he was and how amazing it was that he was in office and got elected a second term. He is a intelligent individual but not a very decent or moral one.. So dont tell me how I feel or think, you dont know me friend.

Your audacity to claim things like you can see right through me just cracks me up. Want any of my friends phone numbers? Want my familys phone number? Would that then give you the ability to open your mind enough for thirty seconds to see the obvious?

Again I am very sorry for hijacking the thread. Its really not my intent. Its just very hard to let some things pass.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Stanman
The book claims that the whole Monica thing was blown
out of proportion, but then how do you know which parts of the book
if any are not a lie?

I think the lies are printed in black ink.
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