Warning @Rogers users!!


Jan 7, 2002
A letter has been circulating from Rogers subscibers that has no basis of truth. There is no contract that limits your usage and they have no policy guidelines that we as customers have recognized that limit our use of it's service:

An important message from Rogers Hi-Speed Internet

We would like to advise you that there has been excessive usage on your Rogers Hi-Speed Internet account which is in violation of our end user agreement with you. Under our agreement, you are required to use the service in a way that does not create an unusually large burden on our network.

Rogers has a responsibility to ensure that all of its customers experience a high quality of service and performance when using Rogers Hi-Speed Internet. Your usage consumes a disproportionate share of our network's resources which has a negative impact on network performance. In fact, you fall within the category of less than 1% of our residential customers whose usage exceeds that of the average customer by well over 2000%.

Please be advised that it is important that your account's usage returns to reasonable levels. Unfortunately, unless your usage pattern significantly changes starting in the next two days, we will have no choice but to suspend your Internet account for a period of seven days.

The following activities may be increasing your usage:

* Engaging in peer-to-peer file sharing;

* Running servers; or

* Installing shareware that compromises your computer's security.

In addition to addressing the above activities, here are some guidelines that may assist you with managing your usage of our Internet service:

* Make all users of your account aware of the content of this e-mail and consider the extent of their usage;

* Install virus protection software and regularly scan your PC(s) to ensure that you have downloaded the most recent versions of such software; and

* Familiarize yourself with all provisions of our agreement with you (particularly prohibited uses of Rogers Hi-Speed Internet).

Thank you for your attention.

Rogers Hi-Speed Internet

Ever notice why there is such a limitation on upload/download?

"The maximum download speed with the Rogers Hi-Speed service is 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second), or the equivalent of 187.5 KB/sec (kilobytes per second). Conversely, the maximum upload throughput is 400 Kbps (kilobits per second), or the equivalent of 50 KB/sec (kilobytes per second)."


"That said, no subscriber should be paying a premium price for a less-than-premium service. Unofficially we've learned that Rogers' Support people will try to ensure that Hi-Speed minimum throughput speed, on a reliable test, exceeds 100 KB/sec (or roughly 50% of the theoretical maximum). While we believe this information is reliable and acceptable, Rogers support personnel continue to deny any knowledge of this guideline, even as they implement it."

From: http://rbua.org/


Some recommendations from another forum member:

1. Ask to speak to a manager at Rogers. Demand, in writing, an explanation of the bandwidth cap.

2. If you aren't satisfied, ask for that person's boss. Use the chain from the bottom up. Exhaust every avenue and document EVERY call.

3. Write every PC oriented magazine you can find. Most of these mags have sections dedicated to consumer gripes. If it's well documented, see above, then they may very well take it it up on your behalf. Maximum PC has one...it's called the Watchdog. Write to them at watchdog@maximumpc.com

4. Write your state/province utilities authority and explain the situation. Surely Canada has some agency dedicated towards consumer advocacy.

5. Write your local paper and call or email your local TV station.

6. Become of a member of www.eff.org and write to them as well. They are really here to help all of us and are very good at what they do.

I know that may seem like a lot of effort but if people don't know what is going on with Rogers then no one can fix the problem. If you lay back and just complain....then Rogers will always have carte blanche to do whatever they want. The ambiguity of their TOS is what is in question. I assume they don't want people to know their bandwidth caps because that in turn could be the one factor that turns people away from subscribing to their service.

Also check this link out:


There are alternatives out there and am presently looking into this one but I'm not sure about it yet:


PS. I havn't recieved this warning from Rogers but the fact that they are doing this has infuriated me.

Spread the word.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Is this an email?

#1 there are no bandwidth caps on Rogers Hi-Speed.

#2 Bandwidth has actually increased to 1.8 mbps download and 353 kbps upload.

#3 just ignore any emails like this.


Junior Member
Nov 7, 2003
After 5 years with high speed internet I also received this email. I called tech support they transferred me to someone else that is in charge of this department. He told me the same thing ?excessive usage on your Rogers Hi-Speed Internet account?. Cable high speed internet is the same as Insurance Company?s, you pay outrageous prices to be insured in case you get into an accident and then when you claim it you get penalized. With cable high speed internet you also get penalized if you do much more then surf.
I switched to 3web (this company is using the same wiring as my old provider but for a lot less money) and I?m happy to say, so far so good. My habits haven?t changed just my provider. Goodbye cable Monopoly.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Iron Woode
Is this an email?

#1 there are no bandwidth caps on Rogers Hi-Speed.

#2 Bandwidth has actually increased to 1.8 mbps download and 353 kbps upload.

#3 just ignore any emails like this.

uhm #1 and #2 are mutually exclusive dude


Jan 7, 2002
Originally posted by: Deluxe
After 5 years with high speed internet I also received this email. I called tech support they transferred me to someone else that is in charge of this department. He told me the same thing ?excessive usage on your Rogers Hi-Speed Internet account?. Cable high speed internet is the same as Insurance Company?s, you pay outrageous prices to be insured in case you get into an accident and then when you claim it you get penalized. With cable high speed internet you also get penalized if you do much more then surf.
I switched to 3web (this company is using the same wiring as my old provider but for a lot less money) and I?m happy to say, so far so good. My habits haven?t changed just my provider. Goodbye cable Monopoly.

Hi Deluxe and welcome to AnandTech....one of the best site for tech reveiws

1) Anyway, there is a cap on our service, everyone knows that especially @rogers...just ask.
2) Bandwidth has not increased at all...I also asked.
3) Wish I could but I'm sick of them and am switching to DSL..here's hoping!

Tired of this rant but I hope this message will help others keep a tow line on there @rogers provider.

Later folks.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Pepsi90919
Originally posted by: Iron Woode
Is this an email?

#1 there are no bandwidth caps on Rogers Hi-Speed.

#2 Bandwidth has actually increased to 1.8 mbps download and 353 kbps upload.

#3 just ignore any emails like this.

uhm #1 and #2 are mutually exclusive dude
Sorry, I meant download caps.

My apologies.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Think
Originally posted by: Deluxe
After 5 years with high speed internet I also received this email. I called tech support they transferred me to someone else that is in charge of this department. He told me the same thing ?excessive usage on your Rogers Hi-Speed Internet account?. Cable high speed internet is the same as Insurance Company?s, you pay outrageous prices to be insured in case you get into an accident and then when you claim it you get penalized. With cable high speed internet you also get penalized if you do much more then surf.
I switched to 3web (this company is using the same wiring as my old provider but for a lot less money) and I?m happy to say, so far so good. My habits haven?t changed just my provider. Goodbye cable Monopoly.

Hi Deluxe and welcome to AnandTech....one of the best site for tech reveiws

1) Anyway, there is a cap on our service, everyone knows that especially @rogers...just ask.
2) Bandwidth has not increased at all...I also asked.
3) Wish I could but I'm sick of them and am switching to DSL..here's hoping!

Tired of this rant but I hope this message will help others keep a tow line on there @rogers provider.

Later folks.
There is no cap on downloads that is published anywhere.

Bandwidth has increased. I am not making this up. I was capped at 155KB/sec downloads till last month. Now I hit 320KB/sec.

DSL is not much better either, since everything goes through Bell and they are at 1.5 mbps download for residential service, unless you plan to use some business version of ADSL. Then you will pay through the nose.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
no download/upload quota with sbc dsl.
may not be blazing fast, but i upload ~1.5gb a day now that they bumped our upload speeds up.


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2001
I got that email from Shaw last November and they ended up calling my house; my friend got the same email last Summer when he downloaded lots of movies from the internet. I guess that's just how it works though =/

I wonder if you can ask for a higher download quota in exchange for a higher monthly rate?


Jan 7, 2002
.There is no cap on downloads that is published anywhere.

Bandwidth has increased. I am not making this up. I was capped at 155KB/sec downloads till last month. Now I hit 320KB/sec.

DSL is not much better either, since everything goes through Bell and they are at 1.5 mbps download for residential service, unless you plan to use some business version of ADSL. Then you will pay through the nose.

Yes there are and it's not something they would advertise...would you? There protecting there assets as such, by advertising there upload/download and bandwidth limitations, then the competitive nature of the industry may complete. Unfortunately, these Canadian institutions still run a monoply.

BTW, what if I told you, you can have your limited cable system with rogers but pay $25 bucks for the exact same service? http://www.get3web.com/index.html is connected to the ROGERS for cable and SYMPATICO for DSL. The cons is that you buy your modem for $77 Canadian and you don't have 10mb for web space.

Here's a quote from there site that also indicates the limitations on upload/download services for both choices:

3webXS High Speed is not a Lite service. 3webXS High Speed offers up to 1.5 Mbps download and 192 Kbps upload for cable, just like Rogers, and up to 1.5 Mbps download and 320 Kbps upload for DSL, more than Bell or Primus for the similar service. We also offer a FREE unlimited 3webXS dial-up account and FREE unlimited email accounts that the competition doesn't - all for less.

Keep in mind that the BANDWIDTH limits are there as always but not with Sympatico/DSL. When customers complained about there policy, they lifted the band.

Read : http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/33791

Rogers, like Comcast, begins taking action against 'bandwidth hogs' without clearly defining what constitutes excessive use. -

Though we've been talking about invisible bandwidth caps for some time on both our front page and in our forums, Comcast's recent decision to suspend the account of one 'bandwidth hog' without clearly explaining the limits finally hit the mainstream tech media. That's in part thanks to this letter that has been making the rounds; leading most users to the same inevitable conclusion: How can a user avoid using too much bandwidth if they aren't told what the limits are?

One user writes in, informing us that according the Canadian National Post's Financial section, Rogers Cable is implementing its "Reasonable Use" policy to suspend subscribers' connections; but Rogers, like Comcast, is seemingly unwilling to spell out exactly what constitutes 'unreasonable' use. Rogers Acceptable Use Policy explores the typical limitations of service, but is cryptic on the issue of bandwidth, saying only "You must comply with the then current bandwidth, data storage and other limitations on the Service(s)".

Rogers has been considering hard-caps for some time, but has yet to issue an official statement on the matter. So far, members of our Rogers forum have not confirmed that the company is taking action against bandwidth abusers.


Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Think
.There is no cap on downloads that is published anywhere.

Bandwidth has increased. I am not making this up. I was capped at 155KB/sec downloads till last month. Now I hit 320KB/sec.

DSL is not much better either, since everything goes through Bell and they are at 1.5 mbps download for residential service, unless you plan to use some business version of ADSL. Then you will pay through the nose.

Yes there are and it's not something they would advertise...would you? There protecting there assets as such, by advertising there upload/download and bandwidth limitations, then the competitive nature of the industry may complete. Unfortunately, these Canadian institutions still run a monoply.

BTW, what if I told you, you can have your limited cable system with rogers but pay $25 bucks for the exact same service? http://www.get3web.com/index.html is connected to the ROGERS for cable and SYMPATICO for DSL. The cons is that you buy your modem for $77 Canadian and you don't have 10mb for web space.

Here's a quote from there site that also indicates the limitations on upload/download services for both choices:

3webXS High Speed is not a Lite service. 3webXS High Speed offers up to 1.5 Mbps download and 192 Kbps upload for cable, just like Rogers, and up to 1.5 Mbps download and 320 Kbps upload for DSL, more than Bell or Primus for the similar service. We also offer a FREE unlimited 3webXS dial-up account and FREE unlimited email accounts that the competition doesn't - all for less.

Keep in mind that the BANDWIDTH limits are there as always but not with Sympatico/DSL. When customers complained about there policy, they lifted the band.

Read : http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/33791

Rogers, like Comcast, begins taking action against 'bandwidth hogs' without clearly defining what constitutes excessive use. -

Though we've been talking about invisible bandwidth caps for some time on both our front page and in our forums, Comcast's recent decision to suspend the account of one 'bandwidth hog' without clearly explaining the limits finally hit the mainstream tech media. That's in part thanks to this letter that has been making the rounds; leading most users to the same inevitable conclusion: How can a user avoid using too much bandwidth if they aren't told what the limits are?

One user writes in, informing us that according the Canadian National Post's Financial section, Rogers Cable is implementing its "Reasonable Use" policy to suspend subscribers' connections; but Rogers, like Comcast, is seemingly unwilling to spell out exactly what constitutes 'unreasonable' use. Rogers Acceptable Use Policy explores the typical limitations of service, but is cryptic on the issue of bandwidth, saying only "You must comply with the then current bandwidth, data storage and other limitations on the Service(s)".

Rogers has been considering hard-caps for some time, but has yet to issue an official statement on the matter. So far, members of our Rogers forum have not confirmed that the company is taking action against bandwidth abusers.
I am begining to think you are only here to post Spam for 3web and spread FUD.

I get faster speeds from Rogers and no download caps.

I have been downloading over a gig a week for the last 3 months and have not had one warning of any kind. Until it is published, it doesn't exist and can't be enforced.

That bolded statement means you are not allowed to run servers on rogers residential service, tinker with the modem, set up a questionable website (pron, warez, etc) on Rogers free webspace, sell bandwidth you get from Rogers, etc.


Jan 7, 2002
I starting to think you work for Rogers and are totally disallumsioned at the reality. I did my research and made my decision, when the DSL modem comes in, in 9 days I'll find out what it's all about. Until then, I'm wondering why your waving this ROGERS BETTER THEN GOD behaviour- very odd.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Think
I starting to think you work for Rogers and are totally disallumsioned at the reality. I did my research and made my decision, when the DSL modem comes in, in 9 days I'll find out what it's all about. Until then, I'm wondering why your waving this ROGERS BETTER THEN GOD behaviour- very odd.
I never said they were better than God.

When someone tells me something that I know is false, I get annoyed.

However, compared to my friends' experiences with DSL, Rogers is usually a better choice. Even my friend at Bell, who uses Hi Speed Sympatico, would rather have Rogers, given the problems he has with Sympatico.

What Province/City are you in?

That could have a lot to do with what's going on.


Jan 7, 2002
Originally posted by: Iron Woode
Originally posted by: Think
I starting to think you work for Rogers and are totally disallumsioned at the reality. I did my research and made my decision, when the DSL modem comes in, in 9 days I'll find out what it's all about. Until then, I'm wondering why your waving this ROGERS BETTER THEN GOD behaviour- very odd.
I never said they were better than God.

When someone tells me something that I know is false, I get annoyed.

However, compared to my friends' experiences with DSL, Rogers is usually a better choice. Even my friend at Bell, who uses Hi Speed Sympatico, would rather have Rogers, given the problems he has with Sympatico.

What Province/City are you in?

That could have a lot to do with what's going on.

I'm in Bolton, Ontario and my friend who is having the same problem lives in central Toronto. What evidence do you have that what I am saying is false when I have directley quoted what the service provider has indicated on there web site and have illustrated by several sites the same information? Do you have proof to contradict these conclusions? If you don't then you should reserve your comments until you have evidence from either your own service provider that these are false statements.



Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Think
I'm in Bolton, Ontario and my friend who is having the same problem lives in central Toronto. What evidence do you have that what I am saying is false when I have directley quoted what the service provider has indicated on there web site and have illustrated by several sites the same information? Do you have proof to contradict these conclusions? If you don't then you should reserve your comments until you have evidence from either your own service provider that these are false statements.
When some newbie come out of nowhere to bash one company and specifies another again and again for people to switch to...well, that's fairly suspicious.

Anyway his information is correct. In Rogers Hi-Speed areas where the company has gotten complaints about slow speeds, Rogers is e-mailing warning letters to users about what they term excessive usage. The problem is Rogers also refuses to tell us what acceptable usage would be - this is done in order to avoid the appearance of a bandwidth cap being in place. Which there is, of course. Just not officially.

If you are warned by Rogers, I'd call them up and quote verbatim from their own FAQ:

Q: I am currently a Rogers Hi-Speed Internet service customer. Bell has removed their caps and I am thinking of moving over to Bell.

A: Rogers has decided to cancel its plans to set monthly usage allowances with charges for additional usage on all Rogers Hi-Speed Internet services. Rogers Hi-Speed Internet customers will continue to enjoy unlimited Internet usage.

Then inform them that this would be the exact definition of false advertising. I wonder what they'll say to that.

Globe and Mail article on Rogers' unofficial bandwidth caps


Jan 7, 2002
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Think
I'm in Bolton, Ontario and my friend who is having the same problem lives in central Toronto. What evidence do you have that what I am saying is false when I have directley quoted what the service provider has indicated on there web site and have illustrated by several sites the same information? Do you have proof to contradict these conclusions? If you don't then you should reserve your comments until you have evidence from either your own service provider that these are false statements.
When some newbie come out of nowhere to bash one company and specifies another again and again for people to switch to...well, that's fairly suspicious.

Anyway his information is correct. In Rogers Hi-Speed areas where the company has gotten complaints about slow speeds, Rogers is e-mailing warning letters to users about what they term excessive usage. The problem is Rogers also refuses to tell us what acceptable usage would be - this is done in order to avoid the appearance of a bandwidth cap being in place. Which there is, of course. Just not officially.

If you are warned by Rogers, I'd call them up and quote verbatim from their own FAQ:

Q: I am currently a Rogers Hi-Speed Internet service customer. Bell has removed their caps and I am thinking of moving over to Bell.

A: Rogers has decided to cancel its plans to set monthly usage allowances with charges for additional usage on all Rogers Hi-Speed Internet services. Rogers Hi-Speed Internet customers will continue to enjoy unlimited Internet usage.

Then inform them that this would be the exact definition of false advertising. I wonder what they'll say to that.

Globe and Mail article on Rogers' unofficial bandwidth caps

I not a newbie at all but I can understand why you would think so. All this happened in the last few days and believe me, I am not promoting any company until I try them for myself. As mentioned, the modem will be arriving in 9 days and then I will have a better indication of what was going on. Being a father of 3 boys does not allow me the leverage to frequent many forums as I use to but I have always come to Anadtech for there great reviews since Toms Hardware is incredible biosed in there opinions.

I hope this works out for me and thanks for the Globe and Mail link!

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Think
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Think
I'm in Bolton, Ontario and my friend who is having the same problem lives in central Toronto. What evidence do you have that what I am saying is false when I have directley quoted what the service provider has indicated on there web site and have illustrated by several sites the same information? Do you have proof to contradict these conclusions? If you don't then you should reserve your comments until you have evidence from either your own service provider that these are false statements.
When some newbie come out of nowhere to bash one company and specifies another again and again for people to switch to...well, that's fairly suspicious.

Anyway his information is correct. In Rogers Hi-Speed areas where the company has gotten complaints about slow speeds, Rogers is e-mailing warning letters to users about what they term excessive usage. The problem is Rogers also refuses to tell us what acceptable usage would be - this is done in order to avoid the appearance of a bandwidth cap being in place. Which there is, of course. Just not officially.

If you are warned by Rogers, I'd call them up and quote verbatim from their own FAQ:

Q: I am currently a Rogers Hi-Speed Internet service customer. Bell has removed their caps and I am thinking of moving over to Bell.

A: Rogers has decided to cancel its plans to set monthly usage allowances with charges for additional usage on all Rogers Hi-Speed Internet services. Rogers Hi-Speed Internet customers will continue to enjoy unlimited Internet usage.

Then inform them that this would be the exact definition of false advertising. I wonder what they'll say to that.

Globe and Mail article on Rogers' unofficial bandwidth caps

I not a newbie at all but I can understand why you would think so. All this happened in the last few days and believe me, I am not promoting any company until I try them for myself. As mentioned, the modem will be arriving in 9 days and then I will have a better indication of what was going on. Being a father of 3 boys does not allow me the leverage to frequent many forums as I use to but I have always come to Anadtech for there great reviews since Toms Hardware is incredible biosed in there opinions.

I hope this works out for me and thanks for the Globe and Mail link!
Now you see what I was getting at?

There are no download caps, and speed here in London Ontario has gone up dramatically, as my friends and I can attest to.

No harm, no foul.

Take care.


Jan 7, 2002
Now you see what I was getting at?

There are no download caps, and speed here in London Ontario has gone up dramatically, as my friends and I can attest to.

No harm, no foul.

Take care.

What are you talking about?

Read and learn. There is a self imposed cap and APPARENTLY it depends on the usage of a designated area. So if you read between the lines, if you live in an area that users do not download as often or as much, then you will be limited given the average of the area. This average will fluctuate on a monthly basis? Does this make sense? It sure doesn't make sense to me.

RE: When I asked them what was my cap for my area - so as not to exceed my limit - they said they didn't know and it depending on your area! - huh?!?! - this from a level B support at rogers.

Are we speaking English here?
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