Watch: Neil Cavuto Calmly Destroys Liberal Student Demanding 'Free' College For All

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Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
It never ceases to amaze me how some people love to be a dumb messenger pigeon. Fox has always use the same trick, perfected long ago, to call in their messenger pigeons for a bombing run:

- Pick a controversial subject on some show. The more controversial, the more pigeons it draws (free college!).
- Invite some dumb schmuck who is ill-prepared or unsuitable to defend the controversial subject. If a political topic, find a worthless Alan Colmes/Droopy Dog-type of liberal that ruffles the pigeons feathers.
- Get dumb schmuck to say dumb schmuck stuff.
- Show host tears off schmucks head and shits down neck their neck, all the while feeding his pigeons their lines.
- Pigeons then fly off to excitedly squawk and shit all over message boards.

Fox viewers are truly bird brains. :biggrin:


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011

Black Octagon

Golden Member
Dec 10, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me how some people love to be a dumb messenger pigeon. Fox has always use the same trick, perfected long ago, to call in their messenger pigeons for a bombing run:

- Pick a controversial subject on some show. The more controversial, the more pigeons it draws (free college!).
- Invite some dumb schmuck who is ill-prepared or unsuitable to defend the controversial subject. If a political topic, find a worthless Alan Colmes/Droopy Dog-type of liberal that ruffles the pigeons feathers.
- Get dumb schmuck to say dumb schmuck stuff.
- Show host tears off schmucks head and shits down neck their neck, all the while feeding his pigeons their lines.
- Pigeons then fly off to excitedly squawk and shit all over message boards.

Fox viewers are truly bird brains. :biggrin:

Agreed. Though in fairness to the bird brains, most political "discussion" on internet boards suffers from this syndrome.


Oct 18, 2009
Awww... did I hurt your feelings by insulting your poli-sci degree with a minor in 'wymmyns issues'?

Good thing for Affirmative Action or the only job you'd get from that is the same job you'd get with nothing at all.

Well, gotta be better than your does it feel to have a mattress strapped to your back and stand on the street yelling "Curb service"?


Oct 18, 2013
Your claim that because we get more tests done means we have better care is a dubious one. Furthermore the data from your study doesn't show that the money spent in the US is proportional to how much better care/health the US receives versus canada.

Amazing. I literally said the opposite, but in your mind it got turned into me saying we have better healthcare.

Post #72

Here is a paper on this very issue. Look at the tables from page 29 and beyond.

What you will see is that per capita, those in the US get far more treatment. I am not saying this is better treatment, but they get more treatment. That raises the cost.


I am not saying single payer is not the right path either. What I am saying is that if it is going to save us money, we need to be more realistic about the care we expect.

Amazing right. How you got the idea that I think we have better healthcare is wrong. I think you might assume I am coming from the rights talking points, but now you just look stupid.

Fewer people in Germany go to college.

Crazy right. Gonna be some cost savings if fewer people use something.

A US HS diploma is good enough to get into most state colleges, but will not get you into a single German college. In Germany, you must pass certain qualifications to get accepted.

Per Capita, people in the US get more treatment than other countries. This does not give better outcomes. The data supports this.

Now, I only started posting in this thread 11/13/15, so if you sent me something before that, then you might have me confused with someone else. I have no idea what you think you sent me, but if you could send it again ill be glad to look it over.

As for now though, you are wrong about what you think I am saying.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
I'm all for free college, but I'm not all for everyone having a guaranteed right to college.

I'd be fine if we adopted the German system. The top ~25% coming out of middle school/high school get put on a track towards free college, the rest get some lesser level of education (still for free, if not even a paid apprenticeship) like a trade school. Also, the admittance to given majors should be based on market value. If there are only 100 sociologist jobs in the country, you shouldn't bring in 1000 sociologist majors.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
I'm all for free college, but I'm not all for everyone having a guaranteed right to college.

I'd be fine if we adopted the German system. The top ~25% coming out of middle school/high school get put on a track towards free college, the rest get some lesser level of education (still for free, if not even a paid apprenticeship) like a trade school. Also, the admittance to given majors should be based on market value. If there are only 100 sociologist jobs in the country, you shouldn't bring in 1000 sociologist majors.

the libridiots in this country would never agree to that as all of their special snowflake children would either have to go into the trades or they would have to pony up and pay for education which most likely would get even more expensive if public universities became "free"

The challenge is that if everyone goes to college then it further devalues that for those who have had to pay for it in the past, as it is there are seemingly too many highly educated folks for the workforce to absorb at what they consider is a rate of compensation acceptable for their level of education (why we have baristas with MBAs and PHDs)

My take is that for far too long going into the trades was seen as a negative, that perception needs to change and more emphasis placed on folks that actually do something vs strategize or attend meetings all day.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Kid is a idiot but right. Free collage education is a good idea and i bet one day when we stop trying to be the worlds police we can afford to take care of our own citizens.
Some people should probably not go to college. This kid is an example.


May 15, 2000
Your claim was that we can't switch to a single payer system because Americans expect more. Not only is that a stupid claim but it's also a poor excuse for why we can't change, you are grasping at straws. I explained to you why the claim is bullshit and apparently the point was lost on you. Extra care/tests doesn't yield better results therefore continuing with this extra care after switching to a single payer system is stupid.

With regards to education, you keep repeating the claim that a high school diploma from the US will not get you into a German college is false as I showed you that it is possible.

Regardless, the point that everyone should be allowed to go to college is a straw man. Asking for college to be free is not the same as asking for everyone to be let into college. The amount of people who would be let into college, even if it means less people, isn't a point anyone is making either.

So, so far you have stated that we can't save money on health care because Americans demand excessive tests and therefore a single payer system won't save money and you have argued a straw man claiming not everyone (or less than what we currently have) would be able to go to college. Both claims are bullshit and you know it.

You then claim that even if we change both systems that it would take 10-15 years to pay for them, and?

If I'm wrong about what you are saying then perhaps you should be clearer as to what your point is. I can only assume that when you argue against other people's point that you do not support their point.

Amazing. I literally said the opposite, but in your mind it got turned into me saying we have better healthcare.

Post #72

Amazing right. How you got the idea that I think we have better healthcare is wrong. I think you might assume I am coming from the rights talking points, but now you just look stupid.

Fewer people in Germany go to college.

Crazy right. Gonna be some cost savings if fewer people use something.

A US HS diploma is good enough to get into most state colleges, but will not get you into a single German college. In Germany, you must pass certain qualifications to get accepted.

Per Capita, people in the US get more treatment than other countries. This does not give better outcomes. The data supports this.

Now, I only started posting in this thread 11/13/15, so if you sent me something before that, then you might have me confused with someone else. I have no idea what you think you sent me, but if you could send it again ill be glad to look it over.

As for now though, you are wrong about what you think I am saying.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
We need more F-35 stealth fighters to fight give to ISIS.

It certainly would be nice if more Americans knew some kind of skilled trade. Much like reading, knowing how to do wiring or plumbing has all kinds of practical uses. Ever see a carpenter's house? Even if the guy doesn't get paid much, he has the nicest house on the block.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
I'm all for free college, but I'm not all for everyone having a guaranteed right to college.

I'd be fine if we adopted the German system. The top ~25% coming out of middle school/high school get put on a track towards free college, the rest get some lesser level of education (still for free, if not even a paid apprenticeship) like a trade school. Also, the admittance to given majors should be based on market value. If there are only 100 sociologist jobs in the country, you shouldn't bring in 1000 sociologist majors.

also this to a point. though i would say top 50% of PASSING students. Also if you want a something that just not in demand then you need to pay for that yourself. Also we need to put a cap on how expensive each credit can cost.

i think marking kids in middle school is a mistake. I know other countries do it but i think it's a mistake. I know a few guys who went to college and have degrees but prefer working with there hands. I also know people who did bad in middle school and high school but in college did great.


Oct 18, 2013
Your claim was that we can't switch to a single payer system because Americans expect more.

You would think that after I showed that you were wrong about what I was saying, you might go through the thread and check on what I have said, but nope, you went and did it again.

I am not saying we cannot switch to a single payer system because Americans expect more. What I said was that you will not see savings if that is all you do.

Post #61


But, the main reason the US healthcare system costs so much more is because of what we expect from our system. If you just did single payer and did nothing else, there would be little to no cost reduction. If you were to try and do price controls, it would also not do much good, as price controls have been tried so many times and not worked. US society would simply demand just as much and expect to pay less.

Keep fucking that chicken.

Not only is that a stupid claim but it's also a poor excuse for why we can't change, you are grasping at straws. I explained to you why the claim is bullshit and apparently the point was lost on you. Extra care/tests doesn't yield better results therefore continuing with this extra care after switching to a single payer system is stupid.

Well then its a good think that I did not say we cannot go to single payer because Americans expect more. What I did say is that if you think that going over to single payer like Canada will save you money, then you cant simply just go to single payer, as you would also need to manage expectations and services.

But again, keep fucking that chicken.

With regards to education, you keep repeating the claim that a high school diploma from the US will not get you into a German college is false as I showed you that it is possible.

Hey genius, from your link.

High School Diploma: all "academic units" available

This means there are classes you must take in HS. I also explained this. I am an example of someone who did not take all the prerequisite classes. Many states require you take those as part of your HS classes, but not all. You would need to take those classes at a US college before you could apply, but not without the next part.

Provided the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CumGPA) of your High School Diploma is at least 3.0, you qualify for general admission to a preparatory course.
You need more than a diploma. You can get a HS diploma with a GPA far under 3.0.

So again, what I said was correct.

But again, keep fucking that chicken.

Regardless, the point that everyone should be allowed to go to college is a straw man. Asking for college to be free is not the same as asking for everyone to be let into college. The amount of people who would be let into college, even if it means less people, isn't a point anyone is making either.

Hey genius, that would mean we are already there. Some people already get 100% of their college covered by the state. Glad that is done, so no more from you right? Unless, you think that we need to expand the 100% to more than we do now, but that would go against your point, so I am sure that is not what you meant.

So, so far you have stated that we can't save money on health care because Americans demand excessive tests and therefore a single payer system won't save money and you have argued a straw man claiming not everyone (or less than what we currently have) would be able to go to college. Both claims are bullshit and you know it.

No, what I said is that we wont save much if at all if we just went to single payer healthcare. Feel free to check the post I quoted to make sure I am not lying.

You then claim that even if we change both systems that it would take 10-15 years to pay for them, and?

No, I asked if that is what he expected. I do think we should start down the road to saving money in our healthcare. Only an idiot would not want to save money on something that is not helping.

If I'm wrong about what you are saying then perhaps you should be clearer as to what your point is. I can only assume that when you argue against other people's point that you do not support their point.

I don't be any more clear on what I have said, you simply need to read what I have said.

I forgot to add this from your own link.

It is obligatory for your High School Diploma*) to be acquired after continuous attendance of the classes 9 to 12 at a U.S. High School and to comprise a total of 16 "academic units" in the forms 9 to 12:
- 4 units (3 units are sufficient for 11 forms) English with a minimum grade C: English IV or Honors or AP English,
- 2 units Second Language,
- 3 units Social Studies,
5 units in total Mathematics and Science:
- 2 or 3 units Mathematics with a minimum grade C: Algebra II or III, Trigonometry or Precalculus,
- 2 or 3 units Science with a minimum grade C: Biology, Chemistry or Physics,
- 2 academic units free to choose.

Does your High School Diploma include all of the “academic units" specified above?
Last edited:


Jun 19, 2006
Keep fucking that chicken

This expression became a term of encouragement after the following exchange in a live New York local Fox News broadcast at the end of the weather report.

Ernie: "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, Nick."
Nick Gregory: "Well, I guess that's me!"
Ernie: "Keep fucking that chicken."

The first line is a parody of a commercial for Perdue chicken from the 1970's, in which Frank Perdue uttered the tag line, "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken." "Keep fucking that chicken" was the punchline of a joke of the same time about how Perdue did it.
Way to go, buddy. Keep fucking that chicken!


Oct 18, 2013
Keep fucking that chicken

This expression became a term of encouragement after the following exchange in a live New York local Fox News broadcast at the end of the weather report.

Ernie: "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, Nick."
Nick Gregory: "Well, I guess that's me!"
Ernie: "Keep fucking that chicken."

The first line is a parody of a commercial for Perdue chicken from the 1970's, in which Frank Perdue uttered the tag line, "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken." "Keep fucking that chicken" was the punchline of a joke of the same time about how Perdue did it.
Way to go, buddy. Keep fucking that chicken!

I felt it was a good fit here.


May 15, 2000
You would think that after I showed that you were wrong about what I was saying, you might go through the thread and check on what I have said, but nope, you went and did it again.

I am not saying we cannot switch to a single payer system because Americans expect more. What I said was that you will not see savings if that is all you do.

Yes and as explained to you which you seem totally incapable of understanding! Continuing with the same type of health care with regards to tests is stupid as it does not give us better care and it especially doesn't provide us with better care equivalent to the extra money we spend on health care. I don't know how many different ways to tell you the same thing before you get it.

Post #61

Keep fucking that chicken.

Well then its a good think that I did not say we cannot go to single payer because Americans expect more. What I did say is that if you think that going over to single payer like Canada will save you money, then you cant simply just go to single payer, as you would also need to manage expectations and services.


But again, keep fucking that chicken.

Hey genius, from your link.

This means there are classes you must take in HS. I also explained this. I am an example of someone who did not take all the prerequisite classes. Many states require you take those as part of your HS classes, but not all. You would need to take those classes at a US college before you could apply, but not without the next part.

You need more than a diploma. You can get a HS diploma with a GPA far under 3.0.

So again, what I said was correct.

Now you are just lying. You said "no one with just a diploma" would get accepted, I showed you that it is possible. I never said everyone with a diploma would get in, that's another straw man.

But again, keep fucking that chicken.

Hey genius, that would mean we are already there. Some people already get 100% of their college covered by the state. Glad that is done, so no more from you right? Unless, you think that we need to expand the 100% to more than we do now, but that would go against your point, so I am sure that is not what you meant.

Some people? OK asshole you win, some people get free College, obviously the cost of college isn't an issue and this whole discussion and the video is all a moot point.

No, what I said is that we wont save much if at all if we just went to single payer healthcare. Feel free to check the post I quoted to make sure I am not lying.

Yes and your claim was based on keeping the level of pointless expectations and needles testing up, which is a retarded thing to expect. You did this simply to prove a point with no factual data as to why it would have to be that way. In other words it was bull.

No, I asked if that is what he expected. I do think we should start down the road to saving money in our healthcare. Only an idiot would not want to save money on something that is not helping.

I don't be any more clear on what I have said, you simply need to read what I have said.

I forgot to add this from your own link.

And all of those requirements are achievable in high school so your point was still false.

So indeed keep fucking that straw man


Oct 18, 2013
And all of those requirements are achievable in high school so your point was still false.

So indeed keep fucking that straw man

That is now how words work.

If A is not equal to be, then you cannot say that because B is true that A is true.

The vast majority of HS grads would not qualify. You are trying to say that because a few paths in HS can get you to the qualification, that a HS diploma is enough. That is not logical if you were able to achieve the diploma but did not do the other parts. If one part of the state is true, but the other is not, then the statement itself is False.

This should help you.

A conditional statement is false if hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false. In this case, the prerequisite is not the diploma, but the parts in the diploma. If you do not have the correct parts, you can still have a diploma and not get in. Super easy to understand.

Also, what about all the other crap you accused me of? I guess you did not want to address that stuff?

All you would have to do to save face here is to stop talking. Or even apologize for making a mistake. We have all messed up, and I know I have gotten things mixed up on here. I don't understand why you keep digging.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
All you would have to do to save face here is to stop talking. Or even apologize for making a mistake. We have all messed up, and I know I have gotten things mixed up on here. I don't understand why you keep digging.
Because he is a hack.
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