[wccftech] Another leaked Kepler performance slide 760/770/780/790...

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Apr 15, 2001
This is a conversation for another thread, but the 570 wasn't much of an improvement over the 470/480, slightly better performance per watt, but nothing to write home about. It did however feature a much better reference cooler "vapor chamber" as apose to say the 470 reference which was just direct contact heatpipes. In the end we're talking years of use for you to notice any real different at the meter.

I don't use the Intel stock cooler, and I don't use the gpu stock cooler though, so my opinion and experience would be different than people who live and die on reference air.

@Awkward because it's with the gpuz limiter bypass.

um the gtx570 used basically the same wattage as the gtx470 in games while being 25% faster, running cooler, and being much quieter.


Senior member
Mar 29, 2011
What about efficiency don't you understand? The 580 uses less power, runs much cooler, is much, much quieter, while also being noticeably faster. The stock 480 is almost as loud as the 580 in SLI.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
Sure reference, I can assure you your 570 isn't 25% faster, nor is it quieter or cooler than one of my 470s.

Probably the hardest part for me is the part were 30-40 watts becomes something to care about. I've got light bulbs that use more power.


Apr 15, 2001
Sure reference, I can assure you your 570 isn't 25% faster, nor is it quieter or cooler than one of my 470s.

Probably the hardest part for me is the part were 30-40 watts becomes something to care about. I've got light bulbs that use more power.
stop trying to change your argument every time we show you that you are wrong.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
What are you talking about?

I showed you in furmark with the limiter off the 580 is consuming more power than the 480, and I never once said the 5 series wasn't a more efficient chip.


Aug 14, 2011
1) 470 and 465 also had pretty bad heat and other than the 460 there were NO good cards in fermi 1.0 and in refresh they epic failed south of the gtx 560 (no ti(wtf is up with their naming scheme trying to bring back the xt, gtx , etc. wars??))
2) the gtx 590 with the drivers on the CD u get it with can cause it to pop (source is geeks3d for this one)
3) and while amd doesn't have control of the market share this is true. but its certainly getting closer and closer each time. the last time nvidia missed a launch season/delayed launch (gtx 400) nvidia's market share plummeted a good 12% and its basically sat at about 40amd-60nvidia ever since (this is strictly video cards, chipsets n such withheld where nvidia has no control)

nvidia's on the back foot and needs to basically make Kepler capable of walking on water or raise the dead if it wants to stop amd from stealing another 12 or more % of the market and placing them in the MINORITY.
so tegra and ion are jokes, n-force is canned, their delaying yet again which will cost them huge losses in market control. and making outlandish claims.

hmm where have i seen this before.. wasnt it the gtx 285 vs gtx 480 benchmarks.. and that turned out sooo well :\
class is in session "bro"..

Before you start predicting the downfall of Nvidia try reading a earnings report and you will see they make boat loads of money, something AMD has yet to figure out how to do.

Tegra is hardly a joke, many are calling the Asus Transformer prime the best android tablet to date, HTC will be announcing the HTC Edge at MWC in Feb, windows 8 tablet and more quad core phones are coming this year.

From 3Q earnings:

The company reported a 14 percent rise in its consumer products division, which includes the Tegra offering and added that it expected Tegra to generate $1 billion in revenue in 2012.

Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/2011/11/11/nvidia-revenue-profits-higher-expected/#ixzz1iq7DP2bu

Nvidia has a healthy share of the very lucrative HPC market as well, something AMD has been slow to penetrate.

These companies are much more diverse, high end gpu's are not the end all be all, there a niche market for gamers like us. Nvidia being "late" will not effect them as much as you might think.


Apr 15, 2001
What are you talking about?

I showed you in furmark with the limiter off the 580 is consuming more power than the 480, and I never once said the 5 series wasn't a more efficient chip.
the limiter is there for a reason so why turn it off? I am talking about real gaming. again you said "the 570 wasn't much of an improvement over the 470/480, slightly better performance per watt, but nothing to write home about."

that's nonsesne because the gtx570 had nearly 25% more performance per watt in games than the gtx470. and again it also runs much cooler and quieter. now you want to try and compare the stock gtx570 to your modified card? lol
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Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003

That's a 10% perform difference compared to HD6990 which can be overcome by a minor overclock. WCCFtech didn't say that the performance was equivalent to the HD6990, Its comparable.
The 7970 is a great looking card with a lot of headroom and good scaling, but if you want the numbers you listed to be comparable picking up 30% isn't exactly a minor overclock.

Sapphire's planning to launch their Atomic RX/WC series cards with 6GB memory and 1335Mhz Clock speeds which will most likely perform near the 699 0 levels.
Even that leaked Sapphire slide only showed the one card with 6GB of GDDR5, and that card will likely cost $800+. 6x DP cards always command a huge premium.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
big snip.

7970 doesn't have 64 ROPs. It doesn't have dual 6 pin connectors. The info on the VRM was flat out wrong. Furthermore, NOWHERE did AMD state that 7970 would use XDR ram. You're sitting here defending wccf when they have about 10 news posts just related the 7970 with incorrect information -- which is consistent with them fishing for page hits. The guy that posts all this nonsense has even taken user made graphs and posted them on his page as fact. There were multiple confirmed fake slides posted on other websites that WCCF posted as fact. So we know their mode of operation: collect rumors from around the web, and then posting them as fact when there is no basis in reality.

The fact that you're even defending fudzilla shows you must be new here. They have a long history of posting absolute false nonsense for 2 years running.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
the limiter is there for a reason so why turn it off? I am talking about real gaming. again you said "the 570 wasn't much of an improvement over the 470/480, slightly better performance per watt, but nothing to write home about."

that's nonsesne because the gtx570 had nearly 25% more performance per watt in games than the gtx470. and again it also runs much cooler and quieter. now you want to try and compare the stock gtx570 to your modified card? lol

This really isn't the place for this discussion, but it's clear you don't understand watts, nor do you understand kWh. It's also pretty clear that you look down on 470's as inferior to your amazing GTX 570. Let me first make it clear my statements were this: The performance per watt going from GF100 to GF110 wasn't impressive to me, it wasn't something I cared about because we're talking in watts and we're not talking about a huge difference. I also said just because the reference cooler for the GTX 470 and 480 was bad didn't mean the chips, or GF100 was bad.

Now let's make it clear what we're discussing, your opinion, against mine. You clearly feel my opinion on the matter of wattage is wrong, and for whatever reason you've decided to be very callous towards me on the subject.

First let's start with watts, and performance per watt. The Anand review showed a five watt difference with a 20% performance advantage in Crysis: Warhead. This was total system draw, the 470 system was drawing 366 watts, and the GTX 570 was drawing 361 watts. Now since we don't have exact figures, and this is simply put one single game we'll just run with it with the knowledge that we don't actually have all the facts.

Currently where I live a kWh costs six cents. 360 watts will cost me six cents after slight more than three hours of continuous gameplay at full load. If we assume for the same of assuming 12 hours a week of full load gaming the cost of the system per week is a shade over eighteen cents. Let's again assume we do this every week for an entire year, after one year of running my PC at full load in Crysis: Warhead I will have spent $9.36 cents in electricity. We both will have paid $9.36 to play our system all year, however you will have obtained 20% more performance than me for the same price. Except it's not the same price, but we'll get to that later.

Now let's figure we overclock the GTX 470 to GTX 570 performance, to do that we're going to need about 770 core on the GTX 470, with a slight bump in vram. So about a 27% overclock for the GTX 470, clearly power isn't going to scale linearly to the core clock, however for the sake of simplistic discussion we'll just add 20% to the TOTAL SYSTEM power consumption rating of 366 watts, which is 439 watts.

Now we have the same performance, except my system is drawing 439 watts while yours is still drawing 361. We'll use the same example as before. The 470 system with it's equal performance will only be able to game for two and a half hours before costing six cents, while the 570 it still just a shade over three hours. For one year, twelve a week full load gaming, it's still $9.36 for the GTX 570 while now the GTX 470 is costing $14.97. So the total cost difference from increasing the performance level of the 470 to the 570 for one year of gaming twelve hours a week is $5.61.

Now let's look at cost, the GTX 570 was $350 when the GTX 470 was $250. That is a $100 price difference, if you read the Anand review they even mention this: "but at $100 over the GTX 470 and Radeon HD 5870 you’re paying a lot for that additional 20-25% in performance." Again let's not forget unless they tested a new game they didn't go back with updated drivers for the GTX 470, they simply used their initial benchmarks when they reviewed it months before the 570 came out.

This summarizes why I don't care about wattage on a desktop computer. Leave wattage out of the discussion, it's only for people who pay outrageous kWh prices and people who are clueless. Wattage is only a factor if are running off a battery, and I'm pretty sure your desktop isn't.

Now let's go back to your dogging the GTX 470 as if it wasn't a decent card with some crazy overclocking potential, because you seem to be in need of reeducation. First let's look at cost, I'm a bargain shopper, I got my first card for $180 on black Friday of 2010, thanks to the 570 I got another for $120 used off Overclock.net, I also got two blocks from Danger Den for $80 each, $160 total.. Let's add those up quick, 180 + 120 + 80 + 80 = $460. Woah, that's more than a single GTX 570 at the time, weeeh $350 (most were $370 /w shipping) vs $460 = 30% more! I wonder if I get 30% more performance?

Hopefully we'll find out!

First let's look at overclocking the GTX 470 when in SLI on water:

Stock is 607 core 1215 shader 3348 memory

Overclocked is 950 core 1900 shader 4300 memory

For the tests I used a i5-2500k @ 5,278MHz, with 4GB of DDR3 @ 2206MHz 8-10-8-24 1T, which sadly at 1080p was actually bottlenecking my cards in Dirt 3, F1 2010, and F1 2011.

So what does a 57% core overclock, and 29% memory overclock get us with $460 invested?

AvP Settings as shown

Metro 2033 Settings as shown

Dirt 3 Settings Ultra 1080p 8xMSAA

F1 2010 Settings Ultra 1080p 8xMSAA

F1 2011 Settings Ultra 1080p 8xMSAA

So let's recap, I said the performance per watt reduction wasn't impressive because I don't run my desktop off a battery, and the cost difference is negligible at best. I never once said GF100 was better than GF110, nor did I ever say it was more efficient. I would like to make this clear to you, the GTX 570 is a better card than the GTX 470, it has better performance per watt, and runs cooler and quieter on reference cooling. What the GTX 470 isn't is bad, it isn't a crap card, and if you still feel that way please be sure to respond with links to benchmarks of your own.
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Golden Member
Nov 27, 2007
That card was in engineering phase. Retail specs were expected to change.

That's BS. Do you have any idea at all, how GPU design works ? Well you can't just magically remove 32 ROPs 4 weeks before launch (which is when the article was published) or even 3 months to that matter. By that time you already have working silicon and making such changes should be done WAAAY before that in the 18 month (or longer) timeframe it takes to design a GPU.


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2012
That's BS. Do you have any idea at all, how GPU design works ? Well you can't just magically remove 32 ROPs 4 weeks before launch (which is when the article was published) or even 3 months to that matter. By that time you already have working silicon and making such changes should be done WAAAY before that in the 18 month (or longer) timeframe it takes to design a GPU.

First of all, The ROP's have nothing to do with the Engineering Sample Post which Blackened Posted.


This was the post, The Author has mentioned Possible - Not Official Specs of HD7970. Some rumors on various sites suggested that AMD was gonna implement 64 ROP's at the time of post.

Then here's the Engineering Sample Article:


The only difference in the model (ES) is the different VRM Phase and a 6 Pin Connector. The ES itself could be months old hence changes in the Retail variant were made. This post has nothing to do with ROP Count.

BTW, I think im going off-topic with all of this AMD Talk, This is post on Nvidia's 28nm GPU's not AMD's. Sorry for that.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
That card was in engineering phase. Retail specs were expected to change.

Are you kidding me dude? You don't change 64 ROPs during an engineering phase. It is NOT possible. Just stop defending them.
Like I said you're new here (I think) and are unaware of their vast history of inaccuracy.


Feb 2, 2009
Why are you linking something from fudzilla? 580 included dedicated hardware circuitry that will throttle during furmark tests, so this is obviously wrong as every reputable site will show you.

Evergreen (HD58xx) do the same, throttles down in Furmark


Apr 15, 2001
blah blah blah:
lol, all that was just a bunch of useless poop. I dont really care about the minuscule cost of electricity between the two cards. you seem to miss the point even though I have quoted you twice. AGAIN you said the gtx570 was not much of a performance per watt improvement over the gtx470. and AGAIN that is nonsense. gaining 25% MORE performance using the SAME wattage in games is damn impressive because its still the SAME 40nm core yet with MORE sp, MORE tmu, FASTER clocks, QUIETER fan, and COOLER running. none of the other arguments you try and come up with change that.
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Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010

Let's agree to disagree because honestly I don't really care about performance per watt (btw the 6970 is better than your card in that area - 12% faster while using 21 less watts) the 470 wasn't a great performance per watt card, 20% on top of that didn't make the 570 anything special. Time to move on, please.


Apr 15, 2001

Let's agree to disagree because honestly I don't really care about performance per watt (btw the 6970 is better than your card in that area - 12% faster while using 21 less watts) the 470 wasn't a great performance per watt card, 20% on top of that didn't make the 570 anything special. Time to move on, please.
lol, again changing the argument. I dont care about your cards. I dont care about the 6970. I dont care about your electricity costs. NONE of that makes a crap or has anything to do with the gtx570 being better than a gtx470. jeez just get through your head that 25% better performance per watt was a decent improvement for the same 40nm gpu and stop trying to find something else to argue about.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
What's the problem here toyota? I'm not impressed. Can't you accept that? The 570 isn't taking home any performance per watt crowns, and the 470 wasn't providing staggering performance per watt for the 20% to actually mean anything.

It's amazing you've been around since 2001 but still insist on arguing your opinion is right and mine is wrong. It's a subjective issue we're discussing, move on buddy you won't convince me your purchase was the right one.


Apr 15, 2001
What's the problem here toyota? I'm not impressed. Can't you accept that? The 570 isn't taking home any performance per watt crowns, and the 470 wasn't providing staggering performance per watt for the 20% to actually mean anything.

It's amazing you've been around since 2001 but still insist on arguing your opinion is right and mine is wrong. It's a subjective issue we're discussing, move on buddy you won't convince me your purchase was the right one.
thats fine that you are not impressed. you saying "the 570 wasn't much of an improvement over the 470/480, slightly better performance per watt, but nothing to write home about" was inaccurate though. please show me one other time where a card became cooler, quieter, raised clocks, increased sp count, increased tmu count and became 25% faster using the same wattage while staying on the same core and process.


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
Can you show me the top end performance of your 570? Because that's all that really matters when it comes down to it, not the additional .3 cents an hour it costs to run.


Apr 15, 2001
Can you show me the top end performance of your 570? Because that's all that really matters when it comes down to it, not the additional .3 cents an hour it costs to run.
are you really that thick? none of that other BS has anything to do with it. you make an ignorant comment and then continuously change the argument. so either show me a card that did a similar thing as the gtx470 to gtx570 did or just admit your comment was a bit off. of course you are not going to do that though because that is too simple...
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