WCG Christmas, errr, December Race(s) 2017

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Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
Well we are off to a great start. Now if only we can stay ahead of Team China.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Going by the average over the last 7 days, they are 6 M WCG-PPD faster.
(Edit: or 3.8 M per 3-day average.)
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Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
There are a number of races in World Community Grid going on:

In the LLBXS78765 race we are #1 among 45 teams,
In the Christmas race we are #3 among 40 teams,
In the Dec 2017 By-points All-projects we are #3 among 53 teams,
In the Dec 2017 By-results All-projects we are #2 among 49 teams,
In the Dec 2017 By-time All-projects we are #3 among 48 teams,
In the Dollars Run we are #2 among 49 teams,
In the S#C 2017DecCancerFight we are #1 among 29 teams.

Quite a good result, isn't it?

BTW: here are all the current challenges/races:
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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                             Score    3-day avg.    Sat, Dec 2    Fri, Dec 1
1       HardOCP                                     41,659,563    15,348,625    15,141,949    26,517,614
2       Team China                                  33,085,581    16,393,787    16,192,052    16,893,529
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                              13,026,502     5,213,877     5,535,110     7,491,392
4       Team Andrax                                  5,249,679     2,576,942     2,547,757     2,701,922
5       UK                                           4,885,419     2,488,188     2,371,696     2,513,723
6       SNURK and friends                            3,656,371     1,825,567     1,840,176     1,816,195
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 2,663,059     1,310,776     1,335,162     1,327,897
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         1,852,919       964,011       888,051       964,868
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                1,134,491       566,848       562,602       571,889
10      Vulture Central III                          1,062,192       529,422       536,809       525,383
11      Kraland                                        795,852       400,447       375,436       420,416
12      Chicago-IL-USA                                 615,313       306,881       309,215       306,098
13      top40.nl                                       356,942       176,815       187,665       169,277
14      Liverpool Community Grid                       306,193       154,652       155,402       150,791
15      CHINA BOINC                                    296,042       153,709       145,741       150,301
16      Special: Off-Topic                             233,514        87,844        88,156       145,358
17      Abstract Media                                 174,882        92,099        91,173        83,709
18      Naked for the World                            151,037        61,497        96,193        54,844
19      NULL-A                                         150,988        84,518        69,155        81,833
20      UCSB Active                                    149,413        82,686        81,883        67,530
21      Sweden#Crunch                                  133,919        66,477        65,710        68,209
22      Bird Conservation                              115,730        58,390        57,527        58,203
23      BOINC@Malaysia                                 115,244        55,133        53,483        61,761
24      oliopur78                                       76,550        45,133        26,133        50,417
25      World Bus LTD                                   59,773        24,765        29,741        30,032
26      STUDIO Mia                                      52,407        22,829        29,344        23,063
27      BOINC@TOKYO                                     51,579        27,970        22,099        29,480
28      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           47,641        23,666        21,837        25,804
29      Just Me                                         43,043        21,797        20,645        22,398
30      Day drive                                       31,451        24,687        13,464        17,987
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     30,108        15,664        13,347        16,761
32      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 29,554        17,371        11,048        18,506
33      ProjectArea51                                   28,219        12,875        13,485        14,734
34      UTAR Malaysia                                   23,637        12,864        13,784         9,853
35      SHANGHAI 2009                                   23,633        13,709        10,180        13,453
36      BOINC@Pfalz                                     22,280        14,983        13,021         9,259
37      kuegmi                                           4,131         1,582         1,784         2,347
38      Aussie Helpers                                   1,873         2,075           474         1,399
39      Crunchers4Life                                   1,857         1,536           675         1,182
40      kouro                                                0             0             0             0
41      SeriousCrunchers                                     0       193,713             0          n.a.

The official stats page of this race and of the other ones still hasn't updated. I suppose this will happen after 12:00 UTC.

Edit: Yep, it updated at 12:00 UTC. I corrected the rank and score of SeriousCrunchers who entered the race just yesterday and didn't get any work counted yet.

Ignore our high 3-day average; it is still inflated by 1st day bunker drops.

My own output today will consist of the live crunching of only 3 desktop PCs, plus 5 bunkers which I completed before the race ( = my last bunkers). My dual-socket PCs are folding today, but will probably go back to WCG tomorrow.

Edit: Our ranking in all current challenges:

And here is the link to our free-dc WCG page, sorted by yesterday's BOINC credits.
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2003

[H]Coleslaw alerted me to an upcoming CPU race that I'm sure several of us would be glad to participate in. The event was created by Special: Off-Topic, which I believe is a German forum/team. You can find their homepage at the link above.

The race starts on December 1st, and runs until the 25th, Christmas.
  • I'm going to guess 0000UTC start, 2359UTC end time.
  • I'm not sure if we need to be enrolled/registered, but I am guessing we do.

WCG was the most likely project I was going to run in conjunction with Folding on the GPU's, and I'm sure Markfw is in. Anyone else? And would a TAC member sign us up, after Stefan translates for us?
Hi Tony-
A bit late, but will give you all the cores from the GPU boxes I fired up for folding, plus anything that gets done from my two that are usually running different CPU projects. Should be somewhere between 8-16 threads at any given moment. Nothing recent though, all 2nd-4th gen intel cores. No time or money for new toys.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                             Score    3-day avg.    Sun, Dec 3    Sat, Dec 2    Fri, Dec 1
1       HardOCP                                     55,800,120    18,600,040    14,140,557    15,141,949    26,517,614
2       Team China                                  49,415,458    16,471,819    16,329,877    16,192,052    16,893,529
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                              17,476,748     5,825,583     4,450,246     5,535,110     7,491,392
4       Team Andrax                                  7,895,070     2,631,690     2,645,391     2,547,757     2,701,922
5       UK                                           6,958,541     2,319,514     2,073,122     2,371,696     2,513,723
6       SNURK and friends                            5,436,910     1,812,303     1,780,539     1,840,176     1,816,195
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 3,988,192     1,329,397     1,325,133     1,335,162     1,327,897
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         2,723,089       907,696       870,170       888,051       964,868
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                1,739,757       579,919       605,266       562,602       571,889
10      Vulture Central III                          1,614,535       538,178       552,343       536,809       525,383
11      Kraland                                      1,203,802       401,267       407,950       375,436       420,416
12      Chicago-IL-USA                                 884,690       294,897       269,377       309,215       306,098
13      top40.nl                                       633,243       211,081       276,301       187,665       169,277
14      CHINA BOINC                                    467,535       155,845       171,493       155,402       150,791
15      Liverpool Community Grid                       412,435       137,478       106,242       145,741       150,301
16      SeriousCrunchers                               348,802       116,267       348,802        88,156       145,358
17      Special: Off-Topic                             323,266       107,755        89,752        91,173        83,709
18      Abstract Media                                 269,215        89,738        94,333        96,193        54,844
19      UCSB Active                                    236,747        78,916        87,334        69,155        81,833
20      NULL-A                                         201,034        67,011        50,046        81,883        67,530
21      Sweden#Crunch                                  199,937        66,646        66,018        65,710        68,209
22      Naked for the World                            175,637        58,546        24,600        57,527        58,203
23      Bird Conservation                              167,911        55,970        52,181        53,483        61,761
24      BOINC@Malaysia                                 164,088        54,696        48,844        26,133        50,417
25      oliopur78                                      106,210        35,403        29,660        29,741        30,032
26      World Bus LTD                                   92,218        30,739        32,445        29,344        23,063
27      BOINC@TOKYO                                     88,520        29,507        36,941        22,099        29,480
28      STUDIO Mia                                      75,796        25,265        23,389        21,837        25,804
29      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           75,280        25,093        27,639        20,645        22,398
30      Just Me                                         66,399        22,133        23,356        13,464        17,987
31      UTAR Malaysia                                   48,044        16,015        24,407        13,347        16,761
32      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 46,043        15,348        16,489        11,048        18,506
33      Harbin University of Science and Technology     45,570        15,190        15,462        13,485        14,734
34      Day drive                                       45,378        15,126        13,927        13,784         9,853
35      ProjectArea51                                   44,573        14,858        16,354        10,180        13,453
36      BOINC@Pfalz                                     38,870        12,957        16,590        13,021         9,259
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   37,711        12,570        14,078         1,784         2,347
38      kuegmi                                           5,600         1,867         1,469           474         1,399
39      Aussie Helpers                                   5,035         1,678         3,162           675         1,182
40      Crunchers4Life                                   1,857           619             0             0             0
41      kouro                                                0             0             0             0          n.a.

Our ranking in all current challenges:

The 3-day LLBXS78765 challenge ended yesterday, and we finished as 1st among 45 teams.

Per-user stats: see our free-dc WCG page


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
Neat stats Stefan. That's quite a big gap between us and the top two. They're [H]ammering down the scoreboard.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Per yesterday's free-dc stats:

[H]ard|OCP ............... 101 users
Team China ............... 345 users
TeAm AnandTech ....... 30 users
Team Andrax .............. 14 users
UK ................................ 69 users​

With 1/3rd and 1/11th of Team China's users, both [H] and the TeAm are quite seriously at work here.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                             Score    3-day avg.    Mon, Dec 4    Sun, Dec 3    Sat, Dec 2    Fri, Dec 1
1       HardOCP                                     70,425,786    14,636,057    14,625,666    14,140,557    15,141,949    26,517,614
2       Team China                                  65,856,043    16,320,838    16,440,585    16,329,877    16,192,052    16,893,529
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                              20,584,002     4,364,203     3,107,254     4,450,246     5,535,110     7,491,392
4       Team Andrax                                 10,710,502     2,669,527     2,815,432     2,645,391     2,547,757     2,701,922
5       UK                                           9,233,047     2,239,775     2,274,506     2,073,122     2,371,696     2,513,723
6       SNURK and friends                            7,243,171     1,808,992     1,806,261     1,780,539     1,840,176     1,816,195
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 5,334,956     1,335,686     1,346,764     1,325,133     1,335,162     1,327,897
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         3,811,307       948,813     1,088,218       870,170       888,051       964,868
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                2,439,057       622,389       699,300       605,266       562,602       571,889
10      Vulture Central III                          2,154,429       543,015       539,894       552,343       536,809       525,383
11      Kraland                                      1,621,975       400,520       418,173       407,950       375,436       420,416
12      Chicago-IL-USA                               1,156,471       283,458       271,781       269,377       309,215       306,098
13      top40.nl                                       970,864       267,196       337,621       276,301       187,665       169,277
14      SeriousCrunchers                               725,477       241,826       376,675       348,802             0          n.a.
15      CHINA BOINC                                    598,739       149,479       131,204       171,493       145,741       150,301
16      Liverpool Community Grid                       500,632       116,614        88,197       106,242       155,402       150,791
17      Special: Off-Topic                             387,134        80,592        63,868        89,752        88,156       145,358
18      Abstract Media                                 359,512        91,934        90,297        94,333        91,173        83,709
19      UCSB Active                                    326,677        86,382        89,930        87,334        81,883        67,530
20      NULL-A                                         279,774        65,980        78,740        50,046        69,155        81,833
21      Sweden#Crunch                                  262,693        64,828        62,756        66,018        65,710        68,209
22      Naked for the World                            230,588        58,581        54,951        24,600        96,193        54,844
23      BOINC@Malaysia                                 220,092        52,777        56,004        48,844        53,483        61,761
24      Bird Conservation                              215,833        52,543        47,922        52,181        57,527        58,203
25      oliopur78                                      146,317        31,967        40,107        29,660        26,133        50,417
26      World Bus LTD                                  132,138        34,035        39,920        32,445        29,741        30,032
27      BOINC@TOKYO                                    107,504        26,008        18,984        36,941        22,099        29,480
28      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           96,640        23,612        21,360        27,639        21,837        25,804
29      STUDIO Mia                                      91,053        22,663        15,257        23,389        29,344        23,063
30      Just Me                                         89,890        22,497        23,491        23,356        20,645        22,398
31      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 67,720        16,405        21,677        16,489        11,048        18,506
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   60,487        16,878        12,443        24,407        13,784         9,853
33      Harbin University of Science and Technology     60,022        14,420        14,452        15,462        13,347        16,761
34      Day drive                                       59,765        13,926        14,387        13,927        13,464        17,987
35      ProjectArea51                                   55,265        13,510        10,692        16,354        13,485        14,734
36      BOINC@Pfalz                                     54,352        15,031        15,482        16,590        13,021         9,259
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   47,642        11,396         9,931        14,078        10,180        13,453
38      Aussie Helpers                                  11,616         3,406         6,581         3,162           474         1,399
39      kuegmi                                           7,440         1,698         1,840         1,469         1,784         2,347
40      Crunchers4Life                                   2,696           505           839             0           675         1,182
41      kouro                                                0             0             0             0             0             0

Some of us are distracted by the Folding@Home competition, but we are still maintaining a higher daily output than the next groups. [H]ard|OCP are still holding an impressive lead of several million points over Team China. But the question is: Is team kouro bunkering still and bound to overtake us all in a surprise move? ;-)

Our ranking in all current challenges:

We dropped from 3rd to 4th in "Dec 2017 By-points All-projects" and from 2nd to 3rd in "Dec 2017 By-results All-projects". The organizing team of these challenges, Decrypthon, is the team immediately in front of us there, and I suppose the ones who overtook us.

Per-user stats: see our free-dc WCG page

Edit: fixed a copy+paste error in the table, affecting lower ranks
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Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
Thanks guys! I wish we had this turn out for the Birthday Challenge though. I wanted 3rd place so bad. lol

As for league 2 seems all the fun competition is moving up to league 1 next year.
Reactions: crashtech


Jan 4, 2013
Thanks guys! I wish we had this turn out for the Birthday Challenge though. I wanted 3rd place so bad. lol

As for league 2 seems all the fun competition is moving up to league 1 next year.
Hey I know, you can go to league 2 1 in our place! I mean, you guys are beating Gridcoin!
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Reactions: Skillz


Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
You mean league 1? lol

Gridcoin would crush us if we were in the same league as them. We are only leading them in the overall score because League 3 doesn't really compete.
Reactions: crashtech


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                             Score    3-day avg.    Tue, Dec 5    Mon, Dec 4    Sun, Dec 3    Sat, Dec 2    Fri, Dec 1
1       HardOCP                                     85,016,425    14,452,287    14,590,639    14,625,666    14,140,557    15,141,949    26,517,614
2       Team China                                  81,441,180    16,118,533    15,585,137    16,440,585    16,329,877    16,192,052    16,893,529
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                              24,606,769     3,860,089     4,022,767     3,107,254     4,450,246     5,535,110     7,491,392
4       Team Andrax                                 13,249,899     2,666,740     2,539,397     2,815,432     2,645,391     2,547,757     2,701,922
5       UK                                          11,354,225     2,156,269     2,121,178     2,274,506     2,073,122     2,371,696     2,513,723
6       SNURK and friends                            9,021,930     1,788,520     1,778,759     1,806,261     1,780,539     1,840,176     1,816,195
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 6,644,436     1,327,126     1,309,480     1,346,764     1,325,133     1,335,162     1,327,897
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         4,839,413       995,498     1,028,106     1,088,218       870,170       888,051       964,868
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                3,075,300       646,936       636,243       699,300       605,266       562,602       571,889
10      Vulture Central III                          2,687,329       541,712       532,900       539,894       552,343       536,809       525,383
11      Kraland                                      2,007,578       403,909       385,603       418,173       407,950       375,436       420,416
12      Chicago-IL-USA                               1,403,932       262,873       247,461       271,781       269,377       309,215       306,098
13      top40.nl                                     1,398,506       347,188       427,642       337,621       276,301       187,665       169,277
14      SeriousCrunchers                             1,084,467       361,489       358,990       376,675       348,802             0          n.a.
15      CHINA BOINC                                    751,775       151,911       153,036       131,204       171,493       145,741       150,301
16      Liverpool Community Grid                       570,029        87,945        69,397        88,197       106,242       155,402       150,791
17      Special: Off-Topic                             461,918        76,135        74,784        63,868        89,752        88,156       145,358
18      Abstract Media                                 446,330        90,483        86,818        90,297        94,333        91,173        83,709
19      UCSB Active                                    429,941        93,509        103,264       89,930        87,334        81,883        67,530
20      NULL-A                                         350,864        66,625        71,090        78,740        50,046        69,155        81,833
21      Sweden#Crunch                                  327,959        64,680        65,266        62,756        66,018        65,710        68,209
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                 292,758        59,171        72,666        56,004        48,844        53,483        61,761
23      Bird Conservation                              274,147        52,806        58,314        47,922        52,181        57,527        58,203
24      Naked for the World                            255,357        34,773        24,769        54,951        24,600        96,193        54,844
25      oliopur78                                      186,321        36,590        40,004        40,107        29,660        26,133        50,417
26      World Bus LTD                                  169,351        36,526        37,213        39,920        32,445        29,741        30,032
27      BOINC@TOKYO                                    122,906        23,776        15,402        18,984        36,941        22,099        29,480
28      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                          120,358        24,239        23,718        21,360        27,639        21,837        25,804
29      Just Me                                        113,963        23,640        24,073        23,491        23,356        20,645        22,398
30      STUDIO Mia                                     108,643        18,745        17,590        15,257        23,389        29,344        23,063
31      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 86,274        18,907        18,554        21,677        16,489        11,048        18,506
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   75,251        17,205        14,764        12,443        24,407        13,784         9,853
33      Day drive                                       74,742        14,430        14,977        14,387        13,927        13,464        17,987
34      Harbin University of Science and Technology     74,555        14,816        14,533        14,452        15,462        13,347        16,761
35      ProjectArea51                                   73,496        15,092        18,231        10,692        16,354        13,485        14,734
36      BOINC@Pfalz                                     72,878        16,866        18,526        15,482        16,590        13,021         9,259
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   60,857        12,408        13,215         9,931        14,078        10,180        13,453
38      Aussie Helpers                                  15,028         4,385         3,412         6,581         3,162           474         1,399
39      kuegmi                                           9,256         1,708         1,816         1,840         1,469         1,784         2,347
40      Crunchers4Life                                   3,295           479           599           839             0           675         1,182
41      kouro                                                0             0             0             0             0             0             0

No changes at the top ranks. Our output per day went up from 3.1 M to 4.0 M again. (@Markfw put some CPUs back from Folding to WCG, and so did I but only later on Tuesday.)

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Monday. Team Decrypthon, who are in front of us in "Dec 2017 By-points All-projects" and "Dec 2017 By-results All-projects", are producing 6.0 M WCG points per day (860 k BOINC credits per day). I wonder what we can do, now that Mark's and my CPUs are back from F@H, and @TennesseeTony gets better WCG PPD due to Linux conversions and is hopefully receiving a replacement motherboard soon. Our slowest day during the WCG Birthday Challenge in November was 6.9 M WCG points per day (990 k BOINC credits per day) .

Per-user stats: see our free-dc WCG page
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Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
Thanks to this marathon, I find that a very old system (in this case my Core2Duo laptop) prefer OET sub-project than anything else. MIP and MCM, especially, grind it to almost 5 hrs and 9 hrs per task respectively.
Reactions: crashtech


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
So I just got a E5-2658v3 ES chip. Its only running 2.3 ghz in turno mode with 12 cores. My E5-2683v3 retail chips are running 60c with the same cooler, but this one is running 90c ! Any ideas ? 0.87 vcore/vid Its a Coolermaster 612 v2, a really good HSF. I can't believe its really doing that. Its this chip: (screen shots)

Its not even in a case now ! and ambient temp is about 70f. Its on a cardboard box


Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
Make sure the heatsink is properly seated. It might look mounted, but if it's not fully seated it will cause that issue.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Make sure the heatsink is properly seated. It might look mounted, but if it's not fully seated it will cause that issue.
First thing I checked, its very tight. My gut tells me its a BIOS Issue with an ES chip, but it would be nice if someone could confirm that has happened.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
OK, so when I got it, they said I had to send them an email with my motherboard model number, and they would confirm its OK, before I got it, so I never checked myself. Its not a supported CPU. So maybe its getting too much vcore ? manually set it ? Returning it to Japan could be problematic, and it is running, just hot.


Elite Member
Aug 2, 2003
What monitoring program is in use? CPUiD hardware monitor breaks down the temp for each of the 12 cores, and an overall package temp. If the individual core temps are ok, then I would cast a suspicious eye at the 'package' temp. I'm wondering if, as a non-supported chip (but working, none-the-less), if the sensors are being read incorrectly or something.

Only two things to try, 1.) elevate the motherboard off the cardboard, and 2.) swap coolers?


In other news, ThunderStrike's new motherboard arrived today, untracked. And guess what I forgot to remove from the old motherboard before sending it in? Again. Yep, the Intel standoffs that mount to the motherboard, and allow me to attach my CoolerMaster 212 EVO heatsinks. ///slaps forehead repeatedly......with a ball bat/// For testing, I have managed to steal the set from the cooler on my AMD board with triple GTX1070, and only use two each per processor on the new board.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Package temps and core temps are all 87-90c. I don't have a better cooler spare. My gut tells me, its reading wrong, being an ES> I am sure glad you helped me find all those retail 2683s I got in the last year, this ES appears to be a pain. And for $200, do I try and return it since they messed up on compatibility ? 24 threads@2.3 for $196 ? again, my gut says let it run till it burns out.
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