WCG Christmas, errr, December Race(s) 2017

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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Thu, Dec 14   Wed, Dec 13   Tue, Dec 12   Mon, Dec 11   Sun, Dec 10    Sat, Dec 9    Fri, Dec 8      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     233,910,660    16,762,418    16,634,404    17,108,817    16,544,032    17,071,780    16,702,195    17,349,044    17,085,742    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  222,645,062    15,405,245    15,479,342    15,396,595    15,339,797    16,119,509    16,456,143    15,746,312    15,904,107    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               65,124,337     3,745,236     2,968,907     2,675,976     5,590,825     5,404,972     5,491,351     5,847,387     4,036,453     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  37,164,905     2,715,785     2,710,049     2,692,832     2,744,474     2,675,359     2,649,793     2,606,368     2,626,256     18,459,774
5       UK                                           31,826,032     2,280,588     2,168,995     2,277,013     2,395,756     2,280,196     2,237,976     2,297,560     2,302,757     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            25,576,425     1,828,636     1,906,266     1,759,854     1,819,789     1,869,269     1,918,777     1,882,518     1,901,363     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 18,656,603     1,392,947     1,378,555     1,358,909     1,441,378     1,372,862     1,299,539     1,274,650     1,275,808      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         13,408,449       933,892       876,888       959,567       965,221       933,280       791,336       801,369     1,054,242      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 8,793,721       635,396       588,249       655,141       662,797       642,522       574,589       649,655       680,597      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           7,313,710       483,833       513,852       440,963       496,684       547,841       529,954       524,350       528,653      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,970,038       398,734       372,278       387,756       436,167       455,539       462,341       486,275       489,724      2,879,958
12      SeriousCrunchers                              5,871,697       560,061       532,563       573,655       573,966       562,637       512,272       496,141       531,358      2,089,105
13      top40.nl                                      5,812,108       466,579       427,210       449,149       523,379       495,981       467,187       511,055       513,949      2,424,198
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,977,512       309,018       322,684       304,128       300,243       277,471       301,988       276,106       278,795      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,197,443       147,995       120,957       245,080        77,948       120,072       174,088       137,444       200,364      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,531,206       113,025       101,961       110,220       126,894       126,524       136,419       128,554       125,987        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,233,730        96,448       105,288        84,668        99,388        87,748        86,744        81,599        91,275        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,154,894        78,364        93,252        68,434        73,406        69,520        59,846        73,179        83,992        633,265
19      NULL-A                                        1,071,825        85,143       112,087        70,777        72,566        78,696        74,572        72,202        89,293        501,632
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,054,942        55,842        53,693        51,039        62,793        53,390        47,776        46,126        59,676        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   913,693        65,186        65,167        68,944        61,446        62,242        60,111        63,399        72,562        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  883,447        57,514        63,825        53,136        55,580        75,830        65,740        59,270        62,380        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             654,526        45,916        58,657        28,560        50,530        72,591        32,427        38,399        38,744        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               638,766        42,806        38,960        42,939        46,519        41,729        36,494        40,009        40,584        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   481,286        30,072        27,118        32,166        30,933        33,216        36,963        31,465        45,893        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       453,538        34,365        88,563         5,924         8,609         9,581        23,328        33,872        42,829        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           383,138        29,607        30,854        32,136        25,831        31,641        31,605        25,979        36,236        168,856
28      Just Me                                         335,124        23,165        23,124        21,710        24,661        25,035        23,465        29,222        26,441        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      305,139        21,059        18,303        24,691        20,184        26,939        20,042        20,374        19,749        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     269,590        13,334         7,204        16,910        15,888        10,767        18,827        23,969        28,437        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     216,257        15,943        17,932        14,607        15,289        15,417        14,159        16,713        19,699        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   198,608        14,935        15,240        17,736        11,828        16,035         8,135        19,448        13,983         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 188,797        14,532        14,056        17,920        11,621        10,789         1,168         4,782         4,745        123,716
34      Day drive                                       184,811        14,565         9,162        19,775        14,757        21,121           795         3,455        15,316        100,430
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     176,513        14,327        10,245        20,666        12,070         5,066         7,004        12,108        16,942         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   158,728        11,101        10,070        18,258         4,974         1,424         1,688         1,517        10,042        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   154,157        11,389        10,683        15,817         7,666         9,939        14,249         5,671         8,761         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   47,786         4,358         3,811         3,401         5,862         3,864         2,674         4,894         2,176         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           25,112         1,787         2,175         1,702         1,485         1,767         1,355         2,073         1,792         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0              0

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102).

In "Dec 2017 By-results All-projects", our distance (at rank 4) from rank 3 increased from 7,760 on Wednesday to 12,583 on Thursday. Even the team at rank 5 out-produced us by 728 results that day, but this isn't dangerous considering the remaining distance of 54,022 results. It looks similar in the other races: No chance to advance (with much of our CPU resources shifted to F@H), yet little likelihood to drop in the ranking.

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Thanks for the appreciation. :-) I am glad though that this effort remains limited by tracking just teams, not users, and that the movements (or current lack thereof) in the 6 challenges are pretty much in line with those in the main one, the Christmas Race.

Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     233,910,660    16,762,418    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  222,645,062    15,405,245    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               65,124,337     3,745,236     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  37,164,905     2,715,785     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           31,826,032     2,280,588     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            25,576,425     1,828,636     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 18,656,603     1,392,947     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         13,408,449       933,892       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 8,793,721       635,396       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           7,313,710       483,833       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,970,038       398,734       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
12      SeriousCrunchers                              5,871,697       560,061       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
13      top40.nl                                      5,812,108       466,579       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,977,512       309,018       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,197,443       147,995       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,531,206       113,025       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,233,730        96,448       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,154,894        78,364        89,841        521,629        633,265
19      NULL-A                                        1,071,825        85,143       104,303        570,193        501,632
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,054,942        55,842        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   913,693        65,186        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  883,447        57,514        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             654,526        45,916        38,280        319,908        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               638,766        42,806        51,579        287,234        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   481,286        30,072        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       453,538        34,365        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           383,138        29,607        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         335,124        23,165        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      305,139        21,059        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     269,590        13,334        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     216,257        15,943        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   198,608        14,935        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 188,797        14,532        12,473         65,081        123,716
34      Day drive                                       184,811        14,565        24,885         84,381        100,430
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     176,513        14,327         6,478         84,101         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   158,728        11,101        14,700         47,973        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   154,157        11,389        14,856         72,786         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   47,786         4,358         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           25,112         1,787         2,038         12,349         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0              0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0              0              0

There is still some moderate shuffling of ranks going on, but only below the top 9 which are stable. (The top 9's daily production is in the same order as their rank by score.) [H]ard|OCP maintain their lead over Team China with an incredible PPD that is about 1 M higher than China's. We are out-producing the next team by a slimmer margin, but have amassed a comfortable lead over them in the first half of the race.

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102).

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
Decrypthon is still consistently pulling away from us by about 5k worth of results each day. Still fancy havng 3rd in "by-results challenge"?


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2017
@StefanR5R Thanks for your efforts on the stats collection; I wonder if you by chance have the Xmas 2017 challenge XML data files from start ? I have just finished a similar effort for my team (disclaimer: the one with the H in the name ) but due to business trip was not able to collect the files from start.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Sat, Dec 16   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     266,908,174    16,678,539    16,292,397    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  254,127,773    15,546,570    15,763,774    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               70,854,313     2,821,061     2,818,301     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  42,575,561     2,698,377     2,692,249     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           36,335,858     2,260,364     2,335,083     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            29,231,478     1,830,918     1,826,635     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 21,275,483     1,354,473     1,325,955     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         15,069,084       860,399       744,743       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                10,061,603       622,905       625,324       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           8,376,905       501,586       549,944       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      SeriousCrunchers                              7,003,595       559,449       572,129       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
12      Kraland                                       6,727,009       371,735       355,172       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
13      top40.nl                                      6,615,362       436,709       433,767       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                4,604,060       308,177       297,718       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,444,477       152,640        91,882       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,834,901       127,023       168,887       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,427,634        94,133        92,442       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,322,855        79,935        78,120        89,841        521,629        633,265
19      NULL-A                                        1,302,436       103,057       126,308       104,303        570,193        501,632
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,148,789        49,459        43,645        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                 1,031,697        63,356        55,956        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  995,314        57,958        56,912        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             752,031        48,814        59,225        38,280        319,908        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               734,874        42,143        44,529        51,579        287,234        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   557,650        31,972        36,631        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       521,324        39,613        24,353        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           444,543        33,104        36,321        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         384,044        22,698        23,259        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      347,945        21,692        22,082        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     300,219        13,752        17,142        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     247,399        15,626        14,339        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   238,206        19,405        25,239        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      Day drive                                       229,120        16,120        19,424        24,885         84,381        100,430
34      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 210,516        13,741         9,246        12,473         65,081        123,716
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     199,303        15,741        16,312         6,478         84,101         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   183,961        12,954        10,533        14,700         47,973        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   176,940        11,476         7,927        14,856         72,786         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   55,646         4,681         6,832         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           29,107         1,945         1,957         2,038         12,349         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0              0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0              0              0

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102).

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.

Decrypthon is still consistently pulling away from us by about 5k worth of results each day. Still fancy havng 3rd in "by-results challenge"?
I just added GPUs to F@H and moved CPUs to WCG. Let's see how this improves our chances. Sunday stats (available on Monday) will include 1/2 day from my dual-socket hosts.

@StefanR5RI wonder if you by chance have the Xmas 2017 challenge XML data files from start ?
I don't pull via RPC, I just copy&paste from the web page into a spreadsheet. (Then I compute daily diff and moving average, and dump into a text file for copy&paste into the forum.) But you can have the above table, expanded onto all days plus 3 pre-race days for my early average calculation, as tab-separated plain text: https://pastebin.com/raw/A8V75JYu
(Re-importing this into LibreOffice Calc directly per copy&paste from the web browser doesn't work for me; but copy&paste into kwrite, then copy&paste into LO Calc works. Or save link as file, then open in LO Calc, and select only Tab as separator in the import dialogue.)

During the next few days I may be very late to post stats.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
For whatever reason I got twice the same scores delivered (but different timestamp).
The challenge web page says "Statistics Last Updated: 12/xx/17 23:59:59 (UTC)" shortly after WCG's 00:00 UTC general stats update, but is then still showing data from the end of day xx - 1. Only shortly after WCG's 12:00 UTC update, the page really shows data from the end of day xx.

IOW, challenge stats (at least those on the web page) are updated only once a day, at 12:00 UTC = with 1/2 day delay. During this delay, the "last updated" timestamp shown is a lie.

It's possible that RPC stats requests are affected the same way.


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2017

IOW, challenge stats (at least those on the web page) are updated only once a day, at 12:00 UTC = with 1/2 day delay. During this delay, the "last updated" timestamp shown is a lie.

It's possible that RPC stats requests are affected the same way.
Thanks, that confirm what I saw withn the time stamp and had to change my import scripts ; I read the xml file now every six hours ; in case the fingerprint is changed I process; else ignore.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Extra late stats, with an extra late entrant into the race, team DefeatParkinson.

Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Sun, Dec 17   Sat, Dec 16   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     282,812,860    16,277,162    15,904,686    16,292,397    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  268,964,613    15,359,985    14,836,840    15,763,774    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               74,729,792     3,220,896     3,875,479     2,818,301     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  45,151,798     2,659,512     2,576,237     2,692,249     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           38,799,921     2,322,714     2,464,063     2,335,083     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            31,075,579     1,859,001     1,844,101     1,826,635     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 22,606,654     1,345,227     1,331,171     1,325,955     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         15,853,877       802,141       784,793       744,743       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                10,605,320       585,763       543,717       625,324       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           8,910,913       532,601       534,008       549,944       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      top40.nl                                      7,362,549       536,055       747,187       433,767       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
12      SeriousCrunchers                              7,354,032       485,043       350,437       572,129       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
13      Kraland                                       7,079,777       360,073       352,768       355,172       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                4,891,287       302,543       287,227       297,718       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,644,351       137,571       199,874        91,882       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            2,016,956       150,968       182,055       168,887       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,520,578        96,891        92,944        92,442       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      NULL-A                                        1,434,122       123,360       131,686       126,308       104,303        570,193        501,632
19      UCSB Active                                   1,402,926        83,814        80,071        78,120        89,841        521,629        633,265
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,194,820        47,790        46,031        43,645        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                 1,102,592        64,006        70,895        55,956        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                1,061,113        62,179        65,799        56,912        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Bird Conservation                               791,770        46,795        56,896        44,529        51,579        287,234        351,532
24      Naked for the World                             783,473        49,775        31,442        59,225        38,280        319,908        334,618
25      World Bus LTD                                   588,613        31,571        30,963        36,631        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       545,159        45,584        23,835        24,353        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           478,253        33,628        33,710        36,321        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         408,955        23,765        24,911        23,259        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      365,492        19,311        17,547        22,082        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     311,635        11,921        11,416        17,142        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     262,190        15,687        14,791        14,339        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   253,652        18,642        15,446        25,239        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      Day drive                                       245,670        15,045        16,550        19,424        24,885         84,381        100,430
34      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 227,525        13,437        17,009         9,246        12,473         65,081        123,716
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     201,473         9,576         2,170        16,312         6,478         84,101         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   194,863        10,502        10,902        10,533        14,700         47,973        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   194,259        11,976        17,319         7,927        14,856         72,786         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   59,945         4,981         4,299         6,832         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           30,792         1,939         1,685         1,957         2,038         12,349         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0              0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0              0              0
42      DefeatParkinson                                       0        28,793          n.a.          n.a.          n.a.           n.a.           n.a.

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102). We almost match Decrypthon's results/day rate again, and should exceed it tomorrow, with a chance to climb back onto 3rd rank at "Dec 2017 By-results All-projects" eventually.*

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.

*) Edit, the latest team stats update shows us at 13 k results on December 18, which is not yet enough compared to their average of 12 k results per day.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Mon, Dec 18   Sun, Dec 17   Sat, Dec 16   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     298,492,852    15,959,025    15,679,992    15,904,686    16,292,397    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  284,346,177    15,327,393    15,381,564    14,836,840    15,763,774    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               79,469,806     3,811,265     4,740,014     3,875,479     2,818,301     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  47,775,007     2,630,565     2,623,209     2,576,237     2,692,249     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           41,030,857     2,343,361     2,230,936     2,464,063     2,335,083     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            32,947,847     1,847,668     1,872,268     1,844,101     1,826,635     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 23,936,159     1,328,877     1,329,505     1,331,171     1,325,955     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         16,715,549       797,069       861,672       784,793       744,743       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                11,180,621       581,447       575,301       543,717       625,324       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           9,411,394       528,144       500,481       534,008       549,944       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      SeriousCrunchers                              7,999,325       522,620       645,293       350,437       572,129       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
12      top40.nl                                      7,820,809       546,405       458,260       747,187       433,767       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
13      Kraland                                       7,478,687       368,950       398,910       352,768       355,172       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                5,212,572       302,077       321,285       287,227       297,718       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,865,216       170,874       220,865       199,874        91,882       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            2,159,790       164,592       142,834       182,055       168,887       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,626,109        96,972       105,531        92,944        92,442       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      NULL-A                                        1,552,963       125,612       118,841       131,686       126,308       104,303        570,193        501,632
19      UCSB Active                                   1,485,064        80,110        82,138        80,071        78,120        89,841        521,629        633,265
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,233,059        42,638        38,239        46,031        43,645        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                 1,157,728        60,662        55,136        70,895        55,956        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                1,136,697        66,098        75,584        65,799        56,912        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Bird Conservation                               852,180        53,945        60,410        56,896        44,529        51,579        287,234        351,532
24      Naked for the World                             837,369        48,188        53,896        31,442        59,225        38,280        319,908        334,618
25      World Bus LTD                                   622,188        33,723        33,575        30,963        36,631        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       567,491        23,507        22,332        23,835        24,353        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           514,964        35,581        36,711        33,710        36,321        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         432,606        23,940        23,651        24,911        23,259        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      389,825        21,321        24,333        17,547        22,082        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     317,222        11,382         5,587        11,416        17,142        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     274,951        13,964        12,761        14,791        14,339        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   265,123        17,385        11,471        15,446        25,239        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      Day drive                                       259,132        16,479        13,462        16,550        19,424        24,885         84,381        100,430
34      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 243,067        13,932        15,542        17,009         9,246        12,473         65,081        123,716
35      ProjectArea51                                   210,732        12,435        15,869        10,902        10,533        14,700         47,973        110,755
36      SHANGHAI 2009                                   206,793        12,593        12,534        17,319         7,927        14,856         72,786         81,371
37      BOINC@Pfalz                                     203,987         6,999         2,514         2,170        16,312         6,478         84,101         92,412
38      Aussie Helpers                                   65,843         5,676         5,898         4,299         6,832         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           32,199         1,683         1,407         1,685         1,957         2,038         12,349         12,763
40      DefeatParkinson                                  23,077        27,487        23,077          n.a.          n.a.          n.a.           n.a.           n.a.
41      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0              0          4,281
42      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0             0              0              0

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102).

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Tue, Dec 19   Mon, Dec 18   Sun, Dec 17   Sat, Dec 16   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     314,271,128    15,787,651    15,778,276    15,679,992    15,904,686    16,292,397    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  299,782,083    15,218,103    15,435,906    15,381,564    14,836,840    15,763,774    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               84,304,753     4,483,480     4,834,947     4,740,014     3,875,479     2,818,301     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  50,115,798     2,513,412     2,340,791     2,623,209     2,576,237     2,692,249     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           43,117,787     2,260,643     2,086,930     2,230,936     2,464,063     2,335,083     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            34,651,441     1,806,654     1,703,594     1,872,268     1,844,101     1,826,635     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 25,226,517     1,317,011     1,290,358     1,329,505     1,331,171     1,325,955     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         17,620,864       850,593       905,315       861,672       784,793       744,743       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                11,780,840       573,079       600,219       575,301       543,717       625,324       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           9,896,930       506,675       485,536       500,481       534,008       549,944       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      SeriousCrunchers                              8,612,257       536,221       612,932       645,293       350,437       572,129       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
12      top40.nl                                      8,316,151       566,930       495,342       458,260       747,187       433,767       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
13      Kraland                                       7,864,048       379,013       385,361       398,910       352,768       355,172       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                5,549,682       315,207       337,110       321,285       287,227       297,718       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   3,040,752       198,758       175,536       220,865       199,874        91,882       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            2,313,565       159,555       153,775       142,834       182,055       168,887       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,719,455        97,274        93,346       105,531        92,944        92,442       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      NULL-A                                        1,669,167       122,244       116,204       118,841       131,686       126,308       104,303        570,193        501,632
19      UCSB Active                                   1,577,619        84,921        92,555        82,138        80,071        78,120        89,841        521,629        633,265
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,273,432        41,548        40,373        38,239        46,031        43,645        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                 1,215,990        61,431        58,262        55,136        70,895        55,956        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                1,206,540        70,409        69,843        75,584        65,799        56,912        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Bird Conservation                               906,464        57,197        54,284        60,410        56,896        44,529        51,579        287,234        351,532
24      Naked for the World                             869,810        39,260        32,441        53,896        31,442        59,225        38,280        319,908        334,618
25      World Bus LTD                                   650,469        30,940        28,281        33,575        30,963        36,631        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       572,686        17,121         5,195        22,332        23,835        24,353        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           549,332        34,930        34,368        36,711        33,710        36,321        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         455,365        23,774        22,759        23,651        24,911        23,259        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      409,094        20,383        19,269        24,333        17,547        22,082        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     333,598        11,126        16,376         5,587        11,416        17,142        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     289,487        14,029        14,536        12,761        14,791        14,339        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   277,097        12,964        11,974        11,471        15,446        25,239        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      Day drive                                       275,069        15,316        15,937        13,462        16,550        19,424        24,885         84,381        100,430
34      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 263,412        17,632        20,345        15,542        17,009         9,246        12,473         65,081        123,716
35      SHANGHAI 2009                                   221,628        14,896        14,835        12,534        17,319         7,927        14,856         72,786         81,371
36      ProjectArea51                                   218,411        11,483         7,679        15,869        10,902        10,533        14,700         47,973        110,755
37      BOINC@Pfalz                                     215,858         5,518        11,871         2,514         2,170        16,312         6,478         84,101         92,412
38      Aussie Helpers                                   69,604         4,653         3,761         5,898         4,299         6,832         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      DefeatParkinson                                  50,171        25,030        27,094        23,077          n.a.          n.a.          n.a.           n.a.           n.a.
40      kuegmi                                           34,194         1,696         1,995         1,407         1,685         1,957         2,038         12,349         12,763
41      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0              0          4,281
42      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0             0             0              0              0

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102). With our current pace of 13 k results/day vs. Decrypthon's 12 k results/day, we will remain 4th in "Dec 2017 By-results All-projects".

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Wed, Dec 20   Tue, Dec 19   Mon, Dec 18   Sun, Dec 17   Sat, Dec 16   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1       HardOCP                                     329,862,991    15,683,377    15,591,863    15,778,276    15,679,992    15,904,686    16,292,397    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  315,177,689    15,404,359    15,395,606    15,435,906    15,381,564    14,836,840    15,763,774    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3  -->  TeAm AnandTech                               89,054,592     4,774,933     4,749,839     4,834,947     4,740,014     3,875,479     2,818,301     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  52,436,386     2,428,196     2,320,588     2,340,791     2,623,209     2,576,237     2,692,249     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           45,255,356     2,151,812     2,137,569     2,086,930     2,230,936     2,464,063     2,335,083     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            36,490,695     1,805,039     1,839,254     1,703,594     1,872,268     1,844,101     1,826,635     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 26,536,397     1,309,914     1,309,880     1,290,358     1,329,505     1,331,171     1,325,955     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         18,495,258       880,460       874,394       905,315       861,672       784,793       744,743       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                12,367,736       587,472       586,896       600,219       575,301       543,717       625,324       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                          10,379,380       489,489       482,450       485,536       500,481       534,008       549,944       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      SeriousCrunchers                              9,235,701       627,223       623,444       612,932       645,293       350,437       572,129       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
12      top40.nl                                      8,977,585       538,345       661,434       495,342       458,260       747,187       433,767       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
13      Kraland                                       8,272,366       397,530       408,318       385,361       398,910       352,768       355,172       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                5,852,745       320,486       303,063       337,110       321,285       287,227       297,718       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   3,243,112       199,587       202,360       175,536       220,865       199,874        91,882       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            2,453,112       145,385       139,547       153,775       142,834       182,055       168,887       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,833,853       104,425       114,398        93,346       105,531        92,944        92,442       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      NULL-A                                        1,772,097       112,658       102,930       116,204       118,841       131,686       126,308       104,303        570,193        501,632
19      UCSB Active                                   1,664,368        87,147        86,749        92,555        82,138        80,071        78,120        89,841        521,629        633,265
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,323,046        42,742        49,614        40,373        38,239        46,031        43,645        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                 1,282,713        60,040        66,723        58,262        55,136        70,895        55,956        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                1,259,610        66,166        53,070        69,843        75,584        65,799        56,912        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Bird Conservation                               964,605        57,612        58,141        54,284        60,410        56,896        44,529        51,579        287,234        351,532
24      Naked for the World                             906,142        40,890        36,332        32,441        53,896        31,442        59,225        38,280        319,908        334,618
25      World Bus LTD                                   684,732        32,040        34,263        28,281        33,575        30,963        36,631        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           579,952        33,900        30,620        34,368        36,711        33,710        36,321        25,084        214,282        168,856
27      oliopur78                                       577,715        10,852         5,029         5,195        22,332        23,835        24,353        43,433        212,706        240,832
28      Just Me                                         477,468        22,838        22,103        22,759        23,651        24,911        23,259        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      434,417        22,975        25,323        19,269        24,333        17,547        22,082        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     348,513        12,293        14,915        16,376         5,587        11,416        17,142        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     304,735        14,182        15,248        14,536        12,761        14,791        14,339        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   293,911        13,420        16,814        11,974        11,471        15,446        25,239        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 287,491        19,989        24,079        20,345        15,542        17,009         9,246        12,473         65,081        123,716
34      Day drive                                       283,376        12,569         8,307        15,937        13,462        16,550        19,424        24,885         84,381        100,430
35      ProjectArea51                                   230,527        11,888        12,116         7,679        15,869        10,902        10,533        14,700         47,973        110,755
36      SHANGHAI 2009                                   230,320        12,020         8,692        14,835        12,534        17,319         7,927        14,856         72,786         81,371
37      BOINC@Pfalz                                     221,125         6,551         5,267        11,871         2,514         2,170        16,312         6,478         84,101         92,412
38      Aussie Helpers                                   73,572         4,542         3,968         3,761         5,898         4,299         6,832         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      DefeatParkinson                                  67,067        22,356        16,896        27,094        23,077          n.a.          n.a.          n.a.           n.a.           n.a.
40      kuegmi                                           35,252         1,487         1,058         1,995         1,407         1,685         1,957         2,038         12,349         12,763
41      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0             0              0          4,281
42      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0              0              0

All current challenges: Our rankings are unchanged from Sunday, December 10 (post #102).

Per-user stats: See our free-dc WCG page.

So, what's the consensus here? Is our position safe enough to convert cpu resources into F@H?
I'll switch my dual-socket hosts to F@H in a bit. The two run time based races, Dec 2017 By-time All-projects and The Dollars Run 1217, need to be watched though. Current standing: 47.0 years, versus 39.4 years (84 %) by the next best team.
Reactions: crashtech


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
Okay then. I'll be stationed in WCG. I managed to revive another died laptop with Ubuntu on-the-go. It's dual core Ivy Bridge's celeron and have similar performance with the Core2Duo.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Due to how Folding@Home gives credit, putting anything less than 32 threads per slot towards F@H would be a massive waste. My 56T and 64T slots are a waste too, but on a barely acceptable level given the current competition.


Senior member
Nov 12, 2017
I put some cores back on WCG since PG is finished............I kind of slacked on this one


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
I've put some low core count CPUs back on this, finally realizing they are nearly useless at F@H.
How useless is it? Stefan already warned me, but I'm a bit stubborn. Maybe you can convince me to not use them on F@H.


Jan 4, 2013
How useless is it? Stefan already warned me, but I'm a bit stubborn. Maybe you can convince me to not use them on F@H.
Well, they will earn points, but for me it eventually comes down to efficient resource allocation. CPUs generally can do more science per watt with apps like WCG than they can with F@H. But, if one happens to have some high core-count machines, then they can act in concert to finish F@H WUs quickly enough to justify their use during a contest, since there is extra credit for finishing quickly.

I really don't know enough about the subject to be doing any convincing on way or the other, though. Every bit counts as long as it's used on a project!
Reactions: ao_ika_red


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
How useless is it? Stefan already warned me, but I'm a bit stubborn. Maybe you can convince me to not use them on F@H.
Until I had my $600 electric bill, I had all more cores on WCG and all my video cards on F@H. Now I only have a small number of cores on WCG due to money, but F@H to me is too important, so I added my CPU cores from my threadrippers to it, 200k each.
Reactions: ao_ika_red


Golden Member
Aug 11, 2016
If a Threadripper only able to churn about 200k ppd, I don't think this Celeron and Athlon will do any damage. Thanks for the heads-up.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
The quick return bonus really makes up a considerable part of the overall credit that you get from F@H.

Compared to @Markfw's 200 k PPD per Threadripper (I guess with 30 threads allocated to the CPU slot, and running a tad below 4 GHz?), I get merely 120...130 k PPD from a 32T slot on E5-2696v4 @2.6 GHz (all-core AVX turbo) on Windows. As you can see, PPD is disproportional to thread count × clock.

Dual E5-2690v4:
320...430 k PPD / (56 * 2.9 GHz) = 2.0...2.5 k PPD / (thread * GHz)​
200 k PPD / (30 * 3.8...3.9 GHz) = 1.75...1.7 k PPD / (thread * GHz)​
E5-2696v4 with Windows-specific 32T slot limit:
120...130 k PPD / (32 * 2.6 GHz) = 1.45...1.55 k PPD / (thread * GHz)​

This ratio will tank dramatically for processors which are even further away from Threadripper's thread count and clock.

The only other DC project that I know of which rewards quicker hosts is GPUGrid. But their reward system is simpler.
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