We all know Newt is unelectable...

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Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2003
Treating Iran like Canada is not something most of the United States supports.

With respect to this idea that the media is intentionally ignoring Paul (as I said, my feeling is that is categorically false but one of those things that it's hard to prove one way or the other), my question would be, why? Is the idea that he is so radically different that he terrifies the status quo media? That makes no sense to me. Ross Perot got a huge amount of media attention in his day. I don't mean to sound disingenuous - I just think the limitations of Paul's popularity are self-imposed, rather than the result of some kind of media blackout. We are not, after all, hearing much about Santorum, Huntsman or Gary Johnson either.

Ross Perot spent over 40 million of his own money to get on TV. Since he was buying TV time, the press was sure to cover him. Also he was an Independant buying the time, so both parties rose up to discredit him, etc.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2003

"...That said, from April through June, Paul fielded more than $25,000 from individuals who listed their employer as a branch of the military.

Combined, six other Republican presidential candidates listed donations from members of the military totaling about $9,000. Our most-to-least breakdown: Herman Cain, $2,850; Mitt Romney, $2,750; Michele Bachmann, $2,250; Newt Gingrich, $500; and Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum, $250 each.

On the Democratic side, Obama’s campaign received more than $16,000 in donations from members of the military.

After we conducted this rough check, Paul’s campaign spokesman, Gary Howard, said by email that their numbers showed that Paul garnered $34,480 from members of the military; other GOP candidates fielded $13,848 and Obama took in $19,849.

Summing up, Paul’s military-connected contributions for the three months more than double such contributions to all the other Republican presidential candidates—and they also exceed Obama’s.

We rate his statement True."


Dec 11, 2002
Treating Iran like Canada is not something most of the United States supports.

With respect to this idea that the media is intentionally ignoring Paul (as I said, my feeling is that is categorically false but one of those things that it's hard to prove one way or the other), my question would be, why? Is the idea that he is so radically different that he terrifies the status quo media? That makes no sense to me. Ross Perot got a huge amount of media attention in his day. I don't mean to sound disingenuous - I just think the limitations of Paul's popularity are self-imposed, rather than the result of some kind of media blackout. We are not, after all, hearing much about Santorum, Huntsman or Gary Johnson either.

Do you know for a fact that's what Ron Paul supports? Do you know for a fact that he's against even gathering intelligence from Iran? I don't see anything he said that suggests this. He just says to not occupy their land and have bases around the world, also to not go to war with them if they plan to build nukes, citing Pakistan and India.

The media blackout is confirmed. Paul has less coverage than Santorum and Huntsman, who easily does worse than Paul in the polls.
Feb 10, 2000
From the latest funding quarters, he gets more donations from active duty military than all of the other republican candidates combined. Its a fact.

a) That is different from saying he gets more than all GOP candidates and the President combined, which is what SD said.

b) I'd like to see more data, as I said in my prior post, about how these numbers shook out over the duration of the campaign season in 2008. I simply can't believe he got more contributions overall than President Obama (who was in second place in military contributions during the primary season, then got millions more in individual contributions during the general election).

I also wonder how they determine who is a military member for purposes of making these contributions. If memory serves you are just asked to provide a "profession," without much more information, leaving open the possibility that some of the donors are Reservists/Guardsman (whose interests are not really consonant with active-duty members with respect to the pros/cons of foreign deployments) or even veterans.

I am not saying I am an expert on these numbers - I'm just looking for a source that will help us all understand this more. I am absolutely impressed with the donations that Paul has received from military members, in any case.
Feb 10, 2000
Do you know for a fact that's what Ron Paul supports? Do you know for a fact that he's against even gathering intelligence from Iran? I don't see anything he said that suggests this. He just says to not occupy their land and have bases around the world, also to not go to war with them if they plan to build nukes, citing Pakistan and India.

The media blackout is confirmed. Paul has less coverage than Santorum and Huntsman, who easily does worse than Paul in the polls.

He said essentially that exact thing in one of the debates (I believe it was the Nevada one but I'm not certain), suggesting that we should deal with Iran the way we deal with other friendly nations, like Canada. He specifically mentioned Canada as an example.

Not to quibble regarding the "media blackout," but I will point out a couple of things. First, that survey was taken in October, and a couple of months can make a big difference in the life of a Presidential campaign. I have seen Paul on Meet the Press as recently as last weekend, for example. Second, the GOP has had a series of front runners, including Bachmann, Perry, Cain and Gingrich. Bachmann got a ton of buzz going into the Iowa Straw Poll, then passed the baton to Perry, who in turn passed it to Cain, who passed to Gingrich. Each of these changes has meant a huge amount of coverage, often about negative things, like Perry's fumbles and Cain's personal affairs. Relative to all this, the candidates who nobody ever perceived as front runners (who, at this point, are basically limited to Huntsman, Paul, Santorum and Johnson) have gotten less buzz.

By the way, I am not necessarily saying there has been relatively scant coverage of Paul - I am just saying that is not the reason he isn't contending for front-runner status, and never will.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Newt Gingrich hates the Constitution and thinks it should die. Literally.

He wrote a forward to this book:


"And urged all americans to read this book"

Quote from the book:

"For this wisdom aboce all, we thank Mr. Jefforson, who helped create the system, that served us so well for so long and that now, must, in its turn, die and be replaced."

This guy is effing scary, he is NOT conservative, he looks up to FDR.

I think most would agree that Newt, Mitt and Barack are all much closer to each other than to Jefferson. It's almost impossible to spend much time in government without believing that government is inherently the answer, and today's society is much more complicated than was Jefferson's. A private charity in Jefferson's day could reasonably support the elderly and/or inform, provide food and shelter and medical care reasonably comparable to those with money. It's much more difficult for a private charity today to support the elderly - the price of drugs alone would break them, let alone the cost of a hip replacement or treatment for colon cancer. I find Newt almost as scary as Obama, but a pure Washington or Jeffersonian candidate, although appeals to me viscerally, would be even more scary.

His lack of "charisma" is actually part of his appeal. People follow his ideas, and ideas have far more force than charisma. People trust him, and believe he believes what he says.

Other more charismatic candidates may ignite passion with their charisma, but it fades, and intelligent people start to question do I like this person because they look good and speak well, or do I truly like their ideas, do I believe they are being generous, or are they trying to sell themselves to me?

Look at their actions, and their records, and weigh that against their words, and then subtract what ends up being bullshit and see what you have left...

Ron Paul is the only one that measures up considerably, and consistently with what he speaks. Whos voting record, and stances match rhetoric.

Also, as another poster pointed out, his views on the military must be popular, since the military gives more money to him than all other candidates and Obama combined.
Were I active military, I suspect I would support Paul quite vigorously. They signed up to fight, not to be targets of Islamic radicals whilst nation building. I'm not far off from Paul on my views - I'd like to pull out of most foreign bases and instead put our money toward developing and purchase equipment for rapid heavy deployment - but I can't stomach his desired cuts to the military or to some other departments.

Treating Iran like Canada is not something most of the United States supports.

With respect to this idea that the media is intentionally ignoring Paul (as I said, my feeling is that is categorically false but one of those things that it's hard to prove one way or the other), my question would be, why? Is the idea that he is so radically different that he terrifies the status quo media? That makes no sense to me. Ross Perot got a huge amount of media attention in his day. I don't mean to sound disingenuous - I just think the limitations of Paul's popularity are self-imposed, rather than the result of some kind of media blackout. We are not, after all, hearing much about Santorum, Huntsman or Gary Johnson either.
The media finds Paul of great use as a potential third party spoiler, but little use in destroying other Republican's viability. Also, Paul truly is scary to the elite of both parties as he is much farther from either party's elite than from the Republican front runner. However, there are reasons why the two parties' elite are so similar, and one of those reasons is that's where the votes are. Even those of us who are in favor of smaller government are typically not in favor of government THAT much smaller. I also find his foreign policy beyond the military to be simplistic (although attractive - I LIKE the idea of a new isolationism at a gut level) and his policy on borders and immigration to be suicidal.

I do give him credit though - like Kucinich, he is one of the very few politicians who is willing to put his ideology ahead of party and self, who will tell us what he thinks rather than what he thinks we want to hear.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2003
a) That is different from saying he gets more than all GOP candidates and the President combined, which is what SD said.

b) I'd like to see more data, as I said in my prior post, about how these numbers shook out over the duration of the campaign season in 2008.

I know the politifact article is from July 2011, but did you even look at it?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Newt Gingrich?, o gag, vomit, yeech yuck, yet he is now the GOP candidate front runner for for the GOP nomination for POTUS in 2012? How can that possibly be?

Maybe Gingrich opponents can take some comfort by examining the past four months of various GOP contenders for the GOP nomintion in the run up the Iowa cacasuses that are still a month away.

As the dominant recent lesson to be learned in the recent GOP dog, pony, and clown show, is that being the front runner is very hazardous the the heath of the front runner.
The first was Backmann who won the pre pre pre Iowas cacasues straw poll, and soon the GOP took a good look at her, and said anyone but her. Then everyone in the GOP went gaga over Rick Perryfor a while, until a closer GOP look found Perry was an idiot. Newt up was a more articujate Heman Cain who could not keep his rocket in his pocket.

That brings us up to Newt who has not ben front runner for long, as I suspect Newts rotten record will likewise become fatal to Newt's credibility bery soon.
Feb 10, 2000
I know the politifact article is from July 2011, but did you even look at it?

Yes, but donations that early in the process are meaningless IMO - some candidates had <$1,000 at the time that data was assembled.

As I said, I'm not pooh-poohing the fact that Paul draws well among military members - it's that very fact that I'd like to explore in more detail.


Nov 17, 2011
Gingrich is as unelectable as Obama was. We see that Americans, as a whole, are not very informed voters.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Michael Savage is now offering Newt Gingrich $1,000,000 to withdraw from the race, because he maintains he is unelectable - http://news.yahoo.com/talk-show-host-offers-newt-gingrich-1-million-014908204.html.

I find this whole situation high comedy.

Indeed. Gingrich will of course not take the money. He has boatloads of it from all his book royalty and other enterprises. Still, you have to laugh at this:

when he appears on TV "he will come off badly compared to Obama and look like nothing more than what he is: a fat, old, white man."


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Gingrich is not unelectable.

I wouldn't go so far as to say he's unelectable. I'd say he has less chance of beating Obama than does Romney. Then again, if we double dip next year, I'm of the opinion that even the worst of the current slate of candidates would have a chance.


May 1, 2006
Michael Savage is now offering Newt Gingrich $1,000,000 to withdraw from the race, because he maintains he is unelectable - http://news.yahoo.com/talk-show-host-offers-newt-gingrich-1-million-014908204.html.

I find this whole situation high comedy.

President Gingrich = George W. Bush becoming second worst president ever.

As for high comedy, you can see the humor in it, but it's a little like watching the rise of any horrible leader, the harm makes it less funny.

It's more dangerous and unfortunate we have so many bad citizens than funny.


Oct 9, 1999
Gingrich is the most intellectual, but I really think he's as liberal as Romney. Gingrich:
pushed for affirmative action;
supported Rockefeller over Goldwater;
pressured GA to take a confederate flag down;
supports raising the payroll tax;
supported gun control;
supported federal funding for abortion;
never supported overturning Roe V Wade;
supported Clinton's unbalanced budgets;
supported universal health care;
gave Clinton just about everything he wanted;
supports neoconservative foreign policy and democracy over liberty.

Gingrich is nothing but a clown.

Damn maybe I should vote for the Grinch


Oct 9, 1999
That being the case the amount of money received is around $114K, I don't think that shows he has a majority of support from military personnel.

Instead of posting a rinky dink chart why don't you post the REAL numbers of the campaign contributions to date.

Oh if you can read charts, you will notice that President Obama is BLOWING away the competition and if you look further you will notice that damn near 50&#37; of those contributions are from small donors.

What does small donors mean? Small Donors vote and Corporations don't ,Well that is true until the Right Wing Supreme court changes that provision next.



Golden Member
Oct 22, 2010
Instead of posting a rinky dink chart why don't you post the REAL numbers of the campaign contributions to date.

Oh if you can read charts, you will notice that President Obama is BLOWING away the competition and if you look further you will notice that damn near 50&#37; of those contributions are from small donors.

What does small donors mean? Small Donors vote and Corporations don't ,Well that is true until the Right Wing Supreme court changes that provision next.


Of course THE PRESIDENT is blowing away republican CANDIDATES for the nomination.

The funding is spread across 8 or so people. I would be quite surprised if one of them was out-raising Obama.


Oct 9, 1999
Of course THE PRESIDENT is blowing away republican CANDIDATES for the nomination.

The funding is spread across 8 or so people. I would be quite surprised if one of them was out-raising Obama.

I expect this trend to continue to Nov 2012 especially with a lead like this but I could be wrong with the Citizens United ruling.
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