We book a hotel room, they give it away, craziness ensues

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
A bunch of my friends were in town for the weekend, so we decided that on Saturday night, we would all stay at a hotel.

5:30PM: The whole thing was planned quickly, without much notice, so we didn't have any time to make reservations... We went to a couple hotels and soon found out that the whole city appeared to be booked. One of the hotels which turned us down took liberty to call their sister hotel, who happened to have ONE suite available.

7PM: We immediately drove to this other hotel, the Silverlake Inn (I think), and told them we would like to stay there. We asked for a key to check the room out, and they agreed. We all went up and agreed that the room looked great (not that we had many choices anyway), and promptly came back down to the office and told them we would take it (Keep in mind, we didn't leave anything in the room). She took down all of my information, except my credit card--I asked if she would like us to pay now, or later (a few more people were coming, so it would be easier to pay that way), and she said either way would be fine. I told her that if we paid later it would be a couple of hours--she said no problem.

We went to meet up with my other friends, had a few drinks, etc, then came back to our hotel at about 11PM. We decided to go strait to the room to unpack before going to the office to pay. I put the key in, but it didn't seem to be working... We were joking around about the locks being changed, etc, but then someone from inside opens the door and asks what we want... Shocked, we explain to him our situation, and show him our key. The guy in the room tells me that he checked in during the afternoon, but didn't arrive until 10. He calls the guy working at the office (different person at this point), who comes to assist us.

I end up walking with this guy, back to the office, and he keeps telling me that the situation is all my fault for not paying in advance. I explain to him the entire story, several times, and he just keeps telling me that we should not have been given a key, and we had to pay by 9PM--but since we didn't he checked the room out at 10:30...???
Even though I was upset and frustrated, I knew that they didn't have much to offer us since all of the rooms were booked, so I asked him to find a new hotel for us. He calls one, and finds out that they have one "large room" available, then hangs up the phone. The following went like this:

Him: "They have one room with a king size bed in it"
Me: "Okay. You guys are going to cover the cost, right?"
Him: "Umm.. no."
Me: "Well, you do realize that we are going through all of this trouble, because of a mistake made on your end, right?"
Him: "It wasn't my fault. I wasn't here"
Me: "Right.. I understand it wasn't your fault. But you are representing a company here."
Him: "It wouldn't have happened on my shift."
Me: "I get that part--but we are going through all of this because of a mistake that someone here made, and now we need compensation for it"
Him: "Not my problem."
Me: "Okay, in that case, you're going to have to call your manager so we can get this worked out"
Him: "Hmm... They're only going to hold that room for a few minutes"
Me: "Okay, then call the hotel back first and reserve it, then call your manager"
Him: "No--I've already done that, I'm not calling them back".
*He calls his manager, and explains the situation in a distorted sort of way, trying his hardest to place every bit of blame on us. The manager apparently says not to pay for our room, so he hangs up. While on the phone, a friend of mine asks for my keys so he can start loading my car. The guy gets off the phone, then calls security: "Hey, I need you down here immediately, they are stealing keys and refuse to leave, get them out".

"Security" shows up (who is really just some crack head looking guy with no teeth), and stands in the corner of the room listening. The guy who works behind the desk looks at me and says, "Give me the key, give me the key". I tell him that we already gave him back the room key. He asks for the key in my hand... I show him that I'm not holding keys, and that I had handed my car keys to my friend. At this point, the guy won't even make eye contact with me, he's just staring at his computer screen. I say, "Hey, if you wanted us to leave, you could have just asked.. You didn't need to call security", and he keeps coming back with, "You've wasted too much of my night, and you refuse to leave, I will have security escort you". I'm standing there just baffled... shocked. I look at the security guard and say, "Do you understand where I'm coming from here?". He tries to act all tough, and says, "I understand that this gentlemen is asking you to leave, and if you refuse, I will make you".

I walk out the door, and meet my friends in the other parking lot at my car. We're all standing there deciding what to do, where to go, etc. After a minute or two, the security guard and office guy come follow us out. The security guard takes off his coat and throws it on the ground. He comes up, about a foot from the three of us, and shouts:
Him: "Get the f*ck out of here, the cops are no their way"
Me: "Hey, we came out to our car, now we are just figuring out where to go..."
Him: "I've already told you once, and if you guys don't get the f*ck out of here, I am going to help you get the f*ck out"
Me: "You don't need to act all crazy man.. We understand. We already have come out to our car, now we're just trying to figure out what to do next"
Him: "The cops are on their f*cking way, you guys are f*cked"
*The office guy is standing about 20 feet behind. He says the security guards name a couple of times, trying to get him to calm down.
Him: "What the ****** are you guys going to do? Huh? You want to f*cking fight?"

After a few minutes of him acting like a complete psycho, he tells us one last time to get in the car, then walks off. Keep in mind, during this entire ordeal, we were acting 100% calm. Using normal voices, not swearing, and acting aggressive... And this guy comes out trying to do nothing but fight.

We left soon after that. We were all VERY angry, obviously.

I'm wondering, at this point, is there anything we can do? The office guy wouldn't let me speak to the manager, he told me I had to call her on Monday. Is there any way we could get a free room, or anything?

We book a hotel room at 7PM. The lady working there told us we could pay at any time during the night.
We come back to the hotel room at 11PM, to find people sleeping inside.
Guy who works there tells me its not his fault, and that we should have paid earlier.
He calls security on us.
Security guard tries to fight all three of us for NO reason whatsoever.


Mar 30, 2001
Find the hotel's corporate number, call them.
Raise a stink, if you have the guy at the counter's name let them know it.
Hopefuly you will get him and the security guard fired and get some free rooms out of the deal.


Oct 21, 2000
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.


Nov 23, 2002
This is exactly the time a cell phone w/ video is needed.
Then you might have a cause of action.
It's done and over, your word against theirs, I'ld say fuggedaboutit.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

They told us that people "check out" rooms all of the time.

Don't you pay *after* for all hotels? She just wanted a credit card on file, we were going to use a friends credit card who wasn't yet there. I specifically told her that if it would cause a problem, I was fine with using MY credit card. She insisted that we could use his later that night.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: AlienCraft
This is exactly the time a cell phone w/ video is needed.
Then you might have a cause of action.
It's done and over, your word against theirs, I'ld say fuggedaboutit.

Wow, I never even thought of that.... How perfect would that have been. This guys seriously looked so cracked out. He was acting like a complete psychopath.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: mrSHEiK124
Dude, BBB, plus, YOU should have called the cops.

We were thinking about it, or thinking about just waiting for them... But we decided that there was no point. They didn't have any available rooms.. so I don't think much would have been accomplished.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2003
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
Find the hotel's corporate number, call them.
Raise a stink, if you have the guy at the counter's name let them know it.
Hopefuly you will get him and the security guard fired and get some free rooms out of the deal.

I agree with sygyzy, and it seems that at this point, your best way out is to take CrackRabbit's suggestion


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: TheChort
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
Find the hotel's corporate number, call them.
Raise a stink, if you have the guy at the counter's name let them know it.
Hopefuly you will get him and the security guard fired and get some free rooms out of the deal.

I agree with sygyzy, and it seems that at this point, your best way out is to take CrackRabbit's suggestion



Golden Member
Feb 14, 2000
Why would you expect them to cover the cost of your room at a different hotel?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Call corporate, tell them what a bad experience you've had. Even better, write corporate a letter (on paper, not an email) and tell them what happened.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Tizyler
Originally posted by: Doodoo
Why would you expect them to cover the cost of your room at a different hotel?

Do you consider that unreasonable? I don't.

Even with the guy at the front desk being a bit of a d!ck, once he found a room at another hotel, I wouldn't have necessarily expected anything else. However, I would follow through on the suggestion to contact management on Monday, as well as finding and calling a corporate number as has been mentioned; I'm willing to bet they will offer some type of discount on your next stay with them.


Jul 14, 2000

sounds like the first clerk didnt go by hotel policy by allowing you to take a key, and telling you that youd get the room.

sucks :/

but ive been to hotels when the area was booked and made the mistake of saying "ill pay later" and losing the only room in the area.

if you dont pay, its not booked. its a difficult lesson to learn, as i wound up staying in a dumpy motel 40 miles away from where i needed to be, but i wont forget it, and i wont expect a business to hold anything for me if i havent paid for it and signed something.

i wouldnt expect them to cover my room elsewhere though because a desk clerk made a stupid mistake. i may expect the clerk fired, at best
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Tizyler
A bunch of my friends were in town for the weekend, so we decided that on Saturday night, we would all stay at a hotel.

5:30PM: The whole thing was planned quickly, without much notice, so we didn't have any time to make reservations... We went to a couple hotels and soon found out that the whole city appeared to be booked. One of the hotels which turned us down took liberty to call their sister hotel, who happened to have ONE suite available.

7PM: We immediately drove to this other hotel, the Silverlake Inn (I think), and told them we would like to stay there. We asked for a key to check the room out, and they agreed. We all went up and agreed that the room looked great (not that we had many choices anyway), and promptly came back down to the office and told them we would take it (Keep in mind, we didn't leave anything in the room). She took down all of my information, except my credit card--I asked if she would like us to pay now, or later (a few more people were coming, so it would be easier to pay that way), and she said either way would be fine. I told her that if we paid later it would be a couple of hours--she said no problem.

We went to meet up with my other friends, had a few drinks, etc, then came back to our hotel at about 11PM. We decided to go strait to the room to unpack before going to the office to pay. I put the key in, but it didn't seem to be working... We were joking around about the locks being changed, etc, but then someone from inside opens the door and asks what we want... Shocked, we explain to him our situation, and show him our key. The guy in the room tells me that he checked in during the afternoon, but didn't arrive until 10. He calls the guy working at the office (different person at this point), who comes to assist us.

I end up walking with this guy, back to the office, and he keeps telling me that the situation is all my fault for not paying in advance. I explain to him the entire story, several times, and he just keeps telling me that we should not have been given a key, and we had to pay by 9PM--but since we didn't he checked the room out at 10:30...???
Even though I was upset and frustrated, I knew that they didn't have much to offer us since all of the rooms were booked, so I asked him to find a new hotel for us. He calls one, and finds out that they have one "large room" available, then hangs up the phone. The following went like this:

Him: "They have one room with a king size bed in it"
Me: "Okay. You guys are going to cover the cost, right?"
Him: "Umm.. no."
Me: "Well, you do realize that we are going through all of this trouble, because of a mistake made on your end, right?"
Him: "It wasn't my fault. I wasn't here"
Me: "Right.. I understand it wasn't your fault. But you are representing a company here."
Him: "It wouldn't have happened on my shift."
Me: "I get that part--but we are going through all of this because of a mistake that someone here made, and now we need compensation for it"
Him: "Not my problem."
Me: "Okay, in that case, you're going to have to call your manager so we can get this worked out"
Him: "Hmm... They're only going to hold that room for a few minutes"
Me: "Okay, then call the hotel back first and reserve it, then call your manager"
Him: "No--I've already done that, I'm not calling them back".
*He calls his manager, and explains the situation in a distorted sort of way, trying his hardest to place every bit of blame on us. The manager apparently says not to pay for our room, so he hangs up. While on the phone, a friend of mine asks for my keys so he can start loading my car. The guy gets off the phone, then calls security: "Hey, I need you down here immediately, they are stealing keys and refuse to leave, get them out".

"Security" shows up (who is really just some crack head looking guy with no teeth), and stands in the corner of the room listening. The guy who works behind the desk looks at me and says, "Give me the key, give me the key". I tell him that we already gave him back the room key. He asks for the key in my hand... I show him that I'm not holding keys, and that I had handed my car keys to my friend. At this point, the guy won't even make eye contact with me, he's just staring at his computer screen. I say, "Hey, if you wanted us to leave, you could have just asked.. You didn't need to call security", and he keeps coming back with, "You've wasted too much of my night, and you refuse to leave, I will have security escort you". I'm standing there just baffled... shocked. I look at the security guard and say, "Do you understand where I'm coming from here?". He tries to act all tough, and says, "I understand that this gentlemen is asking you to leave, and if you refuse, I will make you".

I walk out the door, and meet my friends in the other parking lot at my car. We're all standing there deciding what to do, where to go, etc. After a minute or two, the security guard and office guy come follow us out. The security guard takes off his coat and throws it on the ground. He comes up, about a foot from the three of us, and shouts:
Him: "Get the f*ck out of here, the cops are no their way"
Me: "Hey, we came out to our car, now we are just figuring out where to go..."
Him: "I've already told you once, and if you guys don't get the f*ck out of here, I am going to help you get the f*ck out"
Me: "You don't need to act all crazy man.. We understand. We already have come out to our car, now we're just trying to figure out what to do next"
Him: "The cops are on their f*cking way, you guys are f*cked"
*The office guy is standing about 20 feet behind. He says the security guards name a couple of times, trying to get him to calm down.
Him: "What the ****** are you guys going to do? Huh? You want to f*cking fight?"

After a few minutes of him acting like a complete psycho, he tells us one last time to get in the car, then walks off. Keep in mind, during this entire ordeal, we were acting 100% calm. Using normal voices, not swearing, and acting aggressive... And this guy comes out trying to do nothing but fight.

We left soon after that. We were all VERY angry, obviously.

I'm wondering, at this point, is there anything we can do? The office guy wouldn't let me speak to the manager, he told me I had to call her on Monday. Is there any way we could get a free room, or anything?

We book a hotel room at 7PM. The lady working there told us we could pay at any time during the night.
We come back to the hotel room at 11PM, to find people sleeping inside.
Guy who works there tells me its not his fault, and that we should have paid earlier.
He calls security on us.
Security guard tries to fight all three of us for NO reason whatsoever.

Simple as hell: pull out your gun and shoot the security officer and the front desk worker for being assholes. People like that don't deserve to occupy space on my planet anyway. You'll go to jail of course, but you will have made the world a better place. When enough millions of assholes and idiots have died the rest of us will be able to go through life happily without having to deal with them. *queue butterflies, rainbow, and harp music*
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

I have never paid for a room until checkout. Ever. Many hundreds of hotel rooms, not once before checkout - it just isn't done.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Tizyler
Originally posted by: Doodoo
Why would you expect them to cover the cost of your room at a different hotel?

Do you consider that unreasonable? I don't.

Yes, I do. You have no right to a room whether you had a reservation or had an arrangement with the desk clerk. You didn't have a CC on file, so I cannot fathom how they would be responsible for getting you another room OR paying for it.

Their Customer Service sounds crappy, but you wouldn't have been owed any compensation just by them checking out your room to another guest. You didn't have it reserved yet with a CC, and for all they knew you weren't ever coming back.

After the way the security and front desk guy acted I see you have a reason for compensation from the company, but why would you want it? Seems like they hire morons, so how nice could their other properties be?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

I have never paid for a room until checkout. Ever. Many hundreds of hotel rooms, not once before checkout - it just isn't done.

Yeah, I don't understand this either. All you do at check-in is just let them make a copy of your CC and that's it. You can pay by whatever form of payment you desire when you check out. The CC is just there for damages, if you walk out, or something else crazy happens. "Paying first" is something I've simply never heard of.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
For what it's worth, a similar thing happened to me. My wife and I had a hotel room reserved, with a credit card. Called them in advance to let them know we'd arrive late - very late. No problem at all, since we had a CC. Got there, (6am), checked in, got our key card, went to the room, opened the door, and the television was on. Ooops! Uhhh, we're not sharing a room with strangers! I commented that aren't they supposed to change the codes on those cards? Back to the desk, they apologized and upgraded our room.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
I probably would have paid for a soda at the soda machine, got enough for all of my friends, and just hung out in the lobby until the cops arrived. You have made a purchase at the place and they have tables and chairs there for use. You sit around and wait for the cops to arrive. Don't be beligerant or A-holish. If the security guy came around to demand that you leave, you point out that you have made a purchase of a product offered by the hotel and are sitting on the chairs that the hotel provided for. When the guy goes psycho on you, the video camera's inside the lobby would have it on tape. Your evidence would then be made available once your attorney gets ahold of it.


Jul 2, 2005
Your best bet is to write a letter to the corporate HQ for the chain, and file a complaint with the BBB. If you just want to exact revenge, wait around for a while until you see the ahole you dealt with leave. Find out which vehicle he drives. Let your imagination run wild.....
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