We book a hotel room, they give it away, craziness ensues

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Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Mill
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

I have never paid for a room until checkout. Ever. Many hundreds of hotel rooms, not once before checkout - it just isn't done.

Yeah, I don't understand this either. All you do at check-in is just let them make a copy of your CC and that's it. You can pay by whatever form of payment you desire when you check out. The CC is just there for damages, if you walk out, or something else crazy happens. "Paying first" is something I've simply never heard of.

There are sometimes rates available when booking a room online that require you to pay ahead of time. Under most (normal) circumstances, a CC is required up front only to hold a reservation, and it does not get charged until you check out.

I agree with you, Mill, that the hotel is in no way obligated to pay for the other hotel room. It is certainly not unreasonable to expect a hotel to try and locate a similarly priced room nearby if they are unable to fulfill your reservation, but you should not expect to get a free room out of it, especially if you are not a frequently visiting customer.


Jan 31, 2005
Sounds like the attendant made a mistake. She should have taken your information and reserved the room in your name the moment you agreed to it. It sounds like everything else worked according to plan, but she just forgot to reserve the room and after her shift ended, someone else gave the room to another guy.


Nov 20, 1999
based on the description you just gave, you must have found the most ghetto 'hotel' in the whole country. Congrats.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Tizyler
Originally posted by: sygyzy
While I think that the hotel sucks and the security guard should definitely be reprimanded ...

I have never heard of a guest asking to "check out" a room. I have never heard of a hotel agreeing AND letting the guest(s) go check it out unattended. I've also never heard of agreeing to a room at a hotel you are present at (not arriving to at a later time) and not paying.

They told us that people "check out" rooms all of the time.

Don't you pay *after* for all hotels? She just wanted a credit card on file, we were going to use a friends credit card who wasn't yet there. I specifically told her that if it would cause a problem, I was fine with using MY credit card. She insisted that we could use his later that night.

i'm one of those ppl who "checks out" a room--u have a right to see what your room looks & smells like before staying the night. and in most cases, the front desk person will give me a slew of room #s to see, so i can choose which room i want....i usually just have to leave my driver's license while i'm doing this.


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
My take on this - next time you tell a hotel clerk that you will return in a couple of hours to pay, it looks like you might actually have to return in that couple of hours if you want your room. You didn't come back for 4 hours and they gave the room away after 3 1/2.

I see nothing wrong with asking to see a room, but when you've already determined that the hotels are all booked and there is only 1 room available at all, what's the point? What were you going to do if you didn't like it?

Sounds like the hotel could have handled things better (especially the security thing), but so could you. I don't see why they should pay for your room elsewhere, especially considering you wanted that BEFORE the security flap.

Just curious. How many of you were planning to sleep in this one room? You've indicated at least 5.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
forget about the whole thing

if it is a national company, write a letter to corporate headquarters/the President and they'll send you some coupons

otherwise, you have a nice internet story


Senior member
Aug 30, 2006
Well, I don't understand how you expected them to pay for your room at another hotel????? Since you hadn't placed the room on your credit card to hold the room, it was not reserved. You should have put the room on your card and when it was time to check out, you could have told them that you wanted to pay an alternate way. So, you really didn't have an argument. It's unfortunate, but hopefully you've learned your lesson from this experience.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: NuAlphaMan
Well, I don't understand how you expected them to pay for your room at another hotel????? Since you hadn't placed the room on your credit card to hold the room, it was not reserved. You should have put the room on your card and when it was time to check out, you could have told them that you wanted to pay an alternate way. So, you really didn't have an argument. It's unfortunate, but hopefully you've learned your lesson from this experience.

QFT...without a CC on file you had no room. The CC on file does not have to be the one used for the costs either, you can change that at check in. I have no idea why the first person didnt ask for the key back at that point. Also that late at night, you better get whatever room you are looking at when you do...and a couple hours later to pay would have been around 9pm...not 4 hours later at 11pm. How long did you expect to wait for you to come back with nothing financial to cover anything?

Throughout your description of the events; you seem very threatening and expect everything to be your way even at the last minute.

However this about sums it up :Me: "I get that part--but we are going through all of this because of a mistake that someone here made, and now we need compensation for it"

About the guy that checked in in the afternoon...more than likely he was not assigned a room number at that time. The hotel knows how many of X style rooms they have and place them as the reserver's come in. There were probably 2 rooms available up until 9pm which was what you verbally told the originally attendant (7pm + a couple hours).

I would say you wasted a lot of peoples time...including your own.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
You messed up, you can't walk into a hotel at 11PM and expect to have a room that you didn't book at 7PM. It was nice of them to call the other hotel for you, but under no circumstances are they even remotely required to do this, nor are they required to pay for your room. I'm sorry that happened to you, but you completely mishandled the situation and are pretty lucky that the cops didn't take you away for trespassing.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
As others have pointed out: without a credit card (or a significant cash deposit if the hotel even allows that) on file, you did not have the room. Most hotels don't charge your card until checkout although I've been in a few that need you to reconcil your bill every two weeks. Often times they will put a hold charge on your card but that is withdrawn at checkout when the actual bill is paid.

I've stayed in a few hotels that made you pay up front but they are usually the small mom and pop places or the high throughput tourist traps.



Golden Member
Feb 2, 2006
Do you see the pattern here? OP has no reservation, so they call around until the find a hotel with a room available. They find one, bBut the don't take yet, they want to check it out. OP apparently does not understand that beggars can't be choosers. They take the room, but tell the clerk they can't pay for a couple hours and leave. When they get back at 11 PM, the room they did not pay for is no longer available. Do people really expect a Hotel to hold a room without payment or a reservation? Oh, but it does not end there. Now the OP wants someone else to find a room elsewhere and pay for it. WOW, does somebody need a lesson in responsibility? Sounds like the OP has had everything handed to him by his parents, and does not understand how the real world works.

EDIT: Actually, having now glanced thru other's responses, most of you did see it the same way as I do.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: Tizyler
A bunch of my friends were in town for the weekend, so we decided that on Saturday night, we would all stay at a hotel.

5:30PM: The whole thing was planned quickly, without much notice, so we didn't have any time to make reservations... We went to a couple hotels and soon found out that the whole city appeared to be booked. One of the hotels which turned us down took liberty to call their sister hotel, who happened to have ONE suite available.

7PM: We immediately drove to this other hotel, the Silverlake Inn (I think), and told them we would like to stay there. We asked for a key to check the room out, and they agreed. We all went up and agreed that the room looked great (not that we had many choices anyway), and promptly came back down to the office and told them we would take it (Keep in mind, we didn't leave anything in the room). She took down all of my information, except my credit card--I asked if she would like us to pay now, or later (a few more people were coming, so it would be easier to pay that way), and she said either way would be fine. I told her that if we paid later it would be a couple of hours--she said no problem.

We went to meet up with my other friends, had a few drinks, etc, then came back to our hotel at about 11PM. We decided to go strait to the room to unpack before going to the office to pay. I put the key in, but it didn't seem to be working... We were joking around about the locks being changed, etc, but then someone from inside opens the door and asks what we want... Shocked, we explain to him our situation, and show him our key. The guy in the room tells me that he checked in during the afternoon, but didn't arrive until 10. He calls the guy working at the office (different person at this point), who comes to assist us.

I end up walking with this guy, back to the office, and he keeps telling me that the situation is all my fault for not paying in advance. I explain to him the entire story, several times, and he just keeps telling me that we should not have been given a key, and we had to pay by 9PM--but since we didn't he checked the room out at 10:30...???
Even though I was upset and frustrated, I knew that they didn't have much to offer us since all of the rooms were booked, so I asked him to find a new hotel for us. He calls one, and finds out that they have one "large room" available, then hangs up the phone. The following went like this:

Him: "They have one room with a king size bed in it"
Me: "Okay. You guys are going to cover the cost, right?"
Him: "Umm.. no."
Me: "Well, you do realize that we are going through all of this trouble, because of a mistake made on your end, right?"
Him: "It wasn't my fault. I wasn't here"
Me: "Right.. I understand it wasn't your fault. But you are representing a company here."
Him: "It wouldn't have happened on my shift."
Me: "I get that part--but we are going through all of this because of a mistake that someone here made, and now we need compensation for it"
Him: "Not my problem."
Me: "Okay, in that case, you're going to have to call your manager so we can get this worked out"
Him: "Hmm... They're only going to hold that room for a few minutes"
Me: "Okay, then call the hotel back first and reserve it, then call your manager"
Him: "No--I've already done that, I'm not calling them back".
*He calls his manager, and explains the situation in a distorted sort of way, trying his hardest to place every bit of blame on us. The manager apparently says not to pay for our room, so he hangs up. While on the phone, a friend of mine asks for my keys so he can start loading my car. The guy gets off the phone, then calls security: "Hey, I need you down here immediately, they are stealing keys and refuse to leave, get them out".

"Security" shows up (who is really just some crack head looking guy with no teeth), and stands in the corner of the room listening. The guy who works behind the desk looks at me and says, "Give me the key, give me the key". I tell him that we already gave him back the room key. He asks for the key in my hand... I show him that I'm not holding keys, and that I had handed my car keys to my friend. At this point, the guy won't even make eye contact with me, he's just staring at his computer screen. I say, "Hey, if you wanted us to leave, you could have just asked.. You didn't need to call security", and he keeps coming back with, "You've wasted too much of my night, and you refuse to leave, I will have security escort you". I'm standing there just baffled... shocked. I look at the security guard and say, "Do you understand where I'm coming from here?". He tries to act all tough, and says, "I understand that this gentlemen is asking you to leave, and if you refuse, I will make you".

I walk out the door, and meet my friends in the other parking lot at my car. We're all standing there deciding what to do, where to go, etc. After a minute or two, the security guard and office guy come follow us out. The security guard takes off his coat and throws it on the ground. He comes up, about a foot from the three of us, and shouts:
Him: "Get the f*ck out of here, the cops are no their way"
Me: "Hey, we came out to our car, now we are just figuring out where to go..."
Him: "I've already told you once, and if you guys don't get the f*ck out of here, I am going to help you get the f*ck out"
Me: "You don't need to act all crazy man.. We understand. We already have come out to our car, now we're just trying to figure out what to do next"
Him: "The cops are on their f*cking way, you guys are f*cked"
*The office guy is standing about 20 feet behind. He says the security guards name a couple of times, trying to get him to calm down.
Him: "What the ****** are you guys going to do? Huh? You want to f*cking fight?"

After a few minutes of him acting like a complete psycho, he tells us one last time to get in the car, then walks off. Keep in mind, during this entire ordeal, we were acting 100% calm. Using normal voices, not swearing, and acting aggressive... And this guy comes out trying to do nothing but fight.

We left soon after that. We were all VERY angry, obviously.

I'm wondering, at this point, is there anything we can do? The office guy wouldn't let me speak to the manager, he told me I had to call her on Monday. Is there any way we could get a free room, or anything?

We book a hotel room at 7PM. The lady working there told us we could pay at any time during the night.
We come back to the hotel room at 11PM, to find people sleeping inside.
Guy who works there tells me its not his fault, and that we should have paid earlier.
He calls security on us.
Security guard tries to fight all three of us for NO reason whatsoever.

Simple as hell: pull out your gun and shoot the security officer and the front desk worker for being assholes. People like that don't deserve to occupy space on my planet anyway. You'll go to jail of course, but you will have made the world a better place. When enough millions of assholes and idiots have died the rest of us will be able to go through life happily without having to deal with them. *queue butterflies, rainbow, and harp music*

These workers have probably experienced things where that kind of situation nearly occurred. It's late at night, you got a group of pissed off people, you're outnumbered, and likely totally oblivious to what's going on. Sucks to be put in the OPs situation, but Service Workers don't want to be on the frontpage of tomorrows Newspaper and just another statistic.

That said, the OP should definitely call Management and explain his side. Someone at the Hotel messed up and Management would certainly like to finetune things to prevent this from occurring again. Who knows, they may even offer the OP some kind of compensation, though it will likely just be a Discount or some other small thing.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
what probably happened was there was a shift change, the other guy didnt see you come back after a couple of hours like you said and figured you found somewhere else to stay so released the room and didnt bother telling the other guy about you.

without a financial commitement from you I don't see why the clerk would have expected for you to come back, especially if you did not come back like you had stated after a couple of hours



Moderator<br>Computer Help
Mar 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Tizyler
A bunch of my friends were in town for the weekend, so we decided that on Saturday night, we would all stay at a hotel.

5:30PM: The whole thing was planned quickly, without much notice, so we didn't have any time to make reservations... We went to a couple hotels and soon found out that the whole city appeared to be booked. One of the hotels which turned us down took liberty to call their sister hotel, who happened to have ONE suite available.

7PM: We immediately drove to this other hotel, the Silverlake Inn (I think), and told them we would like to stay there. We asked for a key to check the room out, and they agreed. We all went up and agreed that the room looked great (not that we had many choices anyway), and promptly came back down to the office and told them we would take it (Keep in mind, we didn't leave anything in the room). She took down all of my information, except my credit card--I asked if she would like us to pay now, or later (a few more people were coming, so it would be easier to pay that way), and she said either way would be fine. I told her that if we paid later it would be a couple of hours--she said no problem.

We went to meet up with my other friends, had a few drinks, etc, then came back to our hotel at about 11PM. We decided to go strait to the room to unpack before going to the office to pay. I put the key in, but it didn't seem to be working... We were joking around about the locks being changed, etc, but then someone from inside opens the door and asks what we want... Shocked, we explain to him our situation, and show him our key. The guy in the room tells me that he checked in during the afternoon, but didn't arrive until 10. He calls the guy working at the office (different person at this point), who comes to assist us.

I end up walking with this guy, back to the office, and he keeps telling me that the situation is all my fault for not paying in advance. I explain to him the entire story, several times, and he just keeps telling me that we should not have been given a key, and we had to pay by 9PM--but since we didn't he checked the room out at 10:30...???
Even though I was upset and frustrated, I knew that they didn't have much to offer us since all of the rooms were booked, so I asked him to find a new hotel for us. He calls one, and finds out that they have one "large room" available, then hangs up the phone. The following went like this:

Him: "They have one room with a king size bed in it"
Me: "Okay. You guys are going to cover the cost, right?"
Him: "Umm.. no."
Me: "Well, you do realize that we are going through all of this trouble, because of a mistake made on your end, right?"
Him: "It wasn't my fault. I wasn't here"
Me: "Right.. I understand it wasn't your fault. But you are representing a company here."
Him: "It wouldn't have happened on my shift."
Me: "I get that part--but we are going through all of this because of a mistake that someone here made, and now we need compensation for it"
Him: "Not my problem."
Me: "Okay, in that case, you're going to have to call your manager so we can get this worked out"
Him: "Hmm... They're only going to hold that room for a few minutes"
Me: "Okay, then call the hotel back first and reserve it, then call your manager"
Him: "No--I've already done that, I'm not calling them back".
*He calls his manager, and explains the situation in a distorted sort of way, trying his hardest to place every bit of blame on us. The manager apparently says not to pay for our room, so he hangs up. While on the phone, a friend of mine asks for my keys so he can start loading my car. The guy gets off the phone, then calls security: "Hey, I need you down here immediately, they are stealing keys and refuse to leave, get them out".

"Security" shows up (who is really just some crack head looking guy with no teeth), and stands in the corner of the room listening. The guy who works behind the desk looks at me and says, "Give me the key, give me the key". I tell him that we already gave him back the room key. He asks for the key in my hand... I show him that I'm not holding keys, and that I had handed my car keys to my friend. At this point, the guy won't even make eye contact with me, he's just staring at his computer screen. I say, "Hey, if you wanted us to leave, you could have just asked.. You didn't need to call security", and he keeps coming back with, "You've wasted too much of my night, and you refuse to leave, I will have security escort you". I'm standing there just baffled... shocked. I look at the security guard and say, "Do you understand where I'm coming from here?". He tries to act all tough, and says, "I understand that this gentlemen is asking you to leave, and if you refuse, I will make you".

I walk out the door, and meet my friends in the other parking lot at my car. We're all standing there deciding what to do, where to go, etc. After a minute or two, the security guard and office guy come follow us out. The security guard takes off his coat and throws it on the ground. He comes up, about a foot from the three of us, and shouts:
Him: "Get the f*ck out of here, the cops are no their way"
Me: "Hey, we came out to our car, now we are just figuring out where to go..."
Him: "I've already told you once, and if you guys don't get the f*ck out of here, I am going to help you get the f*ck out"
Me: "You don't need to act all crazy man.. We understand. We already have come out to our car, now we're just trying to figure out what to do next"
Him: "The cops are on their f*cking way, you guys are f*cked"
*The office guy is standing about 20 feet behind. He says the security guards name a couple of times, trying to get him to calm down.
Him: "What the ****** are you guys going to do? Huh? You want to f*cking fight?"

After a few minutes of him acting like a complete psycho, he tells us one last time to get in the car, then walks off. Keep in mind, during this entire ordeal, we were acting 100% calm. Using normal voices, not swearing, and acting aggressive... And this guy comes out trying to do nothing but fight.

We left soon after that. We were all VERY angry, obviously.

I'm wondering, at this point, is there anything we can do? The office guy wouldn't let me speak to the manager, he told me I had to call her on Monday. Is there any way we could get a free room, or anything?

We book a hotel room at 7PM. The lady working there told us we could pay at any time during the night.
We come back to the hotel room at 11PM, to find people sleeping inside.
Guy who works there tells me its not his fault, and that we should have paid earlier.
He calls security on us.
Security guard tries to fight all three of us for NO reason whatsoever.

You messed up here man, you cannot expect them to hold a room for four hours with no payment or CC on file. You said a couple of hours not four. Totally your fault.


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Tizyler
Originally posted by: Doodoo
Why would you expect them to cover the cost of your room at a different hotel?

Do you consider that unreasonable? I don't.

Yeah, it is unreasonable. If the cost of the room at the other hotel was higher, it would be reasonable to expect them to cover the difference, but not the whole thing.

If you don't have a credit card on file with them, there was nothing stopping you from later deciding to go somewhere else. Then the hotel would have had an empty room that could have been rented out. You should have given them your card, but then at check out, request they charge your friend's card. Hotels do this all the time.



Apr 5, 2002
Security Guards are notoriously aggressive, anti-social and uneducated. No need for revenge on him. He lives his punishment every day of his life.
I do not know the laws of security people physically removing you from their building, but if it were me and I was that pissed off about it, I would have stayed in the lobby and waited on the police.


May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: edro
Security Guards are notoriously aggressive, anti-social and uneducated. No need for revenge on him. He lives his punishment every day of his life.
I do not know the laws of security people physically removing you from their building, but if it were me and I was that pissed off about it, I would have stayed in the lobby and waited on the police.

I had a friend who said that security guards are people who couldn't become cops because they couldn't pass the psychological assessment.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2000
This is why at least 1 person should have a camcorder with them at all times when traveling in a large group. Crap like this always happens.

If you had a videotape of the entire incident from beginning to end, I guess you could send it to a news station and have the hotel publicly shamed?

Next time, book the room in advance.

I don't know about you, but of all the times I've traveled, I've always had to pay for the room when they gave me the key, not when I checked out. Someone at the hotel screwed up.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: edro
Security Guards are notoriously aggressive, anti-social and uneducated. No need for revenge on him. He lives his punishment every day of his life.
I do not know the laws of security people physically removing you from their building, but if it were me and I was that pissed off about it, I would have stayed in the lobby and waited on the police.

Well, that is sometimes true, but I wouldn't count on it. It depends a lot on what kind of security they're working, what state, etc. For instance at the hospital where I worked there were 14 of us. Aggressive types weren't allowed there so we were all laid back. Just over half of us had degrees, 2 of them with Masters. More than half were ex-military (which is very common). There are a few choice positions that are actually decent careers (the best job of my life was in security).

Most places prefer security to not engage. You give them the trespass notice, wait the required time (5 minutes in this state), then call the cops and have them arrested for criminal trespass. There are some places that prefer hands-on though (most usually bars, clubs, etc).
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: sm8000
Originally posted by: edro
Security Guards are notoriously aggressive, anti-social and uneducated. No need for revenge on him. He lives his punishment every day of his life.
I do not know the laws of security people physically removing you from their building, but if it were me and I was that pissed off about it, I would have stayed in the lobby and waited on the police.

I had a friend who said that security guards are people who couldn't become cops because they couldn't pass the psychological assessment.

I've only met a couple that could fit that description. Most don't want anything to do with law enforcement.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Let me clear this up, some of you seem to be confused.

I understand completely that without a credit card on file, I have no official reservation. The important part of this story was the fact that *after* we looked at the room, we came directly back to the front office. I made sure to *clearly* ask the attendant if putting down a CC later would be of any problem. She said no. I repeated the question, even more clearer, "if it is going to cause any problem at all, I can put down a CC now--we won't be back for a few hours." She insisted that this would be NO problem whatsoever.

A lot of you have figured out what happened--a shift change. Obviously the first attendant didn't clearly discuss the matter with the second. The first one DID understand what was happening, and may have broken policy for pretty much no reason. The second one just gave the room away.

I had the second attendant call the first to get details. While on the phone, the girl who had originally helped us was completely playing dumb. She was even changing her story on the phone to the guy who was then working--saying stuff like, we didn't even come back after looking at the room... then changing it up and saying that we did, but we weren't clear, etc..

I have obviously learned a lesson here--always to put down some form of payment from the get go... But when an attendant insists that there is no problem, I will in many cases take their word for it.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: edro
Security Guards are notoriously aggressive, anti-social and uneducated. No need for revenge on him. He lives his punishment every day of his life.
I do not know the laws of security people physically removing you from their building, but if it were me and I was that pissed off about it, I would have stayed in the lobby and waited on the police.

We almost did... but after talking about it for a few minutes, we decided that it wouldn't actually accomplish anything, and we would just be wasting even more of our night.
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