We need to put an end to the war


Senior member
Oct 12, 2002

How many more troops are going to die? Does Bush really think we are winning? We have found nothing, won nothing, and we are giving lives for nothing!!!

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: buckmasterson

How many more troops are going to die? Does Bush really think we are winning? We have found nothing, won nothing, and we are giving lives for nothing!!!
What do you mean nothing, we Liberated those assholes who were dancing in the street with joy immediately after 9/11!



Senior member
Oct 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: buckmasterson

How many more troops are going to die? Does Bush really think we are winning? We have found nothing, won nothing, and we are giving lives for nothing!!!
What do you mean nothing, we Liberated those assholes who were dancing in the street with joy immediately after 9/11!

You nailed it. Our troops are getting killed and will continue to die because of what? Did we learn nothing from Vietnam? Do we really think there will be a better Iraq because of us? Think about it, we impeach a president for lying about a woman in the White House, then George W put's us at war for no reason and he's a hero?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: buckmasterson
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: buckmasterson

How many more troops are going to die? Does Bush really think we are winning? We have found nothing, won nothing, and we are giving lives for nothing!!!
What do you mean nothing, we Liberated those assholes who were dancing in the street with joy immediately after 9/11!

You nailed it. Our troops are getting killed and will continue to die because of what? Did we learn nothing from Vietnam? Do we really think there will be a better Iraq because of us? Think about it, we impeach a president for lying about a woman in the White House, then George W put's us at war for no reason and he's a hero?

Hey, leave my hero alone, he captured that guy that was going to unleash WMD on us.



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.


Nov 11, 1999
Hush yo' mouf', boy- War is good fo' Bidness, and whatever is good fo' Bidness is good fo' 'merika.... Bring it awn! Kee-ill!


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: maluckey
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.

These would be the same people calling Bush a butcher if we pulled out of Iraq and 10's or 100's of thousands of people died in Civil War.. "Get out now"... Ok, what exactly is the PLAN for doing that? How can we do that without causing the deaths of 10's of thousands in Iraq? If you are gonna make the argument that we need to get out, you should provide some means of doing it successfully. You can't say we should have never went in, because we are there, thats done...

So Buck, Dave, Red, others.. who think we should get out.. how exactly do we do this without throwing Iraq into a civil war? Or do Iraqi lives mean nothing?

Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned with the thousands of people who die each day from Walmart? Walmart is slaughtering whole cities, and you guys sit around here and do nothing...

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: maluckey
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.

These would be the same people calling Bush a butcher if we pulled out of Iraq and 10's or 100's of thousands of people died in Civil War.. "Get out now"... Ok, what exactly is the PLAN for doing that? How can we do that without causing the deaths of 10's of thousands in Iraq? If you are gonna make the argument that we need to get out, you should provide some means of doing it successfully. You can't say we should have never went in, because we are there, thats done...

So Buck, Dave, Red, others.. who think we should get out.. how exactly do we do this without throwing Iraq into a civil war? Or do Iraqi lives mean nothingBesides, shouldn't you be more concerned with the thousands of people who die each day from Walmart? Walmart is slaughtering who cities, and you guys sit around here and do nothing...
Well asshat, I'm not calling for a pullout. In fact I think we should bolster our presence and become more agressive now that we've screwed the pooch by going in there under false pretenses. As for the Iraqi's,I care for them as much as they care for us!


Sep 15, 2002
Wow, complaining about on a online forum is really going to help! Your complaining about 3 soldiers dying in a volunteer Army! THE END OF AMERICAS GREAT ARMY IS HERE!


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: maluckey
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.
These would be the same people calling Bush a butcher if we pulled out of Iraq and 10's or 100's of thousands of people died in Civil War.. "Get out now"... Ok, what exactly is the PLAN for doing that? How can we do that without causing the deaths of 10's of thousands in Iraq? If you are gonna make the argument that we need to get out, you should provide some means of doing it successfully. You can't say we should have never went in, because we are there, thats done...

So Buck, Dave, Red, others.. who think we should get out.. how exactly do we do this without throwing Iraq into a civil war? Or do Iraqi lives mean nothing?

Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned with the thousands of people who die each day from Walmart? Walmart is slaughtering whole cities, and you guys sit around here and do nothing...
I agree with maluckey that we cannot just pull out. Doing so would be dangerous for us and devastating for the people of Iraq.

I do NOT agree we may not express our unhappiness with the situation in Iraq without proposing a plan to leave. With all due respect gentlemen, whatever happened to personal responsibilitly? Assuming you support the invasion, we didn't get us into your mess, so why are we obligated to bail you out? Show us that vaunted personal responsibility and propose your own solutions. Don't get snippy with us if we continue to exercise our First Amendment rights to criticize.

More to the point, Bush got us into this mess. He should have had an exit strategy in hand before we went in, and he damn well needs to shoulder the blame for dumping us there and the responsibility for getting us out.

And Crimson, sorry, but we should NOT have gone in in the first place; this is one of many reasons why. It's much easier to get into a mess than it is to get out of it. That's why an invasion should have been the absolute last choice. Bush was too eager to charge in with guns blazing, and now he and his supporters need to show the integrity to accept responsiblity for his recklessness. If hearing about it makes you unhappy, tough. Stop shooting the messenger and start placing responsibility where it belongs -- on the head of your leader.

IMO, of course.



Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Tabb
Wow, complaining about on a online forum is really going to help! Your complaining about 3 soldiers dying in a volunteer Army! THE END OF AMERICAS GREAT ARMY IS HERE!
Then why are you here?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: maluckey
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.

These would be the same people calling Bush a butcher if we pulled out of Iraq and 10's or 100's of thousands of people died in Civil War.. "Get out now"... Ok, what exactly is the PLAN for doing that? How can we do that without causing the deaths of 10's of thousands in Iraq? If you are gonna make the argument that we need to get out, you should provide some means of doing it successfully. You can't say we should have never went in, because we are there, thats done...

So Buck, Dave, Red, others.. who think we should get out.. how exactly do we do this without throwing Iraq into a civil war? Or do Iraqi lives mean nothingBesides, shouldn't you be more concerned with the thousands of people who die each day from Walmart? Walmart is slaughtering who cities, and you guys sit around here and do nothing...
Well asshat, I'm not calling for a pullout. In fact I think we should bolster our presence and become more agressive now that we've screwed the pooch by going in there under false pretenses. As for the Iraqi's,I care for them as much as they care for us!

Ditto - I never said we should just pull out either. Another one of those "Experts" that put words in others mouths, how brilliant, why didn't I think of that


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There is some recent article written, I think by Richard, is it Pearl, and some other neocon in which they propose we go after Syria and Korea and China, I guess anybody that could threaten the new American century. Now wouldn't the world be a wonderful place rid entirely of dictators and others like Saddam who are basically walking garbage. Is this not something like a Faustian bargain, I don't really know the exact definition of that allusion, but isn't it like one of the kinds of things that tempt people to power, the opportunity to use might for good. So the question I have is, "Is it possible to use might to achieve good?" Would the world be better off rid of monsters who have power, or is it more like the monster walks among us seducing us with power and turning us into monsters in the process. Can a beneficent dictator save the world, or only unite it in such a way that evil can control all centrally? Are you sure you know, so that how you act helps the right side?

I have written the above in a short hand fashion for the sake of brevity. Try not to focus on terms like evil and monsters and see this more generally and in parallel terms appropriate to your liking. Address it the thematically if you do, that is, and don't nit pick the words.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Tabb
Wow, complaining about on a online forum is really going to help! Your complaining about 3 soldiers dying in a volunteer Army! THE END OF AMERICAS GREAT ARMY IS HERE!

It is NO LONGER a volunteer army when soldiers are not allowed to leave/retire.

Do you know how many "two weekends per month" men and women are now serving A FULL YEAR there????

Motherfvckers signed up after 9/11 to HUNT Osama NOT SADDAM

If nobody is going to care for the soldiers then why the fvck should they care for us


Senior member
Oct 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Tabb
Wow, complaining about on a online forum is really going to help! Your complaining about 3 soldiers dying in a volunteer Army! THE END OF AMERICAS GREAT ARMY IS HERE!

One of our troops is too many, given the reason they are there. This whole thing is based on lies by Bush.

I wish their was something we could do besides write about it in a forum. Problem is there are too many people who don't care about the death of our Troops. I guess it's nothing to some people to watch them die for our President's lies.

Had we invested this money in finding Bin-Laden, we could at least have a reason to fight. But no, this was baby george's present to is daddy at the cost of American and British lives.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Bowfinger He should have had an exit strategy in hand before we went in, and he damn well needs to shoulder the blame for dumping us there and the responsibility for getting us out.

How does anyone have an exit strategy when they go to war? A war could turn so many different directions so quickly that it would be impossible to make a sufficient number of predictions to have a working exit strategy.

I think our strategy is to get the Iraqi's governing themselves and then get out. So far we are working as fast as possible to do this. Our governement wasn't created in 30, 60 or 90 days, so it's foolish to think we were going to go in, whoop ass, and leave within a few weeks with the Iraqis completely governing themselves.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Tabb
Wow, complaining about on a online forum is really going to help! Your complaining about 3 soldiers dying in a volunteer Army! THE END OF AMERICAS GREAT ARMY IS HERE!

It is NO LONGER a volunteer army when soldiers are not allowed to leave/retire.

Do you know how many "two weekends per month" men and women are now serving A FULL YEAR there????

Motherfvckers signed up after 9/11 to HUNT Osama NOT SADDAM

If nobody is going to care for the soldiers then why the fvck should they care for us

You do realize that when people enlist in the military they are told that they lose some civil rights correct? This includes the fact that the military can pull you back into active duty pretty much any damn time they please, or hold you longer than your agreement. Again, don't like that, don't join up. Believe me, every current and former member of the military knows this fact. And its even more amazing is that they put up with it, and defend our country while I sit at home and watch the Packers play. God bless them all.



Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: Crimson
Originally posted by: maluckey
So how are you going to stop it without getting more killed? Complaining is great for you, but does nothing to fix anything for anyone else. Put up suggestions or something other than whining. It's unbecoming in an adult.
These would be the same people calling Bush a butcher if we pulled out of Iraq and 10's or 100's of thousands of people died in Civil War.. "Get out now"... Ok, what exactly is the PLAN for doing that? How can we do that without causing the deaths of 10's of thousands in Iraq? If you are gonna make the argument that we need to get out, you should provide some means of doing it successfully. You can't say we should have never went in, because we are there, thats done...

So Buck, Dave, Red, others.. who think we should get out.. how exactly do we do this without throwing Iraq into a civil war? Or do Iraqi lives mean nothing?

Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned with the thousands of people who die each day from Walmart? Walmart is slaughtering whole cities, and you guys sit around here and do nothing...
I agree with maluckey that we cannot just pull out. Doing so would be dangerous for us and devastating for the people of Iraq.

I do NOT agree we may not express our unhappiness with the situation in Iraq without proposing a plan to leave. With all due respect gentlemen, whatever happened to personal responsibilitly? Assuming you support the invasion, we didn't get us into your mess, so why are we obligated to bail you out? Show us that vaunted personal responsibility and propose your own solutions. Don't get snippy with us if we continue to exercise our First Amendment rights to criticize.

More to the point, Bush got us into this mess. He should have had an exit strategy in hand before we went in, and he damn well needs to shoulder the blame for dumping us there and the responsibility for getting us out.

And Crimson, sorry, but we should NOT have gone in in the first place; this is one of many reasons why. It's much easier to get into a mess than it is to get out of it. That's why an invasion should have been the absolute last choice. Bush was too eager to charge in with guns blazing, and now he and his supporters need to show the integrity to accept responsiblity for his recklessness. If hearing about it makes you unhappy, tough. Stop shooting the messenger and start placing responsibility where it belongs -- on the head of your leader.

IMO, of course.

Bush does have an exit strategy.. unfortunately, its a process which will probably take a couple years, not months like you want. Whats our exit plan for Germany? South Korea? Japan? We've been there for DECADES...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dirtboy
Originally posted by: Bowfinger He should have had an exit strategy in hand before we went in, and he damn well needs to shoulder the blame for dumping us there and the responsibility for getting us out.

How does anyone have an exit strategy when they go to war? A war could turn so many different directions so quickly that it would be impossible to make a sufficient number of predictions to have a working exit strategy.

I think our strategy is to get the Iraqi's governing themselves and then get out. So far we are working as fast as possible to do this. Our governement wasn't created in 30, 60 or 90 days, so it's foolish to think we were going to go in, whoop ass, and leave within a few weeks with the Iraqis completely governing themselves.

What War? It's been over since he landed on the Carrier and said so. Just like the Recession ended in November 2001.



Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
I agree with Kucinich on withdrawal, but given the practical issues, I suspect the other Democratic candidates, with the exception of Lieberman, are closer to what we actually CAN do. If we just walk out we are going to look not only unstable, but uncaring.

Red, some Iraqis do care about America. Some don't. We need to do a better job of nurturing relationships with Muslims. Until we go there, we will be hated by many Muslims world wide. Bush has succeeded in alienating a large number of Muslims with his aggressiveness and foreign policy blunders. It will take a century to undo the harm he has done to the Middle East.

Anyway, vote for Bush or Lieberman if you want to continue to make America the target for every radicalized Muslim in the world.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
The all volunteer army refers to all voluntary enlistment. It refers nothing to voluntary discharge.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Red, some Iraqis do care about America. Some don't. We need to do a better job of nurturing relationships with Muslims.
That's why I say we should hand the nation building over to the UN. If we do that you know the French will be in there. Having to deal with the Frogs will make the Muslims forget how much they hate us!
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