Weight loss can be done (or maybe not if you're putting on extra muscle)!


Jul 18, 2003
Just noticed the Health and Fitness forum and I figured this might be the only forum I haven't posted in yet. Also, I actually have something relevant to say, so here goes.

I started out this year with the simple goal to get healthier before my 30th birthday, which is on April 18th of this year. So far I've cut out cigars and clove cigarettes from my life, gone to see my doctor for just a general checkup (weighed in at 236lbs back in early December), and joined a 24hour Fitness Sport club within easy walking distance from my house.

I'm happy to say that I'm now down to about 220lbs, and being a solid 6'2" I would like to get just below 200lbs (let's say fluctuating between 195-200lbs).

Positive things I've done so far:

1) Cut out the smoking completely, even though it was just occasional to begin with.

2) Cut out soda (or pop/soda pop if you prefer) substantially. 2 sodas a day is about 500 calories, so for 7day/week I figure that's one pound I don't have to work off (3500 calories = 1lb of fat roughly from what my doctor told me) each week.

3) Drink less juice in the morning and try to pick juices that are lower in calories (e.g. I drink 8oz instead of the usual 16oz I normally drank).

4) Work out at least 3 times per week for roughly 1hour and play more actively with a two boys (keeps them healthy too, not that they really need any extra calorie burning).

My stated goal with you all as my witnesses, is to be below 210lbs before my 30th birthday, which is a meager 1lb per week. I feel this is very doable.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Golgatha
Just noticed the Health and Fitness forum and I figured this might be the only forum I haven't posted in yet. Also, I actually have something relevant to say, so here goes.

I started out this year with the simple goal to get healthier before my 30th birthday, which is on April 18th of this year. So far I've cut out cigars and clove cigarettes from my life, gone to see my doctor for just a general checkup (weighed in at 236lbs back in early December), and joined a 24hour Fitness Sport club within easy walking distance from my house.

I'm happy to say that I'm now down to about 220lbs, and being a solid 6'2" I would like to get just below 200lbs (let's say fluctuating between 195-200lbs).

Positive things I've done so far:

1) Cut out the smoking completely, even though it was just occasional to begin with.

2) Cut out soda (or pop/soda pop if you prefer) substantially. 2 sodas a day is about 500 calories, so for 7day/week I figure that's one pound I don't have to work off (3500 calories = 1lb of fat roughly from what my doctor told me) each week.

3) Drink less juice in the morning and try to pick juices that are lower in calories (e.g. I drink 8oz instead of the usual 16oz I normally drank).

4) Work out at least 3 times per week for roughly 1hour and play more actively with a two boys (keeps them healthy too, not that they really need any extra calorie burning).

My stated goal with you all as my witnesses, is to be below 210lbs before my 30th birthday, which is a meager 1lb per week. I feel this is very doable.

Good work. Small changes add up to big changes as you go along. I started by cutting out soda, then fast food, then highly-processed carbs, then added fruits and veggies, stopped buying snack foods, etc. Now I have no problem eating healthy (for the most part) and the weight comes off. You can definitely lose 10 pounds by April, no problem. Good luck.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2002
Good job. I totally agree about not drinking your calories. I have made quite a few cuts to my eating habits and have really adapted to my new life style change in the last few months.

I too, wanted to make a change for the better for my 30th birthday (which was last november). Since I started out on my journey, earlier in 2007, I have lost 90 lbs.


After This was taken when I was 80ish lbs lighter.

I'm well aware that I still have quite a ways to go, but I'm still going.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Whats up with everyone trying to get healthy before their 30 birthday!?! Looks like you guys are making some great progress, congrats!

I too am turning 30 this year (August for me), so I've drastically cut back on drinking alcohol (down from every day to 1 day a week), cut out all other drinks except for water and 1 diet green tea or diet peach tea per day. I am also watching what I eat and trying to eat 5-7 times per day to keep my metabolism up. I also started a routine of doing anywhere between 30 and 75 minutes of Cardio 5 times a week and doing weights 3 times a week.

I started this a few days before the new year and "officially" weighed in on Jan. 1st at 230lbs. As of yesterday morning I am down to 215lbs. I'll be happy if I can get to 195 before summer but my eventual goal is to get down to 180 or slightly below.



Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2004
Originally posted by: TwinkleToes77
Good job. I totally agree about not drinking your calories. I have made quite a few cuts to my eating habits and have really adapted to my new life style change in the last few months.

I too, wanted to make a change for the better for my 30th birthday (which was last november). Since I started out on my journey, earlier in 2007, I have lost 90 lbs.


Great results TwinklwToes! That's impressive. Congrats Golgatha on the weight loss and the healthier lifestyle. I know how dfficult it is to make life changes and I must commend you for it. Keep up the work Mix...I have a hard time trimming down myself but I'm working on it.

I was an overweight 190lbs this past June and I am trying to reach 210lbs of lean muscle before this coming june. So far I have bulked up and I am starting to cut and trim. But stories like these gives me that added push to keep going.


Oct 10, 2006
Congrats, but realize that you have to keep this up for most if not all of your life for long term benefit. Otherwise you'll just regain the weight you lost.

That said, you're doing great so far. Keep it up :thumbsup:

A suggestion: For snacks, baked potatoes. They take about 8-10 minutes in an 1100 watt microwave, and a large one fills me up for a couple of hours. They also have plenty of carbs and other healthy stuff, so you will get some energy/benefit out of them. Just add some salt/pepper to get the taste right.


Platinum Member
Jul 5, 2007
Originally posted by: irishScott

A suggestion: For snacks, baked potatoes. They take about 8-10 minutes in an 1100 watt microwave, and a large one fills me up for a couple of hours. They also have plenty of carbs and other healthy stuff, so you will get some energy/benefit out of them. Just add some salt/pepper to get the taste right.

And some butter, and sour Cream and bacon and cheese... mmmm


May 11, 2006
Originally posted by: TwinkleToes77
Good job. I totally agree about not drinking your calories. I have made quite a few cuts to my eating habits and have really adapted to my new life style change in the last few months.

I too, wanted to make a change for the better for my 30th birthday (which was last november). Since I started out on my journey, earlier in 2007, I have lost 90 lbs.


After This was taken when I was 80ish lbs lighter.

I'm well aware that I still have quite a ways to go, but I'm still going.

Holy Crap! You look great. Continue what your doing around your midsection and get some muscle tone in and you could be approaching model looks. Superstar baby!


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2002
Hahaha thanks. Midsection "flab" is actually excess skin. Unfortunately the only way to get rid of the majority of that is going to be plastic surgery. Which I will look further into once I get to my goal weight. Until then, I'm doing tonnes of toning to help with tightening up as much skin as possible.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Golgatha - how is your progress coming?

My progress update: I was down to the 207-208 range as of Wednesday morning. My workouts have definately suffered the last week and a half because of work, and my eating schedule has been thrown off too (although I was still eating healthy foods, just not frequently enough). Hopefully I can get the workouts and eating schedule back on track starting today.


Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: MixMasterTang
Golgatha - how is your progress coming?

My progress update: I was down to the 207-208 range as of Wednesday morning. My workouts have definately suffered the last week and a half because of work, and my eating schedule has been thrown off too (although I was still eating healthy foods, just not frequently enough). Hopefully I can get the workouts and eating schedule back on track starting today.

I actually hit a weight loss plateau this month and it was frustrating me until my personal trainer session yesterday. I weighed in yesterday at 221lbs, which was basically what I weighed in at a little over a month ago.

However, my skin folds were taken at the beginning of my personal trainer sessions and then compared to skin folds taken yesterday. We crunched the numbers and figured out that I had lost around 3.5lbs of fat and gained around 3.0lbs of muscle. My % body fat is down now by about 1.5% as a result. My percent body fat is now 19.0% down from 20.5% overall a month ago.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Well progress is progress, so I would still be happy with your results. Also since the extra muscle will help burn more calories it will be a better long term effect for you.


Jul 18, 2003
Been about a week and a half since I last updated. I'm down a pound to 220lbs from 221lbs. I can feel myself getting stronger and I have so much more aerobic capacity to do work than ever before.

e.g. I play basketball very hard for 2+ hours up at my church on Sunday nights. This used to wipe me out by the end of the play session and leave me sore at work the next day or two. I played last night and I was slightly stiff this morning, but nothing a bit of stretching couldn't work out. Also, I barely broke a sweat after running constantly for nearly two hours.

I'm going to half to adjust my goals a bit since I only have 6weeks and 4days to get down to 210lbs by my birthday (my original goal). I've started eating healthy snacks between meals and taking in extra protein in my diet to help build up muscle. I figure the best way to stay slim long-term is to first get my body composition changed enough to a point that my body has to burn more fuel just to maintain, which means having more muscle and less fat on my frame in my mind. This is more achievable for me since I like using the elliptical machine, and I've had to up the resistance on it to get my heart rate up during my cardio workout. Finally, I've been doing some abdominal classes with my wife and it is very amusing to me that I still have a decent amount of belly fat, but if I flex and push through that layer I just know there is a six-pack underneath the keg now .

Later all!


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Your weight is only a number.

You are currently building muscle so this 'dilutes' your figures for fat loss on the scales. Unless you did what you did and got some skin fold measurements you get a 'net' fat loss and not just the 'net weight' lost from the scales.

Last year when I did a summer camp job, the girls said I had gained lots of muscle. Truth was that I weighed nearly the same, about 1k heavier but I leaned down a bit. The bit of fat loss coupled with the gains in muscle and now the 'new' look of muscle with fat loss you look a lot more muscular.

Keep up the results and don't be discouraged! If your 220lbs @ 14% bf your pretty solid at any height! You being 6'2 you will wear it better.

I'm 5'10 and 83kg and look bigger then most guys 5kg over my weight because I'm leaner. Some guys at 75kg can look really out of shape. It all depends on the your bf% and your muscle build.

TwinkleToes thats a big loss in fat! Keep it up guys!



Jul 18, 2003
Just thought I'd update everyone.

I'm still 220lbs (although I weighed 219.6 one morning due to water weight loss, so at least I know that number is not an impenetrable barrier), but I'm now 18% bf (was 19% a couple of weeks ago and was 20.5% when I started working out) and am fitting back into some of my size 36 jeans; ok, I can actually only wear one of the looser pairs, but I can get all of them on if I suck it in . My size 38s look baggy now.


Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Golgatha
Just thought I'd update everyone.

I'm still 220lbs (although I weighed 219.6 one morning due to water weight loss, so at least I know that number is not an impenetrable barrier), but I'm now 18% bf (was 19% a couple of weeks ago and was 20.5% when I started working out) and am fitting back into some of my size 36 jeans; ok, I can actually only wear one of the looser pairs, but I can get all of them on if I suck it in . My size 38s look baggy now.

Well, I'm a solid 219lbs now and been as low as 218.4lbs. Body fat is still right at 18% though. I haven't been able to workout the last couple of weeks because my 55 year old mother had a series of mini strokes. If there's anything that makes you want to get back to the gym, it's that your mom just had a series of stokes due to poor diet and high blood pressure (not to mention my dad had open heart surgery at age 53). I'd like to put off major medical emergencies until well after my mid-50s thank you very much.

I'm basically doing higher resistance and longer stretches on the elliptical equipment, and every other session I do a 3x10 series of three different abdominal exercises. For some reason the men in my family just have a gut no matter how in shape we are. I want to loose mine in time for a float trip this summer with several of our friends.


Jul 18, 2003
Down to about 218lbs and comfortably in size 36 shorts and jeans. Mainly I came in here to post that I did my first pull-up ever at age 36 yesterday (8/11). Actually I did 3 .

Other fitness goals completed.

3+ minute plank.

Sub 8min mile run.

40+ push ups.

Got back into roller speed skating shape and going to try out roller derby on a co-ed team this fall/winter.

Can bench press greater than my body weight. Up to about 250lbs now. Must wear XL shirts now because of increased chest diameter.

Been completely smoke free for over 2 years now. That was a tough one to beat.

BP at 112/74, heart rate sub 60 bpm.

Can lift and transport a full keg of beer a reasonable distance without visible signs of straining (my brother-in-laws were apparently impressed by this a lot).

Working currently on eating a high protein diet and removing the last of my belly fat so I can expose the abdominal muscles I've gained in all their glory. I do around 300-500 situps/crunches/etc. reps during each 1-2 hour strength training session 2-3 times a week now.
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May 17, 2008
Down to about 218lbs and comfortably in size 36 shorts and jeans. Mainly I came in here to post that I did my first pull-up ever at age 36 yesterday (8/11). Actually I did 3 .

Other fitness goals completed.

3+ minute plank.

Sub 8min mile run.

40+ push ups.

Got back into roller speed skating shape and going to try out roller derby on a co-ed team this fall/winter.

Can bench press greater than my body weight. Up to about 250lbs now. Must wear XL shirts now because of increased chest diameter.

Been completely smoke free for over 2 years now. That was a tough one to beat.

BP at 112/74, heart rate sub 60 bpm.

Can lift and transport a full keg of beer a reasonable distance without visible signs of straining (my brother-in-laws were apparently impressed by this a lot).

Working currently on eating a high protein diet and removing the last of my belly fat so I can expose the abdominal muscles I've gained in all their glory. I do around 300-500 situps/crunches/etc. reps during each 1-2 hour strength training session 2-3 times a week now.

Great work! Only thing I can add here is that IMO you're wasting your time with the amount of sit ups you are doing. Firstly, I think situps in general are garbage. Improper form can hurt your neck/back. Secondly, the reps you're doing are farrrrr too many. You don't do 300-500 bicep curls 2-3 times a week do you? Your core is no different. I'd say doing weighted leg raises (hanging from a pull up bar, or Russian chair) for 4-6 sets of 12-15 reps is a better use of your time.

Keep it up.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2014
I'm glad you decided to stick with it, it looks like you can put in some more cardio though, you need leg muscles to ensure you don't look like one of those bodybuilders who has big arms and no lower body strength.


Jul 18, 2003
I'm glad you decided to stick with it, it looks like you can put in some more cardio though, you need leg muscles to ensure you don't look like one of those bodybuilders who has big arms and no lower body strength.

Well, I roller skate 1-2 times a week and walk/jog/treadmill on the off days I'm not doing weight training, so I do roughly an equal amount of cardio time wise as compared to weight lifting. I've tried to keep it balanced and give the muscles a chance to rest after each weight training session. I'm going for close to max weight and fewer reps to try and bulk up. I follow up those sessions with some form of protein to rebuild afterwards too. In summary, it's weight train, cardio and basically repeat that pattern 5-6 days out of every week. Been doing that much work for close to 2 years now.


Mar 14, 2003
I'm glad you decided to stick with it, it looks like you can put in some more cardio though, you need leg muscles to ensure you don't look like one of those bodybuilders who has big arms and no lower body strength.

If he wants leg muscles then he should be doing squats and deadlifts, NOT more cardio.


Jul 18, 2003
If he wants leg muscles then he should be doing squats and deadlifts, NOT more cardio.

I have years of roller speed skating under my belt. Honestly my lower body muscle mass was probably a significant reason I had such a hard time doing pull ups.

Think this type of body all the way through college years. i.e. Very large legs and not much upper body strength.

Put another way, the leg press machine at my gym maxes out at 390lbs and I can do that without huge amounts of effort. I can also touch a 10ft basketball rim without much effort as well.
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Mar 14, 2003
I have years of roller speed skating under my belt. Honestly my lower body muscle mass was probably a significant reason I had such a hard time doing pull ups.

Think this type of body all the way through college years. i.e. Very large legs and not much upper body strength.

Put another way, the leg press machine at my gym maxes out at 390lbs and I can do that without huge amounts of effort. I can also touch a 10ft basketball rim without much effort as well.

I have no doubt about your leg mass. I was merely commenting that extended, low-intensity cardio isn't as efficient at building leg mass as squats and deads.


Jul 18, 2003
I have no doubt about your leg mass. I was merely commenting that extended, low-intensity cardio isn't as efficient at building leg mass as squats and deads.

Gotcha! Yes, I would totally agree with that statement. My goals right now are mainly fat loss with muscle gain, upper body strength, greater endurance, and cardiovascular health. Generally I don't do much leg work because of all the skating practice.
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