Weird Neighbor and Weird Things They are Doing! - Updated See First Post

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Nov 28, 2001
I saw an episode of Law and order or CSI or something like that where a guy put this old box freezer with a women he had killed in it in this old truck he parked out back. He ran power from his house to the truck to power the freezer. Anyways so the guy left for a week or so and the power cord broke or something like that so it started to smell and the caught the guy. Anyways that could be a possibility =)


Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: mindless1
You guys haven't ever dealt with cold environments I guess...

Putting something in the windows decreases the heat that gets out. Leaving a light on raises the temp a bit. If there's a storm they don't want the house AC circuit shorted out so they hook up a generator to isolate it.

The OP should just go to the neighbor, and plead "Please remove your RV, it's freaking me out!".

She said it was 70F the other day...


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Heh we should start a pool for what this is =p I'll put down $5 for what I believe it is...and in my opinion there's no way it's a meth lab(details make no sense), but I'd love to take the money of those who think it's a meth lab =p


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Very unlikely, except for the propane (which could be unrelated) they could raise or breed fish of some other sort of animal. Something that would need extra heat, a light, and water


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
No update yet. I hope to know something tomorrow.

To those who think POT. I hate all drugs regardless of what it is. It is not going to be next door to me nor my children.

When I asked the guy what the camper was for he told me he was a professional frisbee player and that he used it when he traveled. He told that to a person who is almost a lawyer! I mean really, come on, be for real here! How dumb is he?????



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: aRCeNiTe
Originally posted by: Dezign
Originally posted by: WakeboardrB
There is absolutely no reason for lights to be on 24/7 if it is a meth lab. In fact if it is a meth lab then wouldn't they only turn lights on while they are working in the camper as to not arouse any suspicion?

More than likely it is a simple marijuana grow op. Lets hope for your sake that it isn't though because wouldn't you feel absolutely terrible for getting your neighbors locked up for cultivating a perfectly safe plant?

9 posts in 2 years? :Q

Well I see what kind of post tickles his mouse...

Yeah, that's kind of funny


Jan 7, 2004
OK, quick poll, how many of you read George Orwells "1984" and thought "wow, I wish America was more like that!"


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2002
I posted here about a year and a half ago to sell some computer equipment in the For Sale forum. I haven't posted since then, but i was direced here from another forum and just had to post.

It's not a freakin meth lab. They wouldn't leave their lights on 24/7. If anything it's a harmless marijuana grow, hardly anything for them to get in trouble over.

It's just a case of ultra paranoid neighbors that don't know how to keep to their own business. I mean really, if it was me I would have go to their door the very first day and ask them to keep the light off at night because it was bothering you.

No big deal, just more paranoia than pot will ever give you.


Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: FettsBabe
When I asked the guy what the camper was for he told me he was a professional frisbee player and that he used it when he traveled. He told that to a person who is almost a lawyer! I mean really, come on, be for real here! How dumb is he?????

maybe thats because he doesn't think his neighbors have a right to know why he has an RV? Or, get this, maybe its true. there is nothing illegal about being weird.

There is about a .000001% chance that its a meth lab, there is really NO evidence that it is. In fact, it's quite unlikely that it's even a marijuana grow or anything of the sort either. A marijuana grow (at least one big enough to even start to be conserned about) would block out the light completely, and if they didn't it would be extremely bright white light, you would definately be able to tell the difference from normal household lights.

Leave your neighbors alone, They have done nothing to you..
I can understand your concern for the safety of your kids but I think you have taken it too far! How would you like some nosey neighbor taking photos of your house and posting them on the internet without your permission?
Jan 7, 2004
Hi Fettsbabe,

I am concerned because it sounds as though they are growing pot in the RV. A friend of mine had a similar setup years ago. If it were meth, you would smell the chemicals and it would not be necessary to constantly have a light on inside.

Is the light eminating from the RV of an orange tint? If so, they are using high pressure sodium bulbs to grow the plants. I'm not sure why they'd need propane, it might be unrelated, but the hose is probably for the sake of easy watering (in the case of soil) or for a resevoir (in the case of hydroponics). Someone mentioned this earlier, but they were wrong in assuming that one can use the municipal water pressure in place of a water pump. The fan you hear is for air exchange to bring in fresh air rich in co2 and to expel air whose co2 has been used in photosynthesis.

If they are indeed growing cannabis, the lights would be on 24/7 initially, then they would switch to a 12 hour on, 12 hour off cycle for the flowering period (when the buds are produced).

Now, this brings me to the reason why I registered. You state that you have kids and do not want some druggy neighbor living next door. This is completely understandable. However, I feel that you are taking a bit of voyeuristic pleasure in spying on them and posting this thread.

If you genuinely fear for the safety of your children, then I would recommend simply talking with them. If you have the bravado to spy and take pictures, and intiate this thread for that matter, then you should have enough courage to talk to them face to face about your concerns. They are not harming you, so it would be bad karma to get them in trouble with the law without first addressing your concerns to them directly.

Go over there tomorrow and tell them that you think they are up to something and that you fear for your childrens' safety. If they are respectable people, which I have no reason to doubt, then they will appreciate your concerns and either stop what they are doing or let you inside the trailer to show you that nothing illegal is going on. Problem solved.

If neither of these occurs, then warn them that you will call the cops. This is fair warning for them to stop what they are doing.... if you were in their shoes, you would appreciate this courtesy.

By the way, I am a cannabis grower and I can assure you that a few plants pose no danger to your children. Any sane grower locks their growroom and most potheads are not dangerous people. However, this will not dissuade you as your mind seems to be made up.

I think the humane thing to do is go over there and talk with them. They are your neighbor's for crying out loud!! Get to know them, or at least give them warning that if they don't do something, they may lose their freedom for an extended period of time. In our hobby, nosy neighbors are a constant threat. And, sadly, most of this is due to ignorance....

A Fellow American


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: justaharmlessfarmer
Hi Fettsbabe,

I am concerned because it sounds as though they are growing pot in the RV. A friend of mine had a similar setup years ago. If it were meth, you would smell the chemicals and it would not be necessary to constantly have a light on inside.

Is the light eminating from the RV of an orange tint? If so, they are using high pressure sodium bulbs to grow the plants. I'm not sure why they'd need propane, it might be unrelated, but the hose is probably for the sake of easy watering (in the case of soil) or for a resevoir (in the case of hydroponics). Someone mentioned this earlier, but they were wrong in assuming that one can use the municipal water pressure in place of a water pump. The fan you hear is for air exchange to bring in fresh air rich in co2 and to expel air whose co2 has been used in photosynthesis.

If they are indeed growing cannabis, the lights would be on 24/7 initially, then they would switch to a 12 hour on, 12 hour off cycle for the flowering period (when the buds are produced).

Now, this brings me to the reason why I registered. You state that you have kids and do not want some druggy neighbor living next door. This is completely understandable. However, I feel that you are taking a bit of voyeuristic pleasure in spying on them and posting this thread.

If you genuinely fear for the safety of your children, then I would recommend simply talking with them. If you have the bravado to spy and take pictures, and intiate this thread for that matter, then you should have enough courage to talk to them face to face about your concerns. They are not harming you, so it would be bad karma to get them in trouble with the law without first addressing your concerns to them directly.

Go over there tomorrow and tell them that you think they are up to something and that you fear for your childrens' safety. If they are respectable people, which I have no reason to doubt, then they will appreciate your concerns and either stop what they are doing or let you inside the trailer to show you that nothing illegal is going on. Problem solved.

If neither of these occurs, then warn them that you will call the cops. This is fair warning for them to stop what they are doing.... if you were in their shoes, you would appreciate this courtesy.

By the way, I am a cannabis grower and I can assure you that a few plants pose no danger to your children. Any sane grower locks their growroom and most potheads are not dangerous people. However, this will not dissuade you as your mind seems to be made up.

I think the humane thing to do is go over there and talk with them. They are your neighbor's for crying out loud!! Get to know them, or at least give them warning that if they don't do something, they may lose their freedom for an extended period of time. In our hobby, nosy neighbors are a constant threat. And, sadly, most of this is due to ignorance....

A Fellow American

Oh ok. The constant thread couldn't be because you are doing something illegal could it?
I've got no problems with legalizing marijuana, but don't blame it on ignorance. A lot of people don't want illegal activity going on around them regardless of what it is. As a homeowner she has every right to ask them to move the RV(if her covenant doesn't allow RVs which most don't allow them in the backyard especially not operating)and to not have to deal with the plummeting property values that a freaking RV and a marijuana grower bring. A lot of people don't want to live next to people doing something illegal on such a large scale. Most people overlook someone smoking in the privacy of their own home, but growing it isn't the same. I doubt the weed itself would bother me. It would be more of the idea of how crappy the RV looks and how inconsiderate they are for not sharing! j/k about the sharing part.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: WakeboardrB
I posted here about a year and a half ago to sell some computer equipment in the For Sale forum. I haven't posted since then, but i was direced here from another forum and just had to post.

It's not a freakin meth lab. They wouldn't leave their lights on 24/7. If anything it's a harmless marijuana grow, hardly anything for them to get in trouble over.

It's just a case of ultra paranoid neighbors that don't know how to keep to their own business. I mean really, if it was me I would have go to their door the very first day and ask them to keep the light off at night because it was bothering you.

No big deal, just more paranoia than pot will ever give you.

You're not a homeowner are you?


Oct 9, 1999
If they were doing something like growing MJ, why would they do it in such a conspicous way ? I mean they might as well plant a crop in their front yard..

Maybe they're remodeling the RV.
Jan 7, 2004
Some of us do not like dealing with drug dealers and paying inflated prices (pot these days is worth more than its weight in gold). Trust me, a large marijuana growing operation could NOT fit in that modest RV.

I grow my own marijuana for personal use. And I do share.... but only with trusted friends Also consider that many people grow their own marijuana for medicinal purposes. Wouldn't you feel bad if your neighbor turned out to have terminal cancer?

But seriously, I respect your concern for you neighborhood and children. But I think the most sensible thing to do is tell your neighbor face to face how you feel. If they are growing, they will more than likely stop. So your goal will have been accomplished without the drama of DEA raids and jail time. Not to mention you won't have anything to weigh on your conscience. Of all options, I think this is the wisest thing to do.


Jan 7, 2004
If they don't want the RV, just tell them, don't do a bunch of stuff behind their back, call the cops on narcotics, and then just ask them about the RV. I mean for gods sake, just tell them the RV isn't allowed, the lights are bothering you, and you would like it moved. Why all the drama and calling the police and the zoning board and everything?


Aug 11, 2003
uh... really, mind your own business. If by chance some one knows your neighbours see this, and tells them about this thread, and if they're infact dangerous people, your kids are very safe
. Damn, this is exactly what's wrong with America, people can't mind their own freaking business. Assuming the cops in your town trying to get on the news paper front page, stomp into these people's house and some how end up killing them (when nothing they're doing is illegal), that's two deaths on your head (well, hypothetically speaking).
Your ilk are the reason why Child Protective Service seperate families because you "saw" a bruise on a kid because he fell down, and you THOUGHT that the kid was abused, and you took the "initiative" to call the "authoritah"...

FCUK, GET A HOBBY, DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE INSTEAD OF SIT AROUND A SPY ON YOUR NEIGHBOURS. And another thing, that RV is not big enough for a freaking meth lab any way, if they grow pots in there, then it's for recreation, because I can assure you it won't be enough to sell to your kids.



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: justaharmlessfarmer
Some of us do not like dealing with drug dealers and paying inflated prices (pot these days is worth more than its weight in gold). Trust me, a large marijuana growing operation could NOT fit in that modest RV.

I grow my own marijuana for personal use. And I do share.... but only with trusted friends Also consider that many people grow their own marijuana for medicinal purposes. Wouldn't you feel bad if your neighbor turned out to have terminal cancer?

But seriously, I respect your concern for you neighborhood and children. But I think the most sensible thing to do is tell your neighbor face to face how you feel. If they are growing, they will more than likely stop. So your goal will have been accomplished without the drama of DEA raids and jail time. Not to mention you won't have anything to weigh on your conscience. Of all options, I think this is the wisest thing to do.

The medical marijuana argument is way overused. We should legalized it regardless of its usage.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
The medical marijuana argument is way overused. We should legalized it regardless of its usage.


Some of us do not like dealing with drug dealers and paying inflated prices (pot these days is worth more than its weight in gold

Almost Pot = $125/oz Gold = $428 The price is inflated simply because it is illegal. But still a very valid point.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Know what would be funny? If FettsBabe's neighbors are inside their house right now, discussing waht they should do... whether they should call the police because their neighbor appears to be scoping out their property for nefarious purposes. I can just hear them now... "we gonna move, I think our neighbor is gonna kill us"... "but who will buy this place with a psycho sneaking around, taking pictures and spying out the windows all the time, surely our propery value is lower thanks to them. Maybe we should put up a fence or plant some pines". "Maybe if we have the real-estate agent only show the house when they're out."
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