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Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
If it is anything like my schools growing up her credentials are probably "being an existing teacher or administrator's child".

Incidentally, the principal's daughter did not go to her class. Instead she went to the other teacher (not the one we wanted), a teacher of the year, btw.

How strange is that?

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Overreacting parent with the expectation that THEIR little angel is the center of the universe. So typical these days.

The first grade teachers abilities will have very little to do with the overall success or failure of your child. Trust me, a mediocre first grade experience will not doom your center of the fucking universe kid to be a manager at McDonalds.

What will is having parents who do not contribute and participate in the education of the child.

Sounds to me like you are trying to sluff your parental duties onto the school system. Along with thinking your child is the center of the fucking universe that too is a common theme these days.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
Overreacting parent with the expectation that THEIR little angel is the center of the universe. So typical these days.

The first grade teachers abilities will have very little to do with the overall success or failure of your child. Trust me, a mediocre first grade experience will not doom your center of the fucking universe kid to be a manager at McDonalds.

What will is having parents who do not contribute and participate in the education of the child.

Sounds to me like you are trying to sluff your parental duties onto the school system. Along with thinking your child is the center of the fucking universe that too is a common theme these days.

I think your reading skills are severely impacted.
Must be all that slacking off in the 1st grade.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
I've never heard of a Catholic person denying that physics exist; the big bang theory, however, I could understand if they're that deep into their faith.

The post before yours, 12 minutes earlier, addressed this.

Pope Pius XII had no problem with the Big Bang Theory. In fact, the Big Bang Theory was proposed by a Catholic priest. (Georges Lemaitre)

I like to look at it this way: the Catholic church finally (after a history of burning people who disagreed with them) realized that "hey, if they say they have evidence, maybe we should look at how compelling the evidence is before we denounce them. We still look pretty bad over that whole Earth is the center of the solar system screw up."

Also, for what it's worth, Pope Pius XII said on evolution (early 1950s) that there's nothing in the Bible against it - only that the souls come directly from God. He more or less said that he hoped it was a scientific fad, but that more study in the area would be beneficial toward a determination of whether it was true or not. In 1993, in addition to saying "woops, our bad" and pardoning Galileo for accepting Copernican theory, Pope John Paul stated that there was so much compelling evidence for evolution that it's not just a hypothesis.

That's right boys and girls - at least one major religion in the United States isn't ass backwards when it comes to viewing evidence and interpreting that evidence.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2008
Overbearing parents I can see it now by the time she gets to college she going to let loose and party like there is not tomorrow and flunk out of college.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
The post before yours, 12 minutes earlier, addressed this.

Pope Pius XII had no problem with the Big Bang Theory. In fact, the Big Bang Theory was proposed by a Catholic priest. (Georges Lemaitre)

I like to look at it this way: the Catholic church finally (after a history of burning people who disagreed with them) realized that "hey, if they say they have evidence, maybe we should look at how compelling the evidence is before we denounce them. We still look pretty bad over that whole Earth is the center of the solar system screw up."

Also, for what it's worth, Pope Pius XII said on evolution (early 1950s) that there's nothing in the Bible against it - only that the souls come directly from God. He more or less said that he hoped it was a scientific fad, but that more study in the area would be beneficial toward a determination of whether it was true or not. In 1993, in addition to saying "woops, our bad" and pardoning Galileo for accepting Copernican theory, Pope John Paul stated that there was so much compelling evidence for evolution that it's not just a hypothesis.

That's right boys and girls - at least one major religion in the United States isn't ass backwards when it comes to viewing evidence and interpreting that evidence.

I agree. However, I was just proposing that I could understand if a zealous Catholic would be opposed to the big bang theory without looking up any of the facts that you stated.


May 28, 2007
That's right boys and girls - at least one major religion in the United States isn't ass backwards when it comes to viewing evidence and interpreting that evidence.

How are they doing on homosexuality?

Actually, how are they doing on sexuality in general?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2009
Incidentally, the principal's daughter did not go to her class. Instead she went to the other teacher (not the one we wanted), a teacher of the year, btw.

How strange is that?

May I never end up to be quite like you sir.

Teachers have to start somewhere. It's week one and she can't organize a group of rowdy 6-7 year olds? Whoopty-freakin-doo. I have a sister in law and a friend who both teach. They both strike me as people who have a passion for that sort of thing. Are they green? Sure. But being an "experienced" teacher may not be the benefit that you think it is.

Same as a 50-60 year old dentist. They may be more traditional, and decide against improving their craft as it doesn't suit their belief over what they've been doing for 30+ years. Whereas a younger dentist may be more inclined to use new techniques as their mind was open when they got started.

As for the religious aspect, seems pretty dense to me to consider her a bad teacher because of something like that. Every teacher has their own set of beliefs and morals. Why the beef with this one?


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
So my kid went to the first grade today. Public charter school.

Last school year my wife and I volunteered like mad for the school when our kid was in K grade. We made friends with the K grade teacher, and she was extremely nice to us. She considered our kid one of her best students.

End of year, and it's time to think about the 1st grade teacher. There were four teachers going to teach, each one of them an excellent teacher, but we also had our favorite. We asked her if she could take our daughter next year. She said she would be happy to, since she noticed our kid a while ago, and would enjoy having a smart girl in her class. But, she does not make the decision - it's based on the recommendation of the K-grade teacher.

Fine. We go talk to our K-grade teacher, and since we've been on such good terms she said she'll try to help us out. So we left it at that.

Fat forward to last Saturday. I'm about to go volunteer at the 'Back to School BBQ' when we get a letter in the mail with the teacher assignment. Well, we got royally fucked - not only it's not a teacher we asked for, it's a brand new teacher who just transferred to this school.

She's 25, graduated with a major in Bible and Theology, and was a pastor for three years in Rockwell, CA. Then she decided to go back to San Jose, and entered a teacher credential program in which she taught 5th grade for a year. That's all the teaching experience she has.

What. The. Fuck.

This morning she was helplessly trying to organize a class of kids and get them to at least sit in a circle while the other teachers already had their classes going on, and kids enjoying the school time.

We now have 2 weeks to try and appeal and get transferred. I honestly have no idea what to do.

Your kid is in 1st grade. Lighten the hell up for fuck sakes. Your kid's K teacher told you how awesome and smart and perfect your child is?! REALLY?! SRSLY?! Did she graduate your kid from K with institutional honor? No? Then she was just blowing smoke up your ass like she does with every other helicoptering parent who thinks their kid is the only kid that really matters.

/parent of 2nd and 3rd grader


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Credentials are public info and can be looked up on CA DOE site. She has Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and that's it.

The other teachers have been teaching at the school for at least 5 years. New principal came in and reshuffled the teachers this year, though. I've heard from quite a few working at the school that they are not happy with the new leadership.

You sound like a pain in the ass busy body with nothing better to do than bring big kid drama to what should otherwise be a fun, engaging place for toddlers. Seriously... get a hobby. I like R/C.


Dec 14, 2000
Then you obviously don't know anything about teachers (at least not competent ones).
Also for your reading pleasure:

I know a lot about teachers. Their contract is for a 40 hour work week.

Their contract is for approximately 9 months of work which equals out to 1872 hours. The average teacher's salary is 47,602, approximately $48,000 in 2008-2009.
Thats $25.64/hour. Seems pretty darn good to me for what they do.



Dec 14, 2000
No, you couldn't. First grade is not about calculus or economics, it's about teaching kids to read and write, and to be willing to learn.It's a lot of work, and management, and creativity and structure.

If you make mistakes like 'there' vs 'their' in your official teacher's blog (not mentioning others), you may want to rethink your applicability for first grade.

It appears you did not read my post.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
I know a lot about teachers. Their contract is for a 40 hour work week.

Their contract is for approximately 9 months of work which equals out to 1872 hours. The average teacher's salary is 47,602, approximately $48,000 in 2008-2009.
Thats $25.64/hour. Seems pretty darn good to me for what they do.


1. No competent teacher works only 40 hours. I would guess most work at least 60.

2. Yup; all teachers do during the summer is party and go on vacations. They're never required to take additional courses, pay for their ongoing licenses, lesson plan for the next year, pay for their own supplies, meet with other teachers to go over projects/themes for the following year, etc...

3. That's average salary. Of course after you work for a long time at a school you'll make more money. What was average beginning salary posted there? 31k. Again that is average; don't forget to take into account those places that have higher living expenses and therefore higher wages/salaries. My wife makes 24k full-time, and she's lucky because of the competition in the area.

4. Pretty good for what they do? They're the people educating our children and preparing them for their future. Should they be paid the same amount as the Walmart greeters?

I would really recommend reading the thread I showed you, and try to get sources from somewhere besides http://teacher-world.com/, which looks really top-notch.


Mar 19, 2001
Parent of an 8th grader, 4th grader and 1st grader.
My kids go to a small, expensive, private school.
I serve on the board and have seen no end of drama, drama, drama.

It's first grade. Stop overparenting. Your resentments now will have a lasting impact on your relationship with the school and your child's experience there. If she's a smart kid she'll be fine. If she's a kid that needs extra help that would worry me, but she doesn't. Odds are the teacher will put your kid in a role model position for the rest of the class which will be great for her.
Seriously, you're sweating the small stuff here.


Mar 14, 2003
wow. i can't believe all the vilification up in here.


1. new teacher should be given a chance before making judgement to withdraw/transfer/appeal. it's possible the principal placed smarter kids in the new teacher's classroom in order to make it easier for her. being a new teacher i suspect any display of incompetence on her part will quickly be rectified on her own. after all, she doesn't want to get fired, espeically since she doesn't have tenure yet.

2. 1st grade is much more important than many in this thread are making it seem. it's also much more difficult than anyone who hasn't taught could imagine. while K introduces the letters and the sounds they make, 1st begins the foundations for word formation and recognition. and the kids are all of 6 years old which means they are significantly more prone to distraction than meth addicts (ok this is hyperbole).

3. OP is a concerned parent and for that he is being crucified which i find funny considering how often we criticize parents who don't do enough. his behavior could easily become helicoptering and may already be (though i disagree), but i think the fact he is at least trying to be a good parent warrants civility instead of derision.

so OP, to answer your question i think you should give the teacher a chance. she may surprise you and if your child is smart enough she should be ok as long as the basics are covered (and you read at home every night).


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Incidentally, the principal's daughter did not go to her class. Instead she went to the other teacher (not the one we wanted), a teacher of the year, btw.

How strange is that?

It's not strange at all. You see, basic statistics tell us that the principal's daughter had a 1 in 5 (you did say 5 1st grade teachers, right?) chance of going to any one of them. In fact, the odds are greatly in favor of her NOT ending up with the new teacher.

Do you really want a frank opinion? It doesn't seem so. Many people here have already pointed out that you are being the worst type of helicopter parent. Worrying about what teacher your kid ends up with is nonsensical. In college, perhaps, it matters. At this age, however, any shortcoming of the teacher shoud be more than made up for with your interactions with your child.

Let's go a step further. Why do you believe that by making friends with the teachers (we call it networking here, and we'd like to shoot any idiot that practices it) gives you a right to demand what teacher your daughter should end up with? What about all the other parents? Screw them, and just worry about you because you kissed up with the teacher? Someone else already pointed this out to you as well - there are probably hundreds of other helicopter parents acting the same way. If I were the teacher you were interacting with I'd tell you what you wanted to hear just to get you to leave me alone so I could do my job teaching.

Back off. Stop taking up people's time and making folks miserable for your perceived gain. If there's a serious problem - like your child isn't progressing, then go talk to someone. But for gods sake, consider that if all the other parents of kids who have that teacher acted like you are, then not a damn thing would get done because they'd be too busy trying to get you out of their hair.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
I know a lot about teachers. Their contract is for a 40 hour work week.

Their contract is for approximately 9 months of work which equals out to 1872 hours. The average teacher's salary is 47,602, approximately $48,000 in 2008-2009.
Thats $25.64/hour. Seems pretty darn good to me for what they do.


You are horribly misinformed. Teachers work a PAID 40 hour work week. However, once they're done at school, they have to go home and grade all that day's work, and make sure they have the lesson plan, hand outs, and everything else they need for the next day. In addition, many of those teachers help the students 1 on 1 after school - and all that is for free.

You see, I happen to have a aunt who is a teacher, and I work very closely with another group of teachers through a robotics competition. They are CONSTANTLY teaching - not just when they get paid. Your simplistic breakdown of their work week is ridiculous, and I really wonder what motivates it.

You might as well say that all the salary pukes in the US who work 60-70 hours a week but get paid 40 because that's the 'contract' are overpaid too.

You need to go back to school to learn how to create factual and persuasive arguments.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
wow. i can't believe all the vilification up in here.


1. new teacher should be given a chance before making judgement to withdraw/transfer/appeal. it's possible the principal placed smarter kids in the new teacher's classroom in order to make it easier for her. being a new teacher i suspect any display of incompetence on her part will quickly be rectified on her own. after all, she doesn't want to get fired, espeically since she doesn't have tenure yet.

2. 1st grade is much more important than many in this thread are making it seem. it's also much more difficult than anyone who hasn't taught could imagine. while K introduces the letters and the sounds they make, 1st begins the foundations for word formation and recognition. and the kids are all of 6 years old which means they are significantly more prone to distraction than meth addicts (ok this is hyperbole).

3. OP is a concerned parent and for that he is being crucified which i find funny considering how often we criticize parents who don't do enough. his behavior could easily become helicoptering and may already be (though i disagree), but i think the fact he is at least trying to be a good parent warrants civility instead of derision.

so OP, to answer your question i think you should give the teacher a chance. she may surprise you and if your child is smart enough she should be ok as long as the basics are covered (and you read at home every night).

He's bringing a lot of it on himself. Frankly, part of being a parent is developing a filter to understand when you're overstepping yourself. Asking "what if every parent acted like this" is a good step. He's already upset because he didn't get what he thought he had finagled through a so-called friendship with the teachers. That shows a pretty large lack of maturity. The school has absolutely NO responsibility to give parents the teachers they want. Most folks realize it.

I applaud him for taking an interest, but it's pretty damn important to realize when an interest changes from involvment into overzealous annoyance.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
Studies can't even prove that which high school a child attends has any measurable impact on their education. 1st grade is even more meaningless. What matters far, far more is the parents. Do you read to them? Do they even have access to books? Etc. Be a good parent. But forget wasting your time about a meaningless 1st grade teacher.

I disagree. I'd say that the earlier years have more bearing on later success. The conventional wisdom is that children who attend preschool have more success than those who enter kindergarten with out it.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
He's bringing a lot of it on himself. Frankly, part of being a parent is developing a filter to understand when you're overstepping yourself. Asking "what if every parent acted like this" is a good step. He's already upset because he didn't get what he thought he had finagled through a so-called friendship with the teachers. That shows a pretty large lack of maturity. The school has absolutely NO responsibility to give parents the teachers they want. Most folks realize it.

I applaud him for taking an interest, but it's pretty damn important to realize when an interest changes from involvment into overzealous annoyance.

Bring out the helicopter adjective. You are interested in your kids education more than others who couldn't give a screw about it? Helicopter. You are genuinely concerned about the experience of the teacher in what is arguably one of the most important periods that affect the future attitude to study? Helicopter.

Please. I did not demand. I did not kissup. Like I said: we would be happy with any teacher from the roster at that moment, but we had our favorite. If it worked out - it worked out. Instead we got a complete unknown. I have the right to worry.

Am I stepping over other parents? Forget about it - half the folks could not remember the teachers name if you asked them about it. Forget about volunteering, too. It's the volunteering parents that make up half the value of the education in charter schools, and there aren't that many of them. You wish you had more who'd be concerned about their kids or help organize all the activities and value the school is known for.

So, no, I did not step over anyone, and the theological major with a year of experience teaching fifth grade thrown into first grade concerns me a lot.

What will happen if we don't get transferred? Nothing. We'll volunteer just as much as we used to and try to make it a better class.

I do worry, and had to vent somewhere. Now you can STFU with your self-righteousness.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
Deal with it and stop being a bitch. If you don't like the public school system, do what my parents did and take your kid out and put them in private school where you can excercise a little bit more leverage.

Welcome to the perils of the public school bureaucracy, don't like it? Get the hell out.

Easier said then done for most working families. There are many families who would take this route if they had the means. Unfortunately, this option tends to be priced too high for most who must work for a living.


Garage Moderator
Feb 13, 2003
You sound like a dick. Not saying you are, you just come off as one...imo.
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