Well, it's official. I've changed parties.


Feb 23, 2005
I've been teetering on this edge for about a decade now, and with the latest immigration bill (specifically the voting record) I am finally bailing on the Democratic party. I've had it.

Let me put a few things in perspective. First, both parties are corrupt to some extent. Both parties mislead the public to some extent. Both parties listen to lobbyists to some extent. Both parties fail to actually DO what they say theyre going to do to some extent. But...

The Democrats are doing it better than the GOP. I am so disgusted with the current Democratic leadership (Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean) it's hard for me to think how far over the American people's eyes they have pulled the wool. I dont base my opinion of leadership on 5 minute sound bites, or on lengthy speeches, but rather on voting records. I can honestly say the Democratic party, in general, lies far more than the GOP does. Far more. Now, dont go listing specific examples of GOP doing this, because as I've said, both parties do it. The Democrats just are better at it and do it far more often. My main gripe this session of Congress is Nancy Pelosi. By looking at her voting record she is on the opposite side of the fence of every issue that is important to me. In her bid for leadership EVERY one of her promises was the exact opposite of her prior votes. And she was sooo passionate with her lies!

Anyway, I'm done. So now you can call me a shill or whatever you want. All I know is the Republican Party, in general, represents my views far closer than the Dems do. Let the name calling begin!


Jun 11, 2004
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: blackangst1
I've been teetering on this edge for about a decade now, and with the latest immigration bill (specifically the voting record) I am finally bailing on the Democratic party. I've had it.

Let me put a few things in perspective. First, both parties are corrupt to some extent. Both parties mislead the public to some extent. Both parties listen to lobbyists to some extent. Both parties fail to actually DO what they say theyre going to do to some extent. But...

The Democrats are doing it better than the GOP. I am so disgusted with the current Democratic leadership (Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean) it's hard for me to think how far over the American people's eyes they have pulled the wool. I dont base my opinion of leadership on 5 minute sound bites, or on lengthy speeches, but rather on voting records. I can honestly say the Democratic party, in general, lies far more than the GOP does. Far more. Now, dont go listing specific examples of GOP doing this, because as I've said, both parties do it. The Democrats just are better at it and do it far more often. My main gripe this session of Congress is Nancy Pelosi. By looking at her voting record she is on the opposite side of the fence of every issue that is important to me. In her bid for leadership EVERY one of her promises was the exact opposite of her prior votes. And she was sooo passionate with her lies!

Anyway, I'm done. So now you can call me a shill or whatever you want. All I know is the Republican Party, in general, represents my views far closer than the Dems do. Let the name calling begin!
Welcome my friend, welcome to the machine.



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.

the current Congressional leadership made a big deal over the intial 6 months on how they were going to cleanup the Republican mess and bring integrity, etc to Congress.

And has been shown, pot meet kettle.

The leadership also had been in Congress long enough to now what they could and could not accomplish and what rules would be able to be changed.

As everyone has said about the Republicans, you lied to me


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.

Typical partisan response.

Newsworthy as in Newsweek newsworthy? Of course not. But seeing how most of us in here are a (disfuntional) family, it is worth noting where Im coming from. Also, givin how almost every thread turns into finger pointing and name calling (ugh) it is worthy to note where Im coming from.

This will probably get locked at some point, which is fine. But you'll have a better understanding of my positions. *shrug* I like to think all of us have more in common than not, but maybe not.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.

Or realized democrats lied right to their face. Truth can hurt sometimes, but a dose of it is good for the delusioned.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.</end quote></div>

Or realized democrats lied right to their face. Truth can hurt sometimes, but a dose of it is good for the delusioned.
They're all liars and their allegience is to their respective parties, not the public. Take the parties out of the equation and you become an Independent.



Oct 25, 2002
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Genx87
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.</end quote></div>

Or realized democrats lied right to their face. Truth can hurt sometimes, but a dose of it is good for the delusioned.

</end quote></div>They're all liars and their allegience is to their respective parties, not the public. Take the parties out of the equation and you become an Independent.

Yes and??????????????????? I didnt dispute that, my response was to umbrella's silly comment regarding people not liking the current congress and not giving them a chance because they have to be republican at heart or insane.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I heard that the Republican Membership Kit was pretty sweet. Includes a bucket and instructions on efficient bailing procedure!

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Red Dawn
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Genx87
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.</end quote></div>

Or realized democrats lied right to their face. Truth can hurt sometimes, but a dose of it is good for the delusioned.

</end quote></div>They're all liars and their allegience is to their respective parties, not the public. Take the parties out of the equation and you become an Independent.

</end quote></div>

Yes and??????????????????? I didnt dispute that, my response was to umbrella's silly comment regarding people not liking the current congress and not giving them a chance because they have to be republican at heart or insane.
Don't take it personally, I just used your quote to express my opinion.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Dari
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.

I really dont want to join a party that DC doesnt take seriously. In thoery it's warm and fuzzy, but in reality they cant really get anything done. Nothing against Indies (if I thought it was a viable choice I would join the Libertairians) but the reality is, the Indies have no teeth.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Genx87
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.</end quote></div>

Or realized democrats lied right to their face. Truth can hurt sometimes, but a dose of it is good for the delusioned.

</end quote></div>They're all liars and their allegience is to their respective parties, not the public. Take the parties out of the equation and you become an Independent.

I think politicians alliances lie with their largest campagin contibutors more then anything/anyplace else.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.

considering this congress's approval ratings, there must be a lot of crazies and republicans out there (or crazy republicans)


Oct 25, 2002
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: blackangst1
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Dari
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.</end quote></div>

I really dont want to join a party that DC doesnt take seriously. In thoery it's warm and fuzzy, but in reality they cant really get anything done. Nothing against Indies (if I thought it was a viable choice I would join the Libertairians) but the reality is, the Indies have no teeth.</end quote></div>

You missed my point entirely. Becoming and independent doesn't mean you have to join a specific party. You just vote on who you think the best candidate is. What's wrong with that? By you leaving the Democrats for the Republicans, you've just re-enforced the view that there are no other alternative. If you don't think so, then let yourself be heard by NOT joining either party.

EDIT: By joining the Republicans, how do you seriously expect anything in Washington to change considering the Republicans are no different from the Democrats in terms of corruption?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: umbrella39
Good riddance. :thumbsup:

Edit: btw..

Anyone who can be more disenchanted with the current congress (not even been there a year) than they were with the one they preceded it is insane or a republican at heart, or both. So really, no great loss nor is this newsworthy imo.</end quote></div>

considering this congress's approval ratings, there must be a lot of crazies and republicans out there (or crazy republicans)
Everybody is always disenchanted with the other guys Representitive no matter what party affiliation.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: blackangst1
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Dari
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.</end quote></div>

I really dont want to join a party that DC doesnt take seriously. In thoery it's warm and fuzzy, but in reality they cant really get anything done. Nothing against Indies (if I thought it was a viable choice I would join the Libertairians) but the reality is, the Indies have no teeth.</end quote></div>

You missed my point entirely. Becoming and independent doesn't mean you have to join a specific party. You just vote on who you think the best candidate is. What's wrong with that? By you leaving the Democrats for the Republicans, you've just re-enforced the view that there are no other alternative. If you don't think so, then let yourself be heard by NOT joining either party.
Becoming an Independent doesn'ty mean that you've given up your political beliefs, just your belief that the parties has your and the countries best interest at heart.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Dari
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: blackangst1
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Dari
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.</end quote></div>

I really dont want to join a party that DC doesnt take seriously. In thoery it's warm and fuzzy, but in reality they cant really get anything done. Nothing against Indies (if I thought it was a viable choice I would join the Libertairians) but the reality is, the Indies have no teeth.</end quote></div>

You missed my point entirely. Becoming and independent doesn't mean you have to join a specific party. You just vote on who you think the best candidate is. What's wrong with that? By you leaving the Democrats for the Republicans, you've just re-enforced the view that there are no other alternative. If you don't think so, then let yourself be heard by NOT joining either party.

OK I see. Well, I already do that. It's just that 80% of my votes are cast on the GOP side. I've NEVER voted along party lines exclusively.


Oct 9, 1999
I can see why someone would leave the Democrats, but why join the Republicans? That's jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Maybe if fewer people thought like you about third parties, they may actually get somewhere. Instead people don't vote for them because "they can't win" and we end up with the same two bunch of losers every time. Dumbasses.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: blackangst1
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Dari
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: blackangst1
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Dari
From what you said, why don't you just become an Independent. It seems odd (to me) that you'd leave one corrupt organization for another. It seems odd unless you have a need to belong to some group. I can't imagine being a part of any of these groups. For me, speaking my own mind and voting my own way is better than waving some flag just for the sake of belonging. Congratulations, you got your 15 seconds of fame, now go join the sea of lemmings before somebody mistake you for a thinker.</end quote></div>

I really dont want to join a party that DC doesnt take seriously. In thoery it's warm and fuzzy, but in reality they cant really get anything done. Nothing against Indies (if I thought it was a viable choice I would join the Libertairians) but the reality is, the Indies have no teeth.</end quote></div>

You missed my point entirely. Becoming and independent doesn't mean you have to join a specific party. You just vote on who you think the best candidate is. What's wrong with that? By you leaving the Democrats for the Republicans, you've just re-enforced the view that there are no other alternative. If you don't think so, then let yourself be heard by NOT joining either party.</end quote></div>

OK I see. Well, I already do that. It's just that 80% of my votes are cast on the GOP side. I've NEVER voted along party lines exclusively.
I'm like that except about 70% of my votes cast against the GOP side.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Everybody is always disenchanted with the other guys Representitive no matter what party affiliation.

seems like these are historic lows for approval ratings, so unless there are way more republicans out there than people think, seems lots of dems and undecideds are disappointed
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