Well that didn't take long...


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Attacks on Palin called "gender bias". Funny to see that she can tell Hilary to quit whining, but when the spotlight goes to her she claims gender bias.

McCain: Stop questions on Palin background

ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain?s campaign on Wednesday angrily called for an end to questions about its review of Sarah Palin?s background, deriding a ?faux media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee? for vice president.

?This nonsense is over,? declared senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt in a written statement.

The statement stood out for its admission that Palin is under siege ? it condemns ?this vetting controversy? ? and for its attempt to blunt questions about how rigorously McCain and his campaign explored the background of a candidate who may get the nation?s second most powerful job. It also suggested that Palin is a victim of gender bias in the media.

?The McCain campaign will have no further comment about our long and thorough process,? Schmidt said, lashing out at ?the old boys? network? that he says runs media organizations.

Top McCain advisers said they welcome and expect a review of Palin?s mayoral and gubernatorial record but that the media has crossed that line with its inquiries.

?Certainly, her record deserves scrutiny, but I think we ought to look at her record,? campaign manager Rick Davis told reporters on a conference call. He condemned ?the salacious nature? of some news stories designed to ?throw dirt at our candidate.? He also lamented a ?frenzied? mentality on Palin and urged the media to ?dial it back.?

Davis also called for the same level of scrutiny on Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Spotlight on private life
McCain shook up the presidential race last Friday by picking Palin, a little-known governor serving her first term in Alaska. Since then, the self-styled ?hockey mom? with a record of bucking the state?s political establishment has had a bright spotlight trained on her private and public life.

First, she announced that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, Bristol Palin, was pregnant. Among the other revelations:

?A private attorney is authorized to spend $95,000 of state money to defend her against accusations of abuse of power.

?Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image.

?Her husband once belonged to a fringe political group in Alaska, with some members supporting secession from the United States.

?She has acknowledged smoking marijuana in the past.

None of the revelations seen to have shaken McCain?s confidence or undermined her support among GOP delegates.

After four days of intense scrutiny, Palin gets a chance to respond with a televised speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday. In addition to accepting the nomination, the first woman to do so for the GOP, Palin will tell her story: small-town mayor with a taste for mooseburgers; the wife of a blue-collar North Slope oil worker; and the mother of five, including one born this spring with Down syndrome.

Latest from the RNC

Newsweek: Lay off Palin's family
First Read: America, meet Sarah Palin
Speech video: Bush | Lieberman |Thompson
Vote: What should Palin say?
Images: Scenes from the convention
Newsvine: Citizen-journalists coverage

Said Tucker Eskew, a senior McCain adviser: ?She will speak as a governor, a former mayor and someone with both hands on the steering wheel of America?s energy economy. She will detail her record of shaking up the status quo in Alaska and standing up to entrenched interests to put the government back on the side of the people.?

Defending his choice and the team that helped pick her, McCain said Tuesday that ?the vetting process was completely thorough.? Advisers said Palin went through a rigorous process that included a three-hour interview and a survey with some 70 questions, including: Have you ever paid for sex? Have you been faithful in your marriage? Have you ever used or purchased drugs? Have you ever downloaded pornography?

Republicans close ranks
McCain?s aides rejected suggestions from Democrats that her selection was a hurried, last-minute attempt to shake up the campaign and wrest female voters from Obama. They insisted Palin was a strong contender from the start.

But one senior Republican familiar with the search, who requested anonymity because McCain did not authorize the conversation, said Palin had virtually fallen from the radar. Only late in the summer, when McCain asked for more alternatives, was she made a finalist.

As conservatives closed ranks behind their like-minded foe of abortion, Schmidt accused the media of essentially being sexist.

?This vetting controversy is a faux media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee for vice president of the United States who has never been a part of the old boys? network that has come to dominate the news establishment of this country,? his statement said.

Palin portrayed as maverick
When she was introduced as McCain?s running mate last week, Palin portrayed herself as a political maverick in McCain?s mold: ?I?ve stood up to the old politics as usual, to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big oil companies and the good old boy network,? she said.

But Alaska?s first female governor has at times benefited from Alaska?s entrenched political system.

For one thing, Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens.

The contributions, made during Palin's failed 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept. But they show how Palin, who has bucked Stevens and his allies, has been linked, at least in the past, to Alaska?s old guard.

Schmidt dismissed the idea that a few campaign contributions years ago diminished Palin?s record as a reformer. ?Gov. Palin?s record fighting corruption and taking on these issues in Alaska speaks for itself,? he said Tuesday.

Indeed, Palin has had her share of run-ins with Stevens, including a dustup earlier this year in which Stevens accused Palin of not being enthusiastic enough about his efforts to bring federal earmark money to Alaska. She has also called on Stevens? son, Ben, to resign as national committeeman for the state party.

She was among the first Alaska Republicans to urge Stevens to answer questions about the FBI investigation.


Jul 7, 2003
This really sickens me.. it is like if I got a new boss at work who was hired over more qualified people and then if I question her appointment she yells at me "Sexist!" which just pisses me off more because it has nothing to do with her fucking vagina.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Farang
This really sickens me.. it is like if I got a new boss at work who was hired over more qualified people and then if I question her appointment she yells at me "Sexist!" which just pisses me off more because it has nothing to do with her fucking vagina.

That right there seems to be a big component of why McCain chose Palin. She's easy to attack, and by attacking her, the republicans can get in on the pity vote.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.

Hahah that's true, I had forgotten about that.


Apr 8, 2002
This media frenzy is self induced. Some pig of a producer from CBS actually got on camera lastnight and used her kids pregnancy to question the vetting process.

Um what? What does a kid having a baby have to do with a vetting process? And who appointed you the annointed one to find out?

It is amusing and the media will put the knife a little deeper into themselves as avg joe turns off the tv. Heard NBC is in for some major cuts, their president is about to get canned.

CBS news, well we know how far they have fallen.


Feb 18, 2004
I have a hard time buying that gender isn't playing some role when the immediate response to McCain picking her is denigrating her as a soccer mom and a gimmick, as if she wasn't a reformist governor.

wait... is denigrate a racist word? crap.

I can't remember anyone challenging John Edwards' qualifications as VP this hard and this fast when he was chosen, and he only served 2-3 years in the senate before he started running for office (and before that, he was an ambulance chaser). it was clearly a political move by Kerry to attempt to win Southern votes and I don't remember anyone raking Kerry/Edwards over the coals for the choice as much as McCain has this past weekend.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Well if her record didn't reflect pretty much the opposite of everything that McCain and company propped her up on, she wouldn't be getting savaged right now.

She's a lightweight who is now attempting to stand on the shoulders of those who paved the way and she's wilting, tough titties, pun intended.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Let's make a deal libs: We'll stop yelling sexism, if you stop yelling racism. Deal?


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.

Just for the record, I don't recall any reporter questioning Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign whether Chelsea is really her (or Bill's) daughter and asking for a DNA test, questioning what private conversations she may have had with Chelsea about abstinence and birth control, or whether in the past she was really doing what was best for her family by campaigning for her husband instead of staying at home to take care of their daughter.

Those types of questions have been posed to Palin and her staff, not just by fring lunatics, but by "mainstream" reporters. These types of questions are patently sexist, and have no place in any sensible discussion over the Presidency.

Question her experience. Question her ethics. Question her public stances. But leave all the other garbage out.



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.



Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Originally posted by: loki8481
I have a hard time buying that gender isn't playing some role when the immediate response to McCain picking her is denigrating her as a soccer mom and a gimmick, as if she wasn't a reformist governor.

wait... is denigrate a racist word? crap.

I can't remember anyone challenging John Edwards' qualifications as VP this hard and this fast when he was chosen, and he only served 2-3 years in the senate before he started running for office (and before that, he was an ambulance chaser). it was clearly a political move by Kerry to attempt to win Southern votes and I don't remember anyone raking Kerry/Edwards over the coals for the choice as much as McCain has this past weekend.

your right, but that is not sexist, it's just slamming the opposition.

Would a man receive the same criticism if he were in the running for vp if he had a special needs new born? I don't think he would be told he should stay home and take care of the baby. That line of attack is sexists.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: QED
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.

Just for the record, I don't recall any reporter questioning Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign whether Chelsea is really her (or Bill's) daughter and asking for a DNA test, questioning what private conversations she may have had with Chelsea about abstinence and birth control, or whether in the past she was really doing what was best for her family by campaigning for her husband instead of staying at home to take care of their daughter.

Those types of questions have been posed to Palin and her staff, not just by fring lunatics, but by "mainstream" reporters. These types of questions are patently sexist, and have no place in any sensible discussion over the Presidency.

Question her experience. Question her ethics. Question her public stances. But leave all the other garbage out.
I think you are wrong. Bill Clinton never ran as a "family man" as much as Palin ran on her "family values." It makes her family and her family "values" open game.

the first thing I learned about Palin was that her new baby has down sydrome and that Palin still made the "Choice" to have the baby even though she knew it. What does that have anything to do with her "experience" "ethics" or "public stances"?

I am not justifying the obscene questions that her and her family may have been subject to, I am just saying that the circumstances in your comparisons are different.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: loki8481

I can't remember anyone challenging John Edwards' qualifications as VP this hard and this fast when he was chosen, and he only served 2-3 years in the senate before he started running for office (and before that, he was an ambulance chaser). it was clearly a political move by Kerry to attempt to win Southern votes and I don't remember anyone raking Kerry/Edwards over the coals for the choice as much as McCain has this past weekend.

You can't really be serious, are you?

He was clearly being slammed by every right winger on the planet for being an "ambulance chaser" and for really important issues like his haircuts.

Needless to say, it was clearly a political decision by Kerry to try to win over some southern states. I'm guessing that McCain's decision to nominate Palin will go over about as well with women.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: shrumpage
Originally posted by: loki8481
I have a hard time buying that gender isn't playing some role when the immediate response to McCain picking her is denigrating her as a soccer mom and a gimmick, as if she wasn't a reformist governor.

wait... is denigrate a racist word? crap.

I can't remember anyone challenging John Edwards' qualifications as VP this hard and this fast when he was chosen, and he only served 2-3 years in the senate before he started running for office (and before that, he was an ambulance chaser). it was clearly a political move by Kerry to attempt to win Southern votes and I don't remember anyone raking Kerry/Edwards over the coals for the choice as much as McCain has this past weekend.

your right, but that is not sexist, it's just slamming the opposition.

Would a man receive the same criticism if he were in the running for vp if he had a special needs new born? I don't think he would be told he should stay home and take care of the baby. That line of attack is sexists.

it shouldn't be the media's job to slam the opposition.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.



To be fair, she just said what Hillary was doing was perceived as whining... and then she trashed her for it.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Farang
This really sickens me.. it is like if I got a new boss at work who was hired over more qualified people and then if I question her appointment she yells at me "Sexist!" which just pisses me off more because it has nothing to do with her fucking vagina.

No, it's more like your new female boss has five kids at home and you question her appointment by saying "OMG WHY ISN'T SHE AT HOME TAKING CARE OF THE KIDS?!?!?" and THEN her yelling at you "Sexist!" Because yes, it did have something to do with her fucking vagina.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
OP: You need to add a comment.

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Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: ScottMac
OP: You need to add a comment.

Un-commented links are subject to lock.

Comment added. I had thought the subtitle would have sufficed.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Farang
This really sickens me.. it is like if I got a new boss at work who was hired over more qualified people and then if I question her appointment she yells at me "Sexist!" which just pisses me off more because it has nothing to do with her fucking vagina.

I disagree to an extent. Most of the attacks that I would consider sexist have attacked her about "how dare she run for office, she has 5 kids, she cant possibly have time" or "how can she manage the country when her family is in such disarray." THOSE are sexist. Her daughter's unfortunate pregnancy brings up an ISSUE in her beliefs on sex education, but her DAUGHTER shouldnt be the topic... which it HAS been, and there is NO denying that. Discuss her record as governor and mayor all you want... please, I dont know everything about her yet... but there should be NO question asked of her that you would not ask of any other MAN running for office.

Aside from that, please, discuss trooper gate, the pipeline, etc. I want that discussion. It is the discussions on her children and husband that disgust me, as they are NOT running for office.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: eskimospy
A good thing to note is that when Hillary was complaining about sexism in her coverage Palin called her a "whiner". Just figured I'd put that out there.



To be fair, she just said what Hillary was doing was perceived as whining... and then she trashed her for it.

I didnt hear Palin saying "wow what a whiner because she FALSELY claimed sexism," what I heard her say is "hey honey, it is what it is, and you whining about it aint gonna score you any points or make it go away," (those arent real quotes, but my paraphrase). I never hear her say that Hillary WASNT discriminated against, only that making an issue out of it would not do women in politics any good.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
IMO, the MSM is in for some well-deserved criticism regarding Palin.

Too many *rushed* stories inadequantly sourced/researched and all negative. Yesterday's AIP story is a good example.

There's plenty of time for the MSM to to do their role in ivestigating her. No need for the rush to rumors and all the other BS we've seen.

In addition to criticism for their sloppy reporting done in haste, they are due some criticism for for out-of-bounds reporting, whther it's questioning her decision to run for VP considering her family responsibilities or the MSM obsession with her preggo daughter etc.



Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Fern
IMO, the MSM is in for some well-deserved criticism regarding Palin.

Too many *rushed* stories inadequantly sourced/researched and all negative. Yesterday's AIP story is a good example.

There's plenty of time for the MSM to to do their role in ivestigating her. No need for the rush to rumors and all the other BS we've seen.

In addition to criticism for their sloppy reporting done in haste, they are due some criticism for for out-of-bounds reporting, whther it's questioning her decision to run for VP considering her family responsibilities or the MSM obsession with her preggo daughter etc.


Which AIP story?
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