Well . . .


Jun 23, 2001
The never ending stream of farmers, the constant class bashing, the overall VERY LOW maturity of the 'RP' servers, etc, have now fully gotten to me. My primary character is 41, and I've accomplished everything there is to do in the game. Before people start, I do not consider BGs, Raids, or PvP battles new or exciting; Its more of the same, kill/loot/kill/loot. I find them pretty dull, again, because of the aforementioned maturity level and repetitiveness.

Of the few dozen people I've grouped with, only 1(one!) RPed. Trying to RP in /say or general results in open ridicule, and this is on an RP server. I've seen guild recruitments in /yell, /say, and general chat all advertising guilds where RPing strictly forbidden. I understand that they paid for the game and pay their monthly fees, but thats why Blizz runs the PvP and Normal servers, use them. Don't come to the RP server and insult me because I want to RP my character.

The nonstop class wars in /say, /yell, and general chat. If someone says the hunter/druid classes need to be buffed and the rogue/paladin/shaman classes need to be nerfed, invariably, a dozen or more people will respond with 'Learn to play your class, nub!'

Farmers. Good god, how these people can stand to camp a zone for hours on end gathering resources to sell at inflated prices, I have no idea. The GMs should ID the farmers and cut their AH goods down to 1/10th the farmer's cost.

The Feathermoon server really needs some heavy handed moderating from the GMs. The crumby player base is dragging the whole game down.

With some relatively minor changes, WoW would be an excellent MMO, but thats not going to happen until major changes occur in the player base. Such as getting the average age to over 20.

What game will I go on to play now, you ask? Not Guild Wars, PvP attracts the same people that give me migraines in WoW. With most of my friends that I used to play EQ2 with now stationed in Korea, EQ2 is hollow, although I will likely return to check it out after the expansion is released.

Ironically, I think I will install and resub to Horizons: Empire of Istaria for a while, see what they've changed since Oct 04 when I quit in favor of EQ2. From what I've been reading on their forums, it sounds like some of my old gripes were addressed. The player base is still extremely low, however, which is both a blessing and a curse. Fortunately, from my past experience, the people who remained definitely roleplayed, and roleplayed very well.

I've also reinstalled PS:T, which I was unable to play on my old 17in LCD because of how it stretched the 640x480 2D game onto its 1280x1024 native res. However, my new 2005FPW allows me to sit further back from the screen, making the 640x480 stretch look pretty decent. Coupled with the better color of the 2005FPW, and I can play the greatest SP CRPG to date without getting eyestrain from blurry text. In addition, I discovered a 3rd party 'fixpack' which addresses a number of bugs that Black Isle never fixed.


Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Farmers. Good god, how these people can stand to camp a zone for hours on end gathering resources to sell at inflated prices, I have no idea. The GMs should ID the farmers and cut their AH goods down to 1/10th the farmer's cost.

I agree with you, Blizzard is not paying enough attention to the RP servers or aspect of MMORPGs.


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: LeetViet
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Farmers. Good god, how these people can stand to camp a zone for hours on end gathering resources to sell at inflated prices, I have no idea. The GMs should ID the farmers and cut their AH goods down to 1/10th the farmer's cost.

I agree with you, Blizzard is not paying enough attention to the RP servers or aspect of MMORPGs.

Interesting read . . .

I need to make my own MMO, one with an Adults Only 18+ Rating. No Macros. Farmers that get dealt not only the ban stick, but prosecution in a court of law.

I miss my PnP days as well.


Jan 23, 2001
The only thing I disagree with is that you've seen and done everything at level 41. Sure, oversimplifying it all to killing and looting is nice, but you could oversimplify everything to that manner, doesn't mean it is true. The fact is you havn't seen and done everything. It doesn't matter though, if you arn't enjoying the game, something has to change.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
I tend to agree with skace, at level 41 you definately didn't see all that the game offers. It just seems like the community in your realm pushed you out. I'm not sure what the answer to that problem is, because it's so hard to start over on a new realm, and you can't move chars to a new realm.

Anyway, I cancelled my account earlier this spring. I am considering playing again this winter though, probably as an alliance druid since my main char is a tauren shaman.

anyway, good luck to ya.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2004
Sorry your experience has been so negative, Bateluer. I play on Earthen Ring, which is also an RP server. Yes, the amount of immaturity has increased, especially in Ironforge and Goldshire, but open RP is not ridiculed. Overall it is still a nice place to play. The /ignore command can work wonders. You may consider switching servers, we could certainly use more RP'ers given it is an RP server and all.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
haha, I love people who try to RP in MMORPGs. It cracks me up when they ye this, ye that.
I don't openly ridicule them in game though. :laugh:


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, I got to level 60 and have to say that the only real difference was that I was spending time raiding higher level dungeons than lower ones. The idea that some new game play is somehow unlocked at higher levels is a falacy. It's still kill/loot just at a higher level in different places with more people. There is no cosmic change, just tweaks on what you have already been doing.

Personally, it's not fun to me to try to get a piece of armor that has 1 more of some stat than the thing I'm wearing (or worse have someone argue with you that for some reason they deserve it more than you). The game really lost it's appeal to me once character advancement was pretty much gone.

Don't get me wrong, WoW is a *great* game and probably the best MMORPG out there. If you haven't tried it, you should. Once an expansion comes out, I will probably buy it and try it again. For now, though, I'm burnt out on it too.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2005
Originally posted by: skace
The only thing I disagree with is that you've seen and done everything at level 41. Sure, oversimplifying it all to killing and looting is nice, but you could oversimplify everything to that manner, doesn't mean it is true. The fact is you havn't seen and done everything. It doesn't matter though, if you arn't enjoying the game, something has to change.
Agreed. Other than this I also agree with the thread starter. But really, we play online games, especially those with a monthly charge, for the multiplayer experience, don't we? If they weren't multiplayer, why wouldn't we instead play free single player RPGs? Therefore you could argue that the playerbase is the most important determining factor in our enjoyment of MMORPGs and other online games. The unwashed masses in WoW drove me away as well.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Lanik
Well, I got to level 60 and have to say that the only real difference was that I was spending time raiding higher level dungeons than lower ones. The idea that some new game play is somehow unlocked at higher levels is a falacy. It's still kill/loot just at a higher level in different places with more people. There is no cosmic change, just tweaks on what you have already been doing.

There isn't a single encounter in the game that will prepare you for Onyxia. Nor is there one that will prepare you for Majordomo, Ragnaros, or Baron Geddon. These encounters are completely unique and entirely fun.

I would say, the first time I fought Baron Geddon made the entire trip from level 1 ot 60 worth it. Seeing a warlocks pet roam into a group of casters and explode is hillarious. Being thrown up into the air and NS+HT'ng in mid air is one of the more fun things I've done in WoW.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
The last several live updates (aka content patches) to EQ2 have helped it a good deal. It is getting better.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: LeetViet
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Farmers. Good god, how these people can stand to camp a zone for hours on end gathering resources to sell at inflated prices, I have no idea. The GMs should ID the farmers and cut their AH goods down to 1/10th the farmer's cost.

I agree with you, Blizzard is not paying enough attention to the RP servers or aspect of MMORPGs.

Interesting read . . .

I need to make my own MMO, one with an Adults Only 18+ Rating. No Macros. Farmers that get dealt not only the ban stick, but prosecution in a court of law.

I miss my PnP days as well.

Ok, I agree farming is a problem for those who want to honestly enjoy the game, but as for those who do farm for real life profit, what exact law are they breaking that would warrant criminal prosecution in a court of law? Under what law would Blizzard take somebody to court for this? Could somebody really be sentenced to jail time or made to pay damages to Blizzard? In a way I can see how it can be classified as theft in that they are profitting off of Blizzard's (and other game companies) intellectual property. But are there any specific laws on the books that cover MMORPG farming?


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Bateluer
With some relatively minor changes, WoW would be an excellent MMO, but thats not going to happen until major changes occur in the player base. Such as getting the average age to over 20.

While I agree with most all of the rest of your post, I found this one statement here a bit ignorant. There are many many people who would argue that if you are over 20 years old and you are still playing "kids games" you have have some maturity issues going on. Unfortunately, as a WoW player myself (and well over 20), I fall into that category. Now what does that mean? It means I just accept that mostly young kids play these games and that, maturity issues aside, I am the exception as opposed to the norm. If I want to keep playing the game, its just something I am going to have to learn to put up with (along with wife-aggro ). Kids represent a vast majority of the marketing force where the electronic games entertainment industry is concerned. . .and even in the entertainment industry in general. Don't expect any game company to toss out the window one of their biggest cash cows.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: EvilManagedCare
Sorry your experience has been so negative, Bateluer. I play on Earthen Ring, which is also an RP server. Yes, the amount of immaturity has increased, especially in Ironforge and Goldshire, but open RP is not ridiculed. Overall it is still a nice place to play. The /ignore command can work wonders. You may consider switching servers, we could certainly use more RP'ers given it is an RP server and all.

Problem with the /ignore command is that many many people complain that their /ignore list is full and there are still many many people they want to /ignore.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: ahurtt
Originally posted by: Bateluer
With some relatively minor changes, WoW would be an excellent MMO, but thats not going to happen until major changes occur in the player base. Such as getting the average age to over 20.

While I agree with most all of the rest of your post, I found this one statement here a bit ignorant. There are many many people who would argue that if you are over 20 years old and you are still playing "kids games" you have have some maturity issues going on. Unfortunately, as a WoW player myself (and well over 20), I fall into that category. Now what does that mean? It means I just accept that mostly young kids play these games and that, maturity issues aside, I am the exception as opposed to the norm. If I want to keep playing the game, its just something I am going to have to learn to put up with (along with wife-aggro ). Kids represent a vast majority of the marketing force where the electronic games entertainment industry is concerned. . .and even in the entertainment industry in general. Don't expect any game company to toss out the window one of their biggest cash cows.

You are right, I'm sure over 50% of the WoW population is under 20. And for some reason Blizzard games tend to attract not only young, but also very inmature and mentally lazy players. The Bnet community has always been terrible and my worst experiences online have been, by far and wide, playing Starcraft on B.net.
And I agree that Blizzard (nor any other company) would never kill such a big source of income. But what angers me is Blizzard's utter lack of interest in the RP servers. There are only 6 US RP servers, which is a very small percentage of the total US servers (99 with the two new servers opened today). It wouldn't really affect Blizzard to make those servers a mature player's niche by REALLY enforcing the rules there and thus ridding them of 12 year olds and idiots.
Heck, I'd pay $20 or $25 a month in a second if that meant they'd double the GM in those servers and really enforce them: 3 'Rolfs' in /s and you are banned, a stupid name, and you are banned (which are both violations to the RP ruleset). Those extra $10 could also serve to have more strict anti farmer measures. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

THe ironic thing is that Blizzard not only does not care about the existing RP servers, but also is creating a new RP-PVP server soon, which of course, will be gank-heaven for teh l33tz0rz retards you will find under every rock.

As it stands, the only way to avoid the stupidity and lack of roleplay is to join a RP guild composed of mature players (our only player under 20 has actually some of the best spelling and grammar I've ever seen) and group exclusively with them. Which I was fortunate enough to do early on.



Senior member
Nov 6, 2004
Originally posted by: akubi
haha, I love people who try to RP in MMORPGs. It cracks me up when they ye this, ye that.
I don't openly ridicule them in game though. :laugh:

Yes, because speaking in some sort of Old English is all you need to know to RP.



Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Lanik
Well, I got to level 60 and have to say that the only real difference was that I was spending time raiding higher level dungeons than lower ones. The idea that some new game play is somehow unlocked at higher levels is a falacy. It's still kill/loot just at a higher level in different places with more people. There is no cosmic change, just tweaks on what you have already been doing.

Personally, it's not fun to me to try to get a piece of armor that has 1 more of some stat than the thing I'm wearing (or worse have someone argue with you that for some reason they deserve it more than you). The game really lost it's appeal to me once character advancement was pretty much gone.

Don't get me wrong, WoW is a *great* game and probably the best MMORPG out there. If you haven't tried it, you should. Once an expansion comes out, I will probably buy it and try it again. For now, though, I'm burnt out on it too.

Agreed. This is probably the main reason I'm quitting WoW. Not only is it the same, but you have to spend countless hours in these dungeons to get some decent gear (if 5 other people of the same class pass it on to you).


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
The main reason I quit FFXI beyond the senseless difficulty level was the community. This wasnt so much of a case of immaturity but complete lack of teamwork skills or ideas on what was appropriate to kill at the character level you had and team you had formed.

I played it on the American servers and the Japanese made the Americans/Europeans look silly very often. After playing through a few areas a few times, you realised Japanese parties at the same level would kill monsters on the same game level but easier kills. One Japanese party I managed to get into took me to an area which was almost empty and we exp'ed there for hours without a single problem. The day previous, I went to the usual English-speaking exp area for my level and it was a massacre. Parties, if you could get one were getting mercilessly slaughtered or lured on.

PristonTale, an old freebie MMO i used to play had massive problems with Kill Stealers and Spawn Stealers. It went pay to play when I was away, I signed upfor 30 days and ended up facing the exact same problems only worse.

The general standard of MMO's in terms of an RPG are good, compared to other genres the games are generally of higher quality with respect to bugs (or lack thereof) and bug fixes... graphics and scalability are good and longevity is good. The main problems are repetitiveness and the community. These problems are very hard for designers to squash or moderators to remove since it ends up being too subjective where lines blur and the right decision may not exist.


Senior member
Feb 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: LeetViet
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Farmers. Good god, how these people can stand to camp a zone for hours on end gathering resources to sell at inflated prices, I have no idea. The GMs should ID the farmers and cut their AH goods down to 1/10th the farmer's cost.

I agree with you, Blizzard is not paying enough attention to the RP servers or aspect of MMORPGs.

Interesting read . . .

I need to make my own MMO, one with an Adults Only 18+ Rating. No Macros. Farmers that get dealt not only the ban stick, but prosecution in a court of law.

I miss my PnP days as well.

If u plan on adding secret content like GTA: San Andreas, I'm in
Nov 7, 2000
you make some valid points, but at lvl 41 you have not accomplished everything in the game. hell, you probably havent even visited every zone. and, its foolish to pass judgement on battlegrounds if you have not participated. the game is all about who you play it with, find some people who approach the game the same way you do.
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