What are the best overclocking CPU's of all time?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I remember the Celerson 300a. 50% overclock for most people. It was virtually a lock to get 450 out of it. Some lucky people got 500 or even a wee bit more! I think 90% of the people that overclocked that chip used the Abit BH6 motherboard. From a dollars point of view that $89 Celly 300a would go head-to-head with the $500 faster processor of the day, the PIII450.

I would think the E6300/6400 with an almost guaranteed 50%+ overclock would also be on the all time great list. The $180 E6300 goes head to head with the $900 E6800.

Any other chips that did 50% or greater overclock for just about anyone that bought one?


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Many were getting 1.6a northwoods to 2.53ghz....58% OC....I however got 2.71ghz out of mine...69% OC

Then came the 2.4c's....Many were getting 3.2ghz at stock volts...33% OC....I was able to get 3.5ghz....46% OC

Then came the 3000+ winchesters....Many were getting 2.5ghz....39% OC...I was able to get 2.66ghz....48% OC...Newer opteron 165's can hit higher averages and may push close to 50%

Finally the E6300 has arrived...most ppl who have half a clue in buying the correct components should be able to get 3.2ghz...1.86ghz to 3.2ghz is 71%...All 3 of my C2D have all hit 3.4ghz stable...My Quad core can hit 3.3ghz...


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
I remember the days of that celeron hitting 450 everywhere as well, it was nuts. It seemed like a time when the word 'overclocking' went mainstream, even amidst the scandals of vendors illegally marking cpu's.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Well, pur Duvies list, I would say the E6300 is chanp, at 85%. I have 2 @ 3.43, the third coming this week..


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: SynthDude2001
Originally posted by: Corporate Thug
what about the 1700+?

First one that came to mind for me. I took mine to 2.4GHz with ease (stock was 1466MHz IIRC). 63.7% overclock.

I had 2 of them for other ppl and I could only get one to 2.1ghz and the other to 2.2ghz...

Not sure but I believe they were Tbred B's.....


Senior member
Dec 15, 2006
Getting an E6300 from 1.83 to 3.2 is a 75% overclock and it's not hard to go beyond 3.2 GHz.

E6300 from 1.83 to 2.8, which is guaranteed with DDR2-800 memory, is a 53% overclock right out of the box.

I'm pretty sure nothing beats the E6300.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: StopSign
Getting an E6300 from 1.83 to 3.2 is a 75% overclock and it's not hard to go beyond 3.2 GHz.

E6300 from 1.83 to 2.8, which is guaranteed with DDR2-800 memory, is a 53% overclock right out of the box.

I'm pretty sure nothing beats the E6300.

E6300 is 1.866ghz or 7x266....


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2000
The celeron 300a was not a virtual lock for 450mhz. I had one that only did 375mhz. I sold it and got another that did 450mhz. The next best thing was the 1700+ mobile. Mine did 2374mhz. I hear some of the new celerons do 4ghz but that still is not real fast compared to other chips. I had a Duron 600 that did 950. The neat thing was that when it did 950mhz the fastest duron sold was something like 750mhz.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: gplracer
Duvie, how does your quad core compare to the core duos?

In apps that can use 4 cores or even just 3 it will smoke much faster C2D's...however not many apps that use more then 2 cores effectively so in most apps ran at most review sites it does similar to same speed C2D with the 4mb cache....

It cannot OC as far due to the tremendous heat. I can get 3.3ghz to run fine but am at the cusp of throttling. I run it everyday at 3.2ghz and it never throttles....My C2D will each do 3.4ghz and generally cooler.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2006
XP-M anyone?

My does 2.6GHz on air with a quiet fac, could probably go to 2.8GHz if I pushed more volts and used a louder fan. I've even seen some go to 2.9 - 3GHz on high end air or water.

Other notable overclockers which haven't been mentioned:

Celeron 566 @ 850

Celeron 1000A (Tualatin) @ 1500

Hell, in fact I think most Celerons made have been pretty overclockable, it's just that ever since they have been made on the Netburst architecture that even overclocking them 50% barely makes the performance go from mediocre to average.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
OK, % wise, has anything beat the 85% of the E6300 ? (on air, and at least an attainable one, not peak)


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2006
Originally posted by: Markfw900
OK, % wise, has anything beat the 85% of the E6300 ? (on air, and at least an attainable one, not peak)

I honestly doubt it, there were a few 1.8A during the later Northwood days that could crack 3GHz, but it's nothing on a 1.86GHz E6300 @ 3.2GHz+ on air.

So I guess we can crown the E6300 as overclocking champ, for now at least.

I have a feeling it will be short lived though, because the 1.8GHz E4300 is coming, and with a 9x multi and no mobo FSB limitations I'll bet a few good chips will hit the 100% mark, or pretty darn close to it.


Jun 2, 2000
The 754 and AM2 64-bit Semprons also generally overclock nicely.

A 40% overclock was pretty easy with a good board and RAM and I've seen some 1.6Ghz Semprons hit 2.6Ghz. While not C2D worthy in terms of OCing, the performance of the Semprons isn't shabby.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2006
Originally posted by: BlueWeasel
The 754 and AM2 64-bit Semprons also generally overclock nicely.

A 40% overclock was pretty easy with a good board and RAM and I've seen some 1.6Ghz Semprons hit 2.6Ghz. While not C2D worthy in terms of OCing, the performance of the Semprons isn't shabby.

Indeed. The budget chips don't get much recognition here because it's an enthusiast forum, but a cheap $40 Sempron @ 2.6GHz + 7900GS/X1950 Pro would make a pretty mean budget gamers rig. Most games don't need an ultra fast CPU anyway.


Jun 2, 2000
Originally posted by: harpoon84
Originally posted by: BlueWeasel
The 754 and AM2 64-bit Semprons also generally overclock nicely.

A 40% overclock was pretty easy with a good board and RAM and I've seen some 1.6Ghz Semprons hit 2.6Ghz. While not C2D worthy in terms of OCing, the performance of the Semprons isn't shabby.

Indeed. The budget chips don't get much recognition here because it's an enthusiast forum, but a cheap $40 Sempron @ 2.6GHz + 7900GS/X1950 Pro would make a pretty mean budget gamers rig. Most games don't need an ultra fast CPU anyway.

Yup. Zap had a thread recently with a 1.6Ghz AM2 Sempron that hit 2.8-2.9Ghz...that's a 75% overclock. Amazing for a $36 chip.

Zap's Sempron - 1.6Ghz to 2.9Ghz!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: gplracer
The celeron 300a was not a virtual lock for 450mhz. I had one that only did 375mhz. I sold it and got another that did 450mhz. The next best thing was the 1700+ mobile. Mine did 2374mhz. I hear some of the new celerons do 4ghz but that still is not real fast compared to other chips. I had a Duron 600 that did 950. The neat thing was that when it did 950mhz the fastest duron sold was something like 750mhz.

"Virtually" meaning for the most part, almost wholly, or just about. I stand by that descriptor. As evidenced by your rare circumstance of missing 450 and then getting it with the very next chip you purchased.



Sep 6, 2003
since i like to run stock V, so far my best has been a opty144 @ 2.5GHz, so a 40% o/c.

duvie - you say the newer 165s to good, how abou the 170s? i may be moving my current rig to be my home server and maybe pick up another of the same m/b and a a 170 if they o/c pretty good. you think 2.5GHz on a newer 165/170 @ stock V is rare or more of the norm? just asking as you o/c a lot

i know, i know i should go a c2d, but i just can't beat the price for a skt939 upgrade since i already have the ram...., so my upgrade would run me ~$220 or so with a 170 and m/b.



Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Best overclock I had was a 90nm Sempy 2800+ that hit 2.7Ghz prime stable. I think that's a 68% OC?
The E6300 is definitely the best overclocker to date. My money is on the E4300 supplanting it soon, though


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: gplracer
The celeron 300a was not a virtual lock for 450mhz. I had one that only did 375mhz.

It always peeved me to hear people loudly proclaiming that such and such CPU was "guaranteed to overclock" to a certain extent. Nothing is like that except death and taxes. The only "guaranteed" clock speeds are ones that someone is willing to back up with a replacement or refund if it doesn't hit that speed. Put up or shut up.

The thing is that even if 80% of the chips can, there are 20% that can't.

Even if 95% can, 5% can't.

Anyways, just a rant in general and not directed at gplracer.

Originally posted by: harpoon84
the 1.8GHz E4300 is coming, and with a 9x multi and no mobo FSB limitations I'll bet a few good chips will hit the 100% mark, or pretty darn close to it.

That's what I'm hoping for.

Originally posted by: BlueWeasel
Yup. Zap had a thread recently with a 1.6Ghz AM2 Sempron that hit 2.8-2.9Ghz...that's a 75% overclock. Amazing for a $36 chip.

Hey, that's me! Yup, 2.9GHz. Got two of them like that so probably either they both do that, or my mobo can't go higher than about 365MHz HTT.

I'll let others do the math... but here's a couple of noteworthy chips I can recall.

I once ran a 486SX25 at 40MHz, until it died. Took a couple minutes for it to croak.

Nowhereman (anyone remember him? he got a lifetime ban from here) had a Celeron 300A that would run at 600MHz on a BH6!!! Seriously, he would put the CPU (with HSF attached) into the freezer, then take it out and run it at 600MHz. For the few minutes before it heated up and locked, it would run at that speed.

When socket 370 Celerons came out, I was selling them "pretested" at 550MHz. Some of my customers told me they got over 600MHz out of them, including one pair that were doing that in a BM6 dual Celeron board.

Had a Pentium 3 550 that did 825MHz using the board's max FSB (150MHz on a BX chipset!!!). Couldn't even use an AGP card since AGP on that board (Asus P3-BF or something) would start to fail past 133MHz FSB.

Had a Celeron 2.0 that did 2.9GHz. Yes, Netburst with 128k cache.

Had a Mobile Celeron 1.6GHz that would POST at 3.2GHz, and was stable at around 3GHz on an Albatron 845PE chipset board (chipset was only "rated" for 533MHz FSB and I was pushing 800). I've heard of people running stable at 3.2GHz on more capable mobos. I've also heard of people with 1.5GHz Mobile Celerons running 3GHz. However these are just what I've "heard" and I haven't seen in person.

Had a Mobile Celeron 2.0GHz that was stable at 3.2GHz.

I've had a bunch of Mobile Pentium 4 chips around 1.5 and 1.6GHz that would do anywhere from 2.5GHz all the way to 3GHz, which was the FSB ceiling in BIOS (chips ran at 12x multiplier on desktop boards, 250MHz FSB in BIOS) on my Asus P4S800-MX boards. Who knows how much higher they would have gone.

Semprons... socket 754 2600+ 1.6GHz stable at 2.6GHz using around 1.7v or so on air cooling. Socket 754 3000+ 2.0GHz at around 2.8GHz. More recently the socket AM2 Sempron 2800+ 1.6GHz at 2.92GHz on air, with around 1.7v.

A64 2800+ Newcastle socket 754 chip, 1.8GHz, would POST at 2.7GHz and was stable somewhere between 2.5-2.6GHz.

Had two Opteron 144 chips that did 2.7GHz with slight vcore bump, probably could have done a bit more but never tested higher.

In the future I hope to have much success with the C2D E4300/4400 chips. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
intel p4 2.4C processors of course. went up to 3.6Ghz stable on my board (running at 2.95 cause i dont need to push it that hard).
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