Advocaat, lime juice and lemonade. (With a debate over whether sherry belongs. IT DOESN'T!)Define "snowball". A local specialty in summer are snowball stands. It's shaved ice in a cup with a sweet syrup and other toppings available. Elsewhere, there's shitty "snowballs" that are rock hard chunks of ice crystals infused with sweet syrup. Finally, there's the closeish cousin Italian ice, which almost has an ice cream texture. Fine ice with sweet syrup that tends to be more natural tasting than the other options.
Yeah this is definitely a drink that I have because it's this time of the year. It's pretty sweet but the fizzy lemonade and lime juice stop it getting sickly.Never heard of it, but mixed drinks, especially sweet ones aren't really my thing. I've yet to try a classic dry martini, but that's on my bucket list. It's just that when there's a martini option, there's also a malt option, and I'm all about malt.
Fucking gross.....I don't recommend it to anyone.
Ooh. I googled, that looks good! Bitter spirits with no sugar are right up my alley!View attachment 113227
It's a bitter bomb, and expensive, but I like sipping one as a treat. I just ordered a 60pack from amazon. I have a couple left from the 12pack I bought last year.
Hope all was ok and you had a more relaxing drink later!
This is a mellower(and cheaper) version you can probably find over your way. My Danish friend sent me a bottle, and it's been a struggle finding it locally. It's quite good.Ooh. I googled, that looks good! Bitter spirits with no sugar are right up my alley!
Last night, had a couple stovepipes (19.2oz cans) of this: I think that 85 is low. Tis a good west coast IPA since they changed the recipe a few years ago.
And a 12oz of this: