What do Democrats stand for right now?


Sep 15, 2003
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

So, the majority of what democrats say is rhetoric?



Mar 29, 2004
Democrats on Internationalism

They have a pdf there for all kinds of issues for the dlc ...I think a lot of it is pretty right wing though....war stuff is almost GOP written....

dlc is lame :thumbsdown:

I hear even Dean is pro-war...wtf?

No alternative for peace in america anymore...this is sad. polls say americans are mostly against the war too.....but still they fence sit...

not even a honorable strategy to win the peace...kerry should have had that ready, in full detail...dlc are idiots...

stop pandering to right wing voters and lets hear it......sh1t or get off the pot...the right is united and are not holding back....


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

Then you aren't opening your ears. I am not surprised. Great post. :roll:


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2003
What do Democrats stand for right now?

Simple. Correcting the great injustice of a lying president. Trying to stop the packing of courts with right wing nut cases, not to mention the U.N. Making people like Delay pay for their crimes against tax payers. Pointing out that there is no such thing as being "pro abortion" ( no one says "hey, lets kill some unborn today for fun" or "hey, I like getting pg so I can kill it"). But the bottom line... exposing the right wing hypocrites for what they are. Then, Democrats can move on to repairing the country and finding the 9 BILLION missing in Iraq (that Republicans don?t want you to know about, and will not look into).
Ps...And kicking Delays corrupt ass out of government service.


Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2001
and finding the 9 BILLION missing in Iraq (that Republicans don?t want you to know about, and will not look into).

9 billion missing what? people? sorry buddy we are still at about 6 billion give or take a hundred million. Democrats are losing the minority votes. Bush puts more minorities in the courts and cabinet than anyone else before him. Democrats will jump ship to this new party I heard its called communism. j/k. I agree with daveymark stop putting republicans down to make yourselves feel good about yourselves.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

Is this an honest question or is this just a statement to the effect that Democrats don't stand for anything except being against Bush?


Apr 30, 2003
Originally posted by: summit
I agree with daveymark stop putting republicans down to make yourselves feel good about yourselves.

I find it funny that the right has been on the attack for years but when the left gets what could be considered overly aggressive, everybody gets all bent out of shape and accuses them of having no platform. How strange.


Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

What did the Republicans stand for when Clinton ran the country?


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

What did the Republicans stand for when Clinton ran the country?

A better question would be: does either party actually stand for anything anymore? I mean, Republicans are supposed to be the "small government" party, but this administration is far from that. Democrats are supposed to be big on social programs blah blah, but the last Democratic president... that was hardly his strength. It seems like to me that only administrations stand for anything, and they attach themselves arbitrarily to a party. The parties are convenient platforms for these administrations becasue they know around half the country will vote for them either way, simply because of the party name.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

Why should anyone just because someone shows up to ask a stupid question.

Sounds like no one is willing to take the flame bait to me. Stick around more if you want to know the democratic stance on issues. The OP has made 2 posts in the last 30 days in P&N so really doubt he is qualified to dissect the rhetoric around here.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.

So what? If someone shows up asking about opinions about abortion or anything else that is discussed here ad nauseum, I don't feel inclined to post there either. I think someone like yourself who is here every day knows the answer to what we stand for. WE know what YOU stand for? So where is the confusion Gen? I am sure you would have felt just as inclined to blow this question off had it been someone asking the same thing of the Republican party.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: daveymark
I never hear anything about what the Democrats stand for, all I hear is anti Bush rhetoric for the most part. Anyone?

It depends on who you are talking about. Unless you are actually trying to lump all Democrats into a single mold. When you talk to a democrat 1:1 (not a radical) you will find that their beliefs and desires are the same as conservatives.

An example is ecology. Probably a higher percentage of democrats at least claim to care about ecology than republicans. Although both groups in equal percentages actually try to preserve. Certainly a higher percentage of democrats go radical on this issue. Just like a higer percentage of republicans go radical on abortion. Radicals are dangerous and in the two just cited some of the radicals actually believe murder is an honorable solution to prevent murder. Huh?

Liberals tend to rely on emotion more than logic and conservatives tend to rely on logic more than emotion. EITHER one without being tempered by the other is wrong. You can't look at these forums and always tell this because thee motional side typically takes over. Plus, that is only a tendency not an absolute. One way to notice this is to see how often liberals say "I feel" vs the conservatives "I think or I believe."

The real problem is that the democrats that I used to be a part of are no longer in control of their party. If they ever were. BTW, it seems as the conservatives have lost control of the republican party, which is why so many are turning to the Libertarian party.

Regardless of what the elites (mainstream media, hollywood, politicians, etc.) say, this country is not divided except perhaps on a few issues.

Issues of abortion. Not all democrats want abortion for convenience and definitely not all republicans want abotrion abolished. Despite what the media says. True, some like Senator Pelosi think a woman should have the right to abort her child up until the time she leaves the hospital, but again, Pelosi is a radical not the norm. Thus, most think that abortion should be legal for the same reasons President Regan stood for. I happen to believe in another reason but neither of us include "the prom dress won't fit right" as a valid reason.

Issues of education. Actually, the only difference here is that democrats want to hire more administrators at astronomical prices and raise taxes to pay for them and republicans want to throw a test every week to see if the child learned to sneeze correctly. Both are doing it for the same reason that a Hollywood Director/Producer stated in a PBS interview. "It doesn't matter if what we do helps it only matters that we do something." So, each turns to what they think will help. Who gets hurt in this battle? The children; which is us.

Issues of defense. Most liberals want to be like Europe. Rely on some other country to defend us. I'm all for pulling our troops out of Europe. They are primarily Fascist anyway. Bring those troops back home and have them defend our borders instead of theirs. This is NOT to say that the liberals dont like using the military. President Clinton deployed the troops more than any other president in the history of the United States. Most of the major actions were done with no support and against the wishes of the U.N. Sadly many at least appeared to be ploys to bail him out of trouble, but I dont know that each case can be specifically proved.

Also, take a look at every war. Democrats started most of them. Example, "Nixons" Vietnam.... Kennedy started the war, LBJ escalated it a couple of times, Nixon pulled the troops out.

In WWII President Roosevelt attacked Germany. Had he been a republican today the mainstream nedia would have eaten him alive for attacking a country that did not attack us. Now, consider that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have opposed this action (unless they are hypocrites) because each has said that no one should fight anyone of their same color. Thus, Roosevelt being "white" should not have fought against Hitler who was also (sadly) "white." Oh, maybe they are hypocrites.

Socialism. Most liberals, based on the arguments I hear, believe that everyone should have equal wealth regardless of their effort. In deed, if you CAN work harder or more efficiently you should be required to work harder. To advance socialism they attempt to try and spread Communism or, more recently, Fascism because Fascism can be guised as a Democracy. The motives of many are benign as they sincerely want to help the disadvantaged. Conservatives do as well, it is just that conservatives don't want to help those who merely want the help but don't need it. (Explanation: The message of socialism is that each should work according to their ability but the practice is that everyone tends to work less and the truly lazy are not punished. Check out government employees if you don't believe me.)

That is enough.

In reality we are not divided. It behooves the elites to say we are because they gain more power by doing so.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.

So what?

If you cant answer the question then you have problems that is what.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.

So what?

If you cant answer the question then you have problems that is what.

Read my edit above and stop being a hack for one second. I know it must be difficult for you.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.

So what? If someone shows up asking about opinions about abortion or anything else that is discussed here ad nauseum, I don't feel inclined to post there either. I think someone like yourself who is here every day knows the answer to what we stand for. WE know what YOU stand for? So where is the confusion Gen? I am sure you would have felt just as inclined to blow this question off had it been someone asking the same thing of the Republican party.

Actually entertain us and tell us what stances the DLC is taking on some of the bigger issues. And then entertain us with their solutions.

btw hack maybe next time you should respond in full before hitting the reply button.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: isasir
Strange. I occasionally pop into P&N for the helluvit. I'm a registered Independent, but I vote Democratic 95% of the time, since I generally agree with their stance on things. What I find interesting is that, from my p&n n00b point of view, no one has answered the OPs question yet. I really hope there are some genuine answers to his question, otherwise the Dems got issues...

I was about to say the same thing.

I think maybe one person has answered the question and the others are deflecting or not answering it at all.

So what? If someone shows up asking about opinions about abortion or anything else that is discussed here ad nauseum, I don't feel inclined to post there either. I think someone like yourself who is here every day knows the answer to what we stand for. WE know what YOU stand for? So where is the confusion Gen? I am sure you would have felt just as inclined to blow this question off had it been someone asking the same thing of the Republican party.

Actually entertain us and tell us what stances the DLC is taking on some of the bigger issues. And then entertain us with their solutions.

btw hack maybe next time you should respond in full before hitting the reply button.

Dude, we are all hacks. We don't ALL act like them in EVERY post we make though. If you want to be obtuse, continue on ... The OP was not interested in answers, he was interested flame baiting. Notice his lack of responses to his own post? Maybe he will come back in another 30 days and reply. I won't be holding my breath. Again, would you have felt inclined to post if it were the other way around?

I know I would NOT have bothered to try and goad people on like you did. Trust me, hack suits you very well.



Jun 11, 2004
Oh and this Democrat stands for opening and installing his GTA San Anrdreas for the PC from the nice UPS lady that just came. Be back in a few days I have not played it on any of the consoles yet so this should be a hoot. L8r


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
I think they have their issues. But they sure don't have solutions. But, how is this really different than the last 60 years - when they came up with these 'so called issues'. The current Democratic party is one that is stuck in the past. Their incesscent race baiting, age baiting, scare tactics no longer have the same effect that they one did. Decades of truth are being revealed.

What is their excuse for not solving any of their problems? They had sole control of the DC power base for nearly all of the last sicty years. Sorry, there is no excuse. The fact of the matter is, they do not want to solve these problems - or they would run out of issues to bring up election after election.
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