What do you think of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

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Feb 4, 2009
“But, Hillary” doesn’t deal in truth.

Everything is the fault of Democrats, not the GOP or its voting base. lol.

Exactly right down to why we have a President Trump, it’s Hillary’s fault for being such a bad Canidate
Party of personal responsibility doesn’t like responsibility
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Feb 6, 2002
Yes! We took in more tax revenue than previous years while average tax returns are up. Trump wins again.
To quote Spock in ST5 "hold your horse"

Even so, net receipts are up by $29.6 billion for the current fiscal year — a 2.4% increase — compared with the same period last year. That's also a record high

Does this mean tax cuts are "paying for themselves"?

Not exactly. Income taxes collected in February were down $2.5 billion from last year — reflecting the new withholding tables. Corporate income tax collections, however, were essentially flat.

But remember, income taxes are hardly the only source of revenue for the federal government. And a faster-growing economy means more money pouring in from these other sources.

Payroll taxes, for example, are dependent on the number of people working and their wages. In February, the economy added 313,000 jobs, unemployment levels are now at or near record lows, and wages are climbing.

As a result, payroll taxes brought in $1.5 billion more in February than they did last year, and are up $11.4 billion this fiscal year. Federal excise taxes and customs duties are up $3.8 billion and $1 billion, respectively, this fiscal year.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
There are three relevant divisions in politics on the greatest danger humanity has faced going back to the near extinction event of our species.

The first doesn't give a shit. This group hasn't a clue and doesn't want one. Ignore it or look concerned maybe. This is the majority at the moment. Pelosi and the mainstream Dems and some Republicans are those of the "kick the can down the road" approach.

The second is willful and is bent on a Greater Dying. This group is seen here and with Trump and Republicans as a rule. They are curious creatures with the inability to learn, have no desire to do so, and are without care or vision. They are like Golem in his last LOTR movie scene. He'll jump into the fire of Mt. Doom and take everyone else to hold on to their deadly Precious.

The third and last are the AOCs, someone with potential influence showing an ugly truth, the end of higher life on this planet as predicted by science, and seeks to avert it.

That one thing, the climate, is the great task of our lifetime, a Great Filter, and all else is trivial in comparison.

I'll go with AOC even if I don't support her in all things, this is more than enough.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

Here's another Great Trump Thing Spidey can boast about

That drop isn't from Trump or his cronies, they all continue to disproportionally amass wealth. No, that's the rest of us including the majority of Trump and McConnell worshippers. As long as people like spidey want to keep us under Trump while he humps away at us with his mushroom, there's a harder than necessary path to reverse this.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
“But, Hillary” doesn’t deal in truth.

Everything is the fault of Democrats, not the GOP or its voting base. lol.

Yup..Down here in Trump country they are still totally in his thrall. I hear all kinds of batshit in our shop. They are convinced that he is singlehandedly responsible for the stock market's performance; he is the only bulwark the US has against "socialism", which they define as something they may like, but somehow "socialism" ultimately means cancelling the First and Second Amendments, and involves government-run death panels in medical care; and Trump "could" be the only person capable of keeping human traffickers, pregnant women looking to drop an anchor baby, drug dealers, Muslims, and gang bangers, out of the US using a massive wall, if only those pesky "Dimocrats" would just get out of his way. Oh, and "Obummer" and "Shrillary" have something to do with how his plans are constantly foiled, but it's never exactly clear as to how.

This pretty much sums up the talking points for his 2020 run. His peeps don't need to know any more than this..Idiocracy is holding America hostage.


Jan 12, 2005
Here's another Great Trump Thing Spidey can boast about

That drop isn't from Trump or his cronies, they all continue to disproportionally amass wealth. No, that's the rest of us including the majority of Trump and McConnell worshippers. As long as people like spidey want to keep us under Trump while he humps away at us with his mushroom, there's a harder than necessary path to reverse this.

Do you think Democrat policies that say don't work, don't achieve, be a victim and take the bare minimum the government can give you to survive will help this?


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Absolutely right. As of right now fossil fuels are far and away more efficient than anything else. Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying, because we absolutely should. But we're nowhere close to replacing fossil fuel. Certainly not in ten years.

We'll be dead in twelve anyway so who cares.
What do you mean by efficient? If you mean energy efficient, fossil fuel is about as bad as you can get. If you simply mean cheap, that's only if you don't include the environmental impact in the cost calculations.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Oct 18, 2005
What do you mean by efficient? If you mean energy efficient, fossil fuel is about as bad as you can get. If you simply mean cheap, that's only if you don't include the environmental impact in the cost calculations.
My guess is he confusing energy density with energy efficiency.


Jan 6, 2005
Wrong, they are trying to depict all Democrats as rabid socialists to reinforce the Republican base to vote R in 2020. They (Repubs) don't want them muzzled, they want them front and center to use as a paintbrush for the opposing party. That will be Trump's main rant in his campaign, we can't let the US become Venezuela.
Socialist has now replaced liberal/progressive at Fox News.
Not really, just the progressives who are currently in the spotlight. By muzzle, I mean compel Democrats to reprimand their own caucus, which is already happening. We are saying variations of the same thing.

My gym has three adjacent flat screens tuned to Fox, CNN and MSNBC. I see AOCs face plastered across all three, usually simultaneously, so this isn’t a “Fox” thing.

Fox will focus on OMG socialism and CNN/MSNBC will focus on OMG libfight!

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Do you think Democrat policies that say don't work, don't achieve, be a victim and take the bare minimum the government can give you to survive will help this?

I present a fact which is ongoing and beginning with Trump. You present a fantastic example of begging the question and a strawman at the same time.

"Say don't work". Ok, say that. I can say "do work" with equal certainty, but I refer to the current reality, the figure with the facts.

"Don't work, don't achieve..." Now there's begging the question. You state something and your basis for it being true is founded on you and yours saying it's Truth. You argue along these lines-

You "The Bible is absolute Truth"
Me "How do you know that"?
You "Because the Bible says so"

You are bereft of objective evidence of your claim while I am not. Now do I know Democrats will fix everything? I don't claim to, however I see what you support, the figments of imagination substuting for a coherent and beneficial policy, well beneficial to those of the sub 0.1% percenters.

Is it you who are leading the charge for the less than fantastically wealthy and powerful to make us victims. You are the serf who betrays his fellow workers to the lords who will boot him up his arse and then offer the shit off their boot for you to adoringly lick.

I don't do that.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Jan 12, 2005
I present a fact which is ongoing and beginning with Trump. You present a fantastic example of begging the question and a strawman at the same time.

"Say don't work". Ok, say that. I can say "do work" with equal certainty, but I refer to the current reality, the figure with the facts.

"Don't work, don't achieve..." Now there's begging the question. You state something and your basis for it being true is founded on you and yours saying it's Truth. You argue along these lines-

You "The Bible is absolute Truth"
Me "How do you know that"?
You "Because the Bible says so"

You are bereft of objective evidence of your claim while I am not. Now do I know Democrats will fix everything? I don't claim to, however I see what you support, the figments of imagination substuting for a coherent and beneficial policy, well beneficial to those of the sub 0.1% percenters.

Is it you who are leading the charge for the less than fantastically wealthy and powerful to make us victims. You are the serf who betrays his fellow workers to the lords who will boot him up his arse and then offer the shit off their boot for you to adoringly lick.

I don't do that.

Looks like the slight downturn under Trump pales in comparison to the downturn under the previous admins. I think you might be jacking it before you're fully hard here. Let's see how the trend goes over his (hopefully two) term(s). The country overall is doing very well under Trump's policies.


Feb 15, 2002
Looks like the slight downturn under Trump pales in comparison to the downturn under the previous admins. I think you might be jacking it before you're fully hard here. Let's see how the trend goes over his (hopefully two) term(s). The country overall is doing very well under Trump's policies.
75% of economists predict a recession in 2021. I'm sure if it happens you won't blame Trump.
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May 11, 2002
75% of economists predict a recession in 2021.

I think its already started. If you look at Britian, Europe and Australia their buying power and currency exchange has really dropped over the last year.

Americans are too optimistic about the future growth when it slowing everywhere else except Asia. It does take a year or so for it affect the US with our trade, so I would not be surprised if it hit somewhere in the next 18 months.


May 11, 2002
Do you think Democrat policies that say don't work, don't achieve, be a victim and take the bare minimum the government can give you to survive will help this?

You just described all Trump voters.

People who don't have a job, don't want a job, too stupid and fat to get laid and just looking for someone to blame.

Prime example Roseanne.


Feb 15, 2002
I think its already started. If you look at Britian, Europe and Australia their buying power and currency exchange has really dropped over the last year.

Americans are too optimistic about the future growth when it slowing everywhere else except Asia. It does take a year or so for it affect the US with our trade, so I would not be surprised if it hit somewhere in the next 18 months.
Some are predicting 2020.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 11, 1999
Looks like the slight downturn under Trump pales in comparison to the downturn under the previous admins. I think you might be jacking it before you're fully hard here. Let's see how the trend goes over his (hopefully two) term(s). The country overall is doing very well under Trump's policies.

Yeh, it was doing great under GWB, too, until all of a sudden it wasn't.

Which was why we passed all that totally unnecessary financial regulation stuff that's been interfering with the recovery. Trump's gonna fix that, I'm sure.

It's no big deal anyway, because it all trickles down, right?


May 11, 2002
Yeh, it was doing great under GWB, too, until all of a sudden it wasn't.

Which was why we passed all that totally unnecessary financial regulation stuff that's been interfering with the recovery. Trump's gonna fix that, I'm sure.

It's no big deal anyway, because it all trickles down, right?

The GOP congress and Trump undid all of the protections which Dems had put in place.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 12, 2005


Feb 15, 2002
A recession is bound to happen sooner or later, we've been on an upswing since for a decade now. That being said, these are the same people that said Trump would "crash" the economy.



Thanks for proving my point, Trump gets credit for the current economy, but if/when it tanks, he has nothing to do with it. You can't have it both ways.
Also 80% of that decade of prosperity was due to Obama's actions, not Trump's.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And your source for this information is .. Trump@RetardRally?

I know its fake news to you but


The argument he made before is that because total tax receipts went up the tax cut 'paid for itself'. By this logic if a business was supposed to make $1,000,000 more this year and then changes policies which cause it to make $1 more instead that the policy change was good because you still increased profits.

In reality of course that's the sort of change that gets you fired for incompetence.


Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2018
Wrong, they are trying to depict all Democrats as rabid socialists to reinforce the Republican base to vote R in 2020. They (Repubs) don't want them muzzled, they want them front and center to use as a paintbrush for the opposing party. That will be Trump's main rant in his campaign, we can't let the US become Venezuela.
Socialist has now replaced liberal/progressive at Fox News.

Yep, that is why I said she is more dangerous to the Democrats than to the Republicans. They are going to try to smear all the dems with her type of radical policies. And to be honest, the dems are making it easy by bringing more and more liberal candidates to the forefront.

And actually, their goal is not to reinforce Trumps base to vote for him. They are already so indoctrinated nothing will keep them from voting for him anyway. The ultimate goal is to make the democrats appear as such bat shit crazy liberals that moderates and undecideds will refuse to accept their agenda, and vote republican, (or vote independent/not at all out of protest), any of which ultimately helps Trump.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Looks like the slight downturn under Trump pales in comparison to the downturn under the previous admins. I think you might be jacking it before you're fully hard here. Let's see how the trend goes over his (hopefully two) term(s). The country overall is doing very well under Trump's policies.

It's interesting that you have done the same thing as before. No grasp of context. Trump has led the battle against American less than bloody posh, and it is him and his that benefit by far. That graph is the sum of those of vast wealth's increase of few offset by the remainder of the rest of us.

Hey, you want to be a subject of an autocrat, that is your business but lying shows how weak your position is. Most of us aren't benefitting and are in fact losing ground overall and you can't wrap yourself around the facts.

Between you and AOC, I'll take her. At least she's not trying make sure that the vast majority of life doesn't go extinct during a human lifetime. You and yours are fine with it and lie to get that.
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