What do you think?


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
About the DPC's that have been spending too much time in our forums. Sure weve gotten along great in the past, but that was just an occasional post, now 1/2 their team comes in bragging about their flush and how they are going to beat us. I think if they keep this up we will not have our little rivalry going anymore, more like a full scale war.

Ive apologized to the DPC's for my posts towards them. They have been a little to stereotypical. My apology can be viewed in this thread located on their forums:


Which was referenced in this thread on our forums:



Senior member
Jun 28, 2000
Actually I think it is a great tribute to TA.Our overall focus is on being #1;their's is on us.

Some of the DPC act like children and do try to be offensive,others act like adults. All in all I would rather have them around as not.
Hopefully we can keep this on a friendly/bantering level.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
That was, or is now , my point dvch. These several members who come here to start flame wars with us is going to ruin our relationship with the DPC's. I think the DPC's are a great team, but come on is is really necessary to go into someone elses forum and gloat about something Dnet is not happy about them doing anyway? The DPC's ego got a bit large with their #1 on the dailies, they are still going to be over 1.5 million blocks behind us after their flush so wtf are they gloating for? Even if they did 600 blocks more than us a day (which they dont) it would take them [/b]2,500 DAYS[/b] to bridge that gap. By which time the contest is long over.

Ok I feel better now, sorry for the rant all, and now Im going to go act like a pilot and fly my RC Plane.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
My point would be that this is Anandtech's Distributed Computing forum, not Team Anandtech's private forum. It seems to me that the DPC's that do post here are posting about RC5 which is a Distributed Computing project.

If there are excessive trolling posts, the Mods will eventually take action. I do not think that is the case and I like the fact that the DPC's come here and post. I am against "banning" them or making them unwelcome.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999

I think you misunderstood me, I did not mean I think the DPC's should leave, but more of get rid of their damn trolls. If we keep getting these trolls in here it will ruin the TA-DPC relationship.


Oct 9, 1999
On balance, I like the DPC's. They are very competitive, and that's something I've always admired and respected. Competition is good.

But, I think I've figured out their evil plan. They designate a few trolls, on a rotating basis, and send them in to stir things up. Then their appointed peacemakers step in, and toss out an apology.

Some TA members lay the smackdown, some say, "oh, it's all in good fun". All the while, the DPC leadership watches in amusement as we take sides on the issue and start arguing with each other.

It is a brilliant and well orchestrated strategy on their part. But, we are smarter than they think. I say, let us no longer fall for their ploy, and get on with building this team in to the champion that it is destined to be.

Russ, NCNE


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000
Yes Russ I noticed this quite some time ago - I thought I was the only one that saw this. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that views their ploy in this light.



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
I guess I don't see the same number of "troll" posts as others do. When the DPC's do post, they tend to post in existing threads that an TA member starts. Usually we're taking about the DPC's in the thread and there's often a little "trash talk" in teh thread.

Their "MF6" is a pretty big event and they did move up a rank yesterday, so a little bit of gloating can be expected. They actually help us in many ways. /. is going down, we're out producing them everyday so it is a numbers game with a small chance that the key will be found before we pass them. The DPC's keep us focussed everyday.

Heck, their site is a hardware tweakers site filled with the same type of PC enthusiasts that frequent Anandtech. I bet that the whole bunch of us would be along great while knocking back some frosty brews at a bar or at an UT LAN party.

Like I mentioned before, I don't see very many "troll" posts from them and I like to see them drop by here.



Oct 9, 1999

If you're not seeing the posts, you're either very forgiving, or you're not looking hard enough. I present an example for your reading pleasure:

<Hawkeye|TA> They can't deal with the fact that the &quot;allmighty Americans&quot; get their asses kicked by some people from a country they don't even know...

I couldn't have said it better, tis is just the way it is. Don't start again with the &quot;we've also got OGR and S@H and Anand won't help us and we're on top of the overall stats&quot; blah blah, couz all that doesn't matter, allright?

Of course, by continuing the discussion, I have just played in to their hands.

Russ, NCNE


Jul 3, 2000

Did Pinballs post have anything to do with your theory?

<<HMM...okay, which DPC's turn is it to apologize to Team AnandTech?

That would be me . I'm afraid that, due to the non-messageboard nature of today's insult, our normal atrollogize-schedule didn't work Anyway, better late than never

[/me rants on for a while and finishes with a mumbled &quot;Sorry Russ..&quot;]

ps: DSmarty.. i seem to have troll-duty on HARDOCP next week, could you please take over for me? I don't know what nut made that schedule, coz i'm in the apologize shift too. I'll be happy to trade with any shift on the russian board.

Cheer up

CntrC/V didn't copy the smilies, well here is the thread it was in


Mar 29, 2000
Tssssk.. Russ..
you are giving us way too much credit. Our &quot;evil plan&quot; (if any) is to make sure you guys will need a MF to ever be #1 in the dailies.
Rc5 is our game, trolling/flaming/apologizing is not, simply because there's never a winner, just losers.

I think your insinuation that we've had all this planned is quite an insult. Obviously you've felt insulted about our name-change, so i say we call it even, and quit this nonsense.

There will surely be new dutch flamebaits. Either they're newbie, ignorant, plain dumb or just overexcited being on &quot;enemy territory&quot;.
Most of them learn quickly however, and won't do much harm unless we let them.

JollyP: tnx for bringing this up, just when i was trying to be serious for a change



Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
AT doesn't DO MF's - we're out to win the contest. We don't care who is #1 in the dailies. The contest will still be over before anyone (notice I didn't single anyone out?) catches us.:|:Q


Oct 9, 1999

<< Obviously you've felt insulted about our name-change >>


You did not insult me, you insulted Team AnandTech. Why is this concept so difficult for everyone to understand? Most of the members of our team have been contributing to the effort a HELL of a lot longer than I have. They've been slogging away, day after day, giving all that they can.

To single me out, as a relatively new member, is the highest of insults to these guys. You may find it funny. I do not.

Russ, NCNE


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
I can find a quote like this:

>>>I guess those Dutch Piss-ant Crakerheads have something to prove.

from a TA member just as easily.

As a Canadian, I used to try and rub it in whenever a Canadian did well. I was cured of that by two thing:

1) Ben Johnson's positive drug test - that was very embarrasing
2) The realization that I was the one who had the problem in not recognizing my countries accomplishments without having to compare them to the US.

I can ignore the &quot;trollish&quot; DPC posts like the one you quoted because they really do show ignorance that doesn't have to be commented on. Saying that Americans only speak English shows that the person believes in stereotypes without looking into facts (there are many, many Americans that speak more than one language).

TA does a few projects very well and I like the fact that we're an ecclectic crew. It isn't an excuse, it's just the facts. TA blocks / member is very high as well.

I do think that the DPC should be proud of their accomplishments and I'm sure that they'll realize that comparing themselves to TA or saying that they're better than the &quot;Americans&quot; only shows they're insecure.

So I would just ignore the accosional &quot;trollish&quot; post that shows up, or blast the psoter if you wish. I don't think that we have anything to prove.




Sep 2, 2000
I am a DPC member and I am proud of it.
I used to do SETI but it lost its apeal to me so I started on RC5 code cracking and with the daly stats it has more to offer to me.

Manny dutch people like me can read english and also manny DPC-RC5 members like to read in your forums.
So once in a while a small kid will write some stupid messages and you will react on them but I am sure that if manny of you could read and write dutch you would do the same on tweaker.net or on Gathering Of Tweakers, some forums used by the DPC.

Blame us for doing what some of you would like to do to us but can't deu to the language barrier.

With kind regards from a proud DPC member.


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2000
I'm also a DPC member and I like the RC5 contest. Not for the money, not even for winning, but for participating, the statistics and the rivalty and the commen goal.
AT is a great team and so is DPC. Both have very active members and it's fun reading and writing in our(!) RC5 forums. I think that the competition and jokes keeps us all motivated and all the other teams var behind. Unfortenatly every now and then a flame gets started. Sometimes an error in translation (jokes are the hardest to translate)and sometimes just somebody who just doesn't understand what it is all about or in other words, plain disrespect.

Every one of you is very welcom to post on our forum (http://gathering.tweakers.net). You don't need to write Dutch. I can't imagine any of us not able to read English.

Greatings and keep up the good work!

Proud member of the Dutch Power Cows

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
I guess Ijust do not understand why the DPCers don't stop their trolls from coming in here. I truly don't mind a *few* of the DPCers heck Dutchman2000 even sitis in our IRC channel but does not cause a rucus. I have a log of a DPCer coming into our channel and claiming to be the phantom flusher. A simple /whois verified he was a dutchy.

How is this for a deal. We won't sit there laughing our asses off in your forums when we win this damned thing, and you don't laugh your asses off here when you do whatever it is you dutchies do(trolling). (no offence hawkeye and anyother dutch non DPCers)


Jan 27, 2000
Exactly what PF said.

You DPC's are great, fun to talk to, except for a few of you trolls. This is just my thought towards this but, I could give a rats ass less how proud you smack talking DPC trolls are about Rc5. Thats great, why dont you post your pride in your own forums instead of coming around here preaching about how perfect you are?

Would you like us to go everyday to your forums and fill them up with &quot;Man you guys suck, your keyrates are lame, we are so kicking your asses hahahah&quot; ??
Now let us think about what we did today and have a nice beverage while eating some chips perhaps? I believe that would be nice.


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2000
How can u expect a team, existing of such number of members to act as one?? DPC (also my team) has all kinds of members, young, old, crazy etc. Of course there are youngsters who, being all exited about DPC, come here to troll. How could anyone stop them??
You can ask, and so has been done.. sorry, no succes. If DPC wasn't a dutch team but native english speaking there would be members of TA trolling on our fora. But this isn't the case now is it? So we will never know.

This is my first post on this board, and I hope my last one.. but I just had to react to Michael. Michael your the man. Thank you for having such insight. You really understand the concept of a team and of RC5, and I'll make sure that my next beer is in honour of you. Of course we are all a collection of individuals, organised because of their same passion for everything concerning computers. So we all should stop seeing these individual members as being ambassador for their team. And stop pretending the insults and trolls are in an one-way street. What the hack, let's just ignore them totaly, instead of thinking of them as 'organised' crime..

And just another nice example from the thread all these other nice quotes came from...

<< BTW, any of the DPCer's come in here, just ignore them. Don't even respond. They aren't worth your energy to type something cruel back at them >>

This is:
a) Not a very nice way to start a thread, 'insulting' if you ask me
b) Totaly true, except for a little modification. Just ignore if you feel insulted

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
There has been many problems that has shown their ugly face in these forums. Each of these issues were addressed and handled in *somewhat* of a professional manner. While the outcome is sometimes less than ideal, it is generally accepted by all. A few examples (of which I don't care to search the archives for the links) include:
1) The IRC rules
2) Seti vs rc5 new member recruitment
3) funds for use on the gamebox from mika's server
4) The miniteam development

Granted, these threads are among my most hated in this forum, but in the end the issue was more or less resolved. I think the DPC could easily control the occasional troll by bashing the member in your own forum. Apologies here are beginning to seem routine and empty. You have the power to bash them where it *must* hurt more, your own forum and IRC channel and ICQ and IM and email and snail mail, hell A simple roadtrip could settle this act of blatent trolling with a physical meeting. I mean how large is your country, I have been to Eupope but not the Netherlands. If the country has the same network and freedom of trains then you could have a general DPC meeting in person to solve this issue. There are ways that the DPC can end this. I don't think you are willing enough to squash the outbursts of these members. I would HATE to see this forum become moderated like all the others just because you guys can't keep yourselves in line. Wherever a DPCer posts and makes claim that he is a DPCer that means he represents you. Every poster here is an ambassador of the DPC, as such, if they start an interteam incedent it looks bad on DPC. While I would like to see the DPCers in here and posting, as some of Sysopt/tweakit do and other teams, they don't come in here flaming. Yes I think Team Anandtech feels threatened by you, yes I think this is partly a defence mechinisim, and yes I sometimes have flamed in retaliation to the DPC, but lets try hard to put that behind us. Please if you wish/want/must post here, do so in an orderly and civil manner.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 1999
Russ, I just have to flat out disagree. If you look at those posts there were some flames on both sides of the fence. Second, I don't think DPC using you in particular was an insult to TA or you. A poke yes, but not an insult.

You have tried real hard to promote the re-building of the RC5 effort. I saw great respect in that effort and I'm sure the DPC has too Their use of your name is most likely a direct response to that effort. It kind of says 'no matter how hard you try we are going to win'. Now I see posts from us all the time saying something similar to our winning. Is it really much different? Are there no sigs saying 'Beat the DPCs'?

I do have to agree about one thing, it has created a negative atmosphere between TA members, but I hardly fault the DPC for that. Trolls are trolls. Ignore them when you can and I'm willing to bet TA will all come down on them when we can't! If it is that obvious it will get the proper attention.

You do give the DPC more credit than they deserve, well maybe just mis-guided credit. We have had the ocassional troll from them in here for several months. It has gotten more frequent with the comming of MF6. I think it shows exceptional respect on their part to even bother cleaning up after themselves. Why bother if you really do not have respect for another forum. They do not just say 'I'm sorry' and leave, they spend several hours afterward trying to assure us that the rouges are not a reflection of their team, just what they are, rouges. They have been around for way too long to accuse them of this sort of trash. Would you do that sort of thing to another? What the he11 makes you think they would then? How long have they been posting in this forum? Has all that time just been a master plan? Get real!

chrixvh, Your right.

Marnix, Thanks for the invite!




Nov 8, 1999
Russ, for gods sake (and your own I guess), CHILL!
We're just having fun (well, I am), and you should too. Maybe visit your GP too, to check if your hart is ok and all.

The flame you're talking about was:
a) Mine, but I was just saying all that to heat up the discussion a little, and becouse I think you shouldn't come up with excuses (although they are true, and IF you were a tight and well organised team as DPC, you'd kick our asses even in the daily's), couse that's not what the competition is about.
b) A quote from a TA member

Russ: I thought you were just an active member that was a bit fanatic about the RC5 team, just as me and a lot of other mebers of the DPC. You now are turning in to some suspicious complot theorie thinker that might be that dude who keeps calling you and saying nothing... (as I'm typing my english gets worse, sorry about that, getting tired )

Another thing that surprised me was your angryness about the Russ joke made by eNeRGy (he holds the team pass now). A joke that did not have my approval by the way, but I found it less angrying as you...
you insulted Team AnandTech. Why is this concept so difficult for everyone to understand? Most of the members of our team have been contributing to the effort a HELL of a lot longer than I have. They've been slogging away, day after day, giving all that they can.
Why do you keep shouting about this, while I, until now, haven't heard a soul about it. I don't think other people were crying behind their cows about the comment, do you?

So lets chill and let's bury the strijdbijl (that means let's stop fighting)


Nov 8, 1999
I am being advised by my fellow DPC member Pinball to NOT attack russ like this, because this will get even more flames going. So, just ehm don't or something, and let's boogie and stuff

(I wanted to do that post becouse I think Russ is going to far with all the conspiracy stuff. Especcialy because we put a lot of time in organising things like MF6, and meetings for our active members)
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