What games do you want to see getting a remake the most?


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
I have two.
1. No One Lives Forever
2. Crimson Skies

I played both back in the days and enjoyed both but never got to finish them. They weren't sales success but I feel they both deserve a remake with today's technology.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
Original Crysis but with RT tossed in as well.Same with the original Bioshock.I highly doubt this other one will ever come to light but BF2 with the latest Frostbite and RT as well.


Jan 8, 2010
That system shock remake demo was pretty cool, but honestly, I don't need a remake, just some good original games.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Most likely the first Mass Effect, which - despite being possibly in my top 10 greatest game of all time (all categories, all platforms) - in my opinion did not age well at all. I tried to replay it recently (just last year around November) and couldn't really keep going. I did play it a lot anyway, and completed it about 4 or 5 times total; so I know everything about it. But yeah, it really does need a massive facelift and not just in terms of graphics (and by graphics alone I don't mean just textures, but also character models, architecture, all types of meshes and furniture and so on) but also writing, A.I. and even combat. It would be a massive project though, pretty much just remaking it entirely (but then again that's the point of an actual proper remake). Very much in the way RE2 Remake differed from the original (obviously without the whole 2D-to-3D thing).

Also, I'd say Dragon Age: Origins, which I tend to put even higher on my top lists than ME1, did not age well. Although I do prefer DAO today more than I do ME1 (but I preferred ME1 back when it was still fresh) simply because DAO is way more of an RPG than ME1 was and doesn't "need" a remake on its combat system as much as ME1 does. So it's way more replayable today in my book. But again, remaking DAO would probably take any studio a solid 10 years to do so it's probably never going to happen. I mean just remaking the actual Intros / Origins of each races would take a good 2 or 3 years I think, even from the biggest studios out there. Especially if the goal of a would be remake of DAO would also be to increase the game's world size and improve the "explorability" of it (which frankly was obviously lacking originally, since DAO is very much an On-Rail, linear experience for the majority of the game. So just imagine DAO remade and possibly a bit re-imagined with the exploration (or map sizes) of Inquisition (minus the stupid MMORPG styled fetch quests).

I would also really like to see either Knights of the Old Republic, or the sequel; The Sith Lords, or both, remade entirely. I adored KOTOR, never got the chance to play KOTOR2 but read a lot of good things about it once community patches are installed, etc. But in truth I think that a remake of both would be almost necessary at this point. There's no way I can touch KOTOR1 again. I find older 3D games (in some specific cases) to be extremely difficult to replay, and unfortunately as much as I loved it originally (back on the first XBOX) I think (I know) I would stop after maybe 5 or 10 minutes. To each their own. When it comes to old(er) games I simply prefer 2D games. If I had to choose, however, I would go with a KOTOR2 remake instead, since I know and still remember almost everything from the original; so a remake of it wouldn't necessarily make me replay it immediately; unless of course they announced that the story itself would also be revised but at that point it's probably more than just a remake. Interestingly enough, I think there's more chances of either a KOTOR1 or 2 remake happening than we'll ever get to see anything remotely similar to a KOTOR3.

On a side note (about KOTOR3), I was watching an ex-BioWare employee playing the remake of RE2 recently on Twitch. He worked on many years on The Old Republic. And he mentioned as an anectode during the stream as he was playing RE2 (in a conversation from Chat that got into The Old Republic territory) that they "joked" internally at BioWare about how The Old Republic is the next 10 KOTOR games; hence why I said that above about KOTOR3 probably never happening. But anyway, that's another subject. I don't remember his name on Twitch (or rather the Twitch's channel name in question) but I probably favorited (followed) him so I could check in my list of followed channels just in case he's still there. But anyway I thought it was interesting that he mentioned that.

Now as I type this I'm not really surprised to see that I'm basically pointing at how the best, 'golden' BioWare games (of old) are the ones I think would deserve a proper full remake. Simply because they've been one of the best developers of all time for me, of course... up until a certain point.

Outside of some of the BioWare games though, yeah there's some I could list. One would be Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I absolutely loved it back then. But today it's very clunky to replay. Another one would be Shadow Man. I used to play the Dreamcast version to death, I completed that game about 3 or 4 times maybe; loved it. But replaying it today is tough... doable... but tough to go through (patience is required; lots of it). I did try about a year ago (Steam version) and even though I did manage to play about 1 hour worth of it I just lost interest. Not only because I do know what's around the next corner and what happens "next" in the story but the combat, aiming, camera systems is just way outdated now.

I could have a list of something like 50+ games I wish to have full remakes of. Most of them, however, would most likely be early (or put another way: old) 3D games; since I think that early 3D gaming might of course (and was, actually) have been impressive at the time and they were fine as they came out during their respective generation of gaming standards. But they are rough to replay today man... they are rough as hell, in many cases (not all; there's always exceptions, but there's just too many that would "need" to be remade for me to be interested in them again today even if I used to love them back then). To be honest, there's very few classic 2D games that I genuinely would like to see remade, otherwise I would say something like "Let's just remake the whole 8-bit and 16-bit classics library" and call it a night. But it's not the case, I still truly enjoy many of them to this day and I don't even need emulators with filters (to make them look "better" or... well, filtered) to enjoy them. Whereas early 3D games... ugh, it's tough.
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Mar 7, 2019
1. Pikmin (GCN)
2. Mario 64 (N64)
3. DefJam Fight for New York
4. Loony Tunes Basketball (SNES)
5. Super Ghouls and Ghosts
6. Haunting (Sega)
7. Sim Tower (PC)
8. Star Wars Rouge Squadron (N64)
9. Turtles in Time (SNES)
10. Redneck Rampage (PC)
11. Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2 (SNES)
12. Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
13. Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
14. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
15. Road Rash 3D (PS1)
16. Streets of Rage (Sega)
17. Tecmo Superbowl (NES)
18. NFL Blitz
19. WWE No Mercy (N64)
20. Sega Bass Fishing (Dreamcast)
Reactions: snoopy7548


Senior member
Oct 4, 2013
1. Motor City Online
2. Supreme Commander
3. Command and Conquer
4. Warcraft 3
5. Duke Nukem 3D

And please do not remake them mobile!


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
Robocop vs Terminator (Sega Genesis)
Dizzy Series (Atari ST)
Shinobi Series (Sega Genesis)
Micro Machines
Dark Reign
Yoda Stories


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
I won't list specific games, but i feel like there are swaths of games released in that "We're figuring out 3D graphics" phase between roughly 2000-2008 (as Zenoth mentioned above, those bioware games like Jade Empire/KOTOR/etc).

Its especially painful to go back and play those games only to discover that they don't have widescreen support.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
How about this one:
I can't believe that I never heard of this game back then, and from the sound of it this is something I would have played.
I remember reading its review in PC Gamer magazine. I never bought it cuz it looked like a themed SC2k to me, and I prefer to just play SC2k for free at school. Actually I just realized I have this game in my GOG library, might give it a look some day.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
Most likely the first Mass Effect, which - despite being possibly in my top 10 greatest game of all time (all categories, all platforms) - in my opinion did not age well at all. I tried to replay it recently (just last year around November) and couldn't really keep going. I did play it a lot anyway, and completed it about 4 or 5 times total; so I know everything about it. But yeah, it really does need a massive facelift and not just in terms of graphics (and by graphics alone I don't mean just textures, but also character models, architecture, all types of meshes and furniture and so on) but also writing, A.I. and even combat. It would be a massive project though, pretty much just remaking it entirely (but then again that's the point of an actual proper remake). Very much in the way RE2 Remake differed from the original (obviously without the whole 2D-to-3D thing).

Also, I'd say Dragon Age: Origins, which I tend to put even higher on my top lists than ME1, did not age well. Although I do prefer DAO today more than I do ME1 (but I preferred ME1 back when it was still fresh) simply because DAO is way more of an RPG than ME1 was and doesn't "need" a remake on its combat system as much as ME1 does. So it's way more replayable today in my book. But again, remaking DAO would probably take any studio a solid 10 years to do so it's probably never going to happen. I mean just remaking the actual Intros / Origins of each races would take a good 2 or 3 years I think, even from the biggest studios out there. Especially if the goal of a would be remake of DAO would also be to increase the game's world size and improve the "explorability" of it (which frankly was obviously lacking originally, since DAO is very much an On-Rail, linear experience for the majority of the game. So just imagine DAO remade and possibly a bit re-imagined with the exploration (or map sizes) of Inquisition (minus the stupid MMORPG styled fetch quests).

I would also really like to see either Knights of the Old Republic, or the sequel; The Sith Lords, or both, remade entirely. I adored KOTOR, never got the chance to play KOTOR2 but read a lot of good things about it once community patches are installed, etc. But in truth I think that a remake of both would be almost necessary at this point. There's no way I can touch KOTOR1 again. I find older 3D games (in some specific cases) to be extremely difficult to replay, and unfortunately as much as I loved it originally (back on the first XBOX) I think (I know) I would stop after maybe 5 or 10 minutes. To each their own. When it comes to old(er) games I simply prefer 2D games. If I had to choose, however, I would go with a KOTOR2 remake instead, since I know and still remember almost everything from the original; so a remake of it wouldn't necessarily make me replay it immediately; unless of course they announced that the story itself would also be revised but at that point it's probably more than just a remake. Interestingly enough, I think there's more chances of either a KOTOR1 or 2 remake happening than we'll ever get to see anything remotely similar to a KOTOR3.

On a side note (about KOTOR3), I was watching an ex-BioWare employee playing the remake of RE2 recently on Twitch. He worked on many years on The Old Republic. And he mentioned as an anectode during the stream as he was playing RE2 (in a conversation from Chat that got into The Old Republic territory) that they "joked" internally at BioWare about how The Old Republic is the next 10 KOTOR games; hence why I said that above about KOTOR3 probably never happening. But anyway, that's another subject. I don't remember his name on Twitch (or rather the Twitch's channel name in question) but I probably favorited (followed) him so I could check in my list of followed channels just in case he's still there. But anyway I thought it was interesting that he mentioned that.

Now as I type this I'm not really surprised to see that I'm basically pointing at how the best, 'golden' BioWare games (of old) are the ones I think would deserve a proper full remake. Simply because they've been one of the best developers of all time for me, of course... up until a certain point.

Outside of some of the BioWare games though, yeah there's some I could list. One would be Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I absolutely loved it back then. But today it's very clunky to replay. Another one would be Shadow Man. I used to play the Dreamcast version to death, I completed that game about 3 or 4 times maybe; loved it. But replaying it today is tough... doable... but tough to go through (patience is required; lots of it). I did try about a year ago (Steam version) and even though I did manage to play about 1 hour worth of it I just lost interest. Not only because I do know what's around the next corner and what happens "next" in the story but the combat, aiming, camera systems is just way outdated now.

I could have a list of something like 50+ games I wish to have full remakes of. Most of them, however, would most likely be early (or put another way: old) 3D games; since I think that early 3D gaming might of course (and was, actually) have been impressive at the time and they were fine as they came out during their respective generation of gaming standards. But they are rough to replay today man... they are rough as hell, in many cases (not all; there's always exceptions, but there's just too many that would "need" to be remade for me to be interested in them again today even if I used to love them back then). To be honest, there's very few classic 2D games that I genuinely would like to see remade, otherwise I would say something like "Let's just remake the whole 8-bit and 16-bit classics library" and call it a night. But it's not the case, I still truly enjoy many of them to this day and I don't even need emulators with filters (to make them look "better" or... well, filtered) to enjoy them. Whereas early 3D games... ugh, it's tough.
I would definitely play KOTOR if they remake the original, or better, make a new KOTOR3. Though I feel like DAO is not old enough for a remake yet, I'd prefer a true sequel to DAO. I love the original, but I never bothered with the later DA games after watching the reviews.
Reactions: Fenixgoon


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2019
Warcraft 3 and it's getting a remake! Can't wait for it! I've spent many hours in that game and in WorldEditor and am looking forward to doing it all again.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
How about Ultima VII? Put it in today's 3D isometric rpg engine, would it be better than "Divinity:Original Sin" or the "Pillar of Eternity" series?
Reactions: ImpulsE69


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2005
I'd like to see some of the old goldbox Dungeons & Dragons games remade. Despite the usual fantasy tropes, some of them had really interesting stories. Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, etc.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
Yeah I never played No One Lives Forever despite the game being a classic and recieved rave reviews at the time.
It's one of the most unique fps I've played. I dig the style, setting, and humor. Maybe the fact that it was a sales disaster scare people from remaking it.
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